500 Words of Encouragement Quotes for Her, Him, Family, Friends & Loved Ones

Sometimes, when people we care about are confronted with a difficult challenge, it’s good to whisper a few words of encouragement in their ears. Sometimes, we struggle to find the proper words that best suit the way they feel. In truth, we all face both good and bad times, and sometimes we simply need to be reminded that everything will be alright.

Just like best wishes to friends and families during happy times, life is best when we equally share challenging moments with friends and loved ones. It creates a feeling of hope, knowing they are not alone in their struggles.

In this article is over 500 words of encouragements for real life purposes. If you have a friend, family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or colleague who is going through a difficult time, here are some examples of words of encouragement you should use to help lighten their moods and help them pull through rough tides.Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement for Her

  • Babe, do not let others dictate your worth. They are usually wrong since their opinions are based on false assertions.
  • Although talent and intelligence are subjective, hard work is undeniable. So don’t worry if you’re not the best; just work as hard as you can.
  • Life is too short to waste it worrying. Allow the past to rest and concentrate on the present my love.
  • My mother once said, when life gives you lemons, create lemonade. You have a bright future ahead of you.
  • The only thing standing in your way of achievement is a lack of confidence. Otherwise, you’re up to the task! Girl, brace up, you can do it.
  • You have a lot of skills, talents, and ideas. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are my superwoman.
  • You are more than enough. You are destined for great things. All you have to do is believe in yourself and work hard to achieve your goal. Keep soaring my independent woman.
  • Failure is an inevitable part of life. Accept it, learn from it, and be thankful for the lessons it thought you.
  • Please don’t waste time worrying about what other people say, think, and do. No matter what you do, they must definitely talk.
  • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Do not let anyone take away your curiosity. It’s your life; it’s your position in the world.” – Mae Jemison, Ph.D.
  • “Don’t put yourself in danger. You are all you have. There is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow; everything is the same day.” Janis Joplin’s
  • “Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.” Brian Littrell’s
  • “The greatest protection that woman can have… is courage.” ― Lizzie Cady Stanton
  • “You have to control your thoughts because they influence what you say. Our words have the power to alter not just our mood but also the direction of our lives. -Yvonne Haughton
  • My woman, If you believe you can, half the battle is won.
  • If someone is attempting to tear you down, don’t let them. Put in more effort to disprove them.
  • Baby girl, don’t be discouraged; everything has its time.
  • Never give up on your dreams; they will undoubtedly come true at some point.
  • Things will sort themselves out, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself, my woman.
  • I know it’s not easy and you’re tired, but you need a push. You’re doing great. I believe that you can do absolutely everything, trust yourself as I do.
  • My girl, you can certainly accomplish this. I am aware of this, and so are the several others who genuinely care about you and want the best for you.
  • Sweetheart, you are deserving of this opportunity. You are prepared for this, and you will succeed.
  • This is difficult, but it is only temporary. Have faith in yourself.
  • You are not alone in this. I’m here to help you, as well as many others. We’re all aware that you have what it takes. Go and grab the cup.
  • I feel sorry for anyone who doubts your strength and ability. You are a strong person, you will surpass your challenges soon.
  • I’ve got you covered. I’m not going to abandon you. You may count on me to assist you in getting back on your feet.
  • Nothing can hold you back. I’ve seen you accomplish so much despite seemingly insurmountable odds. You have the right attitude to sail through.
  • You have every right to feel whichever way you are right now. I’m rooting for you and will assist you in whatever way you allow.
  • Acceptance of a mistake is a mark of courage in a character. Learn to admit your mistakes.
  • Hardship is bitter to endure but very sweet to remember. You will pass through this phase, believe me.
  • Your success in life lies in your readiness to sacrifice both time and energy.
  • The best way to escape a problem is to solve it.
  • Failure puts one in a better position to do exceptionally well when next she tries. Better luck next time,
  • What lies ahead is always better than what one has encountered in the past.
  • Adversity is an integral part of life, so learn to accept it.
  • Our lives today will determine what tomorrow will bring, it will either shelter us well or expose us to rain and sun.

