Category: SCHOOL
The Creative and Visual Arts O’level and UTME subjects combination is the same for all schools irrespective of the higher institution. For example, all universities, polytechnics, and colleges of …
Biology O’level and UTME subjects combination is the same for all schools irrespective of the higher institution. For example, all universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education offering Biology are …
ABSU Postgraduate login portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission …
MOUAU Postgraduate login portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission …
The management of Iya Abubakar Institute of ICT, ABU Zaria has announced the date for the entrance examination for candidates that applied for Iya Abubakar Institute of ICT form …
The management and school authority of Ave Maria University, Nasarawa State has released the list of courses offered in her institution. This gives aspiring candidates with interest in furthering …
UNIABUJA portal has been specifically designed by the management of this University for storing and processing of information for various purposes especially in the area of admission application, payment …
Buying a school uniform for kids has always been a challenging task for parents. Search for the right uniform makes them visit multiple places. Similarly, schools have to arrange …