How Many Times Can You Take the GMAT?

GMAT is an authoritative exam known worldwide. Essentially, it is a test that implies the choice of options. The scope of the test application is management and business programs. The exam is developed to evaluate critical thinking, verbal reasoning, and analytical writing. Also, it is a test of data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning abilities.

As you may suggest, the test is rather hard to pass. That’s why many people wonder how many times can you take gmat and what courses to take to make it easier to pass this exam. One may pause and read this Magoosh vs Target Test Prep GMAT comparison to answer the second question.

Though not all universities require GMAT based on the review carried out. Some korean universities do not accept GMATS. However, knowing the essentials of courses is crucial before trying them. So take advantage of that info. Be attentive because a lot may depend on your choice. We will cover the first topic and also tell more about the content of the test below.

How many times should you write GMAT

What Is Included?

It is primarily a test of your critical thinking abilities. However, it includes questions on language and mathematical ideas. The exam is a timed, multiple-choice examination of your analytical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in a quantitative and linguistic context. Successfully navigating the GMAT requires effective reasoning through and comprehending information.

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There are four sorts of questions.

  • Quantitative;
  • Verbal;
  • Integrated Reasoning;
  • Analytical Writing Assessment.

For each score, you get a different grade. Also, test takers are free to choose the order of the test sections mentioned above. The GMAT’s AWA or Essay receives a score between zero and six, incremented by half-points. Scores on the Integrated Reasoning (IR) part range from 1 to 8, with each additional point indicating increasing difficulty. Officially, students may get a scaled score anywhere from 0 to 60 on the Quant and Verbal parts. Total scores range from 200 to 800 and are based on a combination of your Quantitative and Verbal results. Business schools mainly focus on the Total score.

How Many Times Can You Take the GMAT?

The maximum number of times you may take the exam in your lifetime is 8.

Consider the following additional cautions to the lifespan limit rule:

  • For purposes of calculating your total number of test tries, the test you cancel your score on will still be counted as an attempt.
  • The scores you get from taking the test at any time are cumulative.
  • The number of GMAT exams you are allowed to take will not be reduced by any exams you have to cancel.
  • It does not count as an exam attempt if you don’t show up on the test.
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There are also some limits to the frequency of taking the test, so how often can you take the gmat? Five tries at the GMAT are all that are permitted during a year.

Furthermore, a minimal break between tries is 16 days. There is no mandatory waiting period of 16 days between repeat attempts if you move from taking it in person to online variation (or vice versa). That rule doesn’t apply if two tries in a row are made online.

The fact you may retake the exam after 16 days is not a good enough excuse to do it so soon. Whether this is your first time or your sixth, you should try again only if you spent some time preparing and feel confident. Here are a few preparation tips you might find helpful.

Is It A Bad Idea To Retake The Test?

After asking the question, “can you take the gmat more than once” many people become interested in the consequences of making multiple attempts. The short answer is: It’s OK. Many test takers need a few attempts to pass the exam. Plan on taking the GMAT more than once, as do most people. Plan everything to have time before your applications. Many have time for 2-3 attempts to pass the GMAT exam. Suppose it works the first time, fine. Then you just wait. If not, you will have a few more chances. It’s better to prepare for the worst and eventually achieve what you want.

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The Implications Of Taking The GMAT More Than Once

Your actual GMAT results will carry far more weight with admissions officers than the number of times you took the test. If you try more than once and don’t want anyone to see your lowest score, you may cancel those lower results. This way, no one would know if you took the exam twice or more. You shouldn’t worry about numerous GMAT tries as long as you have an excellent score. However, taking gmat multiple times has some quite apparent repercussions, however. The GMAT may be rather expensive. The costs associated with taking the GMAT may rapidly add up, from registration and other fees to preparation materials and practice examinations.


GMAT is a complex test that requires serious training. But it is worth it: having passed this exam, you can claim career heights and have a better life. There are a limited number of attempts for anyone who wants to take the test – 8 times in a lifetime. Don’t worry if you fail to pass the GMAT the first time. Most people face the same. Believe in yourself, prepare, and everything will work out!