RSU Postgraduate Courses, Duration and Requirement

Rivers State University is ranked among the best states school of postgraduate studies in Nigeria to pursue graduate programmes. The management of the school of postgraduate studies, Rivers State University has official published the list of postgraduate courses offered in RSU, therefore, prospective students are advised to go through the list to find the available programmes for their preferred choice.

As usual, I have arranged the list of available PG programmes in RSU and their admission requirements based the faculty they fall under and the certificate awarded by the university. I recently updated this post as there were some inclusion of some PG courses which previously were not included among the list of postgraduate courses that are available at RSU.

One unique development about Rivers State University postgraduate courses is that you are able to specialize in a sub-courses, as in there are opportunities for candidates to choose an area of specialization.

When you carefully go through the list of postgraduate courses offered in RSU as seen below, you would confirm that PG courses are offered in the institution are Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) and Masters degree and Ph.D programmes. The authenticity of this source is 100% because it was culled from RSU postgraduate website so please be rest assured that any information gotten in the process of reading this post, I’m confident will be of great help in the area of making a good choice as to which of the postgraduate programme is best tailored for your future career path.

In this post, aside providing you with RSU PG programmes, I will make available other important information such as the PG entry requirements for Masters degree programmes and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes as well as the expected duration for the programme.

Duration of PG Programmes

Full-time PGD shall run for a minimum of 2 semesters and a maximum of 4 semesters.
M.A/M.Eng./M.Sc – Minimum of 4 semesters and a maximum of 6 semesters.
Ph.D – Minimum of 6 semesters and a maximum of 10 semesters.

