The management and school authority of Federal University Oye-Ekiti popularly known as FUOYE has released the list of courses offered in her institution. This gives aspiring candidates with interest in furthering their education the ample opportunity to go through the courses that are offered in FUOYE.
FUOYE is widely regarded as one of the top 10 best universities in Nigeria, and of course can compete with its Federal counterparts academically and otherwise.
Some refer to FUOYE as also one of the best universities In Nigeria for studying Engineering and Law Courses
Upon completion of any of the courses offered FUOYE a certificate in B.Sc, B.Egnr, LLB and any of the Degrees are awarded to successful students as approved by the senate or governing council of the university.
Candidates who wish to apply for any of the courses offered in Federal University, Oye-Ekiti can now confirm if the course chosen is offered in the institution before registering for JAMB, and if you do not know how to go about the registration, see the step by step procedure on how to register for JAMB this academic session.
The courses as seen below are the accredited courses offered in FUOYE for undergraduates only according to NUC (Nigerian University Commission) with the information posted here, candidates are well assured of its authenticity.
Usually, upon choosing a course of study, it is usually advised prospective students or applicants go through some of the requirements required to be eligible to study the course in question, see below basic requirements to study any of the courses offered at FUOYE.
FUOYE Admission Requirements
i) Candidate who wish to study in the FUOYE must be over 16 years of age in the year of admission
ii) One of the requirements into FUOYE; candidates must possess a minimum of 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and maths at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings in order to be qualified to study at the institution.
iii) Candidate must beat the current FUOYE’s cut off mark for JAMB
iv) Upon meeting the above requirements, candidates becomes automatically eligible for admission into Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) and their internal screening exercise.
List of Faculties in Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Science
- Faculty of Management Science
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Pharmacy
List of Accredited Course Offered In FUOYE
As for the list of courses offered in FUOYE (Federal University Technology Oye-Ekiti), we arranged the courses in an alphabetical order for ease of identification especially for freshers. Please note that these courses outline below are Federal University of Oye-Ekiti undergraduate courses, post graduate is not inclusive.
Academic Planning Unit
Agricultural and Bio-Resources
Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering
Agricultural Economics and Extensions
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Science
Animal and Environmental Biology
Animal Health and Production
Banking and Finance
Biology Education
Business Administration
Business Education
Chemistry Education
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Criminology and Security studies
Crop Science and Horticulture
Demography and Social Statistics
Economics & Development Studies
Educational Management
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
English and Literary Studies
English Education
Fishery and Aquaculture
Food Science and Technology
Forest and Wild Life Management
History and International Studies
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Industrial Chemistry
Innovation and Research Center Unit
Internal Audit Unit
Library and Information Science Education
Linkage Program, Environmental Research and Development Unit
Mass Communication
Mathematics Education
Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Metallurgical and Material Engineering
Peace and Conflict Resolution
Physics Education
Plant Science and Biotechnology
Political Science
Public Administration
Public Relations/Information and Protocol Unit
Soil Science
Students Affairs Division
Theatre Arts
Water Resources Management And Agro-Met
Basic Medical Sciences
Recently, the management added a new list of courses that have undergone the NUC accreditation procedure. Below are the new list of courses added.
Faculty of Arts
- B.A. Philosophy
- B.A. Religious Studies
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
- B.Sc. Anatomy
- BMLS Medical Laboratory Science
- B.NSc. Nursing
- B.Sc. Physiology
- B.Sc. Radiology and Radiation Science
Faculty of Education
- Ed Adult Education
Faculty of Environmental Design and Management
- B.Sc. Architecture
- B.Sc. Building
- B.Sc. Estate Management
- B.Sc. Quantity Surveying
- B.Sc. Surveying and Geoinformatics
- B.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Science
- B.Sc. Environmental Management and Toxicology
- B.Sc. Chemistry
- B.Sc. Statistics
Here we have it, the accredited list of courses offered in FUOYE (Federal University Oye Ekiti) if you have any input or questions as regards this information, kindly scroll down to the comment section and get prompt feedback.
