What is Rivers state School of Nursing school fees for fresh students 2025/2026 academic session has accurately outlined below? Rivers state school of Nursing is till date among the best schools of Nursing in the south south region of Nigeria.
As mentioned in one of our previous posts on Rivers State School of Nursing school fees, most school of Nursing websites in Nigeria do not own official website and even if they do, it carries no concrete info beneficial to nursing aspirants as they do not define the reason they were built.
Websites traditionally are built to give out information and complete details of the school in this case which includes school fees, acceptance fees, admission requirements, contact address, news and even upcoming events, so with the absence of the aforementioned, gathering the information becomes increasingly difficult which is why we go out or put a call through to the various schools of Nursing to get their school fees.
Rivers state school of Nursing as the name implied is located in Rivers state, therefore all prospective student Nurses or candidates interested in Rivers state school of Nursing are advised to go through the school fees schedule below as approved by the management.
The table below is a detailed schedule of Rivers state school of Nursing school fees for fresh student nurses 2025/2026 academic session.
Please note that the fees payable at Rivers state School of Nursing as seen in the table below does not include hostel accommodation fee, cost of application form for new students nor acceptance fee but other miscellaneous fees and charges are included kindly take note.
All newly admitted student nurses are to note that acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into the Rivers state school of Nursing or any the schools of Nursing in Nigeria as a proof of acceptance of the provisional admission.
Rivers state school of Nursing a like many other Nursing schools in Nigeria offers the option of paying in installments (fees can be broken into two payments), this is to assist parents and guardians the flexibility of payments of their ward fees. Though this is also at the discretion of the teaching hospital.
See breakdown below.
Rivers state school of Nursing does not accept late payments as any student found wanting would be mandated to pay extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination as approved by the management of School of Nursing Rivers state
Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;
- Rivers state school of Nursing school fees for newly admitted students 2025/2026 session
- Rivers state school of Nursing school fees for freshly admitted Basic-Nursing student for 2025/2026 admission year.
Rivers State School of Nursing School Fees Schedule for New Students 2025/2026 Academic Session
All freshly admitted Nursing students of Rivers state school of Nursing are advised to pay their tuition fees for the 2025/2026 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the management of the teaching hospital
Rivers state school of Nursing School Fees For Fresh Nursing Students 2025/2026 Session – Basic Nursing
Rivers state school of Nursing school fees for freshly admitted nursing students for 2025/2026 academic session is 135,000 Naira per session, though it reduces from your second (2nd) year. please note that this is excluding other fees like hostel accommodation fee and acceptance fee.
To confirm the above fees payable at Rivers state school of Nursing, you may wish to visit the school physically to verify.
Though many have kicked against the high fees payable by fresh student as it it perceived to be funded by the Missionaries so it is automatically expected to be lesser than most Nursing schools in Nigeria.
Hostel accommodation fee within Rivers state where the Nursing school is located goes for around 70,000 to 140,000 Naira for self contain excluding agency and agreement fee. This is for students who prefers staying outside the campus.
Hope the above was clear enough? if you have any question(s) as regards the Rivers state school of Nursing school of nursing school fees for 2025/2026 academic session, kindly get back to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.
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please when is the form coming out for 2024
No idea on the date yet.
How much is there current school fees and do they go for service after graduation
Schools of Nursing don’t go for NYSC. Only Nursing students with university degrees
Please I want to know if the nursing school form at River state is still on going and where can I pick it
Please what is the cut off mark?
150 and above
The form is out till 7th of July. Y’all should go purchase it. Or hit me up let me send the school flyer to you.
Please sir I want to purchase the form is it out for 2025/2026 please and how much is it and how can we purchase it. Please
The cost of the Rivers State Schools of Nursing and Midwifery application form is N15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Naira Only). The application form fee should be paid at Ecobank into ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2842019926, under the ACCOUNT NAME: MINISTRY OF HEALTH.