RSU Postgraduate Courses – Full List

1. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
a) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Agricultural Economics
b. MSc, PhD Agricultural Economics with specialization in:
a. Agric-business Management and Marketing
b. Production Economics and Farm Management
c. Agricultural Finance
d. Resource and Environmental Economics
2. Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
a) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
b. MSc, PhD in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development with
specialization in:
i. Agricultural Extension Administration
ii. Agricultural Extension Communication
iii. Rural Sociology
iv. Community and Rural Development
3. Department of Animal Science
a. PGD in Animal Science
b. MSc, PhD Animal Science with specialization in:
i. Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry
ii. Animal Production and Management
iii. Animal Physiology and Reproduction
iv. Animal Breeding and Genetics
4. Department of Crop/Soil Science
a. Postgraduate Diploma (PGD)
i) PGD Crop Science
ii) PGD Soil Science
b. MSc, PhD in Crop Science with specialization in:
i) Plant Pathology
ii) Crop Physiology
iii) Crop Production
iv) Plant bleeding and genetics
v) Environmental crop Science
vi) Farming Systems
vii) Entomology
viii) Horticulture
c. MSc, PhD in Soil Science with Specialization in:
a) Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy
b) Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry
c) Soil physics and Conservation
d) Environmental Soil Science
e) Soil survey and Land use planning
f) Soil fertility and Fertilizer Technology
g) Pedology
5. Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environment
a. PGD in Fisheries and Aquatic Environment
b. MSc, PhD Fisheries and Aquatic Environment with Specialization in:
i. Aquatic Ecology
ii. Aquaculture
iii. Fisheries Biology
iv. Fisheries Management and Policy
v. Fish Processing and Utilization
vi. Fish Nutrition
6. Department of Food Science and Technology
a. PGD Food Science and Technology
b. MSc, PhD in Food Science and Technology with Specialization in:
i) Food Microbiology and Biotechnology
ii) Food Chemistry/Biochemistry
iii) Food Quality Control and Assurance
iv) Food Processing and Storage Technology
7. Department of Forestry and Environment
a. PGD forestry and Environment
b. MSc, PhD Forestry and Environment with Specialization in
i. Forest Pathology
ii. Forest Ecology and Environmental Management
iii. Agro-Forestry, Silviculture and Tree Improvement
iv. Forest Soil and Microbiology
v. Forest Biometrics and Mensuration
vi. Wood Science and Technology
vii. Medicinal Plants and Phytomedicine
viii. Wildlife Resources Management
ix. Wildlife Ecology and Ecotourism
1 Department of Human Anatomy
a. PGD, MSc, PhD with specialization in:
i. Clinical and Radiological Anatomy
ii. Embryology and Andrology
iii. Neuroscience
iv. Biological and Forensic Anatomy
v. Microscopic Anatomy
vi. Genetics and Genomics
vii. Sports Anatomy
viii. Gross and Comparative Anatomy
1. Department of Medical Biochemistry
a. PGD, MSc, PhD with specialization in:
i. Medical /Clinical Biochemistry
ii. Toxicological / Environmental Biochemistry
iii. Pharmacological Biochemistry
iv. Nutritional Biochemistry
v. Forensic Biochemistry
vi. Endocrinology/Immunobiochemistry
3. Department of Human Physiology
a. PGD, MSc, PhD with specialization in:
i. Cell, General and Molecular Physiology
ii. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology
iii. Renal and Body Fluids Physiology
iv. Reproductive and Endocrine Physiology
v. Environmental and Metabolic Physiology
vi. Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Physiology
vii. Exercise and Sports Physiology
viii. Electro Physiology
4. Department of Nursing Science
a. PGD, MSc, PhD with specialization in:
i. Community/Public Health Nursing
ii. Maternal and Child Health Nursing.
iii. Medical Surgical Nursing.
iv. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.
v. Nursing Administration and Management
vi. Nursing Education.
5. Department of Public Health Sciences
a. PGD, in Public Health with specialization in:
i. Public Health
ii. Health Information Management
b. MSc, PhD, Public Health with specialization in:
i. Epidemiology
ii. Environmental Health
iii. Health Education and Promotion
iv. Public Health Nutrition
v. Health Policy and Management
vi. Population and Reproductive Health
vii. Occupational Health and Safety
viii. Biostatistics
ix. Demography and Health
x. Health Information Management
Department of Community Medicine MPH, DrPH with specialization in:
i. Epidemiology
ii. Health Systems Management,
iii. Population/Reproductive Health
iv. Occupational Health
B. i. MSc, Health Management
1. Department of Adult Education and Community Development
MEd, PhD Adult Education and Community Studies
2. Department of Business Education
a) MEd Business Education
MSc (Ed) Business Education with the following areas of specialization:
i) Accountancy
ii) Entrepreneurship
iii) Office Management and Technology
c) PhD Business Education
3. Department of Educational Foundations
MEd, PhD with the following areas of specialization:
i) Philosophy of Education
ii) History and Policy of Education
iii) Sociology of Education
iv) Curriculum and Instruction
v) Educational Technology
vi) Educational Psychology
vii) Educational Measurement and Evaluation
ix) Guidance and Counseling
4. Department of Science Education
MSc (Ed) PhD Science Education, with specialization in:
i) Biology
ii) Chemistry
iii) Mathematics
iv) Physics
5. Department of Vocational and Technology Education
a) MSc (Ed) Agricultural Education, with specialization in:
i) Administration
ii) Community Development
