Public Administration Courses Offered In Nigerian Universities

Public Administration can be viewed from two angles; first it involve the process of putting government policies into action and secondly Public Administration is a course that is offered in tertiary institutions which teaching borders around the training civil servants on what it takes working for public service.

Public Administration is an interesting course but can be complicated due to its area of focus (working for the public). Here your integrity and Accountability is your core strength therefore you must guard it jelously since all eyes are on you.

The course is housed under the faculty of social sciences and managed by the depart of Public Administration under the tutelage of a sitting Head of department (H.O.D). If you are reading this post, you most probably must have gained admission into a university or polytechnic and you are inquisitive about the available public Administration courses in Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics.

Public Administration Courses Offered In Nigerian Universities

Public Administration is a courses offered in most universities in Nigeria. For candidate who must have chosen Public Administration as their preferred choice of course during their UTME registration or course application you will be required to offer both compulsory courses under Public Admin department and some borrowed courses too.

In this post we will be discussing about the list of courses offered in Department of Public Administration in all Nigerian Universities, including NOUN (National Open University of Nigeria).

For fresh students who just gained admission, there some core departmental courses which you must PASS in order to remain in the department of Public Admin. Introduction To Political Science and Introduction to Sociology are known as CORE or MAJOR courses under the department of Public Admin Other courses are borrowed because in 100 Level, you will be required to borrow courses from other departments. In short, your 100 Level course outlines are practically the same with your SS3 curriculum so it is like a repetition of your secondary school subjects.

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You must take all courses seriously to avoid the burden of having to write carryover courses because the higher you go in level, the more difficult it is so you can imagine having to add an extra burden on the already over weighed course loads. Upon crossing to 200 Level, you will be introduced to Introduction to Public Administration, Financial Accounting, Economics and the likes, though all the available courses offered under Public Administration in Nigeria have been outlined below.

As a fresh student or prospective Public Administration student, you can make good use of the underlisted Public Admin courses in order to know what to expect when you gain admission to study this course.

As for the recommended text books for Public Administration courses, schools have their recommended text books written either by lecturers in the said university or polytechnic or an Public Administration Scholar from another institution so there is no one particular Public Administration Text books for the Public Administration courses listed below.

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Another general course for all 100 level fresh Public Administration students is GST or GNS otherwise known as General Studies. These courses have to be taken seriously. It is a mixture of Science, English Language, History, Philosophy and logic. Whether you are a Public Admin student or not, you must offer these courses and mind you, you must pass it or be ready to have an extra year in school. There is no waiver for this course. It is as important as your major courses.

Many students have looked down on these courses in the past and has resulted in them spilling over to the next year. So you must pass GST or GNS before your final year or be ready to have an extra year. It is best advised you study really hard and pass it in your 100 Level to avoid the burden that comes along with carryover courses.

Based on the fact we known many students upon gaining admission do not know or have an idea of what Public Administration courses they are most likely to offer, we thought it necessary to write up the list of courses that are offered in Accounting department in order to get them better prepared academically for the session ahead.

As as for students that are always asking for the Public Administration courses that are offered In NOUN, please note that the under listed courses applies to NOUN (National Open University of Nigeria) so in all, this post covers not just Public Admin courses offered in Nigeria but also, Public Administration courses available at NOUN.

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These courses are for both first and second semester ( one full academic session), we differentiated both semesters so you know which of the courses falls under first semester and which falls under second semester too.

List of Public Administration Courses In Nigerian Universities


Required Ancillary Courses

Introduction to Sociology 3

Principles of Economics I 2

Business Mathematics I 3

Nigerian Legal System I 2

General Studies Courses

Communication in English I 2

Nigerian Peoples and Culture 2

Communication in French 2

Use of Library, Study Skills & ICT 2

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies II 2


Core Courses

Introduction to Public Administration 2

Nigerian Civil Service 2

Required Ancillary Courses

Introduction to Psychology 3

Computer Application 2

Introduction to Computer Science 2

Principles of Economics II 2

Nigerian Legal System II 2

Business Mathematics II 3

General Studies Courses

Fundamental Philosophy 1

Logic, Philosophy & Verbal Reasoning

GST 122 Communication in English II 2

These are the courses all fresh students upon gaining admission into the university must pass through and pass to successfully cross to 200 Level.

Hope the above information was helpful? if you have any question as regards the list of Public Administration courses in Nigeria and we shall respond accordingly.