Upon payment, the Teller should be returned to the Ministry of Health, Block A, Secretariat Complex, 4th Floor, Room 33, where you will be issued your application forms.
Do they write pts????
Please sir how is the school fees per s session
Kindly check through the info provided above.
Please is the form on sale now, and where is the address of the school
Please can I get in now ?
The form for 2022 is out and the age description is 18-35 years
The forms for Rivers State School of Nursing and Midwifery are on sale now at the rate of N15,000 payable at Eco Bank in favour of Rivers State Ministry Of Health
Please I want to know if the school fees is paid per semester
It is paid per session
Where is river State school of nursing relocated
I already have a B. SC in computer science, is there a way to use this certificate in nursing school, inorder to reduce the number of years
No. There is no correlation
Please sir, how much is the tuition fee for 2025/2026 academic session
It hasn’t changed from that of 2022
How much is the form and what are the requirements for it.
Please were is the school address
Please sir is the form for 2022 registration out? And what is the age description for nursing in the school?
Not yet. Age requirement is usually 16years and above
Please how much is the tuition fee for refresher course for the eliminated student and when is the resumption date for the course.
Also ,I will like to know the cost of accommodation and the principal contact or admin .
What we have available is an estimate of the tuition fee on this page. As for hostel accommodation, you need at least 130,000 for a one room self contain apartment. You can get more info from Justina Osagie on 08037473204. I hope this helps.
i visited and was told the school is no longer there, pls where is it now located
The address is kilometer 6 Ikwere Road Oro-owo, Rumueme, Port Harcourt
Please is the form on sale
Sorry the form is no longer on sale. It closed on the 11th of June 2021
Pls where is the school located?
Is 2025/2026 form on sale?
Is the form on sale now
Plz will need a break down of the fee
I study commercial art at secondary school, pls I want to knw if it will stop me from proceeding nursing school, thanks
You need mathematics, english physics chemistry or biology and any other subject
Is the school open daily
Please how much is the entrance form for 2021
It is 2,000 naira
Good day, please is the form for 2021 out?
What’s the school cut off mark?
Pls i went to the school i was told d school is not in section
please when will the form for 2021 be out?
Please visit the school’s notice board or admission office to obtain your form
Sir please can I do my N. Y. S. C there then complete my program the next year without physics and chemistry but before I finish my programe will write waec or become and submit tothe schoo?
No Gift. That won’t be possible.
Pls i went to the school today i was told the school is no longer selling form that it under gvmt reconstruction
Oh really. So would you rather go for another school of Nursing?
Please can one use jamb to enter nursing school
You don’t need JAMB
Can a yoruba indegene apply
of course. any tribe can apply for admission
when is the closing date
The closing date wasn’t specified. You are however advised to apply as early as possible.
Does school of nursing requires jamb?
No. All you need do is pick up their form and you will be required to write an entrance examination.
Can i do my nursing program with maths, English and biology without physics and chemistry?
You need at least one of them.
Where can the form be gotten?
From the school of nursing rivers State.
Please when is the form coming out for this year 2020
The Rivers State school of nursing form for 2020 will be out from April/May.
Am an art student but want to go into nursing how can I go about it
You need to obtain the school of Nursing form. However, before you do, you must have the minimum O’level requirements which includes Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology and physics or any other subjects
I want to know when the form will be out
As soon as the nursing form for 2025/2026 is out we shall post it. Otherwise you could also keep checking their website for updates
Please I want to know if their form is out so I can buy it n apply for
Please, I want to know when the form will be out…thanks.
Please I want to be updated as regards form for 2025/2026 academic session than you.
please i will like you to show the total breakdown of the fees payable,to enable me to study it and prioritized accordingly.
The school fees for the Rivers State school of nursing is estimated to about 125,000 to 170,000 naire but from the second year it reduces but this does not include the hostel fee.
The amount for self contains around the school is about 70,00 to 140,000 naire excluding the agency and agreement fee.