iii) Agricultural Resources and Environment
b. PhD, Agricultural Education
c. MSc (Ed) PhD, Technical Education, with specialization in:
i) Building Technology
ii) Electrical/Electronics Technology
iii) Mechanical Technology
6. Department of Educational Management
a. MEd, PhD in Educational Management
7. Department of Library and Information Science
a) PGD, MLIS, PhD Library and Information Science with specialization in:
b) School Library and Media Technology
c) Information Science
d) Archives and Records Management
e) Book Trade and Publishing
i) PGDE (Full-time, Sandwich and Weekend)
a) Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
ii) The following Master’s Degree MEd, MSc degree programmes are
available in Sandwich programmes only in the Institute of Education.
1. Department of Adult Education and Community Development
M.Ed in Adult Education and Community Development
2. Department of Business Education
M.Ed Business Education
M.Sc (Ed) Business Education with Specialization in:
(a) Accountancy
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Office Management and Technology
(d) Economics Education
3. Department of Educational Foundations: M.Ed in:
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Technology
Guidance and Counseling
History and Policy of Education
Measurement and Evaluation
Philosophy of Education
Sociology of Education
4. Department of Educational Management
M.Ed Educational Management
5. Department of Science Education
M.Sc(Ed) Science Education with Specializations in
(a) Biology
(b) Chemistry
(c) Mathematics
(d) Physics
6. Department of Vocational and Technology Education
A. M.Sc. (Ed) Agricultural Education with specializations in:-
(i) Administration
(ii) Community Development
(iii) Agricultural Resources and Environment
B. M.Sc (Ed) Technical Education with Specializations in:
(i) Electrical and Electronics Technology
(ii) Mechanical Technology
(iii) Building Technology
The following PhD Degree Programmes are available in Sandwich
programmes only in the Institute of Education.
1. Department of Educational Foundations
PhD Curriculum and Instruction
PhD Educational Technology
PhD Guidance and Counseling
PhD History and Policy of Education
PhD Measurement and Evaluation
PhD Philosophy of Education
PhD Sociology of Education
2. Department of Educational Management
PhD Educational Management
3. Department of Science Education
PhD Science Education
4. Department of Vocational and Technology Education
PhD Agricultural Education
PhD Technical Education
1. Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
a. PGD Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
b. M.Tech/PhD Programmes with specialization in:
i. Farm Power and Machinery Engineering
ii. Soil and Water Engineering
iii. Agricultural Products Processing Storage Engineering
iv. Environmental Engineering
2. Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering
a. PGD, M.Tech, PhD Chemical Engineering
3. Department of Civil Engineering
b) PGD Programme Civil Engineering
c) M.Tech and PhD Programme in:
i) Geotechnical Engineering
ii) Water Resources Engineering
iii) Highway Transportation Engineering
iv) Structural Engineering
4. Department of Electrical Engineering
a) PGD Programme in:
i) Power Engineering Option
ii) Electronics Engineering Option
b) MTech Programme in:
i) Power Engineering Option
ii) Electronics Engineering Option
iii) Communications Engineering Option
c) PhD Programme in:
i) Power Engineering Option
ii) Electronic and Communication Options
5. Department of Marine Engineering
a) PGD Programme Marine Engineering
b) M.Tech, PhD Programmes Marine Engineering with Specialization in
i) Power Plant Option
ii) Naval Architecture and Ship Building Option
iii) Offshore and Subsea Engineering Option
6. Department of Mechanical Engineering
a) PGD Mechanical Engineering
b) M.Tech, Mechanical Engineering with specialization in:
i. Thermo-Fluid Option
ii. Production Option
c) PhD Programme in Thermo-Fluid Option
7 Department of Petroleum Engineering
a. PGD, M.Tech, PhD Petroleum Engineering
1. Department of Architecture
i) MSc, PhD Architecture
2. Department of Estate Management
c) PGD, Estate Management
d) MSc, Estate Management with specialization in:
i. Investment Analysis and Valuation
ii. Real Estate Development Appraisal and Project Management
iii. Facility and Property Management
iii. Environmental Valuation and Management
iv. Land Management and Sustainable Development
3. PhD Estate Management
4. Department of Urban and Regional Planning
i) PGD, PhD Urban and Regional Planning
ii) MSc Housing Studies
iii) MSc Geographic Information System (GIS) and Urban Informatics
iv) MSc Urban Design
v) MSc Disaster Risk Assessment, Planning and Management
vi) PGD, MSc Transport Planning
4. Department of Surveying and Geomatics
i) PGD, MSc, PhD Surveying and Geomatics
A. PGD the following areas:
a) Petroleum and Environmental Law
b) Land Law and Land Administration
c) Labour Law and Industrial Relations
d) Customary Law and Practice
B. Master of Laws (LLM)
C. MA in Law and Diplomacy
D. Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
E. PhD in Law, with the following options:
i) International Law and Human Rights
ii) Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence
iii) Petroleum, Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources Law
iv) Property and Compensation Law
v) International Trade Law and International Economic Law, including Globalisation
vi) Comparative Criminal Law and Penology
vii) Labour and Industrial Relations law
viii) Business, Commercial and Intellectual Property Law
ix) Customary, Family and Medical Law
F. PhD in Law and Diplomacy
a) PGD in the following:
i) Accountancy
ii) Finance
iii) Management
iv) Marketing
