How To Gain Admission Into UI: Tips and Strategies

Until the approval of private universities, gaining admission into any higher institution in Nigeria has been quite challenging especially for fresh secondary school leavers. However this has not solved the challenge as only few parents can afford the exorbitance fees of private universities in Nigeria. Many secondary school leavers upon graduating apply for admission into U.I without going through the required admission tips and strategies for gaining admission. The secrete of how to easily gain admission into U.I is simply following the bullet points highlighted towards the end of this post.

Aside revealing how to gain admission into U.I even with a low JAMB score, you will also learn the steps required in applying for U.I post UTME and DE form with relative ease with the information provided in this post.

Do you wish to be among the candidates who will finally be admitted into U.I? do not worry, we have written in details, the strategy and tricks on how to easily gain admission into U.I (University of Ibadan), all that is needed from you is follow the rules and your are as good as already being a student of U.I.

Nowadays it is a matter of going online and typing on Google, how to gain admission into U.I and it pops up with different options. So much have been discussed about how to successfully gain admission into U.I with low JAMB score in recent times but in this post, we are going to break it down from O’level, JAMB registration, post UTME and screening exercise and down to resumption of lectures even for the lay man to easily comprehend.

Many candidates make a big mistake when choosing their choice of University, they chose wrongly not minding their catchment area. The truth many would fail to reveal to you is that you stand a lesser chance of gaining admission into U.I if you do not fall within its catchment area despite being a Federal University.

Have you not asked yourself why most students in U.I are yorubas? In as much as the university of Ibadan is one of the few universities in Nigeria without catchment area, they must first consider students from Oyo state before other states except a non-indigene of the state has an excellent result which will be difficult to ignore.

You must abide by the rules if you are serious about being admitted into U.I then we can delve into the core requirements needed for admission into the University of Ibadan.

Do you want to be listed among candidates who will be finally admitted into U.I (University of Ibadan)? as said earlier in we will be breaking it down by providing all the info you need to know about U.I’s post UTME and how you can successfully gain admission into the school.

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U.I Admission Requirements

Many candidates ask “How can i gain admission into U.I with ease?” what we tell them is first and foremost, make U.I your first choice of institution during your UTME registration, it would be disastrous making them your 2nd choice of university because it automatically means your admission is lost even before sitting for JAMB because U.I do not accept 2nd choice candidates. Please take note.

a) Score Above U.I’s JAMB Cut Off Mark

If you take a survey how to gain admission into U.I, many would say if you could just score up to 200 and above, then you can gain admission. They are right because U.I’s approved JAMB cut off mark is 200 and since that is what they have been made to believe on paper but honestly speaking, if you are serious about gaining admission into U.I easily, you must score at least 250 and above to stand a good chance of being admitted into this university.

b) Minimum Age Requirements

Candidates that are less than 18 years of age, you will not be eligible to participate in U.I’s post UTME. So make sure you meet the age requirement as this would aid your gaining admission into U.I. Should you be above 18 years, you will be required to get an age declaration from the high court.

Condition your mind that U.I’s cut off mark is 270 and not 200 so you can work towards achieving that score. See yourself scoring above 270 and work hard towards it and you will be surprised at this amazing strategy. It has worked for many, it can also work for you.

c) Complete O’Level Subjects:

Another strategy of gaining admission into the University of Ibadan (U.I) easily is to make sure your O’Level is complete. You must have a minimum of 5 credit passes which must include Mathematics and English Language and must be only in ONE SITTING as U.I does not accept 2 sittings in O’Level.

The higher your grades, the better your chances. Candidates with A’s or B’s in Mathematics and English plus the other relevant subjects stand higher chances than those with just Cs all through. However, all will be considered for post UTME.

d) Correct Subject Combination:

With the correct subject combination, gaining admission into U.I is made easier. Candidates with the wrong subject combination already have lost 50% of their chances of gaining admission into U.I. U.I is a premium Federal University, admission slot is highly competitive so little mistakes jeopardize your chances of gaining admission into this university. You can check out the list of all courses and their subject combinations as approved by JAMB in order not to fall victim.

