Scheme of work for English Language for JSS 2 (1st Term, 2nd Term & 3rd Term) (2025)

Scheme of work for English language for Junior secondary school two (JSS 2) is now available for free. Are you aware that English language is so far regarded as the most important subjects in junior and senior secondary schools in Nigeria according to recent findings. It is our major means of communication despite having our individual local dialects which is why it is a subject offered from Nursery to primary, down to secondary and in our various higher institutions around the world.

The importance of the correct scheme of work for English Language in Junior secondary school cannot be over emphasized as this forms the core foundation for spoken and written English language for JSS 2 1st, 2nd and 3rd term.

This post will intimate teachers of the government approved scheme of work for English language in Junior secondary school 2 first term, second term and third term. It provides in clear terms, what is expected by WAEC as a body in preparing pupils for English language in their Junior West African Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WAJSSCE).

Ideally, the scheme of work for English language JSS 2 is usually a continuation from scheme of work in English language from primary school. You would observe that most topics treated in the scheme of work for English language in JSS 2 are mainly repetitions or better put, revisions from the scheme of work for English language JSS 1. This flow is necessary as it helps the pupils to understand, the subject better as it is a continuation from the previous grade.

In accordance with the ministry of education, it is adamant that all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria operate  the same scheme of work be it a private secondary school or public (government owned) junior secondary school. The ministry of education in order to align with the demands of WAEC as a body, makes compulsory the submission of the government approved scheme of work for all subjects offered in Junior and senior secondary school as parts of the requirements for approving the operation or license to run a secondary school in Nigeria.

Before going in details, let us define What a scheme of work is? Simply, a scheme of work is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of academic subjects. The scheme of work for secondary schools in Nigeria, whether Junior or Senior secondary school, maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practicals, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, quizzes, homework and even up to midterm breaks for the academic session ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

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scheme of work for English Language JSS 2

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the scheme of work is the complete guide on all academic activities enforced by the Federal government of Nigeria through the ministry of education on all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria as it relates not just to the subjects but the academic session as a whole. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

Take for instance, the scheme of work for English language in JSS 2 (Junior Secondary School 2) are the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the ministry of education as a move against this could jeopardize the existence of their school should the visiting government agencies get a wind of this.

In as much as English language looks simple, it is still one of the hardest and technical subject. In fact it is regarded as one of the most dreaded subjects if not well understood. The scheme of work provided here would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics and subtopics but also, devise more practical ways of imparting this knowledge on the pupils.

We have realized that the search for the government approved scheme of work for Junior secondary English language has been on the rise, reason being that English language is one of the most important subjects offered in Junior and senior secondary schools. It is also an important admission requirements for admission into any higher institution in Nigeria. The fact that the scheme of work for English language in Junior secondary school two (JSS 2) be it 1st, 2nd and 3rd term is the same irrespective of whether the school if public or private, it makes it much easier and brings about uniformity in the educational sector.

This post is quite a lengthy one as it provide in full details, the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for English for JSS 2 first term, second term and third term.

For those interested in starting up a secondary school either in Lagos, Delta, Rivers state, Akwa Ibom, Kano or any state in Nigeria, it would be wise to go through the government approved guidelines for establishing a secondary school in Nigeria as this would guide you through the process and give you first hand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government Approved.

Recommended:  Home Economics Scheme of Work For JSS 2 First Term to Third Term (2025)

The scheme of work for JSS 2 English language first term covers topics and sub topics like Vocabulary associated with health, Reading comprehension (to understand the writer’s purpose), Prose: The meaning and type’s chapters 1 and II of text book, Words associated with banking/religion, Poetry – some poetic devices, types of poem and the poem, the land of unease, please see below for full details.

While the JSS 2 English language scheme of work for 2nd term covers topics like, Consonant clusters, Reporting questions, Government and politics, Exposition – the Atmosphere, Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, Government and politics, Reading comprehension – persuasion, Prose, Weak forms, Intensifiers, Law and orders, Formal letter, Prose, Word boundary, Adverbs and other forms, Argument, Poetry, please refer towards the end of the post to see details in full.

