Federal University of Technology Minna – FUTMINNA postgraduate courses for all candidates, students and prospective students have been rolled out for the current academic session. Aside the available postgraduate programmes, we have taken out time to list out their admission requirements as this would be highly beneficial to all aspiring degree and HND students who wish to further their career in FUTMINNA.
Please note that upon completion of any of the postgraduate courses offered at FUTMINNA a certificate in any of the PGD programmes, M.Sc., M.Egnr., Ph.D. and other postgraduate courses are awarded to deserving students as approved by the senate or governing council of the university.
Federal University of Technology Minna postgraduate school boasts as one of the best among other state universities in Nigeria that offers postgraduate programmes.
Candidates must meet the general entry admission postgraduate requirements to be eligible for application into Federal University of Technology Minna postgraduate school.
Kindly see below for duration and admission requirements for PGD Masters degree and Ph.D students.
- Postgraduate Diploma – 2 to 4 Semesters
- Masters in Resource Development (MRD) – Minimum of 3 semesters (Full time) and 4 Semesters (Part time) students
- M.A./M.Sc. – Minimum of 3 semesters (Full time) and 4 Semesters (Part time) students
- Ph.D –Â Â 6 to 10 Semesters
The following shall qualify for admission into the Postgraduate Diploma  Programmes:-
(i) Graduates of Federal University of Technology Minna or other recognized Universities.
(ii) Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of lower credit pass or its equivalent in relevant areas.
(iii) Candidates who hold qualifications other than the above, which are acceptable to the Senate of the University.
(iv) Candidates for application into FUTMINNA must satisfy the University’s requirements for matriculation i.e. five credit passes at the O’level to include English Language and Mathematics.
The following shall qualify for the Master’s Degree Programmes: –
(i) Graduates of Federal University of Technology Minna or other recognized Universities who have obtained the approved degree of Bachelor with at least Second-Class Honours (CGPA 3.00) or its equivalent, or candidates with University degree and appropriate Postgraduate Diploma of UMYU or any recognized University with at least a credit level pass.
(ii) Candidates whose degrees are unclassified should score an average of “C” or 50% or above.
(iii) Candidates with only Bachelors degree in third class division who have at least five years relevant working experience. This shall be applicable to MRD only.
(iv) Candidate who possess HND with at least a credit pass from recognized institutions and at least credit pass at Postgraduate Diploma of FUTMINNA or any other recognized institution in the relevant areas. This shall be applicable to MRD only.
(v) Candidates who hold qualifications other than the ones listed above, which are acceptable to the Senate of the University.
(vi) In addition to (i) – (v) above, a candidate must satisfy the University’s requirements for matriculation i.e. five credit passes at the O’level to include English Language and Mathematics.
(vii) Also candidates seeking admission into the M.A, M.Ed. and M.Sc. programmes shall sit an entrance examination to be conducted by the University.
(i) Graduates of FUTMINNA and other recognized universities who have obtained a good Masters Degree with a CGPA of 3.50 on a 5 point scale or a CGPA of 3.00 on a 4 point scale appropriate to the proposed areas of study.(ii) Candidates with the Degree of Professional Masters with at least a Bachelor’s Degree may qualify for admission provided that they satisfy the condition in (i) above.
(iii) Graduates of FUTMINNA or other recognized Universities who have obtained Masters of Philosophy degree appropriate to the proposed areas of study.
(iv) In addition to (i), (ii) and (iii) above candidates must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Second Class Lower division (CGPA 3.00).
(v) Candidates who hold qualifications other than the above, which are acceptable to the Senate of the University.
(vi) In addition to (i) – (v) above, a candidate must satisfy the University’s requirements for matriculation i.e. five credit passes at the O’level to include English Language and Mathematics.
(vii) In addition to (i) – (vi) above, a candidate must submit a copy of his/her MA/MSc thesis as part of the requirement for admission.
(viii) A candidate must state the proposed area of Research and submit a synopsis of not less than 500 words for the proposed topic of research.
