10 Samples Maternity Leave Application Letters for HR Approval

Maternity leave applications are a joy to write; it is just like announcing the arrival of one’s baby. The happiness is doubled if it is the first child, in which case the mothers are often so ecstatic that they almost completely forget to apply for maternity leave. Even when they do remember, they are often at a complete loss as to what to write.

If you find yourself in such a joyous situation, then you have come to the right pace. This post is full of samples and templates which you can easily edit and then submit to your HR for fast approval.

One thing that makes this even easier is the fact that your employer has had several months’ notice; pregnancies are difficult to miss. However, for record purposes, maternity leave applications are a norm. Here is how to write them.

Maternity Leave Application

Pregnant lady

10 Maternity Leave Application Letter Samples

The following maternity leave application sample is very good for a teacher who has to write her principal to get leave from work so as to have her baby.

Applying For Maternity Leave As A Teacher


The Principal,

[Name of School]

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to officially request maternity leave, as I am almost due to be delivered of a baby. My doctor has given the expected due date as [enter due date]. But to err on the side of caution, I would like to commence the leave on [Start due date] and till [enter end date]. The few days upfront is to enable me prepare ahead.

I have already spoken extensively with my colleague [Mrs. So so], who teaches the same subject as I do, and she has stated her willingness to cover my classes for the entire period of my absence. This should ensure that there is minimum disruption of the learning process of my students.

On my return I will carry out a compressive review with my students.

I have attached a note from my doctor to this letter to serve as a reference.

Thank you for your kind understanding.


[State Your Name]

[Teacher’s Rank or Designation] [Class/Subject Handled]

Yes, the maternity leave will unquestionable leave a vacuum in your place of employment; they will miss the services of a dedicated and competent teacher like you. However, some employers may resent the idea of you making a selection of your replacement. You can avoid that tension by using the template below.

As A Teacher With A Domineering Boss


The Principal,

[Name of School]

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to appeal for maternity leave, as the expected date for the delivery of my baby is almost here. My doctor’s given date is [enter due date]. But I would like to start the leave on [Start due date] and till [enter end date]. This means taking a few days ahead in order to prepare accordingly.

I understand that my absence will create a vacuum, but there are several capable hands able to cover my absence. [Mr. so and so] or [Mrs. So and so] teach similar subjects as I do, and I am sure that whoever you choose will do well.

When I return on [enter end date], I will begin the process of reviewing everything with my students.

I have attached a note from my doctor for reference purposes.

Thank you for your kind understanding.


[State Your Name]

[Teacher’s Rank or Designation] [Class/Subject Handled]

The sample above is almost guaranteed to get the desired result; it is respectful, direct, and efficient. Let us now look at a sample that is not based on a school environment. How do you approach your boss to get a maternity leave?

For Those Working In Corporate Offices


The Manager,

[Name of Company]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I am almost at my due date which is expected to be {enter due date}, and so I plan to start my maternity leave on {enter starting date}, and return to the office by {enter end date}, barring any unforeseen occurrences regarding my pregnancy.

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If the made plans should change in any way, I will let you know as soon as possible. I have attached a letter from my doctor for reference purposes.

Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Position in the Company}

The template above will serve great for those who have a specified amount of days allotted to them as maternity leave. However, not every employer has that luxury. Some depend on flexibility and good understanding between all in the work environment.

When Such Terms Are Not Spelled Out In Your Contract


The Manager,

[Name of Company]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing to request maternity leave as I am almost due to be delivered of my baby. The doctor’s given due date is [enter due date], and so I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date]. The 3 days ahead is to err on the side of safety. I expect to be back at my desk by [enter end date], barring any unforeseen events.

If the plans should change in any way, I will inform you immediately. Attached to this letter is a note from my doctor for confirmation and reference purposes.

Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Position in the Company}

Depending on the particular place of employment, it may not be necessary to draft someone to replace you at your desk. Work may move at a slower pace, but that is often acceptable because it will only take a while before your return, and then the office will be at full strength.  In the example below the applicant works for a government agency.

For Those Working At Government Agencies


The Controller,

[Enter Sector, Agency]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I am [state Your Name], an officer of [so so rank], in this establishment. I write to inform you of my intention to take [so so amount of time] out of the [so so amount of time] allotted to me as maternity leave. The reason is that I am almost due to be delivered of my baby.

The doctor’s given expected date of delivery is [enter due date], and so I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], returning to my position on [enter end date]. The 2 days ahead is as a precautionary measure.

If the plans should change in any way, I will inform you immediately. I have attached to this letter a note from my doctor for confirmation and reference purposes.

Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Rank or Position}

{Your Sector or Section}

The template above is good for a person who has a purely official relationship with his boss. The letter is merely a courtesy; the superior has no authority to refuse. However, not everyone has such leverage. Sometimes you need to beg for it, and the length of time available may be up to the employer. The template below is much a maternity leave application sample.

When Tact Is Needed To Get The Maternity Leave


The Manager,

[Name of Company]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing to request maternity leave as the expected date for the delivery of my baby is almost due. The doctor’s given due date is [enter due date], but for reasons of caution, I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], coming back to work on [enter end date].

I hereby plead that you grant me this request, as I need the time welcome the baby, perform all the cultural ceremonies, and adjust to a new routine.

Attached to this letter is a note from my doctor for confirmation also to serve as a reference.

I shall be available for communication via telephone should my attention be needed on any matter at all.

