ACCA Exemptions For CIMA, MBA & Other Qualifications

ACCA exemptions usually are for ACCA aspirants ranging from college, polytechnic or university graduates, MBA, CIMA professional qualification holders with intents in acquiring the professional certification (ACCA).

The Association of Certified Chattered Accountants (ACCA)  offers exemptions from the ACCA Qualification and Foundation Level qualifications to students who have studied other relevant qualifications which simply means that as an ACCA student, you can start your studies at a level based on the knowledge and skills gained from prior learning and provides you with the quickest route to ACCA membership.

Students who already have additional qualifications like ICAN, CIMA, MBA and the likes after registering as a student, may also be eligible to claim further exemptions, but please note that these exemptions are to be paid for.

Available ACCA Exemptions

  1. Under the Fundamentals level, a maximum of nine papers of the ACCA Qualification are awarded, this is done to maintain the integrity and rigour of the ACCA Qualification which inturn ensures that all students share a common ideology.  we do not award any exemptions at the Professional level.
  2.  Under the Foundation Level exemptions are available but no exemptions are awarded for post-professional level qualifications.
  3. No exemptions are awarded from the ACCA Qualification on the basis of work experience.
  4. For an informed decision, visit the exemption enquiry database to find out which exemptions suits your current qualifications.

 ACCA Exemptions

Claiming exemptions are some of the first questions asked by an aspiring ACCA student reason being that they do not want to go through the stress of studying for the same paper they have basic knowledge of, Some are the financial consideration but that would not count as ACCA exempted papers are paid for, it is known as Exemption Fee.

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However, if you are among the class of individuals thinking of claiming an ACCA exemption based on qualifications you gained years ago, or if you have been working in a field other than accounting for some time, you may need to take write the exam still.

A major plus for studying for the exam gives the individual to refresh his or her knowledge which automatically prepares you  for the higher level papers, which go into topics in greater depth

Still confused on whether to apply for an exemption? i would advice you go through the ACCA past exam papers this would give you a self assessment test, go through the papers, with this, you can truly confirm if you are qualified for exemption or whether you should study for the paper.

Another unique attribute of ACCA is its affiliation with Oxforde Brooke University UK, this gives aspirants the opportunity to acquire a foreign degree in Applied Accounting (B.Sc)  as Oxford Brookes University gives credit for exemptions awarded to ACCA students for any of the Fundamental level Papers F1 to F6, but a student must sit and pass the ACCA Fundamentals Papers F7, F8 and F9 to be eligible for the BSc degree. Please note that Oxford Brookes University cannot give credit for exemptions on qualifications gained beyond 10 years.

Applying For ACCA Exemptions and myACCA security

To be better equipped with the current ACCA syllabus, style of setting questions and best method of answering them, ACCA students are encouraged to study with the ACCA accredited learning partners to obtain quality tuition and assistance in the payment process for exemptions.

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For more information, ACCA Students can visit the ACCA office and accredited study centres or visit ACCA office official website.


  1. Under no circumstances should an ACCA student share his or her login details or password with either a partner or student.
  2. Should a student perceive a third part has his or her login details (Username and password) a change must be effected as fast as possbile by notifying ACCA by emailing
  3. Applying for ACCA exemptions is solely by the power of the student in question, and not via a third party liaising on behalf of any student
  4. ACCA offices worldwide working in partnership with local banks to offer pre-paid debit cards with local banks for ease of payments of ACCA exemption fee or any ACCA compulsory fee.
  5. ACCA students must ensure the authenticity of the subjects studied, proof of completion of qualification and the official transcript o submit, permit, cause to be submitted false or fraudulent documentation to ACCA in support of an application for exemptions will result in disciplinary proceedings being brought by ACCA against you and this may result in your removal from the register.

How To Claim ACCA Exemptions

To claim ACCA exemptions, students are advised to visit the link ACCA Exemptions Calculator as this would give you the accurate result on your exemption status.

Please Note:

To claim exemption, ACCA student must send the following documents

  • An official proof of any qualifications, such as academic transcripts or award certificates, along with your registration form so that we can assess if you are eligible for exemptions.
  • Printed copies of academic transcripts from students are not acceptable. Only copies of official documentation signed and stamped and received from the awarding body are accepted.
  • For non English speaking countries, all documents not in English must be officially translated in a readable format before sending. Please note that a photocopy of both the original language documents and a copy of the official English translation will be required in cases where documents have been issued in a language other than English,
  • ACCA exemptions can only be awarded for qualifications from recognized institutions (those recognized by the local Ministry of Education). Institution not listed on the exemption enquiry database in your country, are to send copies of the required documents to ACCA for review based on your request.
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ACCA Exemptions Fee Payment

ACCA Students claiming exemptions will need to pay for each paper being exempted from within 30 days of notifying ACCA.

Hope you got what you visited this page for, for more questions as regards ACCA Exemptions for CIMA, MBA and others, simply scroll down to the comments section, send your questions and we shall respond accordingly.

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  1. Amon Chirozvi
  2. Emmanuel Nkrumah, House Number Q385 Miles Int. ACA. St. Saki Tema
  3. Toyin
  4. kayode
  5. Adebola Olateju Lukmon
  6. Abagna Kansake
  7. Abdul-Fattah Issah
  8. Abdul-Fattah Issah
  9. Akowe Friday
  10. Adijat
  11. Bola

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