10 Sample Letter of Appeal For Reconsideration (Templates With Examples)

The following sample letters of appeal for reconsideration can prove to be extremely useful in a number of different circumstances whereby a person or organization has seen a proposal or request rejected.

For the avoidance of doubt, letters of appeal can be secret weapons; they can be very effective in bring about the intended results. Sometimes, organizations want to see that a person or potential partner is resilient; giving up too soon is not a good trait.

Writing a letter of appeal can go a long way to show that you have the character of resilience, and that if given the chance, you will not give up too early in case of any difficulties.

In this post, we are going to be covering diverse sample letter of appeal for reconsideration that cuts across both personal and professional/business reasons and levels. Here you will have access to 10 various examples and templates of a standard and professional appeal letter for reconsideration of various kinds depending on the need.

Letter of Appeal for Reconsideration

Letter of Appeal for Reconsideration

Sample Letter Of Appeal For Reconsideration

The following is a letter of appeal that could be useful for a person who has recently applied for a job at a hotel, but whose application was not successful. The aim is to get the hotel management to reconsider the decision.

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]


[Date of writing]


[Officer’s title] (E.g: Human Resources Manager)

[Hotel Name]

[Hotel address]

Dear [receiving officer’s name],

Thank you for your response to my application for [the position you applied for] in your hotel establishment. I understand you have decided not to consider my application because [mention the reason they gave]. However, I would like to ask you to please reconsider because I believe I am a good fit for your hotel.

Perhaps my application did not clearly state the following qualities which I believe you are looking for:

I am an excellent communicator. I speak the local languages, as well as English and French. I am a good listener, and I pay attention to details, while ensuring that my messages are clear and well understood.

I am a team person. I am very good at working with a team in order to achieve company goals. This is especially possible because of my communication skills, and patience.

Furthermore, I have previously worked in a similar position before, and so I have the experience and competence to perfectly fill the position.

Once again, I am appealing that you please reconsider your decision. I will give my best, and even exceed your expectations.


[Your signature]

[Your Name in Print]

Appealing For A Job Offer

The following sample is a letter of appeal for reconsideration for a person who has applied for the position of a marketing assistant.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Company or Organization]

[Address of Company of Organization]

Dear Ms./Mr./Mrs. [Recipient name]

Thank you for your response to my application for the position of marketing assistant. While I understand you have decided not to accept my application because [State their reason], I would like to ask you to please reconsider because of the following reasons.

I performed similar duties at my previous employment; I worked as a hotel concierge for 3 years, and was tasked with answering calls for guests, marketing hotel services, and selling the products of the establishment.

I am a good communicator; I speak English and French fluently, and I also speak some of the major local languages.

I have knowledge and experience in the art of selling; I will not only maintain existing customers but get new ones as well.

I believe that I will be a good fit for your organization, and promise to give more than what you expect to the job.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

As A Parent When A Child Is Denied Admission

The following is a letter of appeal for reconsideration for a person whose child has denied application to an institution of higher learning. This letter may be useful for those passing through a similar situation.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Institution]

[Address of Institution]

Dear Ms./Mr./Mrs. [Recipient name] Alternatively you can say Dear So So Institution Admission Board

I understand that you have denied my son’s application to study at your prestigious institution. Nevertheless, I am writing this letter to appeal that you please reconsider your decision.

Your institution (add the name) has gained a reputation for fairness and equity. This is perhaps one of the reasons why you have become so popular around the world.

In that same vein of fairness, I urge you to reconsider my son’s application. I believe he is a good fit for your institution based on the following:

He passed the SATs with flying colors. This is a testament to his mental capacity, ingenuity, and superior reasoning.

He always achieved high grades during his secondary school years; he has a proven track record of being a high performer, and will no doubt exceed your expectations.

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I truly believe that he has much to offer the world, and that studying engineering at your institution will help him achieve.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

For A Person Denied A Pay Rise

The following appeal letter is a sample which shows how a person can possibly press further for a pay rise at work. Please note that in this instance the applicant’s request has been refused, but he still believes that he has good reason for his request.

Anyone facing a similar circumstance can use this as a template to draft a letter of appeal.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Institution]

[Address of Institution]

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. [Name of Person]

I hope you are doing well. I am writing in respect of my recent letter requesting a pay rise, which you decided against. With this letter I wish to appeal your decision, and to convince you as to why this is the just thing to do.

I would like to draw your attention to the following facts, which will help you understand that my request for a pay rise is not at all out of place.

