Scheme of Work for Mathematics SS 2 First Term, Second Term, Third Term (2025)

The scheme of work for Mathematics in SS 2 (senior secondary school one) for 2025/2026 academic session is out. Please be informed that this scheme of work has been made available and free for all teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria by schoolings. Mathematics is a subject offered at all levels ranging from primary schools to secondary and even up to higher institutions.

It is one of the most important subjects because it is a requirement for admission into various higher institutions in Nigeria and overseas.

For the sake of this post, we shall be focusing on the SS 2 scheme of work for Mathematics first term, second term and third term for the current academic session.

What is Mathematics? In its simplest term, Mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts or we can as well define mathematicsĀ as the part of science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangements. There is no one perfect definition for mathematics, however, there must be some keywords that must be mentioned in the definition as seen above.

This post will intimate all educationists as regards the government approved scheme of work for Mathematics in Senior secondary school one, that is, SS 2 first term, second term and third term. It provides in clear terms, what is expected by WAEC as a body in preparing pupils for Mathematics in their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE).

Ideally, the scheme of work for Mathematics for SS 2 first term, is a continuation from the scheme of work for Mathematics in SS 1 third term, the scheme of work otherwise known as curriculum has been systematically arranged for ease of progression and proper understanding for students in SS 2. There has to be a flow, that is, a continuation from the previous class in order for students to better understand the subject.

With regards to the directive from the ministry of education, it is adamant that all senior secondary schools in Nigeria operate using the same scheme of work whether it is a private secondary school or government owned secondary schools. The ministry of education in order to align with the demands of WAEC as a body, makes compulsory the submission of the government approved scheme of work for all subjects offered in senior secondary school as parts of the requirements for approving the operation or license to run a secondary school in Nigeria.

What is a scheme of work? In clear terms, a scheme of work is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of academic subjects. The scheme of work for secondary schools in Nigeria, whether Junior or Senior secondary school, maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practicals, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, quizzes, homework and even up to midterm breaks for the academic session ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of the subject matter, the scheme of work is the complete guide on all academic activities enforced by the Federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of education on all secondary schools in Nigeria as it relates not just to the subjects but the academic session as a whole. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

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For example, the scheme of work for Mathematics SS 2 (Senior secondary school one) is the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the ministry of education as a move against this could spell sanctions from the ministry of education.

The importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized, this is one of the few subject that is offered from senior secondary school and up to the tertiary level. Mathematics is quite an interesting subjects but it is surprising that many students dread this subject. Many base their fears to the fact that cramming of the numerous formulas makes it difficult to pass.

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The scheme of work provided here would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics and subtopics but also, devise more practical ways of imparting the practical knowledge on the students since Mathematics, judging from its economic and educational concept is a mixture of theory and practical, indoor and outdoor activity.

From our observations, the search for the government approved curriculum or scheme of work for Mathematics in senior secondary school level has been on the rise, reason being that Mathematics is a core subject offered in Senior secondary schools in Nigeria. It is also an important admission requirements for candidates who wants to study Mathematics, science or non science related course in any university, polytechnic or college of education. The scheme of work for Mathematics in Senior secondary school one (SS 2) from first term to third term is the same irrespective of whether the school is a public or private secondary school as this brings about uniformity in the educational sector in Nigeria.

This post carries weight because it provides in full, details about the current Mathematics curriculum for SS 2, that is, for complete academic session (1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term), and this includes the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for Mathematics for SS 2 first term, second term and third term.

For those interested in starting up a school either in any state within Nigeria, it would be wise to go through the government approved guidelines for establishing a secondary school in Nigeria as this would guide you through the process and give you first hand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government Approved.

Mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 first term cover topics and sub topics on: Logarithms, Approximations and Accuracy, Sequences and series, Quadratic equations. You can see the full scheme of work for SS 2 mathematics towards the end of the post.

Mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 second term cover topics and sub topics on the followings; Logical Reasoning, Determining Gradient of a curve by graph reading, Linear Inequalities, Algebraic Fractions, Chord property (Circle geometry I) and other topics as seen below when you scroll down.

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Mathematics scheme of work forĀ  SS 2 third term cover topics on Trigonometry (Derivation of Cosine rule), Trigonometric Ratios (revision) and Angles of elevation and depression, Bearings.The full curriculum for Mathematics SS 2 third term has also been provided in a listed format below.

Please note that the full scheme of work for Mathematics In SS 2 (1st term to 3rd term) provided here are the currently approved scheme of work by the Federal ministry of education and it is applicable to all Senior secondary schools in Nigeria irrespective of whether it is private or public secondary school, so you can trust the source of the information.

What You Stand To Gain From This Post

  • You will have in your possession, Mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 (1st term)
  • The approved Mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 (2nd term)
  • The government approved Mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 (3rd term)

Mathematics Scheme of Work For SS 2 (1st Term 2nd Term and 3rd Term)


  1. Logarithms
  2. Approximations and Accuracy
  3. Sequences and series
  4. Quadratic equations
  5. Simultaneous, linear and Quadratic Equations
  6. Gradient of a curve and lines


  1. Logical Reasoning
  2. Determining Gradient of a curve by graph reading
  3. Linear Inequalities
  4. Algebraic Fractions
  5. Chord property (Circle geometry I)
  6. Circle theorems (Circle geometry II)
  7. Trigonometry (Derivation of Sine rule)


  1. Trigonometry (Derivation of Cosine rule)
  2. Trigonometric Ratios (revision) and Angles of elevation and depression
  3. Bearings
  4. Statistics (grouped data)
  5. Probability

This is the government approved mathematics scheme of work for SS 2 from first to third term currently in Nigeria, However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.

If you have any questions as regards Scheme of Work For mathematics for SS 2 (First Term, 2nd Term and 3rd Term) please feel free to do that via the comment box below and we shall respond accordingly.