FUNAI portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission application, payment …
Federal University, Otuoke school of postgraduate studies has announced the sale of FUOTUOKE supplementary postgraduate form for / academic session. The management is calling for application into the following …
The management of Edo State College of Education, Igueben wishes to inform all candidates that participated in the Post UTME screening exercise and passed after seeing their Post UTME …
The official Bayero University Kano (BUK) JAMB Cut off Mark for / academic session is out. Therefore all candidates who put BUK as their preferred choice of higher institution …
FUTA portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission application, payment …
FUTA Postgraduate login portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission …
The management of Bayero University, Kano wishes to inform all candidates that registered for BUK post UTME screening exercise for / academic session that screening dates for all departments/courses …
The management of Federal University, Kashere wishes to inform all candidates that participated in the Post UTME screening exercise and passed after seeing their Post UTME result that FUKASHERE …