Factors of production are the human, raw, and intangible resources used in the production of goods or services, and they can also be referred to as inputs or means …
School health programmes include organized efforts, often based on a planned curriculum or set of activities, undertaken by educators within a particular school or district to promote better child …
Everything in Nigeria seems to be at an all-time high, with the current Inflation rate said to be at 17.38% according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The …
The first term scheme of work for Computer for Junior Secondary School one (JSS1) first term begins with the Fundamentals of Computer, which can be in turn broken down …
The first term scheme of work for Civic Education for Junior Secondary School three (3) begins with the revision of the previous academic session, followed by topics on the …
The first term scheme of work for Civic Education for Junior Secondary School One (1) begins with the revision of the previous academic session, followed by definition of Civic …
Physical Education is a classroom-based course intended to understand physical activity within the field of health. It focuses on teaching students how to become physically fit. Physical education classes …
What is Human Trafficking? In general, human trafficking (also known as “Human Smuggling”) is the illegal trade of human beings for exploitation purposes, whether sexually, labor-wise, or under other …