The Polytechnic Ibadan JAMB Cut-Off Mark for all courses for 2025/2026 academic session has been released, therefore all candidates who put the Poly Ibadan (POLY IBADAN) as their preferred choice of higher institution during the UTME registration can confirm if they meet the current Poly Ibadan Cut-off mark for the current academic session.
READ ALSO: The Polytechnic Ibadan Post UTME Screening HND Form is Out
Candidates who meet the cut off mark would then proceed for internal screening exercise by the Polytechnic, and are hereby are advised to carry all documents along including recent colored passport photographs.
See the official Poly Ibadan cut off mark of for all courses towards the tail-end of this post.
Candidates should note that the benefits of meeting beating Poly Ibadan cut off mark for JAMB is the fact that candidates are given the opportunity to gain admission to study into any of the courses offered in the institution so long as the candidates get a good score in the internal screening exercise.
Some documents are required by the school authority for their internal screening exercise
Upon admission, the following documents are required for Internal screening in Ibadan Poly:
- Original and photocopy of JAMB result slip
- Original documents which includes ‘O’ level certificates please note that awaiting results are not accepted by Ibadan Poly
- Original copy of your birth certificate
- Your secondary school Testimonial
- Your most recent passport photographs
Some candidates have for a long time wished for possible questions and answer session as regards Ibadan poly admission cut off mark and it is high time we answered these questions as it may also fall in line with the question you may have been wanting to ask. Please refer to the table below;
What is Poly Ibadan current cut off mark? | Poly Ibadan’s cut off mark is 140. Any UTME candidate that scores 140 and above is eligible for Poly Ibadan post UTME screening exercise. |
Does Poly Ibadan Accept second and third choice candidates? | Poly Ibadan accepts both first second and third choice candidates. |
Can Poly Ibadan accept me if I score 150? | Yes. Candidates with 140 UTME score and above are eligible to apply for Poly Ibadan post UTME. |
Ibadan Poly is not among my choice of institution and I wish to write their post UTME am I qualified? | Yes you can. Ibadan Poly states that you could purchase their form even if you did not choose them during your UTME registration |
If I score 160 in jamb and still use Poly Ibadan as second choice can I gain admission? | Only candidates that meets Ado JAMB cut off mark are eligible and YES Ibadan Poly accepts 2nd choice candidates. |
How can I change my polytechnic to Poly Ibadan because I passed their cut off mark? | Simply purchase a change of course form from JAMB, it costs about 2,500 naira. Fill the necessary details and submit. You will be informed when your application is successful via the registered email or you can verify via JAMB CAPS. |
I got 8 credits in my O’Level but my JAMB score is 185 and I am applying for Banking and Finance. What are my chances of gaining admission in Poly Ibadan? | With 185 JAMB score and 8 credit passes, you still stand a chance of gaining admission into Poly Ibadan but your post UTME score must be high. |
What is Poly Ibadan JAMB cut off mark for Medicine and Surgery? | We will advise you score at least 250 and above in your JAMB to stand a chance when calculating your aggregate score. |
I am an indigene, can I be considered for admission if I score below the cut off mark? | The minimum cut off mark for Poly Ibadan is the same for all candidates irrespective of the state of origin of the candidate. |
What is the cut off mark for Electrical and Electronics Engineering and other Engineering courses at Ibadan Poly? | We advise that you score at least 200 and above in your JAMB so when your aggregate score is calculated, you will stand a better chance of gaining admission into Poly Ibadan. |
I scored 165 in jamb is there any chance of me studying any Engineering course at Ado? | First you need to confirm if the Engineering course is offered in Poly Ibadan. What ever might be the answer, you are eligible to participate in the post UTME. I would advise you change your course to a less competitive one because a JAMB score of 165 cannot give you any Engineering course. |
I am an indigene and I scored 170 in JAMB, can I secure admission in Poly Ibadan? | The answer is YES you can because you scored higher than the minimum cut off mark for Poly Ibadan. However, gaining admission would also depend on the course you selected. |
With 180 in my JAMB, which science course can I offer? I’m an indigene and I have my complete O’Level. | It depends on the course. All science course have their various cut off marks at Poly Ibadan even though the difference wouldn’t be significant. At this point, this would be determined your post UTME score. |
Can someone with 150 In Jamb gain admission into Poly Ibadan to study accounting? | You can gain admission into Poly Ibadan but definitely not to study Accounting. Accounting is a professional course hence high JAMB cut off mark. You need at least 220 and above with a good post UTME score to study Accounting in Poly Ibadan. |
Does Federal Poly Ado accept Transfer students from other universities? | Yes Poly Ibadan accept transfer students so long as you meet their requirements. |
What is Poly Ibadan’s cut off mark for Building Technology? | With a JAMB score of 240 and above you can study Building technology or any tech course irrespective of the polytechnic. |
What are the required documents for post UTME screening to carry along? | The management of Poly Ibadan has stated that you carry along with you, A pencil, Passport photograph, print out of your post UTME online registration slip and other important documents. |
Candidates should bear in mind that scoring above Ibadan Poly cut off mark for all courses does not in any way guarantee you an automatic admission into the University, until a successful internal screening exercise carried out on all candidates.
