Wesley University School Fees For Fresh & Returning Students 2025/2026 Session

Wesley University of Science and Technology school fees for fresh and returning students for the 2025/2026 academic session is out. Newly admitted students that participated in the university’s admission exercise for 2025/2026 academic session are to take note as we have included in this post, the procedures to be taken in the payment of Wesley university school fees.

Aside the tuition fee for all courses offered at Wesley University of Science and Technology, we thought it necessary to include Wesley University Acceptance fee for 2025/2026 session too. This fee is applicable to just fresh UTME and DE students.

WUSTOMI School Fee for Fresh Students

Please be informed that you can also pay Wesley University school fees can be paid online using any working Bank debit cards. All you need to do is follow the guidelines on procedures of payment of Wesley University school fees for 2025/2026 academic session, we have provided the step by step approach on how to make the school fees payment online below.

The table below is a detailed schedule school fees of Wesley University for all courses offered in the institution, and please note that this fee is strictly for fresh and returning undergraduate students, Wesley University postgraduate school fees is not included in the table below.

Wesley University tuition fee for both fresh and returning students as seen in the table below does not include acceptance fee for newly students, its is strictly the school fees payable by new students as mandated by the management of the institution.

Wesley University has two school fees payment categories, you can confirm from the table below that fees for fresh students is higher than that of returning students but for the sake of this post, we will be focusing strictly on Wesley University school fees for fresh students only for 2025/2026 academic session

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All newly admitted students are to take note:

A) Upon gaining admission into Wesley University of Science and Technology, the acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into the Institution, this is a process applicable in all Universities in Nigeria, be it private, Federal or states and thankfully, we Wesley University Acceptance fee is also included in the table below.

B) Wesley University school fees for 2025/2026 as seen in the table below contains school fees schedule for all courses that are currently offered in the institution so questions like i cannot find the school fees for my course should not arise.

For payment procedures of Wesley University School fees, prospective, new and returning students are all advised to read carefully as input of incorrect data cannot be revoked and the management of Admiralty University will not be liable for any loss of funds as a result of incorrect data entry by students.

At the end of this article, reader stand the chance of gaining the following;

a) Wesley University of Science and Technology School fees for fresh students 2025/2026 academic session

b) Wesley University school fees for returning students 2025/2026 academic session

c) Wesley University of Science and Technology tuition fee for all courses offered in the institution for the current academic year

d) Wesley University Acceptance fee for 2025/2026 academic session

New School Fee Payment Procedure for Students (Part Time & Conversion Students)

a) Payment of school fees with effect from 2025/2026 academic session is to be made on e-Tranzact Platform into Wesley University Account.

b) Students that are owing school fees from previous session(s) must settle that first before payment of the new session as stated in the table below.

However, students owing for the previous session(s) must first pay at least 60% of the outstanding before they can have access to pay for 2025/2026 session. It is after this that student can register on-line for courses and be admitted to classes.

The procedures for the school fee payment using the e-Tranzact platform are as stated below:

i) Student (either fresh or returning student) must have collected Password from his/her Departmental Course Officer/Result Officer and update his/her profile on the University Portal.

ii) Student must first log into their profile on the portal and click on ‘Invoice’ to generate a Payee ID number for the intending payment.

iii) Print or write out your Payee ID number.

iv) Visit any Bank on e-Tranzact Platform and fill a Teller for the amount that corresponds with your Payee ID plus an additional fee of N300.00 (transaction fee).

v) After successful payment on the e-Tranzact platform, the Bank will immediately give you a print-out that contains your Payment Confirmation Number.

vi) Go online and log into your profile on the portal and click on ‘invoice’ and enter the Payment Confirmation Number to confirm your payment.

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CSMSFresher (N)Stale (N)
School Fees100,000100,000
Acceptance Fee25,000
Development Levy25,00025,000
1st Installment (1st Semester)100,00075,000
2nd installment (2nd Semester)50,00050,000
Conversion – HMTFresher (N)Stale (N)
School Fees200,000200,000
Acceptance Fee20,000
Hostel & Accommodation25,00025,000
1st Installment (1st Semester)135,000135,000
2nd installment (2nd Semester)110,00090,000
Conversion – CAFSTFresher (N)Stale (N)
School Fees125,000125,000
Acceptance Fee20,000
Development Levy25,00025,000
1st Installment (1st Semester)110,000110,000
2nd installment (2nd Semester)60,00040,000


i) The management of Wesley University has advised that no student should pay the school fees through the usual bank deposit henceforth.

ii) Students who do not pay Semester Part Payment or Full Session Fee will not be allowed to stay on campus.

iii) Students who violate this instruction will be penalized.

Hope this was helpful? if you have any question(s) as regards Wesley University of Science and Technology school fees for fresh and returning students for 2025/2026 academic session, kindly scroll down to the comment section below to post your comment and we will be on hand to respond in no time.

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