Words of Encouragement Quotes for Him

  • Hard situations do not last, but hard people do. You’re stronger than you think. You are my man for life.
  • Before I met you, I never thought I needed a hero. You are my superhero.
  • Stop being hard on yourself. You’re a work in progress, so I am.  You inspire me a lot, my dude.
  • Sometimes, giving yourself a break is all you need to stand back up. I love you darling.
  • I’d rather go through hell with you than stand outside of it alone. You can do this, my man.
  • I’ve learned how to deal with disappointments gracefully and with a sense of humor by watching you. Nothing can keep you down for long. You inspire me a lot, my guy.
  • It’s normal to periodically feel weak, sad, disappointed, or furious. . How may I be of assistance to you baby?
  • You mustn’t be getting everything right all the time. What is success if it’s not accompanied by a path of failure that screams, “I was there.”
  • I understand how difficult this is for you. But consider what you’ve already been through. You’ll figure out how to make the best of it, too. Keep pushing dude.
  • You’re the best I’ve ever met at being there for those you care about. So please allow me to be there for you at this point. This is exactly where I want to be, my guy.
  • My handsome dude, I believe in your ability to be strong, kind to everyone, and bold enough to confront any challenge.
  • Everything you need to meet and surpass your goals for today is already in your possession. Go, my man, the sky is your starting point.
  • I understand that today will be difficult for you. I’m also confident that you’ll handle it with grace and humor. Wish you the best.
  • Your victories will always outnumber your defeats. Go forth and make me proud.
  • I’ve learned from you how to deal with challenges rather than avoid them. I’ve seen you turn challenges into advantages. You’ll handle this one the same way. believe in what you can do.
  • “The easiest way to gain confidence is to do something you are afraid of.” -Swati Sharma
  • Our greatest achievement is always rising from our failures rather than never falling. -Confucius 
  • “Becoming better than your fellow man is not noble; becoming better than your old self is noble.” Poe, Edgar Allan
  • “The greatness of a man is measured not by his wealth, but by his integrity and capacity to favorably influence people around him.” -Robert Buckley
  • “You’re braver than you think, harder than you appear, and wiser than you realize.” -Milne, A. A.
  • “Begin where you are. Use what you have. Always strive to succeed.” – Arthur Ashe
  • “All you have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.” -Gary Lucas
  • “I honestly believe that everyone possesses a gift, ability, or skill that may be exploited to support himself and attain life success.” – Dean Koontz
  • “Winning does not provide one with strength. Your flaws shape your strengths. “Strength comes from perseverance in the face of hardship.” -Anthony Schwarzenegger
  • “Courage is not the ability to persevere. It happens when you don’t have the strength.” -Napoleon Bonaparte
  • “There is opportunity in the midst of every battle.” – Einstein, Albert
  • I am confident in your ability to turn things around. I am completely confident in your ability to prevail.
  • It’s okay to be stuck now and then. Creating solutions is an excellent mental workout.
  • Instead of viewing your current situation as an overwhelming obstacle, consider it a learning opportunity and a challenge.
  • My handsome, remember that God never gives us more than we can deal with.
  • I have great faith in your abilities, dude. You’ll come out ahead in the end.
  • This will not deter you. You are far too powerful to be stifled by a setback. I am convinced that you will recover and return stronger than before.
  • Do not say something is difficult until you have done it yourself. 
  • Never say never. Let your goals be limitless.
  • You can’t achieve your aim in life if you continue doing less than your best.
  • You can’t get to your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.
  • Always remember that where you are is not enough. Nothing is achieved in a comfort zone.
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Words of Encouragement for Friends

