OOU CCED Part Time Courses and Admission Requirements

The College of Continuing Education CCED, OOU is the department in charge of the administration of Pre-Degree, Part-Time and Diploma programmes at the institution and have published the list of all part time courses offered in OOU.

OOU has some of the best and most experienced lecturers in Nigeria hence experience and quality. We are going to be discussing about OOU part time courses and their admission requirements in this post so if you are interested in plying your tertiary education through OOU part time programme then this post is for you.

Oftentimes candidates seeking admission via part time confuse the full time courses for part time courses. They just assume that any course offered in OOU undergraduate full time degree programme is equally offered under OOU part time degree programmes but this is not always the case

Many UTME students that selected OOU in their UTME now go for part time programmes after failing to gain admission via UTME and the good thing is that the certificate awarded to part time graduates does not state whether it was part time or full time degree programme so in the eyes of any employer, every certificate is given equal opportunity.

OOU part time courses for this semester have been listed below, however, some courses offered in full time are not available in part time programmes mainly because of the time required to cover the scope of work involved, which includes, practical, consistent class attendance and other factors which part time students would most likely not have due to time constraints.

Often times, management and other arts and social science courses like Accounting, Business Administration, Mass communication and the likes are the most applied courses under part time studies in OOU. There are no part time courses for science related programmrd st OOU. Part time programmes are only available under faculty of social sciences and art.

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Do you know that you do not require JAMB in order to gain admission into OOU part time degree programmes, all that is required is to get your correct O’level results and must be at least 25 years of age to be qualified to purchase OOU part time admission form. In the cause of writing this article, we shall also provide the approved entry admission requirements to study any of the part-time courses offered in OOU as at today.

Many candidates in the past have complained and in their words in quite “the course i applied for was not given to me, what should i do? i met all the admission requirements yet i was not offered admission, how do i apply for OOU part time degree programme? what are the part time courses offered in OOU, what are the requirements to apply for OOU part time degree programme?, what is OOU part time admission cut off mark? 

The above questions have one answer which is, meeting the admission requirements. Any candidate that does meet the OOU part time admission requirement automatically is not eligible for admission and there are no two ways about it.

One common requirement for OOU part-time courses is that they all require O’level results with at least five (5) credit passes which must include English language and mathematics and any other three (3) O’Level subjects as it relates to their course of study. Check the link below for the approved subject combination for OOU part time courses.

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OOU Part Time Courses

List of Part Time Courses Offered In OOU

College of Continuing Education OOU offers Part-Time Degree Programmes in their main campus;


Home Science and Hospitality Management

Home and Hotel Management with options in;

  • Food Science and Human Nutrition
  • Catering and Hotel Management
  • Child Development and Family Studies
  • Clothing and Textile

Catering and Tourism

Admission Requirements

  • Five (5) credit passes at WASCE/GCE O’L/SSCE/NABTEB/NECO at not more than two sittings in the following subjects which must include English Language and Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Home Economics, Economics, Physics, Geography, Accounting, Chemistry, Food & Nutrition and Biology. Merit passes in Teacher’s Grade II Certificate at not more than 2 sittings including English Language, Mathematics or Arithmetic. However, Chemistry and Physics are not compulsory for candidates applying for B.Sc. (Agric Cooperative and Management).
  • Candidates for option “a” above must have credits in: Chemistry/Food and Nutrition, Biology/Agric. Science and any Social Science subjects such as Economics, Physics, Geography, Home Economics and Accounting.




History & Diplomatic Studies


Christian Religious Studies

Islamic Studies

General Admission Requirements

5 Credit passes in Arts-related subjects at WASCE/GCE/SSCE or equivalent qualifications including English Language at not more than 2 sittings. A Credit pass in Literature in English is required for B. A. English.


Arts and Social Sciences Education (ASSED)


Social Studies

Educational Foundations and Counselling (EFC)

Guidance and Counselling – with relevant options in school subjects.

Educational Management and Business Studies (EMBS)


Business Education – with options in Accounting and Secretarial Administration

Science and Technology Education (STED)

Mathematics Edu

Physics Education

Computer Science Education

Integrated Science.

Sports Science and Health Education (SSHE)

Sports Science

Health Education

General Admission Requirements – (5-Year Programmes)

  • 5 Credits/Merit passes at WASCE/GCE/O’L/SSCE/NABTEB/Grade II Certificate in not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics.
  • A pass in Mathematics is required for Bachelor of Secretarial Administration while credit in Mathematics or Statistics is required for Bachelor of Business Education
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Banking and Finance

Business Administration


Geography and Regional Planning

Transport Planning and Management

Mass Communication

Political Science

Public Administration

Admission Requirements

5 Credit passes at WASCE/GCE O’ Level or SSCE or Merit passes in Teacher’s Grade II at not more than 2 sittings including English Language and Mathematics.


Plant and Applied Zoology


Physics with Electronics


Mathematical Sciences

Computer Science

Chemical Sciences

Industrial Chemistry



Admission Requirements


General Admission Requirements – 5-Year Programmes

5 Credit passes at WASCE/GCE O’L/SSCE at not more than 2 sittings in English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, Geography or Economics, Statistics and Technical Drawing.

Mature candidates with 10 years cognate work experience may have added advantage.

4-Year Programmes

In addition to general requirements, candidates must possess:

2 relevant subjects at HSC/GCE (A’L) or

OND or HND/NCE (Credit/Merit) in relevant disciplines


Diploma in Data Processing of Olabisi Onabanjo University with a minimum of Lower Credit or other equivalent Diploma in Data Processing or Computer Engineering or Computer Studies from a recognized University/Higher Institution.

WAIVER: A pass in English at higher level may be considered as surrogate to O’L English Language.

Hope the above is well understood? OOU part time courses for undergraduate students listed above are the accredited courses offered by the university. Admission is based on merits therefore all requirements must be met.