Ibadan Poly JAMB Cut off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session
The Polytechnic Ibadan cut off mark for JAMB is 150, therefore, candidates who get up to 150 are automatically eligible for internal screening Exercise, but we must warn you, the higher your JAMB score, the higher your chances of clinching the course registered in your UTME. Below is the required JAMB cut off mark for all courses offered at Poly Ibadan.
Faculty of Business and Communication Studies | |
Business Administration | 199 |
Local Government Studies | 176 |
Marketing | 178 |
Mass Communication | 228 |
Music Technology | 165 |
Office Technology & Management | 172 |
Public Administration | 207 |
Purchasing And Supply | 168 |
Faculty Of Engineering | |
Civil Engineering | 194 |
Computer Engineering | 181 |
Electrical Engineering | 185 |
Mechanical Engineering | 184 |
Mechatronics Engineering | 177 |
Faculty Of Environmental Studies | |
Architecture | 150 |
Building Technology | 160 |
Estate Management | 169 |
Fashion Design & Clothing Technology | 150 |
Art & Design | 175 |
Quantity Surveying | 150 |
Surveying & Geo-Informatic | 150 |
Urban & Regional Planning | 150 |
Faculty Of Financial And Management Studies | |
Accountancy | 193 |
Banking And Finance | 172 |
Insurance | 164 |
Faculty of Science | |
Geology | 168 |
Science Laboratory Technology | 188 |
Statistics | 150 |
Computer Science | 184 |
Library And Information Science | 164 |
Below is the departmental cut off mark for all courses at Ibadan Poly
Poly Ibadan Post UTME Cut Off Marks For All Courses 2025/2026 Session
Business Administration | 30.0 |
Mass Communication | 50.25 |
Music | 30.13 |
Office Technology & Management | 37.63 |
Local Government &Dev. Studies | 37.13 |
Public Administration | 53.0 |
Civil Engineering | 45.75 |
Mechanical Engineering | 44.38 |
Electrical Engineering | 44.75 |
Computer Engineering | 40.38 |
Mechatronics Engineering | 31.38 |
Surveying & Geoinformatics | 30.88 |
Architecture | 43.75 |
Estate Management | 30.25 |
Urban & Regional Planning | 30.13 |
Building Technology | 32.13 |
Quantity Surveying | 31.5 |
Arts & Design | 31.0 |
Public Administration | 72 |
Mass Communication | 64 |
Business Administration | 44 |
Purchasing & Supply | 44 |
Marketing | 60 |
Music | 24 |
Office Technology & Management | 56 |
Civil Engineering | 44 |
Elect/Elect Engineering | 32 |
Mechanical Engineering | 48 |
Urban & Regional Planning | 12 |
Architecture | 32 |
Estate Management | 36 |
Surveying & Geoinformatics | 48 |
Quantity Surveying | 40 |
Building Technology | 40 |
Painting & Sculpture | 28 |
Graphics Design & Printing Technology | 28 |
Textiles & Ceramics | 24 |
Accountancy | 52 |
Banking & Finance | 52 |
Insurance | 40 |
Biology/Microbiology | 36 |
Microbiology | 48 |
Applied Chemistry | 16 |
Computer Science | 48 |
Geology | 24 |
Physics with Electronics | 16 |
Statistics | 36 |
Hope you got what you visited this page for? if you have any question(s) as regards Ibadan Poly cut-off mark for all courses 2025/2026 academic session, kindly could scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we shall respond accordingly.
Also, to get the latest information about Poly Ibadan and happenings in all polytechnics in Nigeria, Nigerian, you could subscribe to our blog.
>> Yabatech Cut Off Mark For All Courses
>> EDEPOLY JAMB Cut Off Mark For All Courses
>> Federal Polytechnic Oko Cut-Off Mark
>> Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Cut Off Mark For All Course
Please sir i do a change of course already since Ibadan poly doesn’t have food technology in their school portal
So I change my course to computer science will i be admitted to the school with 161
You changed to a course that requires even a higher cut off mark. Your chances are slim but work harder in your post UTME. You might be lucky to get admitted.
Sir I scored 161 in my 𝐔𝐓𝐌𝐄 can i apply go for food technology in Ibadan poly
Yes its possible
1.Sir please, I scored 167 in UTME exam can I go for Electrical and electronic engineering in polyibadan.?
2. Use of English
Sir please this are the subjects I did at my UTME exam can I still go that the course sir..?? 🙏
167 is actually low for Electrical and Electronics Engineering
In my jamb I score 179 and I want to study public administration
Hope they will admit me sir
I have 158 In jamb
Can I go for slt
Not high enough. You could give it a try
147 in utme can I study public admistration
I scored 176 in jamb and I want to study am I eligible sir thanks.
