The management of the institution has released the list of approved courses offered in LASUSTECH (Lagos state University of Technology), these courses have been put out for prospective candidates who filled in LASUSTECH as their preferred choice of tertiary institution.
LASUSTECH has a rich history of quality lecturers and practicality in their projects, they offer management, science and art related courses with duration of 4 years each and upon completion, successful students are awarded a university degree certificate in their respective disciplines.
There are currently, 28 list of approved courses offered in LASUSTECH (Lagos state University of Technology) these courses gives students the ample opportunities to further their career in their respective fields.
Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements required to be eligible to study the course in question, see below basic requirements;
- Candidates must meet or surpass the LASUSTECH JAMB cut off mark in order to be eligible for Post UTME examination/internal screening or admission
- The candidate must be over 16 years of age in the year of admission (Some student swear an affidavit just to increase their ages)
- Candidates must possess at least 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings.
- Candidates with Teachers Grade II (TC II) with passes at credit or merit levels in conjunction with credit passes in relevant subjects at GCE, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents may be considered. No subject may be counted at both TC II and GCE O/L, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents.
Upon meeting these requirements as stated above, candidates becomes automatically eligible for admission into LASUSTECH internal screening exercise.
So with the above information, prospective candidates should be clear as regards the requirements for the list of courses offered in LASUSTECH (Lagos state University of Technology).
As usual, we have arranged the all courses offered in LASUSTECH (Lagos state University of Technology) in an alphabetical order for ease of identification for candidates.
List of Courses Offered in LASUSTECH (Lagos state University of Technology)
School of Agriculture
Agriculture Extension and Management
Agriculture Technology
Animal Production Technology
Crop Production Technology
Fisheries Technology
School of Communication and Liberal Studies
Mass Communication
General Studies
School of Engineering
Agric & Biology Environmental Engineering Tech
Civil Engineering Tech
Computer Engineering Tech
Electrical Electronics Engineering Tech
Mechanical Engineering Tech
Mechatronics Engineering Tech
Chemical Engineering Tech
School of Environmental Studies
Building Tech
Estate Management & Valuation
Arts and Industrial Designs
Quantity Surveying
Urban and Regional Planning
Architectural Tech
School of Management and Business Studies
Business Administration
Office Tech & Management
Banking and Finance
School of Pure and Applied Sciences
Biological Science
Physical Science
Science and Lab Tech
Chemical Science
School of Technology
Leisure & Tourism Management Technology
Food Tech
Computer Science
If you have any question(s) as regards courses offered in LASUSTECH, kindly scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we shall respond in no time.
You can share this vital information on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms at your disposal.
Does lasustech offers economic and international relations
No they don’t
Please does Lasustech still running a part time programme, if yes when is the form coming out and how much
Please does lasustech run part time programme at Isolo Campu for direct entry, because i am a product of Laspotech
does lasustech offers fine arts or graphic design?
does lasustech offer graphic design?
Please does lasutech in ikd offer accounting
Pls is office Tech and management at lsolo campus
Pls is office Tech and management at isolo campus ?
I scored 196 in jamb
Which course can I study in lasustech relating to medicine or medical field
Pls is English and literary studies available in lasutech
Is Lasustech offering international relations and diplomacy
Why is LASUTECH not offering PSYCHOLOGY
Does lasustech offer nursing now?
Not yet
What are the O level requirements for Agriculture Extension and Management apart from Mathematics and English Language
Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and one of Geography, Physics and Economics.
Good day,
I want to find out if Laspotech Isolo offer Mass communication Full time and also the school fees to study mass communication in Laspotech now that it has been upgraded to LASUTECH.
I will confirm and get bac to you
Sir did laspotech has nursing
Is accounting at isolo
Pls what can I study with government , english, literature and crk with the score of 167
Pls can my daughter study political science in Laspotech or what other course can she study cos she has D7 in Economics
Pls is political science available In laspotech for full time
Can I study political science In laspotech
Yes you can
A lower credit student in oscotech as ND
can such person enter laspotech for HND
Yes you can but candidates with Higher credits stands better chances.
Pls does marketing or business administration need literature in english
Not at all. You need Mathematics, English language, Economics, and any 2 other subjects.
Please does LASPOTECH offer zoo keeping or zoology
Did Laspotech offer Fine and Applies Art?
