Official Cost of Processing ECOWAS International Passport In Nigeria (2025)

The Japa syndrome in Nigeria has greatly increased the unofficial cost of processing an international passport in Nigeria. The term Japa is used to describe the term “Relocation abroad”. For the sake of this post, we will be focusing on the official cost of processing ECOWAS international passport in Nigeria. The cost of processing an international passport in Nigeria and outside Nigeria may vary considerably depending on who you ask. It may also vary depending on the booklet size, and the validity period of the said passports.

Another cause for outrage has been the discovery by some Nigerians that there are discrepancies between the fees paid by Nigerians depending on where they live. That means residents in Lagos, Port Harcourt, and Ekiti have been paying higher than their compatriots in Kano, Kaduna and Plateau States.

The Nigerian immigration service has since come out to state that it was merely due to the fact that some processing offices have not been fully automated, and that the prices are constant.

ECOWAS International Passport

Cost of Processing ECOWAS international Passport In Nigeria

The following is how much one should budget when he want to get a Nigerian passport, as well as how to go about the payments.


Booklet Type: AGE 0 – 17     AGE 18 – 59   AGE 60+

32 Pages:         ₦8,750            ₦15,000           ₦8,750

64 Pages:         ₦20,000          ₦20,000          ₦20,000


Booklet Type   AGE 0 – 17     AGE 18 – 59   AGE 60+

32 Pages          $65                  $94                  $65

64 Pages          $125                $125                $125

It is important to appreciate the fact that the Nigerian government has put a concession in place, which takes into consideration the age of the individual applicant. Applicants who are in their prime working age pay higher than those who are still children, or who have retired from service.

It is also important to appreciate the fact that the 64 page booklet is processed for a flat rate of N20,000 or $125, depending on whether the applicant is resident in Nigeria or outside.

Applicants applying in Nigeria may do so at any of the passport offices of the Nigeria Immigration Service scattered around the country. Applicants applying from outside the country may do so at the various embassies and consular offices scattered in almost every country of the world.

What Is The Mode Of Payment?

Unless otherwise stated, it should be assumed that the NIS, or the consular offices will not accept payments in cash. The most common method of payment is via credit or debit cards, which credits the account of processing authorities directly.

The reason for this preferred payment method is to reduce the instances of corruption.

However, instead of credit or debit cards, some consular offices and embassies may choose a different method of payment such as cheques, postal stamps, or other means.

Especially when applying for the passports from another country, it is a good idea to call the consular office, or the embassy, specifically in the office where you wish to have it processed. The purpose of the call is to find out exactly how the money will be paid, so that one can make advance preparations.

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What To Know About Paying For Your International Passport

We have covered the cost of getting a Nigerian passport; depending on the type of passport you intend to procure. However, some have been known to pay as high as ₦200,000 to agents and machineries who claim to be able to get the passports processed in a few days.

While that may be possible, as a good citizen it is important to follow only official channels, rather than patronizing touts who only corrupt the system. Touts delay the normal passport production process, and they just make a total mess of everything.

The official channel is a lot cheaper, and is also a lot easier.

The following is information on how to process Nigerian passport at the official cost, using the official channels.

ECOWAS International Passport Application Guide Using Official Channels

Step 1 – Obtain A Passport Form

Step 2 – To obtain a form, visit the Home page of Nigeria Immigration Portal which is

Step 3 – When the website loads, you will see several options such as Passport, Visa, Free Zone, ECOWAS, Visa On Arrival.

Step 4 – You will have to click on the option that says Passport, after which the system will produce several secondary options for you to choose from. You will see options like: e-Passport Application Form, and MRP – Passport Application Form.

Step 5 – You will need to click on the one that says e-Passport application form.

Step 6 – Then you will need to select a passport type; the options are “Standard e-Passport” OR “Official e-Passport.” You will need to click on Standard e passport, and after that, click on the button that says ‘Start Application.’

Step 7 – The system will then present you with a form. Fill the form, with all the correct information. Please do not leave any sections of the form empty. Make sure that the information is correct to the best of your knowledge.

Step 8 – After that, please click on the button that says ‘I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM.’ After that, click the “PRINT” Button to print out a copy of the form you have filled.

Please keep the form you have filled neat and safe, you will need it later during the passport application.

Step 9 – Click on the button that says submit form. Then you will see the view applicant information page. At this point your information has been saved onto the system, and what remains is for you to make the payment.

Step 10 – Make The Payment

  • The payment is made online. To access the payment portal you have to click on the button that says “Proceed To Payment.”
  • Then the system presents a page that offers the opportunity to select how you will make the payment. There are two options present; “Pay in Naira” or “Pay in Dollars.” Whatever the option you choose the system will continue. It usually depends on what country you reside in, but then most applicants within Nigeria often choose to pay in Naira.
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Step 11 – After that the next thing is to click on the button that says ‘Continue.’