v) Office and Information Management
vi) Supply Chain and Logistics Management
vii) Transport Management
viii) Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
ix) Public Sector Financial Management
x) Project Management
1) Department of Accountancy
a. MSc, MPhil, PhD, in the following areas:
i) Accountancy
ii) Taxation
iii) Public Sector Accounting
2) Department of Banking and Finance
a. MSc, PhD, in the following areas:
i) Banking and Finance
ii) Quantitative Finance
iii) Corporate Finance
iv) Financial Markets
v) Public Sector Financial Management
b. MPhil Finance
3) Department of Management
a. MSc, MPhil, PhD, in the following areas:
i) Human Resource Management
ii) Industrial Relations
iii) Business Policy
iv) Organizational Behaviour
v) Management
vi) Project Management
vii) Production and Operations Management
4) Department of Marketing
a. MSc, MPhil, PhD, in the following:
i) Marketing
ii) Supply Chain and Logistics Management
iii) Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
5) Department of Office and Information Management
a. MSc, MPhil, PhD Office and Information Management
b. MSc, PhD Strategic Admin/Strategic Information Management
2. Department of Microbiology
a) PGD the following areas:
i) Microbiology
ii) Public Health
b) MSc, PhD in the following areas:
i) Food Microbiology
ii) Industrial Microbiology
iii) Environmental Microbiology
iv) Public Health Microbiology
i) Clinical/Pathogenic Microbiology
2. Department of Animal and Environmental Biology
a) PGD in Animal and Environmental Biology
b) MSc, PhD in the following areas of Specialization:
i. Applied Entomology
ii Hydrobiology/Ecotoxicology
iii Ecology/Environmental Biology
iv) Marine Biology and Marine Pollution Studies
3. Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology
a) PGD Plant Science and Biotechnology
b) M Sc, Ph D Plant Science and Biotechnology with specialization in:
i) Plant Physiology and Biotechnology
ii) Plant Breeding
iii) Plant Ecology
iv) Cytogenetics
v) Taxonomy and Systematic
vi) Plant Pathology
4. Department of Chemistry
a) PGD in Chemistry
b) MSc, PhD in Chemistry with the following options:
i) Analytical Chemistry
ii) Environmental Chemistry
iii) Inorganic Chemistry
iv) Organic and Natural Products Chemistry
ii) Physical Chemistry
5. Department of Computer Science (FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME)
a) PGD, MSc, PhD in Computer Science
6. Department of Medical Laboratory Science
a. PGD, Medical Laboratory Science with specialization in:
i) Medical Microbiology
ii) Chemical Pathology
iii) Hematology and Blood Transfusion Science
iv) Histopathology and Cytology
b. MSc Medical Laboratory Science with specialization in:
i) Medical Microbiology
ii) Chemical Pathology
iii) Hematology and Blood Transfusion Science
iv) Biorisk Management
vi. Histopathology and Cytology
c. PhD Medical Laboratory Science with specialization in:
i) Medical Microbiology
ii) Chemical Pathology
iii) Hematology and Blood Transfusion Science
7. Department of Mathematics
a) PGD Applied Statistics
b) MSc, PhD the following areas:
i) Applied Mathematics
ii) Applied Statistics
7. Department of Physics
a. PGD with specialization in:
i) Applied Geophysics
ii) Radiation and Environmental Physics
b. MSc with specialization in:
i) Applied Geophysics
ii) Radiation and Environmental Physics
iii) Theoretical Physics
c. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
i. Theoretical Physics
ii) Applied Geophysics
iii) Astrophysics/Astronomy
iv) Radiation and Environmental Physics
9. Department of Maritime Science (Executive Part Time)
a. PGD Maritime Transport
b. M.Sc Shipping Management
c. M.Sc Maritime Transport
d. PhD Maritime Transport
1 Department of English Language and Literature -in- English
(a) PGD, MA, PhD English Language
(b) PGD, MA, PhD Literature- in- English
2 Department of French
(a) PGD, MA French
3 Department of History and International Diplomacy
(a) PGD, MA, PhD History and International Diplomacy
4 Department of Philosophy
(a) PGD, MA, PhD Philosophy
5 Department of Religious and Cultural Studies
(a) PGD, MA, PhD Religious and Cultural Studies
6 Department of Theatre and Film Studies
( a) PGD, MA, PhD Theatre Arts
2. Department of Political Science
(a) PGD, MSc, PhD Local Government Administration
(b) PGD, MSc, PhD Public Administration
(c) PGD, MSc, PhD Peace, Conflict and Security Studies
(d) MPA Public Administration
4. Department of Sociology
(a) PGD Sociology
(b) MSc, PhD Sociology with specialization in:
i. Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations
ii) Sociology of Development
iii) Social Work and Gender Studies
iv) Sociology of Crime and Security Studies
5. Department of Economics
a) PGD Economics
b) MSc, MPhil, PhD with specialization in:
i. Development Economics and Planning
ii. International Economics and Finance
iii). Environmental Economics and Policy
iv). Monetary Economics
v) Mathematical Economics and Econometrics
vi) Petroleum and Energy Economics
a. PGD Mass Communication
b. MSc Communication and Development Studies
c. PhD Mass Communication
a. PGD with specialization in:
i) Environmental Management and Control
ii) Disaster/Environmental Risk Management
b) MSc, with specialization in:
i) Environmental Management and Control
ii) Disaster/Environmental Risk Management
c) PhD with specialization in:
i. Environmental Management and Control
ii. Disaster/Environmental Risk Management

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I hope the information, we hope you are clear as regards the list of available postgraduate courses offered in RSU. If you have any question as regards the above, please feel free to reach out to me via the comment section below and I shall respond accordingly.