Good luck
>> Federal University Oye Ekiti School Fees & Courses Offered for Undergraduates
>> FUOYE Registration Procedure For Freshers Announced
>> FUOYE Acceptance Fee For Freshers Academic Session
>> Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE) JAMB Cut-Off Mark Session
what is the cut off mark for study pharmacy
With 260 and above, you are good to go?
is pharmacy accredited in fuoye?
I scored 237 in jamb but I have D7 in Literature can I study English and Literary Studies
You need at least a Credit pass in Lit in English as a prerequisite to study English and Literary Studies.
I scored 201 in jamb
Please do I have a chance to study radiology
Please, I scored 194 in jamb
Mathematics A1, English language B3, Biology B3, Chemistry B3, physics B3. Do I stand a chance to study Radiology ?
No you don’t stand a chance.
What is the cut off mark for medical laboratory science in fuoye 2023 and is it accredited
You need at least 240 and above.
Pls sir, My son is 15yrs old in april this yr, can he gain admission to your school
Sure he can
Good day sir
I had 237 in my jamb and intend gaining admission to nursing in oye
How possible is it
I need to know if I can still do change of institution of fuoye ekiti
I need reply real quick sir
237 for Nursing is going to be difficult. My advice is that you change your course
Urgent reply sir!
Please what’s my chance of getting admitted to study mls with 237 jamb score
Yes you can be considered if your post UTME score is high
Please can someone that is true with the ND ,that study Science laboratory Technology with the results 3.01 take the FOYE direct entry form to study nursing through DE . am waiting for your reply sir
Yes it is possible
Pls can I study phisiotheraphy in fuoye with 191…
Pls I need an urgent answer
No you can’t. Please change your course
Please I scored 195.can I study Computer Science ,cause I really want it
No you can’t
Please I scored 195.can I study Computer Science
Please I scored 186 in jamb can I study public Administration in fuoye pls urgent reply
Your chances are very slim
I scored 178 in my jamb 2025/2026
Can i study radiography in fuoye
Your chances are slim
I scored 213 in my jamb 2025/2026.
Can I study Architecture in fuoye
I honestly don’t think so
I scored 178 in my jamb 2025/2026
Can i study radiography
Please I want to do my (PGD) postgraduate in mass communication what entails? and when is it likely to commence?.
Is nursing accredited in FUOYE and what’s their cutoff mark?
Of course NUC accredited Nursing in FUOYE
Sir I scored 169 can I offered hospitality and tourism management or medical laboratory science
your chances are slim
Does candidate that chooses fuoye as their second choice write Post utme ?
Does fuoye write post utme
What is the cut off mark in jamb for studying surveying and geoinfirmatic in fuoye
You need at least 230 and above to stand a good chance
Is surveying and geoinfirmatic accredited in fuoye sir
Is surveying and geoinfirmatic accredited in fuoye
but the jamb score is over the fuoye cut off mark
Is surveying and geoinfirmatic has been accredited in fuoye?
Yes it’s accredited
Have lectures in pharmacy started?
As per those who got admission during April 2021
Pls Sir 🙏
Is Surveying and Geo-informatics now fully accredited in Fuoye for 2025/2026 Session?
They are both accredited
Urgently needed sir,with 250 can I study medicine and surgery in fuoye and is it truly accredited?
Sir can I study MLS with 165 with As and Bs in my waec in fuoye
Pls I scored 193 in jamb with a good o’level result
Can I study estate management at fuoye
It is possible.
Is your Nursing fully accredited & can my daughter with 226 in Jamb apply sir?
Yes its possible though she needs a very high post UTME to give her an edge to compete with other candidates with better JAMB scores applying for same course.
Pls when is fuoye going to release their post utme form
I score 210 in jamb, can I study mls in fuoye
Yes but your screening score needs to be high
old sir I had 177 in UTME 2021
Is there any chance 4 mLS if no which course can I study as a science course
With a g=high post UTME score you still have a chance
Please is Mechatronics Engineering fully accredited at FUOYE
Does fuoye offer pure statistics?
214 to study medicine and surgery. WAEC complete at one sitting. Cen I put in for post utme
Pls, my son scored 214 in jamb to study medicine and surgery. WAEC is complete, one sitting. Any hope of admission?
