McPherson University Post UTME Screening Form 2025/2026 Session Out – Application Guide

McPherson University Post UTME Form for 2025/2026 session is out. McPherson University, a university for all races, gender and religion invites suitably qualified candidates to her 2025/2026 academic session degree programmes admission exercise.

McPherson University post UTME application form for this academic session is not different from the previous sessions except some slight changes which in most cases do not even surface. Before going into details as regards MCU post UTME screening application form for 2025/2026 academic session, we shall be looking at the most frequently asked questions about McPherson University post UTME screening application forms by past and present applicants. Listing and answering these FAQs would greatly assist applicants who must have had similar questions about MCU post UTME screening application forms in mind before now.

Below are the list of FAQ on McPherson University’s post UTME forms;

Is McPherson University admission screening form out?

How much is MCU post UTME form?

When will MCU’s Direct Entry and post UTME forms be out?

Please when is the post UME for MCU starting?

Please i want to know if the registration is in progress?

Please when is McPherson University post UTME screening date?

When will MCU post UTME exams commence?

How do I upload my WAEC result to MCU portal for my post UTME?

Please what is an acknowledgment slip?

When will MCU direct entry form be out

What and what are we to bring to the post UTME screening test venue

Will there be any make up post UTME test for candidates that miss the post UTME screening test?

FAQs on MCU Post UTME Screening Application FormAnswers To FAQs on MCU Post UTME forms
Is MCU admission screening form out?MCU post UTME form for this academic session is out.
When will MCU direct entry and post UTME forms be out?The management of MCU usually releases the sale of MCU post UTME and Direct Entry forms together.
Please when is the post UTME for MCU starting?The date for MCU’s post UTME screening exercise is usually communicated via their online publication as shown below in this post.
Please i want to know if the registration is on progress?Registration is ongoing.
Please when is MCU post UTME screening date?The date for MCU ‘s post UTME screening test shall be updated as soon as registration is over.
Please what is an acknowledgment slip?It is a document that must be carried along to the post UTME screening test venue to confirm you successfully applied for MCU’s post UTME application form.
When will MCU direct entry form be outThis is at the discretion of the management of MCU. Ideally, the MCU DE forms are released on same date with the post UTME forms.
What and what are we to bring to the post UTME screening test venue?You are to carry along to the centre your Acknowledgement slip and Screening Invitation Slip that contains the screening schedule.
Will there be any make up post UTME test for candidates that miss the post UTME screening test?No there shall be NO MAKE UP test for any candidate that misses his or her chances of participating in MCU’s post UTME screening test.

The above are the most frequently asked questions on MCU post UTME screening application forms and the best possible answers. Go through them carefully and you can never be wrong with those answers.

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MCU Courses & Admission Requirements


  • Nursing
  • Medical Laboratory Science


  • Department of Microbiology
  • Department of Biochemistry
  • Department of Physical and Computer Sciences (Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Information Technology, Computer Science Programmes)


  • Department of Accounting and Finance (Accounting, Banking & Finance Programmes)
  • Department of Business Administration (Business Administration, Marketing Programmes)
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of International Relations
  • Department of Mass Communication
  • Department of History and International Studies
  • Department of Languages
  • Department of Religion and Peace Studies


The curricula of McPherson University have been designed to lead to the award of the following degrees:

Bachelor of Arts

This degree comprises:

  • English
  • Religion and Peace Studies
  • History and International Studies

Bachelor of Science

This degree comprises:

  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Software Engineering
  • Cyber Security
  • Information Technology,
  • Computer Science
  • Economics
  • Business Administration
  • Accounting
  • Banking and Finance
  • International Relations
  • Mass Communication
  • Marketing