Can I study biotechnology and food technology without writing physics in jamb and my first choice is laspotech
Not possible. You need Physics
Pls can I study political science part time in laspotech without jamb
Sure you don’t need JAMB for Political Science part time programme in LASPOTECH
Is laspotech offer theatre art as a course
Does LASPOTECH accept criminology course?
Can I study criminology in LASPOTECH?
Is public administration studied in laspotech ?
Is office tech and management offered in or ikorodu or isolo campus
Can art student studies marketing in ikorodu campus?
Sure. What are your O’level subjects?
Hello, please I would like to confirm if mass communication is offered at isolo campus as a full time course. Thanks
Please good afternoon sir is lapsotech offering public administration in HND in full time and part time?
Public Admin is not available at LASPOTECH
Does laspotech offer theatre art
Pls has mechanical engineering been accredited for HND program
Yes it has
Please what is the cut off mark for linguistics;African and asian
Pls sir is part time form out for weekend class for 2021
I did not choose Laspoly in my jamb choice of schools, can I be offered admission to study masscomm?
Please is there part time for electrical electronics
When are the lectures date?
Do laspotech offer public relations
Yes of course but also depends on your whole level result
Pls can business administration b studied in isolo
Please kindly help with the courses offered in laspotech Isolo
did laspotech offer political science
Pls what sociàl science course can I study without economics
Check you will see social science courses that do not require Economics.
Does laspotech offer public administration
Does you offer economic in your school
Is English offered at laspotech
Why does Lagos state polytechnic did not offer law
Polytechnics do not offer law in Nigeria
Is there any course I can study without physics in any of the campuses
You can study the following courses without Physics so check which of the underlisted courses is available at LASPOTECH.
Agric Extension Services
Agric-Economics and Extension
Agricultural Economics
Animal Science
Biological Science
Crop and Environmental Protection
Crop Production
Crop Production and Landscape Management
Crop Production and Protection – Under Agriculture
Crop Production and Soil Science
Crop Production Technology
Crop Protection
Crop Science
Crop Science and Horticulture
Crop Science and Technology
Crop, Production and Horticulture
Crop, Soil and Pest Management
Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
Estate Management
Fisheries – Under Agriculture
Fisheries – Under Science
Forestry and Wood Technology
Home Economics
Home Science and Management
Plant Breeding and Seed Science
Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
Plant Physiology and Crop Production
Plant Science and Biotechnology – Under Agriculture
Soil Science
Urban and Regional Planning
Wildlife Management – Under Agriculture
Pls,does laspotech offers economics and social development
Hi.. It’s not on the list of LASPOTECH courses
Please which of the laspotech can I found Estate Management
Can I study mass communication in laspotech without jamb
It is possible if you are applying for Mass communication via laspotech part time programme.
Pls wot is d subject combination for accountancy in jamb combination
Sir please what the subject combination to study public administration
The subject combination to study public administration is Mathematics, English, Economics, Government and any other subject.
Sir I had d7 in literature can I study mass communication
No. You need at least a credit pass in Lit In English for you to study Mass Communication
Pls can i apply for a course of elect-elect in laspotech with these result eng.b3 maths b3 physics C4 economics c6 agriculture C4 as ND part-time
What about Chemistry. You need Physics and chemistry. I can see Physics but no chemistry
Please can I study fine and applied art in LASPOTECH with lower credit
Yes Jenny. You can study fine and applied art with LC AT laspotech
Is there theatre arts in ikorodu campus and also in isolo campus
Theatre Arts is at Ikorodu campus.
What course can i study with this combination?
Jamb- English, Government, Biology, C.R.S
For part tme Do i need jamb or waec result alone
For part time you need just WAEC results.
Please sir I study public administration in Ogun state institute of technology can I apply for office technology management in HND sir
You did not state if you are a UTME oR DE candidate
Pls,I offered physics, biology, English and chemistry in jamb and I scored 189in jamb, can I be given admission to study Science Laboratory Technology in Laspotech
You can be given but your chances are slim. Your JAMB score isnt fantastic enough. A very good post UTME score would go a long way in helping you gain admission.
Good afternoon sir is leisure and tourism management an art course I scored 157 in jamb 2020 and which of the centers (isolo, ikorodu, surulere)offer the course
No there isn’t.
but it is stated up ? that laspotech offer leisure and tourism management but I don’t know the center that offers the course
I will find out the center and get back to you
Good afternoon from this side … I got 165 in my jamb score, can I study Art and Design in Lagos State polytechnic (laspotech) …
Good morning from my end. Yes you can. However, a good post UTME score must be obtained.