You are eligible but your chances are slim
Hello sir i score 176 in jamb can i study slt in poly.
I scored 150 In jamb can I get admission for performing art in ibadan poly
I scored 148 in jamb sir, pls can I study insurance in ibadan poly
Please sir I score 157 in jamb am I eligible to gain admission in studying insurance
Can I study estate management with 162 in ibadan poly
Yes you can
I score 150 in jamb and I want to study business admin,if the scores does not work which other courses can I do for commercial student with 150
You obviously cant study Business Admin with 150. Search for a course with lesser competition
Building technology
I score 138 in my jamb van I been giving admission
You have been given admission to study Building Technology with 138? That’s not possible. Moreover Poly Ibadan has not even done post UTME.
Pls sir I scored 182 in jamb
And I want to study mass communication in ibadan polytechnic
Please any hope for me
You can be admitted though your chances are slim
Pld can I get Admission with 130 in federal polytechnic Ibadan
Can I get Admission with 130 in federal polytechnic Ibadan
For what course? But honestly I doubt if you will be granted admission.
Please sir I score 152 in my jamb can i study business administration
with 152 you can’t study Business Administration
Please sir I scored 174 in jamb. Which course can I study with this subject combination. Yoruba, commerce, English, Irs
Please sir which course can I study in ibadan poly with this jamb subjects combination. Yoruba, commerce, English, It’s.
Sir, with 183 can I study computer science even after choosing polyIB as third choice.
You can’t study Computer Science with 183.
Sir, with 183 can I study computer science even after choosing Poly IB as third choice.
Please I score 177 in my jamb can I study mass communication
Sir, My UTME score 160 can i apply for Accountancy in IB poly
Excuse me Sir, Do they conduct physical post utme test or just online screening
Honestly i don’t see you being admitted for the course. Physical screening is what is done
I score 161 as a commercial student which course can I go for to study
With 149 in jamb can I study civil engineering
Please sir I score 171,in jamb can I study estate management in poly ibadan, will I be given admission
Please sir I score 155 in jamb can I study SLT course in Ibadan polytechnic?
Sir I score 159 and I want to study science laboratory technology will I be given admission
Can I study marketing in ibadan poly (with the subject combination English, economic, commerce and government)
Sir please I have 187 can I use it to study accountancy in poly ibadan
What course can I use 147 to read in Ibadan poly?
Pls sir,which course can I hope for or should I go for change of course
Being given another course would depend on which of the courses your aggregate score fits into.
Pls sir ,I would like to ask maybe I could be considered for civil engineering and I have 191 in my UTME
I honestly do not think you will be considered. You might be given another course
I scored 179 in my last year jamb and I want to study public administration in that polytechnic ,but can we allow me to study it or not
As the admission list out
If I meet the polyibadan cut off mark,but didn’t meet the departmental cut off mark,will I be given another course or what?
Sometimes the polytechnic gives another course. However, I always advice candidate to change their course instead of waiting to be given another course
I scored 187 in my jamb and I have good o’level result.excuse me sir, can I still study SLT?
Yes you can be considered.
Please I scored 173 in my jamb and I want to study SLT full time what is my chances of gaining admission
Pls sir the course I choose is not on the course cut off mark list here sir agriculture technology sir please are they offering it in polytechnic of ibadan please sir am anxious
please sir i score 165 in jamb and when i did my change of institution to ibadan poly i change my course to computer science can i gain admission
You can’t study computer science with 165 UTME score at The Polytechnic Ibadan.
Sir pls does ibadan poly gives course to student whi can’t meet up with their dream course.And can someone study art and design without doing fine art in waec and jamb
Giving you a course that you did not appifor is rare. You can study fine art without doing it in JAMB and WAEC.
I scored 176 and i have 8 credit in my o’level… And I want to study marketing in Ibadan am I good to go
Pls sir, i poly Ibadan for third choic and my jamb score is 176, can i study public administration
Making Poly Ibadan your third choice makes it a bit difficult. Your 176 UTME score is still okay for Public Administration
Making Poly Ibadan your third choice makes it a bit difficult. Your 176 UTME score is still okay for Public Administration.
Please sir ibadan polytechnic is my third choice can still gain admission and I score 180 in jamb
I don’t think polytechnic Ibadan accepts 3rd choice. Even if they do, first and second choice candidates would be considered first.
Pls sir I scored 160 in jamb can I study music
Yes you can.
I score 163 in jamb can I study banking and finance in ibadan poly
I score 158 in jamb can I study insurance in poly Ibadan and should I go for Dpp
Pls sir I scored 146 in my jamb can
I study arts & design in poly ibadan
Please I score 185 and I want to study mass communication in polythecnic ibadan am I qualified
Your score is a bit low
please what is the jamb cut-off mark for needed for food technology in ibadan poly
With a JAMB score of 200 and above, you can study food tech at The polytechnic Ibadan
I scored 171 can I be admitted to study Mass Communication
No. 171 is not high enough
I score 177 in jamb can I study science laboratory technology
Pls sir I got 179 in my jamb and I want to study business admin is there grantee sir i need anwser
It’s not a guarantee. Just be hopeful because your score isn’t high enough.
