WAEC Syllabus For Chemistry 2025/2026 – Free PDF Download Document

Chemistry is a core subject offered in Secondary schools in Nigeria by students in science classes. It is one of the most important and interesting subjects is for students seeking for admission into higher institution to study Medicine and Surgery, Nursing, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and other Engineering and Science related courses hence must be given special attention.

The truth is, without in-depth knowledge of Chemistry, many students upon gaining admission into either polytechnics or Universities will find it difficult to cope with Engineering and Science related courses because all science related courses in higher institutions have a bit of Chemistry and Physics imbibed in them.

Chemistry is a an important admission requirement hence must be passed with a good grade and for this to happen, you need to study hard and efficiently. Studying efficiently simply means reading what is within the scope of what is contained in the WAEC Syllabus for Chemistry rather than just reading sake.

Judging from the importance of this subject, we though it necessary to make available for free, the approved 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry in a PDF downloadable format for all potential WAEC candidates.

To pass Chemistry, candidates must be aware of how the examination is set because this would help him or her in focusing on the right topics and know what is expected of them by the examiner. One of the strategies of passing Chemistry as a subject in WAEC is for you to be aware of the approved WAEC syllabus for Chemistry which is what we are about to reveal below.

So far, we have been able to identify the need for students to have at their disposal, the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry for the current academic session and work alongside the information provided in the syllabus as this would assist WAEC candidates to channel their energy towards the most likely examination questions.

Chemistry syllabus for WAEC is simply a guide on how to approach the examination, what to expect in the examination and how the examination will be set so students are not caught unaware. Back in the days most especially in the early and late 90s when internet was a big deal, WAEC candidates could not place their hands WAEC syllabuses for Chemistry, today it is a different situation because the internet has been flooded with valuable materials for students to download at their comfort zones.

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The latest WAEC syllabus for Chemistry is largely required by students in SSS (Senior Secondary Schools) since they are preparing for their West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) however, this is not to rule out the fact that it cannot be used even before the exams, to be better prepared, having the Chemistry syllabus at your disposal before the West African Senior Secondary Certification Examination proper is at the candidate’s advantage because it will serve as a guide and help you streamline your reading pattern and know where to focus your strength based on the topics and sub topics with the highest marks and lastly it would give you a list of recommended reading text books not just for Chemistry but their respective writers.

So far, we have been able to draw a conclusion that more than 50% of potential WAEC candidates who stick to the approved WAEC syllabus for Chemistry usually come out in flying colours than those categories of candidates who just read for the sake of studying for examination. In order to encourage the former, we though it wise in taking extra steps in making this material available online for free in PDF format, that is, candidates can now download for free, the approved WAEC syllabus for Chemistry with no extra cost attached nor hidden charges.

We have already made available on our blog, the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for General Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Economics and other subjects and you can download them all for free too as they are all available for free in PDF format and it is most beneficial for all students. We are on the verge of making the WAEC syllabus for all subjects offered in secondary school available but we shall be breaking them down in a systematic order for ease of understanding for candidates.

chemistry syllabus

For the sake of this post, we will be providing the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry but let us make it clear to you that we have the WAEC syllabus for the following subjects;

  1. 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus for Chemistry
  2. WAEC 2025/2026 Syllabus for Economic
  3. WAEC Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026 session
  4. 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus for Physics
  5. WAEC Syllabus for all Science Subjects
  6. 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus for all Art Subjects
  7. WAEC Syllabus for Chemistry
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WAEC Syllabus For Financial Chemistry 2025/2026 Session

Having the 2025 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry at your disposal alongside dedication to your studies, candidates are sure of being successful in the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination. For the sake of this post as said at the beginning of this write up, we will be making available for candidates, the approved 2025 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry below, we will give a summary of what the 2025/2026 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry contains before providing a free PDF document download link containing details of what to expect in the coming examination.


This syllabus is drawn purposely for examination, hence the topics are not necessarily arranged in the order in which they should be taught.

The following assumptions were made in drawing of the syllabus:

  • That candidates must have covered the Integrated Science/Basic Science or General Science and Mathematics syllabuses at the Junior Secondary School (JSS)/Junior High School (J.H.S) level;
  • That candidates would carry out as many of the suggested activities and project work as possible, and consequently develop the intended competencies and skills as spelt out in the relevant Chemistry teaching syllabuses;
  • That schools which offer the subject have well-equipped laboratories.

Note: Candidates are required to have the knowledge of the significant figures, S.I. units and the conventional/IUPAC system of nomenclature.

  1. AIMS

The aims and objectives of the syllabus are to assess candidates’

  • understanding of basic chemistry concepts;
  • level of acquisition of laboratory skills including awareness of hazards and safety measures;
  • level of awareness of the inter-relationship between chemistry and other discipline;
  • level of awareness of the linkage between chemistry and industry/environment/everyday life in terms of benefits and hazards;
  • skills of critical and logical thinking.

There shall be three papers – Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken.  Paper 1 and 2 shall be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1:  Will consist of fifty multiple choice objective questions drawn from Section A of the   syllabus (ie the portion of the syllabus which is common to all candidates) . Candidates will be required to answer all the questions within 1 hour for 50 marks.

PAPER 2: Will be a 2-hour essay paper covering the entire syllabus and carrying 100 marks. The paper will be in two sections; Sections A and B.

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Section A: Will consist of ten short structured questions drawn from the common portion of the syllabus. (i.e. Section A of the syllabus). Candidates will be required to answer all the questions for 25 marks.

Section B: Will consist of two questions from the common portion of the syllabus (i.e. Section A of the syllabus) and two other questions from the section of the syllabus which is peculiar to the country of the candidate (i.e. either Section B or C of the syllabus).  Candidates will be required to answer any three of the questions. Each question shall carry 25 marks.

PAPER 3: This shall be a 2-hour practical test for school candidates or 1 hour

30 minutes alternative to practical work test for private candidates. Each version of the paper shall contain three compulsory questions and carry 50 marks.

The questions shall be on the following aspects of the syllabus:

  • One question on quantitative analysis;

  • One question on qualitative analysis;

  • The third question shall test candidates’ familiarity with the practical activities suggested in their teaching syllabuses.

How To Download The 2025/2026 WAEC Syllabus For Chemistry

To download the syllabus, simply click on the link below and you will be directed to the PDF document of the complete WAEC syllabus for Chemistry, see below;


When you enter the above link, a preamble of the syllabus is the first information before you will see the aims and objective of the 2025 WAEC syllabus for Chemistry, furthermore, a detailed marking scheme and marks allotted to various topics have also been described in the syllabus.

Lastly, the WAEC recommended reading text books for Chemistry is also made available, this helps candidates focus and align with what is expected of them in the examination which in turn makes marking easier for WAEC examiner.

We hope the above has been helpful so far? hence, you are satisfied with the information. Questions are however entertained here so if you have questions as regards the 2025/2026 WAEC Chemistry syllabus, kindly get through to us through the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

Best of luck to all students.