OND I study public Administration, is it possible for me to study another course in LASPOTECH if there is no Public Administration in LASPOTECH
Does lapotech offer political science ?
Please what are the courses offered in Isolo campus?
Hi, I have 162in jamb and I want to study mass communication, can laspotech give me admission
I don’t think LASPOTECH would give you admission to study Mass Communication
What course can I study with D7 in physics and F9 in maths
What course can someone that have credit in 5 subject (govt, math, English, data processing and crk) do
I scored 189 in jamb and my o’level(English is E8)Do u think I can enter because my GCE result isn’t out
plz,I score 163 in my jamb and i want to study masscom,am i qualified in laspotech
Is there hospitality management in laspotech
Does laspotech offers industrial chemistry
Pls i want to confirm if part time ND for business Admin. is offered at ikorodu campus?
Where is insurance campus in LASPOTECH
Isolo Campus I suppose.
pls I want to know if food technology is offered in laspotech part time for HND. thank u plz I need quick response before the form closes
Which campus is offering Accountancy Ikorodu or Isolo?
Which campus is offering Accountancy Ikorodu or Isolo
I socre 165 in my JABM can I want to go for business administration
Do laspotech offer theatre art
Do they read political science in laspotech??
Does laspotech offering public administration, and what is their requirements
I score 156 can igain admission to offer business administration in Lagos state polytechnic
You can gain admission but not to study Business Administration
is there purchasing and supply course for hnd in laspotech
No, purchasing and supply course isn’t offered in LASPOTECH
pls did laspotech, offer theater arts?
Is laspotech not offering public admin
Pls is mass communication and computer science offered in Isolo or surulere campus for part time
Comment Text*pls do laspotech offers psychology n estate management n what’s their cut off mark?
Is civil engineering course still not accredited? I am surprised to see that it’s not among the courses accredited. I graduated from there that’s why I asked.
Pls do they offer public administration course in laspotech
please i want to know if laspotech do take 07 waec resuit and if they do take d7 in english
They accept 07 WAEC result but not with a D7 In English Language. You need a minimum of Credit Pass to gain admission at LASPOTECH
what are the waec credits subjects required for studying quantity survey.
i want to study wireless technology would they offer that?
Does laspotech offers nursing
Please , can pub admin b studied @ laspotech Isolo ????
pls am a commercial student. can I study accounting in laspotech without writing accounting in wace
I have upper credit in Science Laboratory Technology ,MAPOLY. I wish to apply for HND PART TIME in LASPOTECH next Admission, can I offer either CHEMISTRY or MATHEMATICS? if none then what are the other interesting courses I can put in for.
You can still be offered Chemistry or Mathematics, both courses are under sciences
Is bus admin still gonna be at isolo campus this semester or are they moving it to ikorodu main campus
can i study insurance with 169?or banking nd finance
Sir you dont offer public administration why
I av
A1 in data processing
B2 in C.R.S
C6 in yoruba language
C5 in mathematics
Pls can i stil be given masscomm
I scored 160 in jamb do i have the opportunity to study besiness adim in laspotech
can a person without Lit-in-Eng at o’level study Mass comm. in Laspotech with jamb score of 181
Still waiting for your reply Sir!
Literature in English is an important O’level requirement. Without it you cannot study Theatre arts at Laspotech
Gud evening Sir
What course can someone do with D7 in mathematics.
can I read office technology management with these subject combination: English ,biology, government and economics
is biology included in office technology management subject
I am from fedpoly bauchi ,so i wishing you the best of lock about your attempt for gaining addmision in to various couses.
Can i be admitted without economics & commerce in business adm?
It would be best you confirm using this link it is for all courses and their subject combination.
Pls sir i wanna go for part time course, computer science but i have D7 in physics am i good to go pls…
No. You need a minimum of Credit pass in your WAEC or NECO O’Level in order to study computer science
Please do I stand a chance of being given admission in laspotech to study hospitality management aggregate score is 53.78
pls sir my agrregate score is 54.50 and my jamb score is 180 nd i want to study mech engineir can i be admitted
Your chances are low
In eng,math,fin acct,yoruba & agric i got c6 economics e8 gov d7 biology e8 with all dis i want to know if it’s match with business adm course.