According to my records (which I received from Human Resources) I have not been late more than three times this year. According to Human Resources, I am one of the top performing employees as far as punctuality is concerned.

As far as regularity is concerned, I am also one of the most consistent employees in the organization. Human Resources show that in two years I have never taken a day of sick leave.

Furthermore, I am taking on more responsibility at work; covering for guys who are absent from work or otherwise engaged.

Having become aware of the facts highlighted above, I believe you will agree that I really do merit this pay rise. I am happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss further.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

For A Person Denied Admission By An Institution

The following is an appeal for consideration for a student who just saw his application to study at an institution rejected. Note that in this case the student is writing the appeal by himself, as against the previous example in which a parent wrote the appeal.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Institution]

[Address of Institution]

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. [Name of Person]

My name is (Your name). At the beginning of this year, I applied for the undergraduate program at your prestigious institution for the Fall semester of (The Year). Sadly though, I recently received notice that my application to study at your institution was rejected.

It was shocking and totally disheartening to discover that my application was denied because it has been a dream to study at your institution since the time I could read. I therefore write to appeal that you reconsider your decision; I believe I am a good fit for your institution based on the following.

I have a record of academic excellence as shown by my grades in high school where I was consistently among the top two in my class.

I continued with this impressive academic record into my last year of High School, and scored in the top 2% of the whole country on the SATs.

I have excellent community spirit; I try to do some good in my own small way. For my work with homeless people in the city, I received the Community Award.

I have a dream to make meaningful contributions to the scientific community, and I have the penchant for being hardworking so as to achieve my goals.

I have attached copies of my academic records, and I will be happy to provide additional information.

Thank you again.

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Appealing A Penalty By The State or Municipality

The following is a sample of an appeal written by someone who has been slammed with a penalty such as a fine by his city or municipality for failure to pay for the services of the security company serving the community

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Community or Municipality]

[Address of Municipality Office]

Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. [Recipient’s name]

I wish to appeal the penalty that was written against me by the municipal authorities. I believe that the penalty was wrongfully given to me, and that when your office has come to know the facts of the matter, an apology will be sent to me.

For 12 years I have been a member of this community, and have never been cited for any infractions, or violations of community regulations.

I have always paid my bills; security, water, electricity, and everything else on time. I have never been called up for late payments.

I regularly attend and participate at the community meetings, and other community activities. I have donated generously to the community charity efforts, and have advocated for more to be done.

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As to the matter in question, I sent a check to the community office as I always do. Whether said check was not received is unclear at this time.

Nevertheless, I am happy to work with you in resolving the issue, or to write a new check if necessary.

Thank you again.

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

For Someone Laid Off From Work

The following is a sample letter written by a worker who has been laid off from his employment. It could prove useful for anyone facing a similar circumstance.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Company]

[Address of Company]

Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. [Recipient’s name]

I am writing to appeal that you reconsider the recent decision to lay me off from my position at the Company. There is no doubt that the company is currently facing tough times, as are many other companies in our industry.

However, I believe that after bringing the following facts to your knowledge, you will change your decision.

I have been an asset to the company ever since I started working here back in (state the year). I have carried out my duties with the utmost dedication, and have been very flexible; working with whatever schedules my supervisors have chosen to work with.

I have also worked overtime and on weekends, not for the extra pay, but because I want to give my best to the company.

I have never taken a day of sick leave in 2 years, and I have consistently been punctual.

I have attached the records obtained from Human Resources as evidence.


Thank you again.

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Letter of Appeal For Reconsideration For Financial Aid

The following is a financial aid appeal for reconsideration. This is for a student who has previously applied for financial aid, but who has seen that request denied. This is a tricky one because there needs to be a fine balance between sadness (pitifulness) and optimism.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Department within institution]

[Name of Institution]

[Address of the particular office within the Institution]

Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. [Recipient’s name]

I write to appeal your decision to deny my request for financial aid which was dated (add the date). This appeal is based on the fact that this institution is known for participating in student development, especially by providing financial assistance to promising students.

I am one of the most promising students in my department, and that is shown by the consistently good results I have obtained in all exams since I started studying here.

I have been a top student even before I started studying here, as shown by my SATs, and High School records.

I need this financial aid to complete my studies, following which I have great contributions to make to engineering, and to the scientific community. These contributions will no doubt bring praise to the institution.