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Thank you in anticipation.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Position in the Company}

As mentioned in the introduction, it is highly unlikely that a maternity leave application will be refused. This is because the employer or superior has already seen your protruding tummy, and so knows what to expect. Even a small business gains clout and good PR when it is seen offer good working conditions.

For those working in small businesses, the following template may be most effective.

For Small Business Employees


The Owner/Director,

[Name of Company or Business Enterprise]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

As you are aware, my husband and I are expecting our first child. Therefore, I am writing to beg a leave of absence from {enter starting date}, till {enter end date}. This is for me to have my baby, carry out the cultural obligations, and build a new routine.

My expected date of delivery is [enter due date], and the two days ahead is as a precaution.

During my absence, I will be available to offer my services via phone, if my attention should be needed in the office in any way.

I have attached a note from my doctor. Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Loyal Employee}

The sample maternity leave application is almost romantic; the very basis of the application is the good, friendly rapport between the employee and boss. This is common in small businesses where everything is on a first name basis. However, in the template below, the writer does not even know who she is writing to. This happens in very big offices, or government establishments.

Maternity Leave Application Letter For a Big  Office


The Human Resources Manager,

[Enter Agency]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Sir/Ma

I am [state Your Name], an officer of [so so rank], attached to the [so so office] in the [so so] sector of the [so so agency]. I have been directed to write this letter to inform you of my intention to take [so so amount of time] out of the [so so amount of time] allotted to me for maternity leave.

I am almost due for delivery; the doctor’s expected due date is [enter due date]. Therefore, I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], returning to my position on [enter end date]. As you have observed, I have taken 2 days ahead as a precaution.

If the plans should change in any way, I will write to you immediately. I have attached to this letter a note from my doctor, and a letter previously written to my immediate superior.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Rank or Position}

{Your Sector or Section}

{The Agency You Work For}

In the example above, the writer has already written to his immediate superior, who has now directed her to apply to a higher authority. Even so, neither the higher authority nor the immediate superior will likely refuse the application which is for record purposes.

The template below is an example in which the writer is an employee at a big organization with clearly stipulated rights and privileges.

As A Worker In A Big Organization But Able To Assign Duties


The Human Resources Manager,

[Enter Company Name]

Subject: Maternity Leave Required

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

My purpose of writing this email is to apply for maternity leave as stipulated in the company’s policy. This is in line with the organization’s policy for female employees, and spelled out in my employment contract.

I want to avail myself of this privilege for a period of {Number of weeks} weeks, starting from {enter start date} to {enter end date}. My due date of delivery is [Enter due date]. I am confident that this request will be sanctioned.

As I will be away for a considerably long period of time, I have briefed my colleague {Mr. or Mrs. Colleague’s name} on how to cover my responsibilities and duties. However, I will be available to the office via phone on [enter phone number] should the situation arise.

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I have attached a letter from my doctor for confirmation and reference.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

In the template above, the writer may be a senior member of staff in the organization, probably having an office junior or assistant working with her. In any case she has the power to assign a person to cover for her while she is away. This makes life a lot easier for the person in charge.

In the template below, it is assumed that she does not have that power. The good rapport with the superior officer will nevertheless produce the desired results, even if the work must suffer for some time.

When There Is A Good Rapport With Your Boss


The Manager,

[Enter Branch Name]

[Enter Company Name]

Subject: Maternity Leave Required

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

As you may know, I am approaching the end of my pregnancy. My doctor has given my expected due date as {Mention date}. Therefore, I write to apply for maternity leave as suggested by the doctor. Please let it start from {start date} to {end date}.

In my absence, either of my colleagues Mr. {colleague’s name} or Mrs. {colleague’s name} can carry out the most important of my tasks. I have given them both the necessary guidelines. I am confident that whomever you choose will perform well.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident of your positive reply.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Position in Establishment}

What To Remember When Applying For Maternity Leave

A maternity leave request is mostly a complementary gesture to your superiors. In most well organized establishments it is clearly spelt out in the employment contract, and so it is a right that cannot be denied.

In most organizations, a maternity leave request simply goes into the record. It may be used for future reference purposes, and to ensure reciprocity which is an important part of ensuring a cordial work atmosphere.

Your colleagues and employer has already seen that you are pregnant, and will be unavailable for some time. Writing to request a leave of absence shows professionalism and respect.

Even small businesses will be happy to give time off; however this is greatly helped when you have a good working relationship with your employer and colleagues.

Some times when a person is a team leader or heads a section of an office you have the knowledge of who can best fill your shoes in your absence. Taking the step to train the person ahead shows that you are proactive, and that you have the best interest of the office at heart.

However, sometimes it is not your position to select the best person to fill in your shoes. Sometimes capacity is not the only quality that your superior is looking for; it may be honesty, transparency, or flexibility. Therefore, it may be best to consult with your boss before assigning someone to carry out your duties.

Sometimes, your boss may even feel insulted when you assign your duties to someone else without his consent. Therefore, it may be best to consult your boss first before making such a step. Even when such a choice has been made, it is still vital to put it down in reference in the application letter.

Another way to show you have the best interest of the organization at heart is to volunteer to assist the office via phone if necessary. This is especially so when you hold a sensitive position in the establishment.


The maternity leave applications above are templates requiring minimum editing such as input of dates and names. However, if you are unable to find one that matches your exact circumstances, then you only need to be a little more creative, and so make the needed changes on any of the examples provided above.

Please present the letters in person where possible, and do with a smile. Everyone at work is happy for you, as you are about to have a baby.