How To Get A Job With No Work Experience As A Graduate

Getting a job with no experience in Nigeria or any part of the world is possible if you know what it entails. With the economic meltdown and high rate of employee turnover in Nigeria, the possibility of getting a job with no experience makes it even more difficult for persons with experience talk less of job seekers without prior experience aside NYSC (Not considered) However, such will become a thing of the past because with the information I will be making available on this post, you should be able to clinch a job as a fresh graduate not minding how long you have spent looking to get a job without success.

Remember that there’s no short cut to success, however there are short cuts with hardwork, dedication and most importantly, knowing what the market needs by getting the requisite soft skills you would land your dream job even without experience.

I know of a petroleum engineering student whom after finishing his NYSC, searched for job in his field for more than 4years. I advised he embrace IT because the world has gone digital plus the IT market is highly in need of persons with soft skills. He enrolled for a PM (Project Management) course and within a year, he was able to sit for the PM certification examination, he passed it in one try and immediately rewrote his CV to suit the IT industry knowing that he’s been certified by Project Management Institute (PMI USA). He started applying for IT related jobs in both local and multinational IT companies and within a year he got a job with Oracle, a US based IT giant company where he earns close to 800,000 naira monthly aside other benefits. This is someone who had no prior job experience post NYSC.

The real life scenario above shows you can get a high paying job with 0 or less than 1 year post NYSC experience if you develop yourself with the required soft skills or knowledge.

What To Do When You Have Zero (0 to 1year) Work Experience (Less Than 1 Year).

It does not matter your field, practically, most fields of discipline now have their professional bodies) simply go online and carry out a well detailed search on professional courses available in your field of study.

For example, you can check the list of professional courses for science and art courses, this would give you an overview of what is expected in the labour market. Being certified gives you an edge over other job seekers with first degree. The beauty of having an international or recognised softskills is the fact that age or experience has no major influence or determining your employment chances, this is not to discredit the fact that being young is an added advantage, however, your skills and practical knowledge of the application gives you the job automatically especially when such skills are rare in the labour market.

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Now I will be listing what you need to do to easily get a job in Nigeria if you have 0 or less than 1 year experience.

How To Get A Job With No Work Experience As A Graduate

Develop Your Self (Get A Soft Skill)

Self development is a wide topic on its own but for the sake of disposed I will be focusing on developing yourself in the area of skills acquisition that is getting a recognised international certification on your course of study. This stands you out from the crowd a perfect example is the scenario of the above real life situation. Before acquiring an professional certificate, you need to be aware of what employers are in need of. You can do this by creating an account on LinkedIn and search for job openings, check out professionals in the field or your intending industry and take a look at what they have acquired. This would give you an idea of what the Industry needs because they wouldn’t be there if they hadn’t acquired the certifications.

Be Open To Freelance Jobs

Oftentimes fresh graduates find it difficult in embracing freelance jobs due to the high expectations of their supposed dream jobs but it all turns out miragically and frustration and depression begin to set in. As a career advisor, I have made open, suggestions for applying for a freelance jobs. Statistics have proven that 50% of freelancers either start up their businesses in the same field in small scale and grow big or actually being absorbed by the company. This is another method of getting a job in Nigeria with no experience. Most freelancers can attest to this claim. Take advantage of it and see it happen real life.

Send Unsolicited CV (Resumé)

I remember being called upon a couple of times for jobs privately because I applied by sending my CV to the HR department of the organisation. This is another superb method of getting a job. The idea of this is that most companies seek for new placements but due to the rigours of scheduling a large scale job test for just a few positions, they opt for a recruitment agency who would still charge for the service so sending your unsolicited CV would give you a better chance of being employed should you have good communication and writing skills because the lesser the number or applicants the higher your chances of being employed.

