12 Proven Ways On How To Pass JAMB Exam & Post UTME In One Sitting (2025)

The year 2025 is here again, its a different year but it is the same academic routine. Students register and sit for the 2025 UTME and then apply for post UTME and upon successfully passing this stage, are eligible for admission into the school of their choice.

The question on how to pass Jamb examination and post-UTME aptitude test in just one sitting is a subject that has occupied the minds of lots of individuals in Nigeria. If you are one of them, then you will be delighted to learn of the proven medium to sit only once for your jamb or post-UTME examsHwow to Pass Jamb Post UTME

As is the custom, you cannot enter your desired school without passing the UTME examination. When you are done with that,and you meet the cut-off mark, you are left with the Post-UTME of each school to determine if you meet the intelligence requirement for your desired discipline.

Now to ensure you pass the exam in one sitting, you need all the information that matters before its late, and you need to learn how to utilize it properly. When you have done all these, you come to learn that these qualification evaluations are not as tricky as we deem them.

So, the question remains: what are these steps needed to pass my exams? Below we have highlighted the necessary points you must take to exceed your Jamb and Post-UTME in one sitting


Before we drop the test you need to take to pass your Post-UTME or Jamb exams, it is essential we inform you that the foundation of the success of these tips is to study. You have to map out time to prepare for the evaluation exercise. With that stresses, here are what you need to know:

  1. Be Determined

This is the first step you need to take. Determination works wonders; it brings to live courage, endurance, and finally, success. If you don’t determine to pass, if you don’t decide to prepare yourself for the forthcoming examination, then you most likely will fail. Like we all know, no one goes to an exam hall half ready and expect to do well; it hardly comes through.

For this reason, you should prepare yourself. Look forward to the coming exams and ready your mind to pass it. Time waits for no one; you cannot yield to waste your time repeating the same evaluation exercise annually. Even if you can afford it, the time you lost, you cannot regain.

Hence, you should endeavor to motivate yourself to pass the JAMB or post UTME exercise. The easiest way to find the urge to read is to keep your mind focused on the adverse consequences that come with you losing. This advice is not put you in a state of anxiousness and fret but to arouse the urge to do something about winning,

Some persons believe they will go to lessons and look through some past question papers and answers! On the day of the exam, they will trash the entire thing presented. The truth of the issue is that those steps are what you need to win, but the mentality of winning is what determines at what margin you win.

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Moreover, why the likes of Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious will say winning is winning no matter the distance, in University Entrant Exams, victory is not winning. If you score 150, and you are aiming for a University, though that score can get you to a Polytechnic, it cannot get you to a University.

  1. It Is Time To Love Reading

Another advice in our how to pass JAMB and Post UTME in one sitting list is this. It is an essential point for any individual wanting to remain informed, for any person that wants to pass his or her exam.

Sadly, our Nigerian youths tend to lose the appetite to read due to lots of reason. For some, the determinant of such decline is that they do not understand the material. Perhaps, they were not there when the teacher taught that topic, or the teacher’s pattern of lecturing was laborious to comprehend. For others, there are more essential things to discover than reading school books. To these set of people, academic papers are boring.

The funny thing about it all is, why go to school if you think your academic materials are not cool enough? For those who have difficulties in reading their books due to challenges in comprehending what was taught, you should sign up for lessons on the said subject or go online and learn the topic.

The internet holds much free information regarding different academic subjects. If you are finding it ope-rose to understand a particular topic, don’t give up. Go online and learn it the easy way and fan the desire to read more through committing to more reading.

The reason why this point is necessary is that your JAMB, Post UTME, and other exams that will come when you succeed requires for you to read extensively. Without the love for reading, coupled with speed and concentration, you will feel frustrated at some point.

  1. Procrastination Is Not Allowed

So long as you are not fatigued to the point that you cannot keep your eyes open, you should not delay your study time for later.

This is another vital fact in our how to pass Jamb and Post UTME in one sitting. The unfortunate thing that happens among our youths and across is that they love to keep the laborious task for later; they want the seamless life. While having that would be something fun to do, it encourages laziness, lack of courage, endurance, and strength; these are key virtues one needs to overcome the challenges that face man throughout his existence.

Do not procrastinate. Your exam is not waiting for you to approach it lackadaisically. It is fast approaching and desiring to take you by surprise, so you lose. If you want to pass your exam, have the mindset that the evaluation exercise is tomorrow, that there is no time, even when it is several months away.

This conception will help you strive hard to equip yourself with all the mental-Armory you need to discomfit it in the exam hall.

  1. Use a Reading Style That Works “Jerking”

Jerking is a synonym for reading and for you to pass your JAMB, Post-UTME or any other exam including that of the University; you need to find out the reading pattern that works for you.