Can I study microbiology with a score of 196 and aggregate of 56.4
Sir please I had 216 in Jamb.. can I study pharmacy?
Unfortunately no.
Can I study nursing in fuoye with 244
I scored 198 2025/2026 session
Can I study mls at fuoye
Please with 177 in JAMB can i study nursing science at FUOYE. with o’level result Eng B3, Maths C4, Biology B3, Physics A1, Chemistry C5. 1 sitting
if no please which course is advisable for me study at fuoye. Help
No you can’t
I scored 182 in jamb 2021 and I want to study Nursing. Can I obtain the post Utme form or will I probably be given another course?
My jamb score is 191 and I want to study food science and technology
Do I have the chances of gaining admission??
No you don’t
Can 169 study pharmacy in fuoye?
no you can’t
SIR can someone score 182 in jamb and had 49.30 in screening study anatomy
Thank you so much for your prompt response sir
So it means direct entry students will join this 100 level students when they enter the second year in 2022 right?
I really need to be sure of this before doing change of institution sir
My future depends on this sir
Or is there any how i I can direct my questions to Fuoye sir to be really sure 100% sure?
DE candidates will join the 2025/2026 session into 200level directly while UTME students will start from 100 Level
Please sir after researching a lot online, I read that the first set for pharmacy is 2025/2026 session. I’m a Direct Entry student and I registered for 2025/2026 DE
My question is that will fuoye give admission to any DE student in 2025/2026 who wants to study pharmacy which is actually a new course and that was just approved last year? and 12 points enough to study pharmacy
I really needed a clear response from yousir regarding this issue
Thank you
Yes you will be given admission. 12 points is okay for Pharmacy.
Sir, I also scored 198 and I want to study law.
Can I be admitted at fuoye?
Please what is the cut off mark for medical laboratory science….pls answer needed urgently……and with 168 in jamb and 5 credits ,can I collect fuoye jupeb form because I saw DE requirements and I don’t understand…Do I need to go for direct entry first?
What is the cut off mark for medical laboratory sciences for 2021
Pls some one with nd result of 3.10 in nutrition and dietetics can the person do direct entry and is it possible to do
change of course to nursing in fuoye
Yes to both questions
Pls is nursing accredited in fuoye now and the cut off mark
Pls what is the cutoff mark for radiography in fuoye?
I had 46.0 in the screening exercise please will I be considered for nursing
I had 222 in jamb and 60.30 in the screening. Will I be considered for nursing?
You can be considered
Please sir I scored 180 in jamb and I applied for nursing in fuoye will I be considered for admission into the school?
Cause on the school portal I saw 180 as the cutoff mark for nursing in fuoye
180 is the minimum score you need to apply for post UTME irrespective of the course. Now with 180, bear in mind other candidates with higher UTME and post UTME scores shall be first considered before you which makes your chances slim.
Pls sir is the BMLS offered online?
No. You have to be physically present
Is nursing accredited in fuoye
Of course Nursing is fully accredited in FUOYE.
Pls sir
has fuoye start giving admission to nursing candidate
Is health education accredited at fuoye
Yes it is fully accredited.
Can NCE student apply for nursing direct entry pls
How to apply for the new accredited course please(Nursing). With 198 in jamb
please is there nursing in fuoye
Yes Nursing is now offered in FUOYE. It is among the newly added courses in FUOYE
Pls is fuoye offering STATISTICS ONLY ???
Please is there nursing course in FUOYE and is it accredited.
Pls is there nursing in fuoye
Does health education been accredited in FUOYE, and what is the actual point require for the direct entry and what are the related course need to be study in NCE but applying for the course pls I need urgent answer
I mean before applying for the course
I scored 193 in jamb can i apply for med lab in fuoye?
You won’t be considered
Can I choose fuoye for direct entry into MLS
Can I still purchase FUOYE form?
Does FUOYE offer Nursing?
Sir I got 236 in jamb and 58.4%in the screening am I eligible for medical laboratory science
Yes you are good to go.
Sir I got 200 in my jamb
We accreditated it with my wace
N it came out 53.65
Can I be offered nursing as it’s a new course in the school??
This will be difficult. Your UTME score as well as post UTME score isn’t high enough.