Pls reply
Question again please?
Pls i want to know may be my ssce result will match with management and business studies course.
Pls can one study mass com without literature in Waec? Also can one study accountancy stout having economics n commerce in Waec at laspotech?
For mass communication you actually need Lit in English
Plz can i get admission at your school with E8 in english and i want to study civil engineering
when is lastpotech fees ending for nd 1
Admission/post UTME is yet to be written
please my jamb result is 165 and I what to study banking and finance in laspotech am I good to go
Pls can a OND holder of pharmaceutical technology apply for microbiology in laspotech
l have the following distinction in my WAEC pls what course can be offer PLS
Civic education=C5
English language=C5
Yoruba language=D7
visual art=C6
is there the course of ‘public administration’ in laspotech?
I want to know if you offer art n designs and wat is d real cut off mark
I have upper credit in Wolex polytechnic. Can laspotech accept me for HND
I had my ond at Mapoly with 2.69 and I study business administration bt in my o’level result I dont Hav principle of account..i dont kn if I can still study dsame course here laspotech without account.
Pls can I study business administration in laspotech without account in my o’level result bt i Hav economics
Sure you are good to go. The good news is you don’t need Accounting to study Economics or even Accounting itself.
Is there building technology in isolo campus
Hello Sir
I scored 185 in utme,I want to study business administration
I’ve registered post_utme,please when is the exam??????
Your score of 185 is a bit on the low side. You may be considered if your post UTME score is high after ther aggregate score is calculated. No specific date on the exam yet.
Did Laspotech also have psychology course
is laspotech not offering performing art as part of their courses
has laspotech done their post utme?
Not yet but their part time form for ND and HND has been released
Please why is it that Lagos state polytechnic don’t offer Economics ?
I have the following distinction from my GCE
English Language C6
Mathematics. B3
Civic Education. E8
Biology. C6
Government. B3
Lit in English. C6
What course can be offered but I prefer business administration and management.
But u don’t Hav account, dont know if u can study business administration
Can I have administion with 151 to laspotech
I have 4A1 and 3 credit in my olevel result
I what to study business administration
Is that possible plz
Yes you can
pls is there any science course in isolo laspotech
Not very sure if there is science course at isolo campus, I ll have to verify
I have OND in public administration, can I apply for HND and what course will I be awarded as equivalent to my course or can I do change of course and continue for HND
pls, i score 159 in my jamb and i want to study accountancy, am i qualify
Since theater art is not available will it be offered at I solo campus
pls, i want to confirm if laspotech have Political Science as part of their course
pls i need info about the admission process
pls hw will i know which branch of the schnol am admitted to
My waec result: eng~b3,math~b3,phy~b3,chem~b3,bio~c5 . jamb score~190 .can i study SLT at laspotech .and when should i be expecting admission
Pls I have 163 in utme which course can I go for related to medicine and when is the Post utme form
I have 5 credit on clueing English but my maths is D7.can I study insurance.
You need mathematics with a minimum of credit pass to be eligible for admission to study Insurance
Is agric extension offered in laspotech?
Pls do laspotech accept d7 in maths
In any course both part time and full
Well, there are some art courses that do not necessarily require mathematics. For example; English Language, French, History and a few. You can browse on Art courses that do not require mathematics.
if I want to buy HND form were will I get it,is it at laspotech isolo or ikorodu
please I want to know if estate management course is available at Ikorodu campus?
No Estate course at IKD campus
Pls who will update me abt laspotech part time form for 2025/2026
please is accountancy course in ikorodu or isolo
At this point we can’t tell
please what of public Administration, u don’t offer offer that
I score 156 I want to study masscom ..we laspotech accpect me
Good evening please I had pass in my OND from another school which is in April 2017 and I want to get the part time form for this year please can I be admitted cause I seriously need to get admitted into an institution
That is going to be complicated because most schools require a minimum of lower credit so a pass is not going to be easy at all
Please with 178 can I study at in laspotech
I meant can I study SLT in Laspotech with 178
Of courses you can. Laspotech cut off mark for 2018/19 is 150 and above
Please I would like to know if lagspoteck includetheatre art in their course
My sister score 167 in Jamb but didn’t choose Laspotech as her choice, want to confirm if we can buy change of institution in Laspotech?
is there theatre art in laspotech.
and I wnt to study accounting….