I scored 174 in my jamb will i be granted admission into the school? I aspire to study Marketing
Yes you can be granted admission
Sir, in my jamb I scored 153. Which course can I read
What course did you register for in your UTME
Sir in my jamb I score 153. which course can I read
pls sir,i score 182 and i want to study accounting and i choose Ib Poly as my third choice, wil i be admitted
I’m not very sure if Poly Ibadan still accepts 3rd choice. You can give it a try
Join the discussion…pls sir I score 174 in jamb and I want too study business admin is it going too work out
I choose Ibadan poly as third choice and I score 171 can I study business admin and is there need for me to do change of institutions
You don’t need to change institution you can gain admission with 171 into Poly Ibadan.
is there biochemistry in poly ibadan or which subject can i registered with my olevel result eng b3 math c4 chemistry b2 biology c2 physics c6
How can I calculate for the cut off mark for accountancy accountancy? I need a break down please…. I scored 179 in jamb. Please I need enlightment.
I got 161 in jamb can study computer science
I scored 156 at jamb and I choose Ibadan polytechnic as my first choice can I be admitted
sir I got 178 in jamb wat is my ability of gaining admission..public admit is d course…..
and sir wen is d screening going 2 take place
Sir why I haven’t see the date we are going to do our utme exam, because I heard we we are using our jamb score this year
i scored 182 in jamb nd i choose poly ib as my first choice.and i wnt to study mech~engineering, am i going to b admitted? or i should change my course.
i score 175 and i want to study civil eng, and i obtain full -time formfoorm. plz sir, wat can i do?
What is the required cutoff mark for science laboratory technology
I Had 172 In Jamb,can I Study Food Technology In Poly Ibadan
I want to study purchasing and supply. In my utme i wrote English language and Government literature economic i want to know maybe then we give me admission
What about mathematics?
Pls sir i got 151 in my jamb nd i want to study public admin can the skul.
You can but what about your post UTME score?
Please i choose ibadan poly as all preferred choice without doing change of institution and i scored 198, my o’levels are okay and my course is business adminstration. what is my chance of gaining admission? please
Your chnaces are very good
I scored 220 in Jamb,but had D7math,D7English,B3Govt.,B3Econs,C5dataprocessing,C6Lit in eng,C6Crs.with this results,can I enter for public administration?
Pls i got 218 in my jamb and choose Ibadan poly as my second choice. O level result are eng c6, maths b3, biology c4, crs c6, civic education c4.
Which dpp course can i study with this result.
Thank You.
Any art course is good for you
Good day sir? I score 164 in jamb and i want to study building tech am i good 2 go sir
Good day sir? I score 164 and i want to study building technology am i good to go sir
please will they be post utme exam for this year addmission?
I got 193 in my jamb can I study mass Communication
yes u will have to collect their form
Pls sir i got 155 in jamb will i b given admission into d
a good day to you. Am having difficulty in calculating poly ibadan aggregate score. I had 191 in jamb and had 5 credit pass in my o level in 2 sittings. The question now is that i don’t know if i can study public administration and can you kindly assist me in calculating my point
pls sir, I scored 181 in jamb and I want to study elect /elect but I choose polytechnic of ibadan as my second choice. am I gud to go
pls sir, I scored 181 in jamb and I want to study elect/elect but I choose polytechnic of ibadan as my second choice. am I gud to go
Sir I Score 148 In My Jamb And I Want To Read Business Administration And My O’level Result Is Good What Can I Do
Pls I choose Ibadan poly as second choice with a jamb score of 197 am I gud to go
Pls I scored 165 in jamb and I want to study buss admin, do I have any chance of gaining admission?
Sure you still have a Chance
Pls I scored 176 in jamb and I want to study SLT do I have any chance of gaining an admission
I scored 146 in jamb and I want to study office technology can I go for the screening form
Yes you can
I scored 146 and Ibadan was my second choice and I want to study office technology. Any chance of gaining admission. Can I go for the form
will post utme hold this year @ibadan poly
Of course there will be post UTME
Hello.i scored 176 and ibadan was my first choice and it the architecture course.any chance of gaining admission.can i go for the nd
please I score 156 can I sturdy art and design in Ibadan poly
please what is the cut off mark for science laboratory technology
POLY Ibadan post UTME form is out online, for registration guideline and admission processing call-08104418362
I score 169 but i my waec credit is remaining one subject and I chose ibpoly what should I do ?
i score 157 will i be giving admission for business administration in ibadan poly 08174079289
There is no cut-off for Science Laboratory & Technology (SLT) Department on the cut off Mark list, please what is the cut off Mark for SLT DEPARTMENT
Pls i score 158 i can i study Accountacy
Pleas i score 158 i can i study Accountacy
Pls I can’t find the cut off mark for science and laboratory technology
Pls Sir I Score 163 in my jamb can i study bus adm
pls sir,i got 210 in my jamb,can i study accounting or marketing in d poly
i score 160 in jamb can i study mechatronics engineering and if no which other course can i study
I got 181 in jamb and I choose food technology. Wat is the cut off Mark
i scored 177 in jamb, can computer science with it in poly ibadan?