  • “Strength does not come from your abilities. It comes from overcoming obstacles you believed you couldn’t overcome.” Rikki Rogers
  • Remember that where you are today is not where you will be in the future.
  • Today will never be replayed. Be a blessing to others. Be a good friend. Someone should be encouraged. Take the time to care for yourself. Allow your words to heal.
  • Stay positive and happy. Don’t let the world’s negativity or drama get to you. My friend, please smile.
  • My dear friend, God gave you this life because he knew you were capable of living it. Stay positive.
  • When being strong is your only option, only then can you truly understand how strong you are my friend.
  • My bosom friend, you are braver than you think, stronger than you think, brighter than you think, and I want you to always remember that.
  • Don’t let anyone dim your radiance, a friend like no other.
  • The fog may make the path difficult to follow, but the wind will definitely carry them all away. Don’t lose hope. Your destination is prepared and ready for you.
  • Don’t be discouraged by the muggles of life. It will all pass away someday.
  • Defeat is only a signal to keep going. Helen Keller
  • Just because something isn’t working for you right now, it doesn’t imply it never will. -Anonymous
  • Dear friend, remember that your current condition is not your final destination. The most exciting part is still to come. -Anonymous
  • Every obstacle has an opportunity in it. – Einstein, Albert
  • There is never a better time to start than right now. You get closer to your goal by taking each step one at a time.
  • When you compete with yourself, you can easily attain success.
  • You don’t always recognize your own strength until you confront your greatest weakness.’ Susan Gale
  • Always look past your sorrows to discover what the future holds for you. May your future be brighter my dear friend.
  • Never spend too much time focusing on a single problem. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • It is critical to surround oneself with individuals who support, bring you up, share your goal, and inspire you -Les Brown
  • Your life is your message to the rest of the world. Make it motivating.
  • Always remain cheerful in life since there are so many nice things to enjoy.
  • The greatest accomplishment is not ever falling, but rising again after falling. – Lombardi Vince
  • You can make things happen instead of completely waiting for them to happen.
  • Be not discouraged. Usually, the final key in the set is the one that unlocks the lock.
  • Don’t give up; persevere through to the conclusion. Eventually, your perseverance will pay off. The rewards are always in the fruits.
  • Even though every day isn’t always good, there is still good every day.
  • Telling oneself why you can’t is counterproductive; instead, affirms your abilities.
  • Enjoy the small things in life because they often lead to bigger ones.
  • Keep doing what you’re doing because when success comes knocking, you’ll realize it was all worth it.
  • Never let adversity stop you from achieving your goals. Jackson Brown
  • “Always give your all in everything you do. Unless you donate blood.” William Murray
  • “If you just sit there, you’ll get run over, even if you’re on the right track.” Rogers, Will
  • “Don’t be sad, anything you lose comes back to you in a different form” ― Rumi
  • “The greatest mistake one can make is to give up. Giving it another try is the surest way to succeed.” Theodore Edison
  • “You have to keep your faith in people. Humanity is similar to an ocean in that only a few contaminated water drops affect the overall cleanliness of the body of water.” Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Never let your comfort zones stop you from succeeding.
  • “We are oftentimes expected to change ourselves when  we are unable to change a situation“ – Vincent Frankl
  • Every struggle presents an opportunity- Albert Einstein
  • “Who you are and where you are from are irrelevant. You are where your ability to succeed begins. – Oprah Winfrey
  • “Refuse to give up. No matter how difficult they are, find a means to get around them.” – Goldwag, JJ
  • Happiness may briefly forget you, but it never completely does.  – Jacques Prévert
  • Never give up; the hardship you’re going through today is giving you the fortitude you’ll need tomorrow. – Robert Tew
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Words of Encouragement for Family Members

  • When everything goes wrong, the individuals who stand with you without blinking an eyelid are your family. Butcher Jim
  • Families are our compass, guiding us. They are our motivation to achieve great things and our solace when we falter.” Brad Henry
  • We begin with our family and may stray as life progresses, but we all end up with our family – cherish them! Pulsifer  Catherine
  • We can navigate the emotional roller coaster that comes with family life by being rooted in our principles. – Giulia Suro
  • Family is difficult, but it also brings happiness. This is the irony of the family.
  • It is impossible to have a perfect family. There are problems behind every door; the key is to embrace and support each family member for who they are, not what we would like them to be. – Cathy Pulsifer
  • Every day, remember to appreciate your family and thank God for their presence in your life. – Shuler Clarence
  • A family is a family when they all come from love, regardless of who or what they are composed of. – April Claxton
  • Today, we are reminded that family is the most crucial rock around which we construct our lives. Barack Obama.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect family, yet God can heal broken walls and resurrect lost hopes. By God’s grace, we must do everything we can to maintain families strong and full of the hope that comes from living up to God’s ideal. David Jeremiah.
  • To keep a happy family, both parents and children must work hard. Each member of the family must become the servant of the others in some capacity. Pope John Paul II.
  • Home is where you find light when everything around you turns dark, not where you’re from.
  • The family is the only institution I am aware of that is reliable and constant. Take care of your family.
  • This weekend, invest some time in home improvements and work on your approach toward your family.
  • “Family and love are the most essential things in the world.” – Johnson Wooden
  • “Family involves throwing your arms around one another and being there for each other.” – Bush Barbara
  • “Other things could change us, but our beginning and conclusion are in our families.” -Antony Brandt
  • Having somewhere to go is like having a home. Having someone to love is equivalent to having a family. And having both is a gift.
  • Family ties mean that you can’t get away from your family no matter how much you want to.
  • “Family is not the important thing. It is everything.” – Michael J. Fox
  • “In times of difficulty, family comes to our rescue.” -Myanmar
  • “Think about your family today and every day; don’t let today’s hectic world prevent you from displaying how much you love and cherish your family.” – Josiah
  • Our family is a circle of strength and love that grows with each birth and union.
  • “The family and the home are the places where all the highest values are developed, fostered, and sustained. – William Churchill
  • Family isn’t usually related by blood. They are the people in your life who accept you for who you are and the ones who want you in theirs. The ones who would do anything to make you happy and who would always adore you.
  • “Families serve as a compass to guide us. They are our motivation to achieve great things and our solace when we falter.” – Brad Henry
  • “When hardship strikes, your family is there to support you.” – Guy Lafleur
  • Family is the greatest gift to mankind. Always do all you can for your family
  • Unity and love are what sustains every family. Make sure to always do things that will unite the family and not divide them.
  • Our happiest moments are always the ones spent with family members. 
  • It is better to have a relevant servant that brings honor to the family, than a son that brings shame.

