JAMB Registration Form 2025/2026 Session Announced – How To Register

JAMB registration form for admission into the 2025/2026 academic session has been announced. As for candidates who missed out on gaining admission into any of the tertiary institutions in Nigeria, this is another opportunity for you as JAMB registration form for 2025/2026 academic session has been announced by the board of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board.

According to JAMB registrar Professor Oloyede, the sale of JAMB registration form for 2023 UTME will commence on Saturday 14th January 2023 for UTME candidates and close Tuesday 14th February 2023. While sale of DE form for the 2025/2026 academic session will commence on Monday 20th February 2023 and close on Thursday 20th April, 2023.

The optional mock examination has been scheduled to commence on Thursday 16th March , 2023. The 2025/2026 UTME shall commence on the 29th April to Monday, 12th May, 2023.

Candidates are to provide genuine information in their registration process and due diligence must be observed during this process.

This information would be vital for newbies (first timers for JAMB registration form for 2025/2026 session) since they are yet to apply, the information provided outlines the step by step approach on how to register for JAMB this 2023, though candidates who have previously registered are not also left out.

JAMB UTME General Entry Requirements

The general entry requirements for admission into the First Degree, National Diploma (ND), National Innovation Diploma (NID) and Nigeria Certiļ¬cate in Education (NCE) programmes in Universities, other Degree-Awarding Institutions, Monotechnics, Polytechnics, Innovation Enterprise Institutions and Colleges of Education are ļ¬ve (5) Oā€™Level Credit passes including Mathematics and English Language. Details are available in the eBrochure which would be given to each Candidate at the accredited CBT centres and JAMB State-Ofļ¬ces.

UTME Order of Choice of Institution.

On the registration platform, Candidates are to note that their 1st choice can be a College of Education, University, Innovative Enterprise Institutes, Polytechnics/Monotechnics, NDA (Nigerian Defence Academy) or Nigeria Police Academy.

How to Obtain 2025/2026 JAMB Registration Form & General Instructions

a) JAMB Registration form fee for 2025/2026 is Four thousand-seven hundred naira only (ā‚¦4,700:00). Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira only, is paid to obtain the reading text ā€œSweet Sixteenā€ by Bolaji Abdullahi for UTME Candidates and ā€œThe Last Days at Forcados High Schoolā€ by A. H. Mohammed for DE Candidates and $20 for Candidates from the eight foreign centres

b) A CD containing JAMB eSyllabus, eBrochure and other vital materials is also given free

c) Candidates should note that ePINS purchased are tied to individual proļ¬le and are not transferable

d) Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, email addresses and ePINs. No centre is allowed to request for or accept a candidateā€™s password.


a) Candidates are only allowed to register only one phone number during registration. The Cell phone number used for the text message is automatically connected to the Candidateā€™s name and will be used in all communications related to his/her 2025 Application, Examination/Admission.

b) Candidate sends his/her name [Surname First-Name Middle- Name (if any)] by text (SMS) to 55019. This should be maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters in all to 55019 e.g Tinubu Adamu Odumegwu. Surname and first name are mandatory

c) A Profile Code of 10 characters is received by the candidate on the same telephone (SIM) number

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d) Candidate presents the profile code to the point of procurement of form (Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners). The form- ePIN is then sent as text message to the candidate

e) Candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for registration

How To Correct Mistakes On JAMB Registration Form

i) The self-help option is available for candidates to correct mistakes though this is restricted to candidateā€™s name, send the [CORRECT Surname First-Name Middle-Name] to 55019 as a text message from the same mobile number

ii) To retrieve a lost Profile Code, send [RESEND] to 55019 as text message from the same mobile number

iii) Candidate can reset lost or forgotten Profile Password on their registered cell phone by sending [password] space [email address] to 55019 as a text message from the same mobile number

iv) (FREE COMPLAINT) TICKETING: For ALL complaints on JAMB processes, candidates can create a support ticket at ( with his/her email address registered on the Boardā€™s site. The candidate then provides his/her name, phone number and the nature of issue, select a complaint area on a dropdown and then summarize the nature of complaint. He/she may also attach supporting documents (if available) then send.