  • If you have selected option to pay in Naira, the system will provide you with a page in which you will prompted to choose the most suitable mode of payment for you. The system calls this the PayType. The available systems are “Bank”, “Credit OR Debit card”.

Those Who Wish To Pay By Card

  • Those who wish to make the payment through card should select “Credit/Debit card” from the option above, and then click continue.
  • After that a page will appear, and it will require you to fill in your log-in details. After that, you will have to click the button that says “Login.” The system will immediately take you to the portal.
  • Then you will see a button that says “PAY.” You will have to click that button.  Then the payment portal comes up, and you see the application details, click on “Continue” button.
  • After that, the “Value Card” payment page will appear. You will then have to provide information of your card. Remember that the cost of processing a passport in Nigeria has already been discussed in the earlier paragraphs, so you already know how much you will be paying.
  • Please ensure that you have up to that amount on the card before proceeding. To proceed click on the button that says “OK.” When you click “OK” the “Validation Number” is generated. Please write it down and confirm that it is accurate.
  • You can also print a receipt by clicking the “Print the Receipt” button. That receipt will come in handy during your interview.

Those Who Wish To Pay By Bank

  • Some people, perhaps those who do not have a valid credit or debit card in their names may decide to make the payment at a bank. That is possible by clicking on the option that says “Bank” when you reach the Paytype page described above.
  • Then you will find a list of participating banks. You will click on the one that is closest to you or most familiar to you, and then click on ‘Continue’. After that the system will present the bank details to pay to. You should immediately write this down, and check again to make sure that it is accurate.
  • After that you click on the button that says “Print Acknowledgment.” Then your “Payment Acknowledgment Slip” will be printed out. It contains your Transaction ID, Application ID and also your Reference Number.
  • You will now have to go to the bank to make the payment, using the reference given you. Scan the receipt, and keep it safe.
  • Please ensure that when making payment at the bank, you are issued with an ‘approved payment platform provider’ receipt. That means a special receipt created for this payment. That is the only way to get a “Validation Number” which you will use to confirm the payment you have made.

After Making The Payment

After making the payment, you have to return to the NIS portal where you made your registration. This time you should go to the section that says “Query your Application Payment Status.” After that you will need to enter your Passport Application ID and Reference Number, which is how your own personal account will be found.

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You may see a field that says “Validation Number.” If so, then enter the number from your receipt issued to you at the bank when you went to pay the cost of your passport application. Those who pay by debit card may find that the number has been entered automatically.

After that, you will have to click on the button that says “Search Record.” That is when you will be shown the “Applicant’s Details” page where you will find a date for your interview. Print this page out please.

The next step is to print a Receipt or an Acknowledgement Slip. You will take these documents along on your interview date.

You will find an NIS e-receipt or Acknowledgement Slip in a new window which will pop up automatically. Click on the “Print” button so that you can print that as well.

For Payment Outside of Nigeria

Citizens living outside the country can also process their passports right from their countries of residence. To do this processing just follow the steps above; which is to go to the NIS portal, and register your details.

However, if you select a processing country other than Nigeria, please note that your payment will be in US Dollars. You will be re-directed to a portal that has been designed to facilitate that payment. After doing the registration, you can make your payment in US Dollars.

The next thing is the confirmation of payment. After your payment has been confirmed, the date for your interview. On the date of the interview you will proceed to the interview center which will most likely be a consular office or an embassy.

Preparing For Your Interview

Proceed to the interview with your relevant documents. Your relevant documents include your “Acknowledgement Slip,” Your NIS e receipt, and your confirmation for interview.

To print your NIS e-Receipt, go to the portal where you have done the registration. You will have to click on the ‘Query your application payment status.’

Choose the option that says ‘Passport,’ under the drop down where you find ‘Application Type.’

You will see boxes to enter the following details:

  • Application ID
  • Reference Number
  • Validation Number (if applicable)

After that you will be required to submit the details.

Your full application details will then be displayed on the screen. You must then scroll down the page and click on the button that says ‘Print receipt.’

The system will then present you with your NIS e-receipt in a new window. You will then need to click on the button that says ‘Print this receipt.’ to send a copy to the printer

That is all the relevant information about the cost of processing ECOWAS international passport in Nigeria. Please keep in mind that there is no need to pay above the official rates; just follow the procedure described above, and make the payment so that you can enjoy the benefits and prestige that come with being a Nigerian passport holder.

Please shun the use of touts, they delay the system unnecessarily, and their corrupt practices create a negative perception about the country.