Communication is as old as humanity. Over time, the means of communication has evolved greatly from the stone age till date. If you read up the history and scope …
What is Mass Communication? Mass Communication contains two broad terms – “Mass” and “Communication”. The term “Mass” denotes large volume, great extent or range (of people or production). The …
School of Post Basic Intensive Care Nursing, JUTH admission form for / academic session is now on sale. The management has announced that applications are now being invited from …
Substance Over Form is a term that is synonymous with Accounting, if you are an accounting or business inclined students or individual, then this should not sound new to …
This is to inform the general public that the School of Post Basic Ophthalmic Nursing admission form National Eye Centre Abuja has begun. The sale of the OND form …
The management of Kaduna State College of Nursing & Midwifery has announced that the sale of admission forms for the / academic session into POST BASIC NURSING shall begin …
The primary 4 scheme of work for Religion and National value approved for all private and public primary schools in Nigeria is out. All schools operating in Nigeria are …
After a plenary meeting by the senate of the University of Benin, it has been concluded that a mid-semester break is necessary. The management hereby informs all students of …