Yes you can
Pls do poly ibadan offer nursing and what d cut off mark
k….hope they will alert me sha cause i will do their online registration tomorrow
i score 177 in jamb mechanical and i choose dem as first choice when i change my institution and i register wit awaiting result but have got my weac result now, am i fit for admission
Of course you are still on track
should i not bother to buy post utme form again or will they alert me
Poly Ibadan post UTME is not out yet now
sir i score 177 in jamb mechanical engineering am i fit
I scored 256,can I still study SLT??
Sure you can
I scored 156, can I still study SLT?
But you just asked that if you scored 256? Now you are asking for 156
I score 161 can I stil do ibadan post utme
Of course you can
sir i scored in jamb can i study food tech in ibadan poly
Is it screnig\written exam\oral interview \cbt dat we ar doing
Examination then internal screening of documents
Hi. Plss is it going to b written \oral/ cbt. Exam for clarification. Dis is my fourth time of choosing ibpoly. They dint call me last year after d strike. Xo I want to no /or is it just screening
Please sir i had 175 in jamb and choose poly Ibadan as second choice and want to study marketing am I good to go??
I scored 158 in jamb and ibadan poly is my third choice i want to study it possible.
when will the post utme start.thank u sir/ma
pls i score 182 in this yea r jamb,i want to study geology in poly ibadan will i be giving admission,i am eager
pls i get 161 in jamb ad i choose ibadan poly @ second choice is that good
Yeah you are good to go
Hello! Pls I scored 173 in my JAMB, what course can I read that lead me to study economics at university ?
Kindly visit this link, it is subject combination for all courses, you can confirm the subjects that can lead you to study Economics at The Polytechnic Ibadan
Yes Sir. also Sir how can I get the PQ of their school (Ibadan Poly)
How do you mean by PQ
I mean Pass Questions sir
Okay. There are currently no past questions available. But I’m sure you should be able to get if you can visit any of the bookshops at poly Ibadan
Pls Sir I score 173 in my jamb can I study mass communication and I choose Ibadan poly as 3rd choice pls Sir I need an answer
You can
Please Sir I chose Ibadan Poly but didn’t find out well the cut off mark so I went to do changing of institution. but now that I have done my investigation well do I need to change Inst again back to Ibadan Poly?? @I need answer please.
Yes you still can change your choice of institution back to Ibadan poly if you wish. Just that you will be required to go through the same process and pay the required fee for changing of institution. Hope that answers your question
Yes Sir. but Sir how can I get their PQ. (Ibadan Poly)
Pls sir I got 155 in jamb pls can I study lab and tech
You can but your chances are quite slim
I scored 184 and i want to study accounting
sorry pls,I scored 167 and I want to study marketing,is there chance chance of gaining admission there(full time not DPP)
Yes you still stand a good chance
Good day sir pls sir is the screening form out
Not yet out
can i be offered admission wit 164 for elect elect
Plz I got 179 in can I study OTM in Ibadan poly
Yes you can. Best of luck
I had 158 in jamb ,can I study SLT science lab tech
I got 181 in Jamb, can i study public admin
pls sir I am using nabteb result I want to study building technology or painting and sculpture due to what I study in technical school painting and decorating , I had 162 and choose ibpoly as second choice sir am I good to go…..pls this is my numba 09033095483
Yes you are on track
and sir i will also like to know when ND full time form will be out
good day sir; sir will i get the form first before screening or screening before getting the form
pls can i do my changing of institution in that school cause I don’t choose the school as my first choice and i want to do that. and am using awaiting resut pls what can i do
Yes you can
Pls i scored 162 in my jamb and i want to study art and design or mass comm, pls am i eligible
good day sir, sir my jamb score is 167 i choose poly ibadan as my first choice and i want to study public admin can i be offer admission
You still have a chance
when is the screening?
I scored 161 in my jamb pls can I study Business Admin
when will the screening for out and the time for it
I scores 151 in my jamb and I want to sturdy banking and finance can i be giving admission
sir I score 165 in my jamb and I want to study geology. will Ibadan poly offer me admission
Yes you can be admitted
Sir i need answers toy this its bothering me pls i score 164 in my jamb and i want to study civil engineering but i put ibadan poly as my second choice and i have done the change of institution pls will they call me for admission screening?
Of course, Poly Ibadan will admit you if you pass their post UTME so long as your change of institution was properly done. You don’t need to be scared at all.