Can I study medical lab science with a score of 209 sir
Yes but your chances are slim
I want to ask whether fuoye opens their portal for a specific accredited courses under faculty of basic medical science and when is it going to close.
Is nursing an accredited course in fuoye?
Nursing is accredited in FUOYE.
What course can i study in fuoye with a jamb score of 218
can i still change institution to fuoye
How can I change to Fuoye, having scored 220 in Jamb to study medical laboratory science…
Amy hope to be admitted.?? Thanks sir.
Yes you can change
I want to confirm maybe fuoye has a direct entry for medical laboratory scientist. Please it is urgent.
Sir, am waiting for ur reply
So long as MLS is offered under the undergraduate level, there is automatically Direct Entry admission for it too. Sorry for the delay.
Can I apply for direct entry into MLS in fuoye this year
of course you can
Good evening admin…does fuoye accept direct entry for medical laboratory Science
Of course they do.
dσєѕ fuσчє αccєpt twσ ѕíttíng fσr nursing
I scored 200 in jamb
Can I study biochemistry in fuoye?
200 for Biochemistry is not feasible.
Does FUOYE offer MSc in Business Administration ?
Hello Toba. M.Sc. Business Administration is not offered in FUOYE. However, this link contains the available courses offered in FUOYE PG School.
What is the cutoff for pharmacy and Nursing at Fuoye
If your cut off mark is 260 and above you are good to go.
I we like to verify maybe fuoye has PT section please i need urgent respond in 07065780046
Is medical laboratory science accredited in fuoye nd cut off mark
Yes MLS is accredited at FUOYE.
Can I still do change of institution to Fuoye now
I doubt it. Doing it at this stage where admission list is almost out could jeopardize your chances
Gud day sir, pls I heard dat fuoye has accredited nursing. Pls ao true is dat?
Very correct. Nursing has been accredited in FUOYE.
Comment Text*:Does FUOYE offered surveying and geoinformatic course.pls quickly reply pi need it urgently i beg u
No they don’t.
Good day sir, my daughter has 250 in Jamb and she want to study medicine and surgery in your school, is it possible?
It is possible if she scores very high in her post UTME screening exam.
Sir I scored 204 in utme wanna study sociology in fuoye I’m I good to go?
Yes you can be considered if your post UTME result is good
Hi, please is Pharmacy accredited in FUOYE? If yes, can JAMB Score of 201 be admitted?
Pharmacy has been accredited in FUOYE but No you can’t study the course with 201 UTME score.
Hello sir
I scored 183 in jamb and my score did not upto to the cutoff Mark..
So, what course can I offer with the scores as Art student
Please can I use that score
Hello sir
I score 191 in jamb
Can I study either theathre art or criminology for that
You can’t study Theatre arts with that score.
Please sir am science student,I wrote English, physics, biology and chemistry in my jamb and I want to change my course to economics in fuoye,can I sir
No you cant. You need Mathematics, English language and Economics to study Economics in any University in Nigeria
Pls sir is fuoye offering nursing.
Nursing is not offered in FUOYE!
Pls sir I had 231 in jamb, can I study nursing with that score
Hi Mide! To be honest with you, your chances are not so bright. But if you score excellently well in your post UTME, then you stand a better chance.
Pls is fuoye offering nursing or anatomy
Kindly go through the courses listed on the page. You can confirm from there Sir
Please what are the chances of gaining admission in fuoye with 245 and literature,
English, government and Economics as subject combination to study Law.
Yes it is possible.
Pls does fuoye offer pharmacy
No, Pharmacy isn’t offered in FUOYE
Pls does fuoye offer estate management
Do FUOYE have physiotherapy
Pls I did n.c.e came out with credit
And my waec is good can I use it to study out fuoye
Yes you can
Is Biomedical Technology in Fuoye?
I scored 181in jamb can I study business administration in fuoye
I score 181, can I study business administration in fuoye
Sir, i scored 159 in jamb, sir can i apply for chemistry education cos d cut off mark is 150
I want to change my institution to fuoye. Medicine and surgery. I got 265 in jamb and a good o level. will I be admitted??
