UNIJOS Registration Exercise For Freshers 2025/2026: How To Register

This is to inform all newly admitted students of the university of Jos UNIJOS registration exercise for bot fresh and returning students for the 2025/2026 academic session has begun.

UNIJOS Registration Exercise For Fresh Students 2025/2026 Session

The registration exercise for fresh undergraduate students (Full Time) for the 2025/2026 academic session shall commence on 10th January, 2025. Fresh students, Central Registration Officers, Faculty Officers, Departmental Officers, e.g. are expected to take note of the following registration procedures:. Fresh Students, Registration Officers and other stakeholders in the registration exercise are please expected to take note of the following registration procedures:


STEP 1: Check Admission Status  and Print Admission Slip

To check admission status and print admission slip, all fresh undergraduate students are to
a.    Visit
b.    enter JAMB No OR First Name OR Surname and click Search
d.    Click Access Code. Note and read and/or download the registration procedure
e.    Click Close. Note and print the admission slip which contains your unique access code

STEP 2: Payment of School Charges by Students

After confirming eligibility, all fresh students should proceed to pay the school charges as follows:
a.    Visit REMITA
b.    Click on Pay FGN’s and State TSA
c.    Click on Federal Government of Nigeria and for
d.    Name of MDA, type University of Jos
e.    Name Of Service/Purpose, select UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT
f.    Amount To Pay (₦), scroll down and select New Student from Amount Item List
g.    Fill in all the other fields and press Proceed to Payment

Important Note: Pleas Prefix your name with your JAMB registration number
h.    When the payment succeeds, electronic receipt will be generated and sent to the email you indicated. Note the RRR number on the electronic receipt

STEP 3: Bio-data Registration by Students

After successful payment of School Charges, all fresh undergraduate students should proceed for bio-data registration as follows:

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a. visit

b. Click Bio-Data Registration, Click Proceed, enter JAMB registration, Enter Access Code and click on the Proceed button.

c. Fill in the online bio-data form – comprising personal information, next of kin detail, O’level qualification, certificates obtained, contact/login details and payment details as well as passport and signature upload.

d. Click Complete Registration to generate the completed bio-data registration form
e. Lastly, you are required to print five (5) copies of the completed bio-data forms after which you are to proceed to your respective Department/Faculty Registration Officer

STEP 4: Registration Venues

a. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Bauchi Road Campus)
b. Faculty of Arts, Naraguta Campus (Permanent Site)
c. Faculty of Education, Naraguta Campus (Permanent Site)
d. Faculty of Engineering, Bauchi Road Campus
e. Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Naraguta Campus (Permanent Site)
f. Faculty of Law, Bauchi Road Campus
g. Faculty of Management Sciences, Naraguta Campus (Permanent Site)
h. Faculty of Medical Sciences, Bauchi Road Campus
i. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Bauchi Road Campus
j. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bauchi Road Campus
k. Faculty of Social Sciences, Naraguta Campus (Permanent Site)
l.  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bauchi Road Campus

5.    Departmental Registration 

Fresh students should meet their respective Department Registration Officers with the following:

a. Evidence of payment of school charges
b. Original and photocopies of credentials claimed i.e. O Level/A Level examination results
c. Five (5) copies of completed student’s bio-data registration forms
d. JAMB Result/Registration slip
e. Birth certificate/sworn declaration of age
f. Indigene certificate or an affidavit from the Federal High Court
g. WAEC/NECO/NABTEB scratch card for results checking and
h. Court affidavit to be of good conduct and non-membership of secret cult

Thereafter, obtain clearance (if successfully screened) and proceed for Faculty registration

6. Faculty Registration/Generation of Matriculation Number

After being cleared by the Department Registration Officers, fresh students should proceed to their respective Faculty Registration Officers with the following:

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a.    Clearance from the Department Registration Officer
b.    Documents listed in (5) above

The Faculty Registration Officer verifies the documents presented by the candidate and then do the following:

a.    Clears the candidate on the system
b.    Generate matriculation number for the fresh students

The student returns to the department for final documentation

7. Departmental Documentation and Online Registration of Courses

The fresh undergraduate students proceed for online Departmental registration as follows:
STEP 1: Visit
STEP 2: Click Returning Students Login then Proceed
STEP 3: Enter your username (matriculation number) and password (created during bio-data registration)
STEP 4: Select Course Registration and follow the instructions

Thereafter, print five (5) copies of the acknowledgement of registration of courses and sign as indicated on the form. Submit signed copy of the course registration form to:
a.    Level Coordinators/Departmental Registration Officer
b.    Respective Faculty Officers
c.    Senate Affairs and Admission Division
d.    Examinations and Records Division
e.    Student’s copy

8. Hostel Accommodation Registration (First Come First Serve Basis)

Of course there are limited hostel accommodation for fresh and returning students and it shall be allocated to only students who have paid all current (and outstanding school charges) on a first come first serve basis upon payment of the prescribed hostel accommodation fee. Interested students are to do the following:

Application Guide for Hostel Accommodation

a. Collect hostel accommodation clearance form from Students Affairs Division
b. Visit REMITA to pay for and print a remita receipt for the cleared hostel accommodation
c. The student then takes the printed remita receipt for the hostel accommodation and a N50.00 postal stamp to their respective Faculty Finance Officer for verification and issuance of official receipt of the University
d.    The student then returns to Students Affairs Division with the verified remita receipt and the official receipt of the University for bed space allocation

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9. Library Registration

Library registration is online via University of Jos website. To apply, you are to print out five (5) copies of the library registration form and bring them to the Library at the Bauchi Road Campus for documentation

10. Registration at the University Health Services Centre

Access to the University’s Health Services registration form is online. Note that only chest X-ray and laboratory results from the University Health Services Centre, Teaching Hospitals, Federal Medical Centres and Specialist Hospitals are accepted.

11.    Closing Date of Registration

Registration for fresh undergraduate students for the 2025/2026 academic session shall be announced as soon as the decision is made by the senate of the university of Jos.

12.    Orientation and Matriculation

Matriculation of fresh undergraduate students is scheduled to hold a week after closure of registration too. We shall update you with the exact date should the management come up with the decision.

13.    Students Identity Cards

All students are expected to have an identity card. The Students’ identity cards will be collected prior to commencement of lectures at the Security Office Room 83, Administrative Block, Bauchi Road Campus after completion of medical examination at the University Health Services Centre.

14. Commencement of Lectures

Lectures for the 2025/2026 academic session will commence on immediately after matriculation.

15. Special Caution

All fresh undergraduate and returning students are hereby warned to avoid patronizing unrecognized/mobile Business Centres for all forms of payments and online registration.

Hope this is well understood? if you have any questions as regards UNIJOS registration for courses, hostel accommodation, library and all necessary online registrations as demanded by the management of the institution, please reach out to us through the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

Best of luck in your registration exercise.

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