Where To Buy JAMB E-PIN

  1. NIPOST and eleven Participating Banks (ACCESS, FCMB, FIDELITY, FIRSTBANK, JAIZ, Polaris, Stanbic IBTC, STERLING, UNION and UNITY)
  2. Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Transact, Pocket Moni, TEASYPay, Packway Projects (Readycash) and Xpress payment solutions
  3. Participating Micro Finance Banks: Trust MFB, Zazzau MFB, Obeledun MFB and Regent MFB
  4. Online Payment Platforms: System Specs (Remita),InterSwitch (Quickteller) Upper-link, e-Transact and United Payment Services (UPS)
  5. Cooperative Society: JAMB Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society
  6. Others: Unique ICT, Digital Partners Network
  7. POS (Citi-Serve)
  8. ATMs of banks listed in (1) above (InterSwitch)
  9. USSD (ERCAS) for mobile banking
  10. Nigerian Embassies in Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Beau, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, and London



Present Proļ¬le Code and pay by cash or card

ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number

POS: This is available at State Ofļ¬ces of JAMB + CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it

Present Proļ¬le Code and pay by card

ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number

PAYMENT THROUGH MOBILE MONEY OPERATORS:Ā  This is available at CBT Centres and Other Outlets

Present Proļ¬le Code and pay by cash

ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number

PAYMENT THROUGH ATM: This is available on all ATM outlets of Participating Banks listed in C(I) (InterSwitch Channel)

Select Bill Payment and then pick JAMB

Enter Proļ¬le Code and pay

ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number


STEP 1 – Visit JAMB website:

STEP 2 – Click Purchase of 2025 Application Document and Enter your Proļ¬le Code

STEP 3 – Select payment method (InterSwitch or Remita) and Make payment

STEP 4 – ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number


You can make payment via the popular USSD code too. Simply follow the steps below

Step 1: Dial 5656*55019#

Step 2: Enter Proļ¬le Code

Step 3: Select bank and follow the prompts to complete payment

Step 4: ePIN is then delivered to the candidateā€™s unique telephone number


  • If ePIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or DE respectively from the unique number
  • The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered on the candidateā€™s unique number
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The candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for completion of registration. The name of the candidate as typed by the candidate on his/her phone when registering the proļ¬le comes up automatically on the input of the e-PIN by the CBT centre

Candidates are to follow the steps below:

Step 1 – You are to pay NOT more than N700 as Service Charge to the CBT Centre

Step 2 – Provide Biodata including Date of Birth, Nationality, State of Origin, Local Government, Gender, e-mail address, among others

Step 3 – Select your choice of institutions and programmes (disciplines)

Step 4 – Provide your qualiļ¬cation with grades and dates, if not awaiting result

Step 5 – Upload your relevant certiļ¬cates, if not awaiting result

Step 6 – Ordinary Level (O/L) and or Advanced Level (A/L) grades are to be provided by candidates. Candidates who are awaiting results should supply the results online as soon as they are available on JAMBā€™s portal. No recommendations from any Institution will be considered by JAMB if the candidate has not supplied his/her result on the portal of JAMB

Step 7 – Supply JAMB registration number for previous institutional certiļ¬cates for Direct Entry Candidates only

Step 8 – Provide UTME subjects and choice of examination town(s) for

Step 9 – Mock examination (optional)

Step 10 – Examination for UTME (Commencing 29th April, 2023)

Step 11 – Do picture capture (no scanning of passport photograph)

Step 12 – Do Biometric enrolment (ten ļ¬ngers)

Step 13 – Review entries and conļ¬rm correctness

Step 14 – Print Registration Slip USING BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION

Step 15 – Collect, at no other cost, the reading text and CD

Step 16 – Each Candidate is to collect his/her e-slip at the end of registration as evidence of registration

Please note that there will be no ofļ¬‚ine registration, as all the accredited CBT centres have been empowered for real time online registration. No candidate should register at any centre other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State-Ofļ¬ces. Any candidate who is registered outside approved centres will be identiļ¬ed and disqualiļ¬ed.