It is wrong for you to develop a disordered reading pattern just the same way it is terrible to spend hours studying only to go home with an unfortunate result. The key to ensuring you pass your upcoming exams is to check online on articles talking about reading styles “Jerking,” and going with the one suitable for you.

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There are various styles of reading patterns. However, seven to eight out of them are the best. They give significant improvement in remembering and passing any evaluative exercise.

These styles include Consistency pattern, cramming, alternative approach, short codes, Past Questions, Use of Adrenaline, and analysis.

Though it is good to find the one that works for you and stick to it, that should be more effective in the walls of the university. So, for now, we advise that you hold onto JAMB Past Question Papers and answers, and one more of your choosing.

  1. Don’t Skip Long Hours

We know that we expressed few passages up that reading for long hours might not be useful. That is only true when you don’t develop a reading pattern that fits your personality.

With your reading style set, the next thing to do is to indulge in long hours of study. The more you study, determines the more topics you cover. As a Secondary School leaver, it is commended that you make out five hours everyday for productive study time,

The time range we just dropped can undoubtedly make many students protest. Be it as it may, the truth is, five hours is just the minimum, if you want to maintain a good grade in the university, know what you are taught, and come out as a professional in your field, you need to devote your time to reading.

There is nothing you cannot do; this is the reason we informed you initially that Determination is a pivotal player to how to pass your JAMB and Post UTME in one sitting.

You can map out time for reading, and you need it to cover the range of topics that you will need to go through before writing your exams. Check online; there are several articles on how to read for long without breaking your concentration.

  1. Practice The Act of Remembering

So far in our list of how to pass JAMB and Post UTME in one sitting; we have brought out many essential tips to help you pass your JAMB exams. In all of them, this one is the most vital.

Without the ability to remember what you read, how can you pass? It is best to study a little and remember what you learned than to race for the end of a book without recalling most of what you covered.

When studying, read at a pace that is fast enough for you to remember.You can do some research online to locate the medium of increasing your reading speed without sacrificing your ability to assimilate and recall. It is do-able. Several scholars have done the needed research and developed a method to improve learning and reading speed. Try the pattern that works for you.

  1. Pass Questions are Essential

For your JAMB success, you need to go through all the past questions you can get. You should start from the recent ones, why it is essential for you to study the pass questions is that through it you can learn the way they set their problems, which topics to read more, and know the answers of some question they might repeat.

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Those students who study past question papers and use it to go through their reading material always gain a higher score in JAMB and the university. So it is a good practice to continue.

  1. Attend Lessons/Tutorials

If you find it difficult studying alone, or understanding what you are looking at, then you should enrol for lessons or tutorial classes.

There you can lay down all your confusions before the class and have the teacher expand the topic in the mode you can comprehend.

  1. Test yourself

Testing yourself before the actual evaluation comes is an effective way of knowing how prepared you are. It can enable you to realize your strength and weakness.

There are several effective ways one can test him or herself before the exams, even in Universities. You can try the answering of past question without checking the answers for a start. You can enroll for an exam test at Cybercafes offering these services, or you can set your exams and answer them;though the first two are most productive.

  1. Cramming Is Also Right

There are times when you need to cram.  Well, you might argue that it isn’t good because when you forget what you memorized, you have forgotten it, but we will counter with that there are exciting ways to cram and not forget.

To find out these ways, conduct a quick search on Google, and you will find the answer you seek. There are times when you need cramming to cover the ones you don’t have enough time to study or names that might come out. Also, effective cramming aids you to complete your material faster.

  1. Solving Without A Calculator is Bae

One of the proven ways of passing your JAMb and post UTME in one sitting is your ability to master the art of solving equations or subjects that requires calculation without the use of calculators. You need to sharpen your mind. Studies show that the human brain is more powerful than the computer and calculator we utilize, what we lack are devotion and determination.

In exams like the Post UTME, time is of the essence, and you need to have the ability to do some simple calculations with your head, now is the time to practice, You will find it very exciting when you get the hang of it. Complex calculations will not be an issue.

  1. Don’t Focus on Just JAMB

While studying for UTME exams, it will be a shame to think it ends with JAMB. The higher score you get in the University consideration, evaluation, and exercise we know as JAMB, equals bigger chances of your desired school accepting you. However, it does not guarantee entrance.

Once you are done with JAMB, continue to read your four selected subjected and any other related courses. This mode of study will give you the chance to pass Post UTME.


These are the proven steps on how to pass JAMB and Post UTME in one sitting. We know that if you put them into practice, you will succeed in your goal of getting admittance into the University.

Best of luck!


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