National integration may be defined as awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country irrespective of where an individual comes from in the country. National integration …
With innovation comes development and growth, also with innovation and development the environment and society in which we live, has been adversely affected. In recent times, we see a …
It is no secret that the Nigerian economy has suffered from a very low Gross Domestic Product and high unemployment rates. This means that many Nigerians have been looking …
For this week, we would be talking about Environmental Changes and under Environmental Changes, we would be talking about pollution, causes of pollution, types of pollution, effect and control …
For the next few weeks, we would be talking about Environmental Changes and under Environmental changes, we would be talking about erosion, causes of erosion, effect and control of …
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in Eastern Europe, Communism has been erroneously conflated with Socialism. While they share common roots, these ideologies are …
What is Socialism? Socialism is an economic system in which the resources are publicly owned and controlled rather than privately owned. Socialism aims at an equal society when it …
What is Verbal and Non-verbal Communication? Verbal Communication: This is the use of words, phrases, sounds, and other forms of human expression. It’s a deliberate attempt to convey thoughts, …