WAEC Recommended Text Books for Literature in English Language – (2025)

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is the body responsible for the coordination of West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Nigeria and other West African countries. For the sake of candidates who are preparing for either SSCE WAEC or WAEC GCE, I will be concentrating on the recommended text books for Literature in English language and links to how to answer questions on lit in English in WAEC as well as WAEC syllabus for Literature in English that comes out every academic session in WAEC examination as this would be very helpful for candidates participating in the examination this year.

Candidates are always in need of the WAEC recommended text book for their respective subjects since this keeps them a step ahead and helps in answering questions in ways and manner the examiner wants it hence it guarantees full marks when properly answered.

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What you stand to gain from this post:

  • WAEC recommended text books for Literature in English examination.
  • NECO recommended text books for Literature in English examination.
  • Link to WAEC syllabus for Literature in English.
  • Most common topics in Lit in English exam
  • List of subjects offered in senior secondary school.

Every candidate wants to score high in Literature in English because it is the most important subject requirements for gaining admission into any university of their choice aside other subjects offered in Senior secondary schools. Upon preparing for your senior secondary school certificate examination.

Candidates preparing for WAEC and NECO senior secondary school examination are to make use of WAEC recommended syllabus for Literature in English, there you would see that the text books listed here are equally listed there.

WAEC Recommended Text Books for Literature in English

African Prose

  • AmmaDarko             –           Faceless
  • BayoAdebowale –           Lonely Days

Non-African Prose

  • Richard Wright –           Native Son
  • Patience Swift –           The Last Goodman

*William Shakespeare:OTHELLO

Non-African Drama

  • Oliver Goldsmith –           She Stoops to conquer
  • Lorraine Hansberry –           A Raisin in the Sun

African Drama

  • Frank Ogodo Ogbeche          –           Harvest of Corruption
  • Dele Charley –           The Blood of a Stranger

African Poetry

  • Birago Drop –           Vanity
  • GbemisolaAdeoti –           Ambush
  • Gabriel Okara            –            Piano and Drums
  • Gbanabam Hallowell            –            The Dinning Table
  • Lenrie Peter –           The Panic of Growing Older
  • Kofi Awoonor –           The Anvil and the Hammer

Non-African Poetry

  • Alfred Tennyson –           Crossing the Bar
  • George Herbert   –           The pulley
  • William Blake –           The School Boy
  • William Morris –          The Proud King
  • Robert Frost Birches            –          Birches
  • William Shakespeare –           Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day?

The above are the list of WAEC recommended text books you can make use of in preparing for Literature in English in your West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination. Please note that you can make use of a combination of different text books in your preparation. There are a list of many books here, you can make use of but if you have any of the above, say three (3) of them, you are good to go.

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Hope this is properly understood? You can achieve an A (distinction) or B (Very good) in Literature in English in WAEC or NECO if you study hard, follow the syllabus for Literature in English as well as making use of the recommended text book for the subject.

If you have any questions as regards the above, you can reach me through the comment section below and I will reply all accordingly.

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