And lastly, the scheme of work for English language JSS 2 third term covers topics like Phrases commonly used in speech, Adverbials – The future, Mass media, Towards summary, Prose, Cause and reason, Petroleum and mining, Report writing, Contrasting statements, Cake making, Formal/informal letters, Drama, Strong and weak forms of words, Adverbials – forms for expressing condition, Petroleum – Vocabulary, Continuous writing: my school/a market, please see below for full details.

Please note that the full scheme of work for JSS 2 English language provided here is for 1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term as approved by Lagos state ministry of education, Federal government and other states in Nigeria in alliance with WAEC so you can trust the source of the information.

What You Stand To Gain From This Post

  • You will have in your possession the complete Scheme of work for English language for JSS 2 (first term)
  • The government approved Scheme of work for English language for JSS 2 (Second term)
  • The government approved complete Scheme of work for English language for JSS 2 (Third term)

Approved Scheme of Work For English Language For JSS 2 (1st Term 2nd Term and 3rd Term)


Week 1:

Revision of vowels
Vowels / / /I /, /I / / and /a:/
The parts of speech/Negative statements
Vocabulary associated with health
Reading comprehension (to understand the
writer’s purpose)
Prose: The meaning and type’s chapters 1 and II of text book

Week 2:

Falling and rising intonation in
Yes/No questions and tag questions
Words associated with health
Guided composition-writing title, using capital letters and
Chapters 3, 4 and 5

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Week 3:

Vowels / / / / u: / and /u /
Nouns and plural nouns
Vocabulary associated with administrative setting

Countable and uncountable nouns
Chapters 6 , 7, and 8

Week 4:

Consonants /m/ / / / / and /r/
Commands Words associated with administrative setting
Continuous writing – linkers
The themes characters and plot of the novel

Week 5:

Intonation patterns in commands and questions
Wh – questions
Reading to identify the meanings of words in various contexts, facts, opinion
What is drama, different forms , elements and dramatic devices
Vowels / / / / / /

Week 6:

Words associated with banking/religion
Poetry – some poetic devices, types of poem and the poem, the land of unease

Week 7:

Consonants /h/ / w / and / j/
Informal letters
Reading for speed, facts and meanings of
words in various contexts
Reporting statements


Week 1:

Consonant clusters
Reporting questions
Government and politics
Exposition – the Atmosphere

Week: 2

The Diphthongs; / ei/ I / / / / /
Reporting commands and request
Government and politics

Week : 3

Diphthongs / / / / and / /

Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
Government and politics
Reading comprehension – persuasion

Week: 4

Weak forms
Law and orders
Formal letter

Week: 5

Word boundary
Adverbs and other
Law and order

Week: 6

Compound words
Prepositions of places and location
Reading to identify the
meanings of words in various context
Formal letters

Week: 7



Week: 1

Phrases commonly used in speech
Adverbials – The future
Mass media
Towards summary

Week: 2

Questions and their tags
Adverbial – Adverbs of frequency
Mass media
Towards summary

Week: 3

Vowels, diphthongs in mixed pairs
Cause and reason
Petroleum and mining
Report writing

Week: 4

Consonant clusters
Forms for expressing purpose
Petroleum and mining

Week: 5

Strong and weak forms of words
Adverbials – forms for expressing condition
Petroleum – Vocabulary
Continuous writing: my school/a market

Week: 6

Contrasting statements
Cake making
Formal/informal letters

Week; 7


Week: 8

Active/passive verbs
Rhyme and rhythmus in poems

We hope we have been able to provide what you visited this page for as it contains the WAEC approved scheme of work for English language for JSS 2 class from first to third term. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes if you wish.

If you have any questions as regards the above subject matter (scheme of work for JSS 2 English language) please feel free to do that via the comment box below and we shall respond accordingly.