What Is The Cut Off Mark For Mechanical Engineer
Pls answer sir
Pls sir i scored 171 in my jamb to study S L T and also IB poly as 1st choice….Pls sir can i be given admission……
You Still stand a good chance
please i choose Ibadan as second choice n I scored 175 can I go for agriculture technology
Yes you can though you need to work really hard for your post UTME
I scored 169 in jamb and my o’level is perfectly ok and i want to study masscom
you have no problem though admission requirement for this year is not out yet
when is postutme exam and screening
and i chose ibadan poly as my second choice am i good to go,sir i need the reply very fast please!!!
Yes. IB poly accepts second choice candidates
i had 193 as my jamb score can i still be allow to study mass com
Yes you can
I have not put polyibadan during my jamb registration what can do to get their form please my score is 155 for electric engineering
I scored 153 can i still study business administration at ibadan poly
I Got 167 In My Jamb Can I Enter Ibadan Poly With It For Computer Science?
pls, i score 174 in my jamb, and i want to study food technology, am i eligible for the admission in ibadanpoly
yes you are
Pls I had 185 in jamb, am I chanced to study mechanical engineering??
Pls urgent reply
cut off mark for slt
are we to bring all what you offered for…. Before the screening or screening before that
I scored 194,am I good to go for mechanical engineering?
Pls sir, I choose polytechnic Ibadan as my second choice , then I got 160 ,I want to study Office technology and management…… But I hear someone said Office technology and management cut off mark is 166, say I need to do change of course?
What I can do now
pls sir i score 207 in jamb nd want to study civil engineering,am i gud to go.
Sure you are
sir when is the screening starting
plz i get 160 in jamp can i get Admission in mass com or wat course can i offer
I av 169 can I go
Of course you can
I scored 171 can I study civil engineer
pls I scored 171 can I study civil engineer
I score 168 in my jamb can I be admitted for civil engineering
What is d cut off mark for mechanical engineering and computer engineering?
200 and above would see you through
I score 177 in utme and I want to study computer engineering am I good to go
Not assured but you can give it a try
wat of me dat score 168 can I be admitted for civil engineering
Your chances are still quite slim
place I got 157 In jamb can I study art and design
Sir, i got 153 in my jamb and i want to study mass communication, can i be admited.
Pls sir am i gud to go?
Pls sir i score 165 in jamb and i want to study banking and finance in poly ibadan and i choose it as my 1st choice and am also frm oyo state pls will i be given admission?
Sir I score 168 in my jamb can I be admitted as civil engineering
I score 168 in jamb nd i want to stdy business admin. at ibadan poly. Am i eligible for d course
I Score 239 In Jamb And I Want To Study SLT But D Question Is Do U Accept Second Choice.If There Is Any Chance At All Will U Alert Us Lyk U Will Alert Those Who Choose It As Their First Choice.And Please Sir/ma I Need An Answer.THANKS
Yes Polyibadan accepts 2nd choice candidates. As for getting an alert, you will have to subscribe using your active email address to get a notification when we post any info on ibadan poly or any other tertiary institution you might be interested in
pls sir i got 152 in my jamb can i study SLT or which science course can i study
Yes though not a assurance you will gain admission into poly ibadan
I scored 190 in my jamb and I want to study SLT but poly ibadan is my second choice. Is the admission possible?
Sir, is 177 jamb score eligible for studying mass communication in ibadan poly.
Or can i also do change of course?
pls sir i had 173 in jamb and i want to go for mass comm,can it be possible? and i did not choose ibadan poly can i do change of school? or pls sir what can i do ?
Yes you can do change of institution, you stand a better chance at Ibadan poly
Okay sir thank you
I scored 190 in my jamb and I want to study slt but ibadan is my second choice is the admission possible or do I need to change my first choice to ibadan
If admission is possible do I need screening or post utme
HHow do u calculate the point,My son had 161 in jamb& his o level are c5 in eng,B3 in maths,C6 in physics, C4 in chemistry,& C5 in biology&:he wants to study computer he qualified? Please let me know.
Good morning sir,I cost 164 in my Jamb,can I get admission ,and am going for banking and finance ,did u accept third choice sir
Sir, and am I qualified for post utme
164 is not very good for banking and finance at poly Ibadan, you can give it a try even with choosing them as 3td choice
pls sir/ma can I study accounting in Ibadan poly with 165
Pls I cost164 in my Jamb ,sir,can I get admission and am going for banking and finance ,And did u accept third choice sir
This is my number sir,
Am I qualified for post utme
can i study business administration in ibadan poly with the score of 159 and they were also chosen as my first of institution
I score 156 in my jamb are should with for alert
Yes you are eligible for post utme
Good day,,my son would like to change his course from public local Govt Studies,,pls what can we do?his jamb 157.
Pls,i score 183 in jamb nd i want to study food sci & tech,can i enter polyibadan?
pls sir, do you accept 3rd choice
Plz sir can i study slt with 190
You still have a chance
pls sir, i score 164 in my jamb nd ibandan poly is my 3rd choice.can i still get admission nd wich course can my mark go for as a science student.
Sir I Score 149 In My Jamb And I Want To Study SLT Can I Offer Admission In To Ibadan Poly.
I dont think so.