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The above are the major admission requirements and strategy for gaining U.I which must be adhered to even before sitting for post UTME.

Tips On How To Gain Admission Into U.I (University of Ibadan)

Now in details are the information every candidate who wants to gain admission into U.I needs to know;

1) U.I Post UTME Registration:

Upon meeting the above requirements, you are automatically eligible to participate in U.I’s post UTME registration exercise. U.I’s online registration fee two thousand naira (N2,000) as mandated by JAMB. You will have to register online by following the underlined registration procedure:


STEP 1: Firstly, you will be required to log-in to UI’s admission portal

STEP 2: Use your JAMB Registration Number as your user name and your surname as your password e.g. 65345521EG OYEKANMI (Surname) Chibuzor Umar.

STEP 3: You will be required to pay the screening fee of N2,000.00. This amount should be paid through the ADMISSION PORTAL in favour of University of Ibadan (Admission Processing Fee Account).

  • Please note that your Name, JAMB Registration Number, Telephone Number and E-mail address should be quoted at the point of payment.

After completing the above steps, you are to wait until the proper post UTME screening test date is released.

2) Type of Post UTME Screening Examination:

Many have been asking about U.I’s post UTME examination format, U.I post utme examination will be C.B.T (Computer Based Test).

3) Number of POST UTME Questions To Answer

Before knowing the numbers of questions contained in the post UTME screening, take note that the Computer Base Test (CBT) questions would consist of the subjects you registered during your UTME registration, please take note because it is very important.

4) Common Questions Asked Under General Paper?

Are you writing the post UTME examination for the first time? Then you need to know that the questions contained in the general paper includes current affairs. We advice you get a current affairs book costs for 1,200 naira in book stores inside U.I.

The three subjects are applicable to all candidates irrespective of the course being offered and the questions could come in any format so you are advised to prepare adequately for the exams but ideally, questions are usually set based on the course you registered in your UTME.

5) Examination Time Limit:

When you get into the examination hall, you will certainly be made to wait for some minutes/hours before the exam starts. However, when the exam commences, you will have thirty minutes (30 minutes) to answer all 40 questions so do not spend too much time answering only one question. Since its thirty minutes, you have less than one minute to answer one question.

How To Calculate U.I POST UTME Screening Score

This stage is for successful candidates who after writing the post UTME want to confirm if they meet their departmental cut off mark. Here we will be describing how to calculate the post UTME score:

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Your Jamb score divided by 8 plus (+) your post UTME score divided by 2. Note that U.I’s post UTME score is over 100.

How To Approach Your Questions: Useful Tips For Gaining Admission Into U.I

a) Prepare Adequately:

Adequate preparation is vital to approaching your post UTME screening examination. Being ready gives you the self-confidence and helps you remember whatever you must have studied for. You have to focus on your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses. There are other proven ways candidates can utilize in passing post UTME easily. The methods are tested and trusted, go through, many secretes on how to pass post UTME have been revealed there.

b) You Must Be Time Conscious:

When writing your post UTME screening test, please time is of essence. When you time yourself properly as failure to allocate equal minutes to each question can prevent you from attempting even other easier questions.

Most schools are in the habit of setting harder questions in order to waste the candidate’s time. It is best to attempt the easier questions and skip the difficult ones and upon finishing, you can attempt the harder questions because they all attract the same points.

c) Be Positive

Here the power of positive mindset works for you. Be positive towards the outcome of the post UTME result and be optimistic about it and you would be surprised at how this works.

In conclusion, candidates who are serious about wanting to know how to gain admission into U.I (University of Ibadan) can make use of the above information and you would be amazed at seeing your name on the next U.I’s admission merit list.

(d) Tick the Correct Answer

Since the exam is going to be computer based test format, you are required to tick correctly. Please note that these are very easy questions that requires fast reasoning. Be careful to tick the correct option after carefully reading the questions. When you are not familiar with the question, make a quick move to the next question as not all the questions have answers. After you must have answered all you know, go back the unanswered questions and attempt them once again.

When you follow the rules, you can never go wrong. Many current students of UI can attest to the rules and strategies revealed in this post. All you need to do is follow them and your admission into UI this academic session will be 99% guaranteed.