WAEC Syllabus For General Mathematics 2025/2026 Academic Session – Updated

General Mathematics or Mathematics  is one of the most dreaded subjects in secondary schools, in fact most student use this course as a yardstick for selecting their dream course in the university or polytechnics. Maths is a subject offered by Science, Commercial and Art students under Junior and Secondary schools in Nigeria.

Mathematics and English Language are the only two compulsory subjects all students must write in the forth coming WAEC and GCE. Do you know why many students fail the subject? it is simply because they fail to understand the scope of work which is contained in approved Syllabus for Mathematics. Knowing what is expected of you helps you define your reading pattern thereby avoiding unnecessary areas and focusing on areas that carry more marks in the scheme of work.

WAEC Syllabes For General Mathematics

In this post we will be giving out in details, the government approved 2025 WAEC Syllabus for General Mathematics for students in a downloadable PDF format for free and at no cost.  We have been able to identify the need for students to have at their disposal, the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics which is the current academic session and work alongside the information provided in the syllabus as this would assist WAEC candidates to channel their energy towards questions that are most likely to come out in the examination.

General Mathematics syllabus for WAEC is simply a guide on how to approach the examination, what to expect in the examination and how the examination will be set so students are not caught unaware. Before now, it was difficult to get WAEC Mathematics syllabus because of the absence of internet but today the case is different because we have made the soft copy of the material readily available online for students to download at their comfort zones for free.

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The current 2025 WAEC syllabus for Mathematics is majorly required by students in SSS (Senior Secondary Schools) since they are preparing for their West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) however, this is not to rule out the fact that it cannot be used even before the exams, in fact having it on ground before the examination is at the candidate’s advantage because it will serve as a guide in streamlining your reading pattern and know where to focus your strength based on the topics and sub topics with the highest marks and lastly it would give you a list of recommended WAEC text books for General Mathematics and their respective Authors.

Before coming with this document, we carried out a survey on the need for the 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics and the outcome was what necessitated the move to get this documents for students because more than 70% of potential WAEC candidates made known their desire for the WAEC syllabus for Maths as it would be vital for them in preparing for the examination.

We have already made available on our blog the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for Geography, Physics and other subjects and you can download them all for free too as they are all available for free in PDF format and it is most beneficial for science students. We are on the verge of making the WAEC syllabus for all subjects available but we shall be breaking them down in a systematic order for ease of understanding for candidates.

For the sake of this post, we will be providing the 2025 WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics but let us make it clear to you that we have the WAEC syllabus for the following subjects;

  1. WAEC Syllabus for Literature in English for 2025/2026 session.
  2. WAEC 2025 Syllabus for Technical Drawing
  3. WAEC syllabus for all Science subjects
  4. 2025 WAEC Syllabus for all Art Subjects
  5. WAEC Syllabus for all Commercial Subjects
  6. 2025 WAEC Syllabus for Agricultural Science
  7. WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2025/2026 session
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WAEC Syllabus For General Mathematics 2025/2026 Session

With the WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics (2025) at your disposal alongside dedication to your studies, your chances of passing of being successful at the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination is very high. For the sake of this post as said at the beginning of this write up, we will be making available for candidates, the approved 2025 WAEC syllabus for Mathematics below, we will give a summary of what the 2025 WAEC syllabus for Mathematics contains before providing a free PDF document download link containing details of what to expect in the coming examination.


The aims of the syllabus are to test candidates’:

  • mathematical competency and computational skills;
  • understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
  • ability to translate problems into mathematical language and solve them using appropriate methods;
  • ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problem at hand;
  • logical, abstract and precise thinking.

This syllabus is not intended to be used as a teaching syllabus. Teachers are advised to use their own National teaching syllabuses or curricular for that purpose.


There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken.

PAPER 1: Will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions, drawn from the common areas of the syllabus, to be answered in 1½ hours for 50 marks.

PAPER 2: Will consist of thirteen essay questions in two sections – Sections A and B, to be answered in 2½ hours for 100 marks. Candidates will be required to answer ten questions in all.

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Section A – Will consist of five compulsory questions, elementary in nature carrying a total of 40 marks. The questions will be drawn from the common areas of the syllabus.

Section B – Will consist of eight questions of greater length and difficulty.  The questions shall include a maximum of two which shall be drawn from parts of the syllabuses which may not be peculiar to candidates’ home countries. Candidates will be expected to answer five questions for 60marks.

See below, the PDF file of 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics, you can download for free and share the link and documents with candidates that it would be of benefit.


When you enter the above link, a preamble of the syllabus is the first information before you will see the aims and objective of the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics, furthermore, a detailed marking scheme and marks allotted to various topics have also been described in the syllabus.

Lastly, the WAEC recommended text books for Mathematics is also made available, this helps candidates focus and align with what is expected of them in the examination which in turn makes marking easier for WAEC representatives.

We hope the above has been helpful so far? hence, you are satisfied with the information. Questions are however entertained here so if you have questions as regards the WAEC 2025 Syllabus for General Mathematics, kindly get through to us through the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

Kindly treat the above information with utmost seriousness as it is the approved WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics for 2025 academic session.

Best of luck to all students.