Sir i score 149 in my jamb and i want to study SLT can i offer admission into ibadan poly.But i dnt put ibadan poly in my jamb registration.please sir what can i do.
I got 192,Can i study Accounting with my mark?
Yes but your post UTME has to be above average too
i scored.172 in jamb and i picked ibadan poly as my first choice but i want to study Mass comm,i dont know maybe i might get admission to ibadan.
You still stand a chance of gaining admission though not assured. Poly Ibadan could give you another course
sir pls, i dnt have maths,govt and yoruba in my o’level result,and i have 223 in jamb can i still gain admission for mass comm.
I Want 2 Study Masscom At Ibadanpoly As My First Choice Wit 163 But I Want 2 Change My Course To Office Technology And Management With Awaiting Result Can I Gain Admission.
Ok. I Score 163 in my jamb can i change my course 2 office technology and management with awaiting result.
sir i score 180 in jamb can i sturdy elect elect in ibadan poly
Can u study SLT with 179 in ibadan polytechnic
Please sir can I study mass com wit 159 or I should do change of course ND I choose Ibadan poly as my third choice is my admission sure in Dat school
pls sir wah science course can i study with 163 in poly ibadan
Hello sir I filled with awaiting results, and I’ve registered for neco exam, can I still get admission with that?
Please,i had 179 in jamb and i want to study mass communication.Can i?
I dont think you can study Mass Comm with 179 at Poly Ibadan
pls sir i scored 163 in utme and i choose ibadan poly as first choice elect/elect can i be admitted and pls if not wah science course can i apply for that can give me admission that work with my utme subject maths english physics and chemistry pls sir i need an answer
163 for Elect/elect is not encouraging
Good afternoon pls wen is ibd starting der internal exam
I score 155 in jamb can I study civil engineering
155 for Civil Engineering at Ibadan Poly? i doubt it
I scored 158in jamb can I study accountancy in ib poly
Your chances are slim
Cn i study computer science without maths
No. Mathematics a compulsory subject
My scores is 180 and I want to study business administration,will I get admission sir
Plss my cutoff mark is 180,i wnt to study business administration and I choose poly ibadan as my third choice can I still??will I got msg
I didn’t choose Ibadan poly as my preferred choice can I go for changing of institution and apply for screening form
Yes you can do a change of institution to Poly Ibadan
I scored 174 but IB poly is not among the school I choose and I wanna study Electrical engineering if am to do changing of institution will they take me
Can i study mass communication with this jamb scores 169? pls reply.
How is the utme be calculated
What is the cut off marks for public administration
Are they gonna make use of weac results to give addmision in public administration and l scored 164c
When is the screening exercise going to take place in ploy Ibadan
When is the screening exercise going to take place in ploy Ibadan.and I scored 187.I want to study business administration in ploy Ibadan will I be able to get admission?
Sure you can gain admission into Ibadan poly. Your post UTME score matters a lot
Thanks a lot
Sir I scored 173,can i study microbiology
I have 170 as my jamb result nd I want to study business administration
i scored 164 , can i study scince laboratory technologe
Yes you can be given admission
I have 182 in jamb and I choose business administration will I been given admission and when is 2018 ND student screening going to take place
Yes you can be given admission into Poly Ibadan with 182
Sir, Can i also have list of payments i am to clear if i eventually gain admission into the polythenic.
Hi sir, I scored 197 In my jamb and i want to study Accountancy At ibadan poly but she isnt part of those institutions i choose in my jamb registration……..With My score, will i b able to gain admission if i am to do change of institution?
please i scored188 in my jamb can i apply for mass communication
Can 160 be accepted for science laboratory technology
Pls Sir I Chose Ibadan Poly As My 2nd Choice Of Institution And My Jamb Score Is 239, Am I Eligible To Study SLT In Ibadan Poly
please I scored 148 in my jamb an I want to study mass communication
please I scored 148
I got 192 in jamb,will I be given admission to study science laboratory technology
Pls Sir I scored 161 in jamb can I study surveying and geoinformatics at Ibadan poly
i score 174 in jamb and i choose poly ibadan for computer science
You can gain admission but not sure about computer science
pls wat is d cut off mark for computer science
Pls sir I scored 161 in jamb can I study survey and geoinformatics at Ibadan poly
i scored 171 in jamb pls sir and i wan do changing of institution to Ibadan poly to study mass communication am I gud to go
Yes but studying Mass Comm is not assured. Mass Comm is quite competitive so your score is not good enough
pls sir,I score 160 and I want to study public admin in poly ibadan ,can I gain admission in poly Ibadan
You can gain admission but your chances are low except your post UTME result is fantastic
pls sir,I score 160 and I want to study public admin in poly ibadan,can I gain admission in ibadan poly
I score 158 in jamb, can I study business administration in ibadan poly
Plz can I pick direct entry into poly of Ibadan?