A. MTech/MEng and PhD Programmes
a) Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Technology
Ph.D. (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Agricultural Economics and
ii) Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
MTech(Full-time ) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Agricultural Economics and
ii) Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
b) Department of Animal Production
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization.
i) Animal Nutrition
ii) Pasture Production
iii) Meat Science
iv) Dairy and Cattle Production
v) Reproductive Physiology
vi) Animal Breeding and Genetics
MTech (Full-time only) in Animal Production.
c) Department of Crop Production
Ph.D (Full-time and part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Weed Science,
ii) Horticulture,
iii) Seed Technology,
iv) Crop Breeding/Genetics
v) Post Harvest Technology
vi) Crop Protection
MTech (Full-time only) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Crop Protection
ii) Crop Production
iii) Agronomy
d) Department of Soil Science and Land Management
PhD(Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Soil Conservation and Water Management
ii) Soil Fertility
iii) Soil Physics
iv) Soil Microbiology
v) Pedology
MTech (Full-time only) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Soil Conservation and Water Management
ii) Soil Fertility
iii) Soil Physics,
iv) Soil Microbiology
iv) Pedology
v) Soil chemistry
e) Department of Water Resources, Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology
PhD (Full-time and Part-time)in the following areas of specialization:
i) Aquaculture/Fish nutrition
ii) Hydrobiology/Limnology
iii) Fish Post Harvest Technology
iv) Fish Genetics and Breeding
v) Fish Biology
vi) Fish Ecology
vii) Fish Toxicology
MTech (Full-time only) in Fisheries Technology
a) Department of Chemical Engineering
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in Chemical Engineering
MEng (Full-time only) in Chemical Engineering
b) Department of Civil Engineering
PhD (Full-time and Part-time)in the following areas of Specialization:
i) Structural Engineering
ii) Geotechnical Engineering
MEng in (Full-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Structural Engineering
ii) Geotechnical Engineering
c) Department of Computer Engineering
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) Computer Engineering
d) Department of Communication Engineering.
Ph.D. in Communication Engineering (Full-time and Part-time)
e) Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization
i) Power systems
ii) Electric Machine and Drives
iii) Electronics
MEng(Full–time only) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Electronics
ii) Control and Instrumentation
f) Department of Mechanical Engineering
PhD (Full–time and Part-time) and MEng (Full-time only) in the following areas of Specialization:
i) Industrial and Production Engineering
ii) Materials and Metallurgy Engineering
iii) Design and Solid Mechanics Engineering
iv) Thermofluids and Power Plant Engineering
v) Foundry Engineering
a) Department of Architecture
PhD Architecture (full-time and part-time)MTech in Architecture (Full-time only)
b) Department of Building Technology
M.Tech (Full-time and Part-time) and Ph.D. (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Building Services
ii) Construction Management
iii) Construction Technology
c) Department of Estate Management
M.Tech (Full-time) Ph.D. (Full-time/Part-time) in Estate Management
d) Department of Urban and Regional Planning
M.Tech (Full-Time) Ph.D. in in the following areas of specialization:
i) Urban Governance and Poverty Study
ii) Housing and Urban Renewal
iii) Environmental Impact Assessment.
e) Department of Quantity Surveying
PhD And MTech in Quantity Surveying (Full–time only).
f) Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in Surveying and Geoinformatics.
a) Department of Biochemistry
PhD ( Full –time and Part-time) and MTech (Full-time only) in Biochemistry.
b)Department of Biological Sciences
PhD(Full-time and part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Zoology (Applied Entomology and Parasitology)
ii) Botany (Mycology)
MTech(Full-time only ) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Zoology (Applied Entomology and Parasitology)
ii) Zoology (Hydrobiology )
iii) Botany (Applied Plant Genetics and Breeding)
iv) Botany (Mycology )
c) Department of Microbiology
M.Tech (Full-time and Part-time) and Ph.D. (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Industrial Microbiology
ii) Medical Microbiology
iii) Environmental Microbiology
iv) Pharmaceutical Microbiology
a) Department of Chemistry
PhD (Full-time and Part-time ) and MTech (Full –time ) in Analytical Chemistry
b) Department of Geography
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in the following Options
i) Applied Meteorology
ii) Remote Sensing Application
iii) Environmental Management
iv) Geography
MTech (full-time) in the following options
i) Environmental Management
ii) Meteorology
iii) Remote Sensing Application
c) Department of Geology
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) and MTech (full-time only) in the following areas of specialization
i) Hydrogeology
ii) Mineral Exploration
iii) Biostratigraphy
d) Department of Mathematics
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) in Applied Mathematics
MTech (Full –time only) in Applied Mathematics
e) Department of Physics
M.Tech (Full-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Applied Geophysics
ii) Solid State Physics
iii) Applied Nuclear Physics
iv) Atmospheric Physics
Ph.D. (Full-time and Part-time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Applied Geophysics
ii) Solid State Physics
iii) Atmospheric Physics
a) Department of Industrial and Technology Education
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) and MTech (Full-time only) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Automobile Technology Education,
ii) Building Technology Education
iii) Electrical/Electronics Technology Education,
iv) Metal Work Technology Education and
v) Woodwork Technology Education.
