List of Accredited Courses Offered in FCFFT- Newbussa, Niger State

Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology (FCFFT-Newbussa) is government owned college that is open to all, without discrimination in ethnicity, race, religion, gender or state. Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology located at New Bussa, in Niger state aims at being a role Model for Fisheries, agricultural, and allied tertiary institutions in Nigeria by developing highly intellectual, skilled, creative and self-employable individuals through modern Scientific, technological, Research and development (R&D) and teaching methods for the enhancement of Socio-economic and Political growth towards the attainment of the National Development Goals.

FCFFT-Newbussa offers a wide range of science related courses. Also, there are short courses available for interested public that are eligible. The list of courses offered in FCFFT-NEWBUSSA has been released by the management of the College, therefore candidates who wish to continue their higher education in this institution are advised to go through FCFFT courses listed below.

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To study any of the list of accredited courses offered at Fcfft-newbussa, candidates must meet the following entry requirements as highlighted below;

  • Meet the current JAMB/UTME cut off mark for FCFFT-NEWBUSSA
  • Candidates must possess a minimum of 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings.
  • Candidates with AR (Awaiting Results) can also apply.
  • Must have obtained original documents as approved by the management of FCFFT-NEWBUSSA
  • Candidates with Teachers Grade II (TC II) with passes at credit or merit levels in conjunction with credit passes in relevant subjects at GCE, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents may also be considered.

Meeting the above entry requirements, automatically qualifies the candidate for admission into Fcfft-newbussa and their internal screening exercise.

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So with the above information, prospective candidates should be clear as regards the requirements for the list of courses offered in FCFFT-NEWBUSSA and their requirements for admission.

As usual, we have arranged the all courses offered in an alphabetical order for ease of identification by prospective candidates

List of Courses Offered in FCFFT-Newbussa

National Diploma (ND) Programmes

  • ND Fisheries Technology
  • ND Food Technology
  • ND Agricultural Technology
  • ND Hospitality management
  • ND Home and Rural Economics

Higher National Diploma (HND) Programmes

  • HND Fisheries Technology
  • HND Agricultural Extension & Management
  • HND Food Technology

Available Short Courses

Short courses are also available for external students and the working class as follows:

  • Fish Farming and Fingerling production – 2Weeks
  • Fish feed production – 1 Week
  • Post –Harvest Technology for Women in Fisheries(WIF) – 1 Week
  • Fish Marketing and Transportation – 1 week
  • Bread Making and Bakery Technology/Confectionery – 2 Weeks
  • Soya beans Processing and utilization – 1 Week
  • Fruit Juice Production and Preservation Technology – 1 Week
  • Agricultural Cooperatives – 1 Week
  • Agricultural Produce Marketing – 1 Week
  • Agricultural Personal Management – 1Week
  • Animal Health and Management – 1 Week
  • Fashion Design & Beauty Salon Technology – 3 months
  • Sheep and goat management – 1 Week
  • Poultry management – 1 Week
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