All candidates are required to register their proļ¬les through text messages as illustrated above before proceeding to buy the ePIN. And please be informed that the registration fee is non-refundable so once payment is made, there is no going back.

As it is the practice, centres are allowed to charge not more than Seven Hundred Naira (ā‚¦700) only as registration Any centre that charges more than Seven Hundred Naira (ā‚¦700) should be reported to JAMB for appropriate sanctions

All CBT centres have been mandated to select any of the participating banks, MMOs, MFBs, etc. These ļ¬nancial institutions are to be present at the CBT centres for the purpose of collecting all No CBT centre staff is allowed to conduct direct cash transaction with the candidates

Candidates are advised to read and understand the guidelines on admission and instructions on how to complete the online registration before commencing the process of registration

Multiple registrations are not Candidates who register more than once will be identiļ¬ed and disqualiļ¬ed

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Candidates should note that they are required to be present and take live photograph which will be embossed on their result slips and admission letters. No scanned/stapled passport photograph is allowed

Candidates are to note that irrespective of their choice of course of study, they will also be tested on a general text:Ā ā€œSweet Sixteenā€ by Bolaji Abdullahi for UTME and ā€œThe Last Days at Forcados High Schoolā€ by H. Mohammed for Direct Entry Candidates

Candidates/Ofļ¬cials would not be allowed to enter into the examination centre with wristwatch, Phone, electronic device, or any pen/biro. Only common pencil is allowed

Candidates are warned that the Board does not require nor authorize the services of ANY cyber cafe or establishment other than the accredited CBT centres for this exercise.

JAMB Registration Form Application Procedure

STEP 1 – The first step on how to go about registering for JAMB is to create a confirmation code with your phone, by sending your “Surname First-name Other-name” to 55019.Ā  Please note tat you would be charged 50 Naira by the network provider, upon sending this text message, you are to receive a confirmation code from the Joint Admission And Matriculation Board (JAMB).

STEP 2- Registrants are to visit any of these banks closest to them ( Firstbank of Nigeria, UBA orĀ  Union bank etc) to purchase the JAMB E-pin. You can confirm from the customer service desk upon entering any of the above listed banks, explain your reason for coming and you will be requested to provide the confirmation code you received as described in STEP 1Ā which was the JAMB confirmation code sent to your phone,Ā  as this would be used by the bank in generating your E-pin.

STEP 3-Ā  After completing STEP 1 & 2, it automatically means that you have purchased the JAMB E-pin, and can now visit any of the JAMBĀ CBT accredited centres closest to you for your UTME registration. Upon registration you will be required to provide the following documents:

A) O’level result

B) JAMB E-pin

C) Your confirmation code

D) Recent passport photograph ( Either they scan it or use their device in snapping the candidate).

STEP 4– Upon successfully completing the JAMB 2025 registration process, candidates would be given a print out of the JAMB registration and also the compulsory storybook, if not given, you have the right to request for them.

Kindly note that the phone number you will use for receiving the confirmation code must not have been used previously for that purpose.

JAMB Registration Form Closing Date

The board has announced the closing date of UTME and DE registration forms as follows:

  • Sale of UTME starts Saturday 14th January, 2023 and closes Tuesday 14th February 2023.
  • Sale of DE starts Monday 20th February, 2023 and closes Thursday 20th April 2023.

Any question on 2025/2026 JAMB registration form? kindly scroll down to the comment section, send your comments and we shall respond accordingly.

To get the latest information as regards JAMB/UTME news, admission news and other information as it relates to all universities and polytechnics in Nigeria, kindly subscribe to our blog and stay updated.



  1. Egwu eunice kelechi
  2. yakubu kush
  3. Olaiya oluwaseyi Mary
  4. Akinwande Mary
    • Egwu eunice kelechi
  5. Sunday Onyema
  6. Mr David Michael
  7. Alice
  8. Temmy Tope
  9. Agida Grace
  10. Fakayode Samuel Tolulope

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