b) Department of Science Education
PhD (Full-time and Part-time) and MTech(Full-time)in the following areas of specialization:
i) Educational Technology
ii) Chemistry Education
iii) Biology Education
iv) Geography Education
v) Mathematics Education
vi) Physics Education
a) Ph.D.. (Full-time and Part-Time)and MTech (Full-time) Entrepreneurship and Business Studies.
b) Ph.D.. (Full-time and Part-Time)and MTech (Full-time) Transport Management.
c) Ph.D. (Full-time and Part-Time)and MTech (Full-time) Project Management.
a) Department Computer Science
PhD (Full-time and part-time) and MTech(full-time) in Computer Science.
b) Department of Cyber Security
PhD (Full-time and part-time) and MTech(full-time) in Cyber Security Science.
c) Department of Library and Information Technology
PhD (Full-time and Part-time)andMTech(Full-time only)in Library and Information Technology
Professional Master in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies (Full-time only).
i) Professional Masterin Sustainable Urban Development (Full-time)
ii) Professional Masterin Urban Ecology (Full-time )
1. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Technology
i) Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics (Full-time)
ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Extension and Rural Sociology (Full-time)
2. Department of Animal Production
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Production (Full-Time)
3. Department of Crop Production
Postgraduate Diploma in Crop Production (Full-Time)
4. Department of Water Resources Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology
Postgraduate Diploma in Fisheries Technology (Full-Time)
5. Department of Chemical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Full-Time)
6. Department of Civil Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering (Full-Time)
7. Department of Mechanical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Full-time)
8. Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Technology
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management Technology (Full-time)
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management (Full-time).
Postgraduate Diploma in Transport Management (Full-time).
9. Department of Estate Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Estate Management (Full-time)
10. Department of Architecture
Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture (Full-time)
11. Department of Building Technology
Postgraduate Diploma in Building (Full-time and Part-time)
12. Department of Quantity Surveying
Postgraduate Diploma in Quantity Surveying (Full-time and Part-time)
13. Department of Urban and Regional Planning
i) Postgraduate Diploma in Housing Studies (Full-time)
ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (Full-time)
14. Centre for Human Settlements and Urban Development.
Postgraduate Diploma in Public-Private Partnership in Urban Environment (PPPUE) (Full-Time) and Sustainable Urban Development (CHSUD) (Full-Time).
15. Department of Computer Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (Full-time and Part-time)
16. Department of Cyber Security
Postgraduate Diploma in Cyber Security Sciences (Full-time)
17. Department of Geography.
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management.
18. Department of Industrial and Technology Education
Postgraduate Diploma (Full-Time) in the following areas of specialization:
i) Automobile Technology Education
ii) Building Technology Education
iii) Electrical/Electronics Technology Education
iv) Metal work Technology Education
v) Woodwork Technology Education
19. Department of Science Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Full-time)
If you have any question as regards FUTMINNA postgraduate courses and their admission requirements, kindly get back to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.
when is PGD PROGRAMM forms will be available for sale?
Goodday, please, I have a HND in architecture.(upper credit), is it possible for me to run a PGD in Quantity Surveying having the above qualification?
Yes it is very possible
Sule Moses,
Sir/Madam, i want to know if PGD programme forms are on sales
No it is not available at the moment. However, you could call any of these numbers for enquiry 07037239989, 07067477554, 0806223905.
Please Ma/Sir,
When will PGD form for 2025/2026 Acedemy session will be on sale.
Thank you.
Its on sale. Check FUTMINNA PG website
Dear Ma/Sir,
I checked the web site, it’s only molecular biology and toxicology that is available and my desired Pgd course of study is Surveying and Geoinformatics. I am a graduate of industrial Chemistry from futminna. Is it possible for me to do Pgd in Surveying and Geoinformatics.
Thank you sir.
Yes it’s possible to go for PDG Surveying and Geoinfomatics.
Do FUTMINNA offer a distance learning course program for PhD mechanical
Yes but not for Ph.D. Mechanical.
Alright, Thanks
Hope u will gist us once the form is on Sale?
Yes it will be updated here on this site
Peace Be Unto U Sir,
Hope u’re having a great fun?
Pls what about a candidate that read Mathematics Education as a course of study in ABU Zaria (with CGPA 4.20) and intend to further his/her Master in Cyber Security. Would He be eligible? Or most undergoes through PGD?
Such person would go through PGD first before Masters in Cyber security
Am with HND crop production tech, did fut Minna offer pgd Crop production tech in education or agric. Education
Please , may l know if Futminna offers PGD project management on Part-time basis ?
No they don’t offer project management on Part-time basis.
Pls sir with degree in computer science can I do Post graduate in computer engineering/master degree futminna?
