FCSC Salary Structure For All Levels: How Much Does FCSC Pay Graduates – 2025

The rush for government jobs in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized not because the salary package is juicy, rather the job security and a guaranteed retirement based on the gratuity and pension (Severance package) government workers benefit from. The FCSC Salary Structure for 2025 is what we are revealing in this post. If you recently applied for job in the Federal Civil Service Commission and need to know the 2025 salary structure of the FCSC then this post is for you.

One of the best government job to clinch is the Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) because they are very difficult to come by. In fact, vacancies are seldom available in this government establishment and since employee turnover rate is low, don’t sit and expect vacancies yearly like other non government organizations.

FCSC stands for Federal Civil Service Commission and like other state and federal government owned parastatal, the FCSC salary structure is very defined. The lowest level in state or federal government job is level 17 and based on the newly approved minimum wage after tax deduction a primary school certificate holder earns up to 30,000 naira per month according to the ranks and structure in the civil service.

A fresh graduate earns between 87,000 to 125,000 naira annually after tax. Upon being employed into the FCSC, as a fresh graduate, you are required to rise through the ranks through years of experience, promotional examinations, your dedication to the job as well as effectiveness and efficiency on the job.

Before we start discussing how much the FCSC pay graduates in this article, it is important you understand what the Federal Civil Service Commission is all about, their responsibilities and duties.

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What is Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC)?

It is an executive agency in Nigeria that has the power to designate and move and to ensure discipline over all Federal Civil Servants. No Government service is authorized to appoint officers in the civil service unless the authority comes from the Federal Civil Service Commission.

Duties and Responsibilities of The FCSC

  • They represent the civil service commissioners at Senior Staff Committee meetings of Ministries.
  • They review and approve the recommendations on Disciplinary cases of senior Officers.
  • They are responsible for the recruitment of senior officers
  • They finalize the promotion of offices to the top position and conduct promotions interview and examinations.
  • They resolve appeals on matters of appointment, promotion and disciplines.
  • They provide guidelines on appointments, promotions and discipline.

The chairman of the FCSC sets ahead panel that interviews applicants who pass the written examination of the Director or Secretary level.

All the workers at the FCSC except for the chairman and commissioners are civil servants,

They work directly under the control of the Office of the Head of Civil Service of Nation.

The Federal Civil Service Commission chairman, Mr. Ahmed Al-Gazail, and the Head of Civil Service, Stephen Osagiede Oronsaye, established a new policy that permanent secretaries would be renewed once every four-year term and eight-year term for directors, in August 2009. And then in October 2009, there was a disagreement between both men over whether the Head of Civil Service could need candidates for senior positions to undergo screening before sitting FCSC examinations.

The Federal Civil Service Commissions is one of the paying jobs in Nigeria and also one of the places you can work if you want to secure successful care with job security and lots of financial gains. It has been the reason why most Nigerian apply for the commission’s recruitment online.

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As opined earlier the Federal Civil Service Commission is one of the government jobs which pays according to the ranks and structure in the service, which means that a B.Sc. holder will not earn more than the Director of FCSC, the highest Officer in the service. The least paid worker receives a minimum wage of N30,000, which is the minimum wage set by the Federal government for the service. Thus this is equivalent to the payment every Youth Corper earn monthly.

Federal Civil Service Commission Salary Structure

  • Least Paid Staff (First School Leaving Certificate:

The least paid staff on grade level 01 step 01 earns N30,000 monthly. But if you add it together for 12 months (1 year), that means the worker receives a total of 226,800 per annum.

  • Secondary School Leaver:

A school leaver earns a bit higher than the least paid worker. A school graduate on Grade Level 04 step 1 on employment will earn N242,994 as salary per annum.

  • Officers:

An officer is placed in two stages. An officer put on Grade level 6 step 1 earn an average of N316, 229 annually after PAYE tax. When he or she attains step 15 on the same Grade Level 6, he or she earns an increase and an annual salary of N487,259 after tax.

  • Diploma Certificate Holder:

The diploma certificate holder currently on Grade Level 07 Step 01 makes N43,163 per month as a diploma cert. Holder at Federal Civil Service Commission in Nigeria. In a year, he will receive a sum of N517, 965 as an annual salary.

  • Officer’s Counterparts

The Officer’s counterparts salary structure is similar to the officers, they are placed on Grade Level 09 Step 01, and their annual payment is N780,656. When a counterpart attains to Step 15, he earns an increment salary of N1,152,698 per year.

  • Fresh Graduate

The salary structure of a graduate working at Federal Civil Service Commission is Grade Level 08 Step 15 and is between the Officers’ Grade level 09 Step 01 and Grade level 09 Step 15. They earn N81, 000 per month, and receives N978, 630 per year.

  • Director of the Federal Civil Service:

The director of the FCSC receives the highest paid salary, and he occupies the most senior position at FCSC, and his monthly salary is N454,344, and his annual salary is N5,452,136.

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Please note that a staff is promoted either by years of experience, promotional examination, or achievement to high grades and levels, their salaries increase as well.

It isn’t straightforward to accept applicants into the Federal Civil Service Commission in Nigeria unless you know a high placed candidate is the service. Some applicants are indeed employed into federal service by merit. Federal Civil Service Commission recruits once in a year, and it is published on newspapers or commission’s website.

The FCSC salary structure for all staff has the tendency to be improved upon based on the latest approval of the new minimum wage approved by President Buhari thus making working as a civil servant in Nigeria a memorable experience.