Networking (Talk To People)

Networking is as old as man. Before the advent of internet, networking existed. Networking comes in various forms but this works best with people you know. Networking is another method of marketing yourself to whom it may concern. Talk to friends, families, colleagues in your place of worship as well as Priest, Bishop or Pastors. These are very potent ways of being employed even without prior experience.
When networking, remember you are the one in need of a job so patience is required and you must in a very subtle and polite manner keep reminding the categories of people mentioned above in order not to be seen as a pain in the ass.

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Use of Social Media Platforms

Social Media is the new cool. News and posts have gone viral on how some people were offered jobs based on their posts on walls and timelines of top managements. Why social media is a old means is because whoever goes on social media immediately switches his or her formal mode to informal hence the need to become more listening. In as much as some people do not fancy when an unknown slides into their DMs (Direct Messenger) it is a means of getting your message across in a very respectful manner. You can list your CV and state what you can bring to the table should you be considered in the company. Who knows, this might be the first step to landing your first job.

Be bold, be confident and optimistic. Make daring moves, do not be scared of failing except you are not ready to grow.

Attend Seminars

Seminars are wonderful ways of networking with the right audience since everyone is attending for various reasons but towards one goal. Here you need to show traits of boldness with a high level of respect, confidence and cheerfulness when meeting with fellow attendees. Remember you don’t have to carry the hard-copy of you Resumé along, you can sell yourself by a simple discussion or interaction. Don’t be shy to say you need a job and always remember to say what you can offer. Getting a job is a win win situation for both parties (Employer and the Employee), the employer parts with money and you (employee) parts with your services while developing your skills on the job yet further.

Be Open To All Jobs

I know you most probably must have heard about sticking to one industry rather than all. Another is being a master at one than being a mediocre at all. This doesn’t apply to job search for fresh graduates or persons with no previous job experience. At this stage, you should be open to all jobs. Be ready to learn and acquire at least 1 to 3 years working experience. The most important thing is to keep moving, never be satisfied or complacent with your current job position. Being overly selective can be tricky because it wastes time, if at all you need to be selective, ensure you are developing yourself by learning a soft skill.

Problem Solving Skills

Do you have a magic wand? If you do then simply can get a job even without a degree but in reality, it’s not possible hence the need for developing the attitude of problem solving skills. This is a skill that if you claim to possess, you must give instances where you made use of it. Problem solving skills involves your being able to identify a problem, carry out research on it, profer solutions and come up with a decision based on your analysis. Companies cherish employees with such traits. In your CV you could include your problem solving skills and do not forget to share instances of how you solved problems in the past with your interviewer when confronted with such question. This also could stand you out despite not having previous work experience.

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Keep Sending Your CV

They say when the going gets tough, only the toughs get going. This also applies to job search in Nigeria especially. Since the labour market is saturated, even job applicants with Masters degree certificate, postgraduate diploma certificate find themselves applying for jobs lower than they ought to simply because they just need a job to start with. Oftentimes, after applying numerously and no results or even after being called up for interview session with the company and still not being called up for the job, frustration and persimism begin to grow and this could be detrimental to your future applications because of the mindset that nothing works. The advice here is that you need to keep sending your Resumé, remember it’s all already a saturated market with highly skilled individuals so it already tough from the start plus the fact that you don’t have even up to 1 year working experience.

Wear The Garment of Patience

They say patience is a virtue, this isn’t far from the truth if you are among the unemployed. The process of applying for a job requires great patience. Sometimes collates CV for job openings and call you for interviews, after completing the interview process you often hear “We will get back to you” if you are successful. This is one terminology most candidates dread the most because oftentimes they are never called back. Most see it as a diplomatic way of saying you are not best for the position. However, this isn’t always the case as many have been called upon for applications submitted months or sometimes years after.
All the listed points mentioned so far, patience is required as part of the mental attitude towards getting a job knowing that you have less than a year experience.

In conclusion, based on the above, you will agree with me that getting a job in Nigeria with no work experience is still very much possible. As we write this post, someone without previous work experience has just been offered a job. It takes resilience, determination, hardwork, patience and most importantly, abiding by the rules listed above. This might not guarantee you a quick job but be rest assured that you will be considered for job without having any experience.

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