Please I need ur response . Thanks
Yes you can be admitted for Medicine at FUOYE so long as your post UTME score is high
Please is Fuoye offering Pharmacy this year 2019. My son scored 191 and he want to study Pharmacy. Urgent reply please.
please i score 190,can i study mass communication in fuoye
What Dept is Hospitality &tourism mgt in fuoye?my daughter scored 195,is she qualified?
It will fall under Social and management sciences. Yes she has a chance if she does well in her post UTME
Please sir I had d7 in mathematics nd I want to study history and International studies in fuoye… I had 219 in jamb, am I good to go??
Urgent answer please
Well you actually do not need Mathematics to study ISD but your JAMB score is a bit low for the course, however, you still stand a chance of studying the course at FUOYE
what am trying to say is that can i study mass comm with the this combination at Fuoye…commerce, english,literature and government
At Fuoye
can i study mass communication with these combination:english,commerce,literature and government
Yes you can study Mass Comm with the above O’Level subjects.
Please is medical laboratory science accredited in fuoye?
Does FUOYE offer admission to applicants who choose FUOYE as second choice. Pls need a quick answer. Thanks in addy. God bless you.
Comment Text*pls am so confuse ,is nursing or phamarcy offered at fuoye nw or not pls very urgent am abt to register for my jamb
Please is law accredited course for this year session?
Does fuoye offer quantity surveying
Does FUOYE do nursing cours and their cut off mark
Do FUOYE do nursing cours and their cut off mark
Please, is Criminology and security studies as well as Law accredited in FUOYE?
Pls is medical science lab and science lab technology accredited in fuoye. Pls urgently
Please is plant science and biotechnology accredited in fuoye and can I have admission with 200 jamb score and 52% in screening
Can 6points in jupeb exam give admission to a candidate that want to study any arts or social science courses?
Yes 6 points for art courses is still very okay for admission
Pls sir what the difference between microbiology pharmacy and pharmacy?
Please is fuoye Offering Medical laboratory science as a course
Hello sir. I scored 191 in jamb, can I study medical laboratory science in fuoye? And is it accredited in fuoye? Thanks sir I await your response
Of course medical laboratory science is accredited
pls how much is the acceptance fee and school fees of fuoye
please someone who did national diploma can the person apply for nursing through direct entry
National Diploma in what course please?
Which faculty hosts Basic medical sciences and what are the subjects required to study it? Will a UTME score of 184 be qualified?
Is nursing accredited for 2025/2026 in fouye
I scored 174 in jamb can I study comp science in fuoye
I scored 253 can I go ahead?
please i score 175 in jamb and i want to study education managment because the cut of mark is 150 can i be admitteed
With 4 credits & D7 in Mathematics, IS Admission acceptation for English Education.
Hi admin, my daughter have 5As and 1C in her waec, she choose economics and development studies but during screening fuoye system is not accepting tourism and Civic education. Kindly provide advice on what to do sir. Urgent pls thk u sir
which course is basic medical science. Is it nursing science. We can’t find nursing in fuoye portal. please kindly help me
Will fuoye accept second choice for this year 2018\19
Sir! i scored 201in jamb,and i want to study theatre and media art,will i get admission in to fuoye?
SLT s not on d list s d Curse not there
Pls ma/sir how much is the acceptance fees and hostel
Pls, is environmental Management accredited in your school??
Yes, all courses currently offered in FUOYE are accredited
I scored ,188 and I want to study business administration can I be accepted
Sir I Scored 171 in jamb and I want to study Mass Communication
Can i get admission?
Why is it that medicine & surgery, Nursing and other courses under Basic medical Science are not displaying in school portal? Or the School is not offering those courses under Basic medical science? Please kindly reply me back urgently. Thanks.
Please I Used An Awaiting Result, But According To What I Read Awaiting Result Will Not Be Allowed. But Fouye Is My First Choice University.
I have f9 in literature can I study either history and iternational study or political science and 225 in utme
I score 173 and i want to study business administration pls I need reply fasr
Please I score 192 in jamb and I want to study business administration, economic can I go ahead
Your chances are very slim. The result of your post UTME could assist you.
pls can i study english with d7 in maths
I score 168 in jamb what course can fuoye offer me pls reply me ma/sir
I wanted to change to Nursing science in fuoye but the portal did not display any medical course there. Are you sure they have started this course Nursing in fuoye?