Words of Encouragement for Colleagues

  • Everyone has some good news within them. The good news is that you have no idea how fantastic you can be! How much love you have! What you are capable of! And how much potential you have.
  • We were told as children that life is joyful and should be lived to the utmost – that it must be filled with happiness. However, as we become older, we realize that life isn’t always straightforward. It becomes a battleground that we must endure in order to survive.
  • You must feel weak in order to be powerful. While your failures may not define you as a person, they do determine your success.
  • Psychologists even think that facing problems and feeling unpleasant emotions may help you maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit. What makes you human is the balance of your sound and negative emotions.
  • Winning does not give you strength. Your challenges enable you to develop your strengths. Strength is demonstrated when you face adversity and refuse to submit.
  • “There is no strength where there is no battle.” – Oprah Winfrey’s
  • “Strength does not come from your abilities. It comes from conquering obstacles you believed you couldn’t overcome.” –  Rikki Rogers’
  • “Strength is not derived from physical ability. It is the outcome of an unwavering will. – Mahatma Gandhi. 
  • “When everything is well, you’ll look back on this time in your life and be so grateful you didn’t give up” – Brittany Bergunder 
  • Promise to remember: You’re braver than you think, stronger than you appear, and wiser than you can ever imagine.
  • Never spend too much time focusing on a single problem. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • You are more powerful than you realize. You’re more competent than you ever imagined. 
  • Take solace in the knowledge that things always get better.
  • I’ll be at your side every step of the way, my colleague.
  • Replace your judgment with self-love and your hatred with self-compassion.
  • You may depend on my help in good and bad times.
  • I’m your biggest supporter now and forever! Maintain an optimistic attitude.
  • You know where to go for everything you require. I’ll always be there for you.
  • “Our greatest joy in life is that we rise every time we fall.”  –  Confucius
  • “Life is full of surprises. In the end, some of your biggest weaknesses turn out to be your greatest assets.” –  Drew Barrymore
  • “No one can make you feel inferior unless you give them permission.” –  Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Believe me when I say that you are more attractive, courageous, brilliant, and intellectual than you give yourself credit for. Have faith in yourself.
  • If you believe in yourself as much as I do, nothing can stop you from reaching your goals.
  • See the difficulties and experience the anguish. However, do not linger on them. Nothing in life is insurmountable if you have the appropriate perspective.
  • “Practice as though you’ll never win. Play as though you’ve never lost.” – Asuncion, Bernard F.
  • “Adversity teaches you the strength you didn’t know you possessed.” – Christie Brinkley
  • “The greatest beauty in living is rising every time we fall” – Nelson Mandela
  • You should be proud of yourself. Your performance has been excellent.
  • I understand things are difficult right now, but I want you to know how much we value your hard work and dedication.
  • Every day, I am grateful for your excitement! You make coming to work fun!
  • Thank you one more for the way you tackle difficult issues with a grin and a positive attitude. It is pretty motivating to those of us who admire your energy!
  • Thank you for your optimistic attitude and outlook; it is greatly appreciated.
  • Your work ethic is excellent, and I appreciate that you work well with others. You always go above and above. I encourage you to do more.
  • You have motivated me to realize my full potential and to be courageous in new situations. Keep it up, my colleague.
  • Every day, I am inspired by how hard you work on yourself and the difference you make in the lives of others. Thank you, my mentor.
  • Your capacity to laugh even in difficult situations is an inspiration to many.
  • Life has certainly dealt with you. The good news is that I’ve seen you go through worse. This kind of trouble doesn’t last long. Brace up and face it squarely.
  • “I’ve been in your shoes before, man. I don’t say anything to belittle how you feel. That’s because I’m here to assist you in whatever way you require. I’m available if you just need to talk or if you need it. When I say call me at any moment, I mean it.
  • In life, sometimes we lose while sometimes we gain. Regardless, we should never give up on our dreams.
  • Always treat people with love because you might need them on your way to success
  • Be good to people you meet on your way up because you might meet them again on your way down.
  • A mistake is part and parcel of life. Every success story has at one time encountered its own mistake. We should always learn from our mistakes.
  • The mind is the first place where battles are won.
  • A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, but an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
  • Most of us fail before we even start working towards a goal. We get intimidated by the enormity of the goal.
  • Sometimes, your heart needs more time for it to accept what your mind already know.
  • There is no limit to what you can achieve, just believe in your self.
  • Avoid negative thoughts. People with negative thoughts can never make any mark in life.
  • You are never to become all you cab be if you continue to do less than your best.
  • To panic over problems is to lose the composure needed to solve the. Brace up and face your problems with courage.
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Words of Encouragement for Loved Ones

