UNIBEN Part-time Courses and Admission Requirements

If you have ever been to the University of Benin, you would agree that the school is one of the best schools in Nigeria to run both full time and part time degree programmes despite the stress accustomed with the admission process.

The university of Benin centre for part-time programme is the body responsible for d administration of part time admission programmes in the university of Benin. Often times candidates seeking admission via part time confuse the full time courses for part time courses. They just assume that any course offered in the undergraduate full time degree programme is equally offered under UNIBEN part time degree programmes but this is not always the case.

From data collated so far, we can deduce that often times, most physical and life science courses as well as courses like Pharmacy, Medicine and Surgery are usually not offered under part time undergraduate programmes mainly because of the scope of work involved which includes, practicals, field trips, consistent attendance and other factors. Though courses like Biology, chemistry, Computer science and even some engineering course are offered under part time programmes.

UNIBEN Part time Courses and Requirements

Administrative courses like Accounting, Business Administration are the most applied courses under part time studies in the University of Benin. Faculty of Science we have courses like computer science, Biology, chemistry, physics as the most registered part time courses in UNIBEN part time admission form. While for faculty of education, Accounting education and business education are the most commonly part time courses applied for in UNIBEN.

To gain admission into UNIBEN part time degree programmes DOES NOT require the universal tertiary matriculation examination (UTME). All that is required is to get your correct O’level results and must be at least 18 years of age to be qualified to purchase the UNIBEN part time admission form. In the course of writing this article, we shall also provide the approved entry admission requirements to study any of the part time courses offered in UNIBEN as at today.

Some candidates or applicants often complain using the following statements “the course i applied for was not given to me, what should i do? i met all the admission requirements yet i was not offered admission, how do i apply for UNIBEN part time degree programme? what are the part time courses offered in UNIBEN, what are the requirements to apply for UNIBEN part time degree programme?, what is UNIBEN part time degree cut off mark? 

All above questions have one answer, meeting the admission requirements. Any candidate that does meet the UNIBEN part time admission requirement automatically is eligible for admission except the quota for his or her department has been met and in such circumstance, only the best will be selected.

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One common requirement for the UNIBEN part-time courses is that they all require O’level results with at least five (5) credit passes which must include English language and mathematics. However, courses like Law, international relations and others.

UNIBEN Part-time Admission Requirements and Application Guide

Candidates interested in any of the part time courses offered in UNIBEN must first meet the basic entry admission requirements before purchasing the UNIBEN part time admission form online.

As a candidate you must have obtained a minimum of 5 credit passes in mathematics and English language and any 3 other subjects related to your registered course of study. Check HERE for list of courses and their correct subject combination

Secondly, to successfully apply for any of the part time programmes in UNIBEN, you must after meeting the above requirement, logon to UNIBEN’s part time portal to register and then “Pay with an active debit ATM card” to make application fee payment with either Visa or Master Card, follow the instruction to pay the application fee of N12,050.00 (Twelve thousand, fifty naira only) where an Application Number and Reference Number will be generated after completing the online payment. The Application Number and Reference Number will then be sent to your “Email Address”. In addition, you will be required to pay the sum of 2000 for Past questions and Portal Services.

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You will be required to upload a RECENT and CLEAR “1 by 1” coloured passport photograph with RED BACKGROUND in JPEG format only.

Please note that the photograph uploaded will be the only valid ID for all admitted candidates throughout their stay in the University of Benin.  FAILURE TO UPLOAD THE SPECIFIED PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH WILL LEAD TO DISQUALIFICATION and failure/forfeitures of admission.

Having the above information at your disposal makes it very easy to apply for UNIBEN part time degree courses with relative ease.

Now we shall be putting you through the list of available part time courses that are offered in UNIBEN (University of Benin).

 List of Part Time Courses Offered In UNIBEN

B. A. (English and Literature);

B. A. (International Studies and Diplomacy);

B. A. (Mass Communication);

B. A. (Ed) (Adult Education);

B. A. (Ed) (Adult Education, English & Literature);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Adult Education, Economics and Statistics);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Adult Education, Political Science);

B. A. (Ed) (History);

B. A. (Ed) (French);

B. A. (Ed) (Fine Arts);

B. A. (Ed) (Edo Language);

B. A. (Ed) (Religious Studies);

Recommended:  O'level and UTME/DE Subjects Combination For French and International Relations

B. A. (Ed) (Eng. & Literature);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Biology);

B. Sc (Ed) (Chemistry);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Computer Science);

B. Sc (Ed) (Integrated Science);

B. Sc (Ed) (Mathematics);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Physics);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Social Studies);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Human Kinetics);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Health Education);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Environmental Education);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Economics & Statistics);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Geography & Regional Planning);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Political Science);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Educational Management);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Library and Information Science);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Childhood and Primary Education)

B. Sc. (Ed) (Agricultural Education);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Business Education with options in Accounting Education and Office Technology and Management);

B. Sc. (Ed) (Home Economics Education);

B. Sc (Ed) (Industrial and Technical Education with options in Automobile, Electrical/Electronics, Building/Woodwork and Metal Work Technology);

B. Sc. (Accounting);

B. Sc. (Banking and Finance);

B. Sc. (Industrial Physics);

B. Sc. (Computer Science);

B.Sc.  (Statistics)

B. Sc. (Public Administration);

B. Sc. (Social Work);

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D) Conversion

The courses listed above all have their admission requirements. Sometimes an extra requirement might be required by the department but this definitely must fall in line with JAMB and NUC guidelines. Candidates who are interested in UNIBEN’s part time courses are advised to make use of the part time programmes listed above as well as the admission requirements and application procedure when registering for UNIBEN part time admission form online.

Hope this information has been helpful so far? do you still have any questions as regards UNIBEN part time courses, their admission requirements and application procedure? please reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.