I had 13points in Ijmb,i want to study pharmacy…Am i good to go?
Iscored 176 and l want to study counselling education with credit in English, math, govt,eco,irs,yor,etc Am l qualify to change to FUOYE
My daughter Akanni Faith Abisola scored 174 in jamb, she want to study agric science, can she take post utme form?
Yes please she is eligible to sit for the post UTME.
Yes please she is eligible to sit for the post UTME aptitude test
Does fuoye offer philosophy?
Please I have 198 in jamb can I be offered criminology and security studies because that’s what I want to study
What the subject combination for Law in fuoye
pls admin gud aftnoon, I scored 169 in jamb can I study biology edu in fuoye
Is common law in fuoye
Can I change my institution of choice to FUOYE from Uniosun, I scored 224,wish to do LL. B Law, while I was born in March 2004. Am Yaseerah Omotola Bello
Of course you can do a change
Pls admin i score 181 in utme with 7credit and 2distinction nd want to change my institution to fuoye to study civil engineering any chance of admission?
I have a student intending to study food tech wt a Jamb score of 175 & two sitting O level, Is she qualify? txs.
I scored 176, and am putting in fore physiology or sociology.
z water resources management an entire course or they are d same as water resources management and agro meteorology
Pls i want to study Animal and Environmental biology abd i scored 182 pls wl i b admitted and lastly which faculty is dat course belong to. Thanks.
Yes you can be admitted. It belongs to the faculty of Agriculture
I want to study pharmacy in Fuoye, what is the jamb cut-off mark for the course.
Assuming I want to register for pre-degree with this course, what is the amount for the registration form and the tuition.
can I go for political science with 190 in fuoye?
one of my friend score 173 also what course can he be given under science
please I score 173 in jamb and I wanted to study micro biology
will I be admitted..
I don’t think so
pls can I study biochemistry with 186 in fuoye
Yes but its not assured. Candidates with better JAMB and post UTME scores would be considered first
pls can I study medical laboratory science under the faculty of basic medical science at oye with 197
Yes but you will need to work really hard in your post UTME
I scored 211 and I want to study criminology am I on the right path.
I scored 211 and I want to study criminology and I on the right path.
i got 190 in just concluded jamb.nd i want to study political science,with 4bs,3cs and 1a in wa o’ level i gud to go
It is possible
I score 180 in my jamb. can i study Accounting. I need answer fast
pls can I study biochemistry with 186 in fuoye
please can I study business administration with 233 at fuoye
Sure you are good to go. Your post UTME also needs to come out good. Best of luck
can I study business administration with 233
I scored 299 can I study med and sur in fuoye without picking it
Yes you can but you will have to do a change of institution and course to FUOYE for you to stand a chance of studying Medicine and Surgery
I got 233 in jamb,can I study business administration
pls admin i score 198 in jamb and i want to study computer science, urgent answer pls am i welcome
My son score 186 in jamb, can he study computer engineering or civil engineering? what are the required o levels subject that must be passed?
186 cannot guarantee your son either Computer Science or Civil Engineering
So what engineering course will guarantee 186
And what are d o-level requirements. .
Please I’ll be really grateful if you can grant me an admission into fuoye with computer engineering please think about my request
For 2018/19 admission, is MBBS and pharmacy taking off in Fuoye,if yes what is the minimum eligible jamb cut off Mark?
Pls i scored 195 in jamb 2025/2026 And i want to change to fuoye,what can i study under health because i choose medicine and surgery before
You cannot study medicine and surgery at FUOYE with 195 JAMB score. You would most probably be given another course if you perform above average in your post UTME
Please my daughter scored 198 in JAMB can she apply to study Law in FUOYE?
Tell her to go ahead.
My daughter scored 199 in JAMB can she apply to study LAW?
I scored 219 for mass communication,is there hope getting admission in Fuoye.
Sure you are still on course
when are we expecting the form for medicine to be out and I scored 235 in jamb to sturdy medicine and surgery
When FUOYE’s post UTME form comes out we shall post it on our blog
I scored 167 in my jamb can I seat for fuoye post UTME
I have 167 in my jamb, pls can I study education /biology
my score is 198 in jamb and i want to study political science so when will the post utme out and how are we going to register for it?