Please did I need to submit my transcript in applying for postgraduate studies(masters) at futminna
Do so physically
Good morning, I’d like to know if FUT minna offers Msc in Public Health…..
If it isn’t on the list provided in the post then it simply means MPH isn’t available.
Hello good afternoon.
Pls I want know when will fut postgraduate school will open selling the application form?
I will update the news on this site as soon as the sale of PG form is on.
Greetings. Thank you for the information. Is Futminna having PGD study center in Lagos? Thank you.
Hi Dare. No Distance Learning Centre in Lagos for now.
Lydia by name. Please do you offer food science and technology in masters level. Secondly is the masters form still on sale?
FUTMINNA PG form for 2020 is not on sale yet. As for whether Food and Nutrition is offered at FUTMINNA postgraduate school, the answer is No.
please make una help me…. i wan continue school… but na economics i wan do for masters… fut minna dey do am?
i want to find out if FUT, Minna offers Technology Management at PhD level because its my area of interest. i will like to know so that it can form my decision.
please i want to know if someone with M.Sc Economics can apply for Ph. d in entrepreneural management. I need an advice on want to do
i am not so sure about someone with an M.Sc in Economics applying for Ph. d in entrepreneural management at FUTMINNA PG school I will confirm and get back to you.
pls for 2025/2026 masters programme in civil engineering ,does FUTMINNA give admission to someone with lower credit in PGD CIVIL ENGINEERING from FUTMINNA ?
Pls sir, I intend to enroll for Msc in Library, and second class lower of CGPA less than 3.ooo, but 5yrs of my graduation. Pls, sir can I be consider?
when will fut minna start selling 2025/2026 post graduate form
how much were phd student paying in fut minna
The school is still in session. As soon they start we shall post it
Morning, pls what about PGD in surveying and geoinformatics ? In 2018 -2019 is their while 2019-20 is missing.
Hi, pls can someone with HND( Distinction) in Elect/Elect Engineering apply for masters direct in FUTMINA or has to go for PGD first?
Good day,
I scanned through to see courses offered at PG level but i didn’t see Food Science and Technology. I would love to do PhD Food Science and Technology with a bias in Postharvest Technology but I saw that under Crop Protection. Can I still apply and when is the form going to be available?
Please I want to confirm if someone with HND in Architecture can do a PGD course in building Technology or construction management in your school.
Yes such individual is very eligible
Please is application form for 2025/2026 Pgd out? If not when?
please i want to know if futminna offers post graduate diploma in mechanical engineering, with option in either production or mechatronics, i hold higher national diploma with upper credit, and their duration please
Please can someone switch from engineering to any of the social sciences e.g agric eng to agric econs/extension?
Please Sir / ma’am, a want to know if FUT Minna is offering PGD in Agricultural Engineering. Thanks
Please Sir/ ma’am, I want to know if FUT MINNA are offering PGD in Agricultural Engineering. Thanks
Please does FUTM offer Masters degree courses. when are you selling forms for 2019 session
With full Technological certificate of c& G of London,can I apply for PhD in Electrical in Fut minna
With full Technological certificate of c& G of London,can I apply for PhD in Electrical in Fut momma.
I want to apply for masters in resource management I hope the date has not passed.
FUTMinna Postgraduate Admission form for 2018/19 closed on the 31st of August 2018
Pls can I still get form for masters degree to study building tech education and how much ? Can I buy it in line ?
Yes you can but FUTMINNA postgraduate admission form is not on sale yet
I what to know if pass is acceptable for PGD in Cyber Security is study Industrial Mathematics at B.Sc. with pass degree from Delta State University
Yes please. With a Pass or 3rd class, you can apply for any PGD course. You are good to go.
Please sir/madam,
I am interested in applying for Cyber security Sciences , in your noble school. But I graduated with a pass in Bsc. Physics , from University of Abuja. I don’t know if I can be giving opportunity to do my Postgraduate Diploma in cyber security science . So I can go for the form immediately.
Please to get info concerning post graduate programs at futmina seems to be a bit difficult. pl I want to enroll for my masters program . I need info concerning Current post graduate tuition fees , acceptance fees, and hostel charges at futmina. someone help please!
Check the link for FUTMINNA PG school fees https://schoolings.org/futminna-postgraduate-school-fees-freshers-pgd-masters-2018-19/
pls i want to know whether futmina is not offering pgd in electical electronics as i didnt see it on the advert page.Thanks.
They don’t offer Elect Elect as a postgraduate course
pls i want to know if whether futmina is not offering pgd in electical electronics as i didnt see it on the advert page.Thanks.