I don’t understand the cut off mark
when is the post utme
when is changing of institution will dry take me
Yes so long as you meet the cut off mark for poly ibadan
I Score 163 and i choose ibadan poly as my first choice and i wnt 2 study mass com, can i gain admission
Yes you can gain admission into Ibadan Poly but not very sure of Mass Comm. Mass Comm at Ibadan Poly is a very competitive course so it takes a candidate with a very good JAMB score and post UTME to study the course
I have 168 can they give me admission but I did not choose Ibadan poly I want to study biology or SLT can they give me
You will have to do a change of institution to Ibadan poly to stand a chance of gaining admission
Pls sir i scored 164 in jamb, and i choose ibadan poly as my 3rd choice,pls can i study computer science with it?
Sir i got 150 in jamb can i study estate management in ibadan poly?
Pls sir my sister scored 163 in jamb, can she study business administration with it?
I scored 184 in jamb and i choose ibadan poly as 3rd choice,pls cn i study computer science
sir,I scored 172 can i study microbiology
please i scored 175 in my UTME but i want to apply for elect/electronic engineering is there any chances??
if there is at all, your chances at Poly Ibadan would be very slim
I got 172 in jamb can i study accounting
You can study accounting at Ibadan poly but your chances are very slim
Please I score 164 in my jamb can I still study accounting
sir i score 174 in utme can i study public administration in ibadan poly
You can study pub admin at Ibadan poly but you must make a very good score in your post utme
sir wot if i do mistake in my jamb date of birth can dey admit me
Yes but you still would need to swear an afidavit for declaration of age
I have 175 in jamb am I fit in for mass communication
Your chance are slim with 175 JAMB score for Ibadan poly cut off mark
pls let me know if I’m not up to the cut off mark to study mass communication or either change the course of study
When will the screening form be out nd how much is it
Ibadan Poly screening form for 2018 is not out yet but the cost is going to be 2000 Naira
Ok sir when will the screening form be out nd how much is it
Sir I score 164 nd I want ti study art nd design but I d not put ibadanpoly in my jamb registration how can I do it or how can I apply
You can effect a change of institution, that is, change your institution to Ibadanpoly via any of the CBT centres closest t you.
Please I score 164 in my jamb can I still study accounting
I don’t think you are eligible for Accounting at Ibadanpoly with a JAMB score of 164
Please how do they get the above cut off marks.I need the calculations.
i scored 164 in my utme…pls can i study civil engineering or list any science course i can do wit dat grade
Pls i had 155 in my jamb score can i study purchasing & supply in poly ibadan
pls how are they calculating their point or are they going to do post jamb this year
pls sir…wen wil d post utme form for 2018/19 start?
Sir I score 157 in my jamb and I want to study banking and finance can I offer admission to Ibadan poly
sir ,i had 182 in my jamb but can i study accounting
pls sir I got 153 in my jamb nd I want to study public admin can the skul call me for screening
Of course you are eligible post UTME at Ibadan Poly
Plz sir is dia SLT in poly ibadan Because i dnt c it dia
Pls is there direct entry programms? I want to study but my jamb score is 170 which I know is not enough
There should be
pls i score 190 in my jamb nd i want to study mass communication in poly ibadan can i apply for thier screening form.
Pls Sir,I Choose Poly Ibd.As my Second Choice in my Jamb ad I got 163 in it.Pls Sir Can I have Addimision to Poly Ibadan sir.And My Couse is Mass Comm.or Art Thanks.
Sir, I have 185 in jamb can I study communication and language art @ university of Ibadan
pls are they not offered SLT in ibadan poly anymore,because i could not see it in the list…
i had 158 can i studies electrical engineering
No. Polyibadan cut off mark may be 150 but Elect/Elect department would not accept 158 JAMB score. Electrical Engineering also carries one of thee highest cut off mark at Ibadan Poly
I choose Ibadan poly as my first choice in jamb and I got 153 point in my jamb so are they going to alert me for screening or am still going to collect there form before they call me for the screening? Plus I need answer!
Sure they are going to alert you
Do u know maybe they’re doing education course at that polytechnic
please i didnt choice ibadan poly as my choice of can i make it my choice of institution..
Yes, you can change the institution to your preferred choice
What of i that scored 187 and i want to study civil engineer
Your chances are still slim. Civil Engineering is a highly competitive course at the polytechnic Ibadan hence a high post UTME score is required.
you can go for changing of institution if still available. For details call 08160801627 (Titus)
what about. 146
Ibadan cut off mark is 150 so the score is very low
the cut off mark for Ibadan Poly is 150/180 I think@Precious
When is screening
Not anytime soon
when is the screening please
No date has been announced yet
please I choose Ibadan Poly as my second choice and I scored 188.but I didn’t do my findings well before changing Inst.. so now I want to change it back to Ibadan Poly please do I still need to collect their utme form?? @i need answer please.
are dey still selling ND full time Form?
pls I score 159 in jamb and I want to study mass communication but I was to go for part time of DPP…..pls sir which 1 is d best
Dammy, go for DPP for more info call
Titus on 08160801627
Pls I have 177 and I want to study science laboratory technology can i