I score 180 in JAMB do I meet up to study Criminology and security studies?
Please I score 183 can I study sociology in fuoye
Pls I want to offer for changeof institution to FUOYE 2025/2026 to study Accounting with JAMB score 233. Hw Will I apply for screening?
pls I score 175 and I’m going for microbiology,any assurance
Can 220 be admitted for pharmacy
You still can be admitted. Since FUOYE’s cut off mark is 120
Can 220 be abmitted for pharmacy
pls can I apply for sociology my jamb score was 161
score 176 can i study sociology in fuoye
No. You did not meet FUOYE’s cut off mark. In other words you re not eligible to sit for their post UTME
The cut off mark for FUOYE is 180 not 150
Ok it means it has been cut down. It was 180. Ok then that is good news for you. You are good to go then
Did u get admission in fuoye with your score
I score 182 can i study Sociology at FUOYE
Yes you can
I score 177 nd I wanna study marketing. is dere chance for me at fuoye
I wanna study marketing in fuoye but u don’t av the course? or do u have it???
I scored 190 T want to study Economic and Development Studies
I scored 190 I want to study Economics and Development studies
Admin I Scored 183 And I Want To Study Anatomy Pls Will I Be Admitted With This Score?
Does fuoye offers medicine and surgery urgent answer plsssss for dis year 2025/2026.
pls I score 163 can I study linguistic?
No. You did not meet the cut off mark
please do FUOYE have SLT?
I scored 188 can I study biology education in fuoye
I scored 198 in jamb but i have E8 in english and i want to study business admin pls is it possible. Tnks
No it is not possible. Sorry bro, you are not eligible
I scored 183 and I want to study anatomy Pls I need urgent reply
Not good enough
I scored 181 in jamb can i study mass communication
Can I study business administration with 188 in Fuoye….pls I need an urgent answer
i scored 163 in utme pls can i study banking&finance?
No you cannot
gud day adm .pls i score 173 can i get admitted for political science course.
pls I want to study medical lab science with 192 as jamb score, am I good to go?
Please how to register for your post JAMB test and what is the cost
When the form comes out, instructions on how to go about it would be outlined. Usually, FUOYE’s post UTME form goes for 2000 naira.
I didn’t choose fuoye before and I want to study criminology and security studies with 196 in jamb can i change to fuoye???please I need answer urgently
Please I score 153 can I be admitted for political science
I scored 160 and I want to study biology education
Can I study medicine and surgery with 265 in fuoye?
Yes with 256 Jamb score and good post UTME score, you are in a very good position to study Medicine and Surgery at FUOYE
Pls is medical rehabilation accredited in fuoye?
can I study public administration in Fuoye with 188 in jamb
Will be difficult but you still have a chance
Uncle, my son is currently studying peace and conflict resolution but I can’t find it anywhere on the accredited list. Which certificate are they going to offer him?
It’s actually accredited in FUOYE.
This means that, if only we follow the rules we can make it also. Tanks so much.
Pls I Scored 169 I Want To Study Bus Admin Am I Free To Go ? Will I Be Accepted ?
You did not meet FUOYE’s cut off mark therefore not eligible to sit for Business Admin at FUOYE
Please I scored 169 in jamb and I want to study industrial relations and production management.. Am I free to go?
Good day pls sir can I be admitted with 162 to study history and international studies or English language or political science or public administration
I score 170 in jamb and I want to study surveying am I accepted in your school
Is medicine nd surgery accredited in Fuoye nd d cut off
Hi.kindly confirm if medicine and surgery is accredited Sir. Thanks
It is accredited Sir.
Pls is Pharmacy being offered at Fuoye?
Sir, unnm my son has 210 and wants to study medicine and surgery in fuoye, with 2 sittings…. Is he good to go?
Does offers MLT?
Pls quick reply ?
MLS is the course being offered. In fact it’s a new addition to the list of courses offered in FUOYE.
No sir
It’s not possible??
Is it possibe or he doesn’t even have a chance??