I am happy to meet you at your convenience for further information.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

To A Creditor (As An Individual)

The following is a sample letter of appeal for reconsideration made out to a creditor by a debtor, asking for a reduced monthly payment. The author has already written to the creditor requesting the reduced monthly payment, but was refused. This letter has to sound pitiful.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Your Telephone]

[Your Email]




[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Creditor]

[Address of Creditor]

Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. [Recipient’s name]

I write this letter in respect of a letter I received from you (Reference Number if available) in which you refused my application for reduced monthly payments to cover my existing loan with your establishment.

I write to respectfully appeal that you reconsider your decision, this is for the following reasons.

I am in a very difficult position presently, and as a result I am requesting each creditor to accept a smaller monthly payment.

I have sold my car, and cut down on unnecessary expenses. Any further cuts would be detrimental to my diet and my health.

This is only a temporary measure; as soon as my financial situation improves, I will resume the normal monthly payments.

I have been with your financial institution for a number of years, and have always cleared each credit facility.

I am committed to clearing this debt, and continuing our working relationship.

I am happy to meet with you at your convenience at any time for further discussions.

Thank you again.

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

To A Creditor (As A Business)

The following is a letter of appeal sent by an organization to a creditor, requesting that smaller monthly payments be accepted. It is very similar to the one above, only that as a letter from an organization, it has to be more professional.

[Your Company of Business Name]

[Your Business Address]

[Your Company Telephone]

[Your Company Email]


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[Name of Recipient]

[Position of Recipient]

[Name of Creditor]

[Address of Creditor]

Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. [Recipient’s name]

We write to appeal your decision not to accept smaller monthly payments as per your letter sent to us on (mention the date). First, we would like to say thank you for the credit facility extended to us; the money was used to purchase machinery which are vital to our business.

We acknowledge the fact that this is not what we agreed, and that it will result in a longer tenure than anticipated to clear the loan.

Nevertheless, we are committed to clearing this credit, as it will open the doors for us to receive more credit from your organization.

Please remember that we have been with your organization for a number of years, and we have always repaid every credit.

We are happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss further.


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

For [Company Name]

What To Do Before Writing A Letter Of Appeal For Reconsideration

1. Find Out Why You Were Rejected

There could be a number of reasons why your initial letter was rejected. To find out what the reason could be, start by going through the letter. If you do not have a copy, then find a way to get a copy.

Read through it, and then look for any errors in grammar, tone, and presentation. Ask yourself “if this letter was sent to me, would I accept it?” if your answer is no, then it should not be a surprise that your letter was rejected.

Remember that you want to sound respectful, and yet confident. You want to sound professional and yet likable. Not doing so is one of the reasons why applications get rejected.

2. Find Out What They Want

This is an added advantage; when you know what the potential employer wants then you can easy present yourself as a good fit. For example; some organizations harp on experience over qualifications.

Other organizations may want people who are flexible, who can put in more time than officially required, or who can at least work with flexible schedules. Some companies want those who can work without supervision, and who can take on leadership roles.

When you find out what the company wants, then you can present yourself as the ideal solution. To do this you can do this by reaching out to any inside source, or by looking at the company policy.

3. Check The Company Policy

The company policy can provide important insights about what the company wants from employees or contractors; it can tell you about how the company operates. This can help you understand where you are going, or the organization you are working with. It can also tell you about how best you can fit into the organization, or into the value chain.

Company policies are usually on the company websites; you can just check the websites or any other resources written or produced by the company.

With this information, you can tailor your appeal so that they see that you are a good fit for the organization. This can greatly improve your chances of getting the position, or of getting contract as the case may be.

4. Keep Your Letter Professional

A letter of appeal is not a love letter, and neither is it a casual letter to a friend. Therefore, it is important to keep the letter professional. The tone should present a person or organization who is competent, and who is sure of what they have to offer.

At the same time, it should be respectful and submissive. Whoever is reading the letter is probably going to be your boss or project coordinator or something of that nature. Therefore, you want to tell the person that you will not be difficult to work with.

The letter should be clear, free of errors, and explain why the company will stand to gain by bringing you on board.

5. Keep Your Letter Brief

Ensure that the letter is brief and straight to the point. The person whose duty is to go through your letter is probably a very busy person, and will not have the time to go through a lengthy epistle.

The person will be more likely to read your appeal if it is short, simple to read, and straight to the point. That knowledge can help you ensure that your letter will be read, and possibly, you can get the desired result.


The letters of appeal for reconsideration above are just samples or templates which can be improved on, depending on the individual circumstances of the persons involved. Furthermore, there are many more situations whereby letters of appeal may be necessary. Readers can find the samples that are closest to what they need, and build on those.