is an education based website that provides a range of helpful and engaging contents monthly to Millions of Nigerians. A very large percentage of our readers are Nigerians who are Tertiary Institutions Admission seekers, Secondary school leavers, Scholarship seekers and up Nursing aspirants.

Advertise Here

Do you offer any product or service that will interest Nigerians? Then is the place to be as our authentic google analytics statistics says it all.

With a growing daily page views of over 30,000, advertisers are well assured of a minimum of 30,000 daily unique views on their products or services.

Over 890,000 monthly pageviews unique visits (your advert will be seen over 890,000 Nigerians monthly)
About 85% new visitors monthly (your advert will be displayed to over 756,500 potential new customers monthly)

Over 85% visits from Google (your advert will be seen by a new audience every day, not by repeat readers who will mostly ignore it).

Audience Profile

Most of our readers are Nigerians who landed on this blog after searching Google for various pieces of information about Nigeria and Nigerians.

Because most visits are from search engines, 85% of our visitors are new visitors. So, if a set of real human visitors see your advert this month, another new set will see it next month — which means more exposure for you advert.

Advert Slot Options

336 x 280 (Banner, Sidebar, site-wide) – $150 / month

336 x 140 (Banner, Sidebar, site-wide) – $150 / month

728 x 90 (Leaderboard, top of site, site-wide) – $350 /month

300 x 90 (Half-banner, top of site, site-wide) – 200 /month

1280 x 1024 (Site Background Takeover) – Send an email to

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If your product/service is suitable for promotion on Website, we’ll send you our payment details. After we’ve been notified of your payment by our bank, we’ll schedule your ads to be shown as soon as possible.

You can reach us direct call or WhatsApp via +234-7062541362 or email us @

The Schoolings Team