Bachelor of Nursing Science

  • Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science



BIOCHEMISTRYFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics.Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects particularly Biology and Chemistry.
CYBER SECURITYFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics and either Biology or Agricultural Science.English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics‘A’ level passes in two science subjects relevant to the intended programme.
CHEMISTRYFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.English, Chemistry and any other two of Biology, Physics and Mathematics.Two ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry and any one of Physics, Mathematics or Biology.
COMPUTER SCIENCEFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and two other science subjects.English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography.1. Two ‘A’ level passes in science subjects including Mathematics. 2. Diploma in Data Processing with at least a merit pass from a recognized University or OND/HND in Data Processing, Engineering and Mathematics with an overall B grade may be considered.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics to form core subjects with credits in any two relevant subjects (Chemistry, Further Mathematics and Computer Studies)English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics‘A’ level passes in two science subjects relevant to the intended programme.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and either Biology or Agric. ScienceEnglish, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
MATHEMATICSFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry.English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics or Geography.1. Two ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics and any other science subjects. 2. NCE with at least merit in Mathematics and on of Physics, Chemistry or Economics.
MICROBIOLOGYFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry.English, Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.Two ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry and any one from Biology / Zoology/Botany.
PHYSICSFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and any other science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agric Science.English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.NCE/Two ‘A’ level passes in and Mathematics or Chemistry.
STATISTICSFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, and at least three subjects from Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics and Geography.English, Mathematics and two of Physics, Chemistry and Economics.1. Two ‘A’ level passes to include Mathematics or Statistics. 2. NCE (credit) in relevant subjects.
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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics, Economics and any Social Science subject.Three ‘A’ level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government and Geography.
BANKING AND FINANCEFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics, Economics and any Social Science subject.Three ‘A’ level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government and Geography.
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics, Economics and any Social Science subject.Two ‘A’ level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government, Geography, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology and Sociology.
ECONOMICSFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics, Economics and any Social Science subject.Two ‘A’ level passes chosen from Economics, Accounting, Business Management, Government, Geography, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology and Sociology.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Government/History and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics and any two of the following: Economics, History, Government, Geography, Literature-in-English and French.Three ‘A’ level passes in the relevant subjects.
MARKETINGFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Economics or Commerce and any other two relevant subjects.English, Mathematics, Economics and any Social Science subject.Two ‘A’ level passes chosen from Accounting, Business Management, Government AND Geography.
MASS COMMUNICATIONFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language and four other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.English and three from Arts or Social Sciences subjects.Two ‘A’ level passes in Arts and Social Science subjects.


ENGLISHFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Literature-in-English, an Arts subject and any other two subjects.Literature-in-English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subjects.1. Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects particularly English and Lit-in-English. 2. OND with Upper Credit in relevant fields.
HISTORY AND INT. STUDIESFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Govt/History and any other three Arts/Social Science subjects.History/Govt and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Science.1. Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects particularly History, Government, Literature-in-English, etc 2. OND with Upper Credit in the Humanities.
RELIGIOUS STUDIESFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language and CRK/IRS.CRS/IRS and other two subjects.Two ‘A’ level subjects to include Religious Studies (CRS/IRS)
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NURSINGFive SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry at not more than two sittingsEnglish, Physics, Biology, Chemistry1.) Two ‘A’ level passes (graded A-E) at the Advanced Level in Biology and Chemistry. 2.) OND/HND in Medical/Biological Sciences may also be admitted by direct entry into 200 level, provided they satisfy other University admission requirements. 3.)Registered Nurse or Midwifery Certificate and five credits at ordinary level GCE or SSCE which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry at not more than two sittings can be considered for admission.
MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCEFive credit level passes in subjects including Biology, Chemistry, English Language, Physics and Mathematics at the SSCE, NECO, GCE or their equivalent at not more than two sittings.English, Physics, Biology, Chemistryi.) Possess GCEA/IJMB with a minimum of two science subjects relevant to the intended programme
ii.) OND with minimum of lower credit in relevant field.
This is in addition to fulfilling the requirement of a minimum of credit level passes in five relevant subjects at O’level as indicated above.

TRANSFER TO NURSING (Additional Information)

Transfer from other faculties of this or other Universities recognized by McPherson University. After successfully completing a B.Sc. degree course in Biological  Sciences/ basic or pure sciences in part or whole in this or any other Universities/recognized by McPherson University, a candidate may be considered for admission into 200 level of the B.N.Sc. degree of this University provided such a candidate satisfies the admission requirements as prescribed in above.

A candidate from B.N.Sc. degree programme of a recognised university may be allowed to transfer into the programme after the faculty has been satisfied that the candidate has genuine reason for applying for transfer and has met all the criteria for transfer into the programme. However, such transfer student shall be admitted at a level to be determined by the faculty but not higher than 300 level.

How to Apply for MCU Post UTME/DE Form

Step 1 – Visit MCU portal

Step 2 – Click on Create new application (if you are a fresh student).

Step 3 – Fill in all open fields correctly and click on create account.

Step 4 – Login with your username and password

Step 5 – fill all required fields and pay the two thousand naira (N2000) screening form

Step 6 – Complete the form and submit.

For inquiries call 08034234432 or 08063548498

Hope this is well understood? Do you have any questions as regards MCU post UTME screening form for 2025/2026 academic session? Please feel free to reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.