  • “Never give up pursuing your dreams. The individual with the greatest goals always has an advantage over the person with the most information.” -Albert Einstein.
  • “When the world is quiet, even a little voice may be heard.” Malala Yousafzai
  • No may not always imply no. Sometimes it requires ignoring the naysayers and forging your own way.
  • “We are products of our past, but we are not prisoners of it.” – Rick Warren, Pastor
  • “I’m just one person, but I’m a human. I can’t accomplish everything, but I can try. And I’m not going to allow what I can’t do stop me from doing what I can.” – Edward. Everett Hale
  • Being yourself and expressing yourself is important since those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
  • “It takes a lot of guts to stand up to your enemies, but it takes much more courage to stand up to your friends.” -J. K. Rowling
  • “I think that the greatest approach to be confident is to avoid allowing other people’s anxieties to become your own.” Jessie J.
  • “Doing your best at this moment puts you in the greatest position for the next.” – Oprah
  • I realize how bad things are right now, but I also know you have what it takes to get through them.
  • You are very strong, and you are incredible for addressing this with such bravery.
  • “Optimism is the belief that leads to success.” —Henry Keller
  • It takes a lot of guts to start and stay on this route. Excellent work!
  • “Be the positive change you want to see in the world.” —From Mahatma Gandhi
  • There is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what you are facing. — Demi Lovato
  • Your strength and patience are admirable. Never lose hope. Soon, things will start to improve.
  • I’m thinking about you and hoping that this trying moment is only a stop gap on the way to greater things.
  • Stop being hard on yourself. Because you are a work in progress, you arrive gradually rather than all at once.
  • “As long as you keep moving, it doesn’t matter how slowly you travel.” —Confucius
  • You can do anything if you have the nerve. — J.K. Rowling
  • Faith has the power to move mountains. Believe that anything is possible, and you will influence the outcome!
  • Don’t let how you feel cause you to lose sight of what you deserve.
  • This too will pass. And you’ll look back on this time in your life and be grateful that you didn’t give up.
  • “Without courage, you will never be able to do anything in this world. It is, after honor, the most important trait in the mind.” —Aristotle
  • “Encourage yourself, trust yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt your identity.” —Stefanie Lahart
  • True friends are rare but bad friends are like leaves of a tree that are found everywhere. Always place value on your true friends.
  •  Any man who is too proud to learn is always a victim of failure.
  • The easiest way to sustain one’s name is not by giving birth to male children, but by the quality of life that we lived and how positively we touched the lives of those around us.
  • Do not criticize in order to find favor. Always stand by the truth.
  • It’s more honorable to walk with God in times of trouble than to walk with satan in times of pleasure.
  • Remember that hard work has no substitution. You must work for you to eat.
  • The best promise ever made is the one that is kept.
  • Becoming a better you is action oriented and not mere policy.

Hopefully, you have gained something from these words of encouragement that will help you persist in life, knowing that life is not a bed of roses, for even roses have thorns on them.

Please feel free to share your short messages of encouragement via the comment section below. You never can tell who needs them.