Pre-Vocational Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6 (1st Term to 3rd Term) (2025)

The pre vocational studies also known as PVS is defined at the integration of 3 subjects (Agricultural science, Home-economics and Physical and Health Education) offered in primary schools in Nigeria. It is a new scheme of work introduced by the  ministry of education.

The Pre-vocational studies Scheme of Work for primary 6 provided in this post is for all private and public primary schools in Nigeria. Nursery and primary schools operating in Nigeria are mandated to operate with the government approved scheme of work for primary schools according to the federal ministry of education since it brings simultaneous performance in the educational sector. However, some private schools can introduce some special forms of passing knowledge to their pupils through a special teaching method known as the Montessori style. This method of teaching is fast becoming widely embraced in Nigeria by elementary schools as the best learning model for pupils at their elementary stages because this gives them a better foundation which is very appropriate at their primary school stage.

The continuous rise in the search for Pre-vocational studies scheme of work for Primary 6 first term, second term and third term has been brought to our notice and we deemed it necessary to come up with a comprehensive document that can be downloaded for free for your personal use and kept for future references. This scheme of work is ideal for teachers and assistant teachers in private and public primary schools in Nigeria.

This post will educate all persons who are in the teaching field about the current government approved scheme of work for Pre-vocational studies for students in Primary 6 which covers all the topics meant for first term, second term and third term. It provides in very clear terms in bullet points, what is expected by the National Common Entrance Examination Council as a body in preparing these students for the next level (national common entrance) which would eventually lead them to secondary school level.

Ideally, the Pre-vocational studies scheme of work for primary 6 first term, is a continuation from the primary 5 scheme of work for Pre-vocational studies, this scheme of work otherwise known as curriculum has been systematically arranged for ease of progression and proper understanding as they get prepared for Junior secondary school.

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To further emphasize the importance of the subject matter, schemes of work are used as a checklist to ensure that all topics are properly treated within the approved time frame (10 to 12 weeks) until the revision week and examination day. It covers the topics and period given for each topic and sub topic. It also ensures that the learning process, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully accomplished.

Note that the scheme of work for Pre-vocational studies for primary six class is the same for both private and public primary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private primary school is the same with that of public or government owned primary school. It is the responsibility of head teachers in primary schools to ensure this scheme of work is actively made use of as mandated by the ministry of education. Any school found doing otherwise would face the penalty for going against this directive.

Pre-vocational studies is a subject that is not just offered in Primary 6 but at all level under primary school as well as junior secondary school level.

Provided in this post is the complete primary six (6) scheme of work for Pre-vocational studies. This scheme of work would go a long way in assisting educationists in primary school level that teaches this subject.

The scheme of work contains the list of expected topics to be covered for the entire session which includes first term, second term and third term.

Each term covers topics on the 3 major subjects as listed in the first paragraph of this post. Below is just a summary of PVS scheme of work for first term, second term and third term after which you can go through the full curriculum highlighted in bullet points towards the end of this post.

PVS scheme of work for first term covers Meaning of farm produce preservation, State reasons for cleaning their home, classroom and school environment, reasons for preservation of farm produce, Tools and agents for cleaning the home and its surroundings.

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Second term talks about meaning and types of stitches and their uses, give detail explanation on temporary, permanent and decorative stitches, Definition of market and marketing, Guideline for making different types of stitches. Production of articles with different types of decorative stitches and Types of markets for agricultural produce. You can view the full primary 6 scheme of work pre-vocational studies for first term, second term and third term.

Then third term cover topics on Meaning and types of stitches and their uses, give detail explanation on temporary, permanent and decorative stitches. Definition of market and marketing, guideline for making different types of stitches, production of articles with different types of decorative stitches, types of markets for agricultural produce. The full scheme of work can be seen below.

Please note that the Pre-vocational studies scheme of work for Primary 6 first term to third term provided here are the current government approved scheme of work applicable to all public and private and public primary schools operating in Nigeria so you can trust the source of the information.

What You Stand To Gain from This Post

  • The complete scheme of work for primary schools in Nigeria
  • Pre-vocational studies – PVS scheme of work for Primary 6 class for first term
  • Pre-vocational studies scheme of work for Primary 6 class for second term
  • The government approved scheme of work for Primary 6 pre-vocational studies third term

Pre-vocational Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6 (First term, Second term and Third term)


Week 1: Revision of last term work.

Week 2: Meaning of farm produce preservation.

Week 3: State reasons for cleaning their home, classroom and school environment.

Week 4: Reasons for preservation of farm produce.

Week 5: Tools and agents for cleaning the home and its surroundings.

Week 6: Methods of farms produce preservation

Week 7: Guidelines for cleaning the house and its surroundings

Week 8: Why we package farm produce.

Week 9: Processes for cleaning the home and Surroundings.

Week 10: Packaging items

Week 11: Entrepreneurship: Making of Puff Puff

Week 12: Revision and Examination

Week 13: Marking, recording and closing


Week 1: Revision of last term work.

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Week 2: Meaning and types of stitches and their uses, give detail explanation on temporary, permanent and decorative stitches.

Week 3: Definition of market and marketing

Week 4: Guideline for making different types of stitches.

Week 5: Production of articles with different types of decorative stitches.

Week 6: Types of markets for agricultural produce.

Week 7: Meaning of seams, types of stains e-g. Plain seams, open seam, run and fell seams and French seams.

Week 8: Uses of seams

Week 9: Entrepreneurship – Making of 1 quid soap.

Week 10: Making seams on brawn paper.

Week 11: Revision and Examination.

Week 12: Recording and Closing.


Week 1:  Revision of last term work.

Week 2: Meaning of meal planning, importance of meal planning.

Week 3: Meaning of farm record, types bf farm record.

Week 4: Effect of wrong meal planning and eating habit.

Week 5: Uses of farm record.

Week 6: Three major meal of the day.

Week 7: Record keeping

Week 8: Factor to consider in meal planning

Week 9: Daily diary of events on the farm

Week 10: Entrepreneurship: Making of fruits salads.

Week 11: Guidelines for meal planning, menu cards or meal tickets.

Week 12: Revision and Examination

Week 13: Marking, recording and closing for the term.

In summary, the primary six scheme of work for PVS as seen above is government approved scheme of work for private and public primary schools in Nigeria irrespective of the state the school is located. For those interested in teaching or setting up a school, this free document will go a long way in making your teaching adventure more interesting.

Do you have any questions as regards primary 6 Pre-vocational studies scheme of work for the full session? please feel free to reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

We have the hard-copy for the full scheme of work for all subjects offered in primary schools and secondary schools in Nigeria, you can reach us via our contact us page.