I av 165 in jamb….and lastpotech is not in my choice… so I wnt to go there can dey choose me??.
pls what can I study with this o’ level in laspotech… math B3, Eng-C4, phy-C6, Chem-B3 and civic-eduC5… ???
I got 190 in utme, do I stand a chance of getting admitted for mech. eng. course at laspotech?
please I want to know if I can use this result grades for masscom in part time mathematics=A1,English=c6,economic=B2,government=B3,literature in English= D7
Pls is science laboratory technology all a part-time course
pls. is hospitality management course at isolo campus or at ikorodu campus.
167 cannot give you admission into LASPOTECH. LASPOTECH cut off mark for Computer Science is more than 167
Does laspotech offered political science???
Have you gone through the courses offered in laspotech to confirm as seen on this post?
Temitope,i want to apply for hospitality managemebt HND dis year.want to. ask do laspotech accept student from school of technology and innovation
please do laspotech have any course stating purchasing and supply?
You can confirm from the list of courses offered in LASPOTECH as seen on this post
Can laspotech accept Lower or pass in statistics from another institution?
Please my chemistry result was not released do I stand a chance of studying any part time course in LASPOTECH?
For what course?
l want to apply for part time course in Art and design.l dont have l still eligible.
Yeah you just buy the part time form, and you will be required to sit for the exam and you are good to go
What of economics? ?
What commercial course or any other course can one apply for with D7 in mathematics?
What commercial course or any other course can one apply for with D7 in mathematics
What are the courses for art student and what are the subject requirements
Follow this link for subject combination for all courses:
Pls I want to know if office technology and mangement studie is available at isolo campus
Pls I want to know if office technology is in ikorodu or isolo campus?
please don’t you offer law or theater art
Does LASPOTECH offer any Aviation courses, like cabin crew and etc
Did Gce wace and neco combined together is allowed at your school for masscom
Sure you can combine both.
please I want to know if estate management course is available at isolo campus?
i want to confirm if part time HND for elect engr. is offered at isolo campus and when is the next registration.
is computer science admission out please
Not yet
is statistics available in Laspotech ikorodu campus???
is statistics available in Ikorodu campus???
Please I score 53:88 is there
Hope for masscom please
And please have they started givin
Mascom students admission please very curious be not been admitted
please is it true that the computer batch is yet out?
please is it true that computer science batch is not yet out.
pls is their nursing in laspotech and i want to know d total school fee for SLT
hi please I want to know if the computer science department is out.
Not sure about that
please I choose laspothech.and I heard that all the list is out but I haven’t seen computer science. please can some one help me out? thank u
please I want to know more about the agricultural courses, I want to do any nice course on agriculture as a part-time student. please I need info and how to process the admission, time of lectures, lecture venue. School fees. etc
Don’t you offer Public Administration?
Can someone apply for ND?In your school?
Sir,i Applied For Chemical Engineering In Laspotech,the Last Time I Went To Check Admission List In The School There Was No List For My Course.Am Worried
Yes just keep checking daily for confirmation.
Please which of the campuses offer mass communication?
Secondly, what courses are offered at the Surulere campus?
Thank you
I score 63.38,mass comm is there hope for admission
Is it possible that pharmacy is offered at isolo campus
Pharmacy is not among the list of courses offered at LASPOTECH Isolo Campus
But sir, I saw that the cutoff mark for SLT is 64
What was your score?
please sir, I scored 56.68 in my screening exercise and I applied for SLT will I be admitted
Please i Scored 65.24 in this Year post Utme and I Choose Marketin any Hope Of Admission And what’s the Cutsoff for The Course
You stand a chance Amarachi
please I score 63.13 in this year post utme and I choose SLT will I be given admission?
You stand a chance
Please is there HND in statistics?
What of microbiology
MCB is not on the list of courses offered in LASPOTECH
I was inform about one course introduce in laspotech
What course exactly? let us know so we can do our verification before adding to the list of courses offered in LASPOTECH
av don my post utme at laspotech n my score is 62.74 d course i chose is banking and finance wana b sure if m admitted
yes you can be admitted. Good luck
Can laspotech accept Lower or pass in statistics from another institution?
Is Estate Management available in HND part time?
Yes both full time and part-time
HW much is d school fee for banking and finance part time
Is economics education offered in laspotech