How To Calculate YABATECH Aggregate Score 2025/2026 Academic Session

Calculating YABATECH aggregate score is very simple, as the Polytechnic uses a formula similar to that of most Polytechnics. Like some Federal Polytechnics, Yaba College Of Technology- YABATECH uses a system, where your Jamb score is divided by 400 and multiplied by 50.

It is no news that YABATECH don’t write Post UTME exams but candidates credentials are screened that’s why most candidates after seeing their Jamb results are always curious about how YABATECH calculate their aggregate score. Students are much in need of this calculating method so they know how hard they need to study OR to know if they will be admitted into the institution of their choice or if they should change their course or institution.

Whichever category you find yourself, then you are still on the right page. This post will give you first hand illustration on Yaba College Of Technology grading system plus the requirements and factors put in place when calculating YABATECH aggregate score or cut off mark.

Before we go in-depth of how to calculate YABATECH aggregate score for 2025/2026 session, we would like to ask if you understand what an aggregate score is all about? Defining what an aggregate cut off mark or score is would make this post easier to comprehend. In as much as we understand some of you understand this, we can confidently boast of a quantum who do not know what an aggregate score is and why it is being calculated.

How To Calculate YABATECH Aggregate Score

An aggregate cut off mark in our tertiary institution context is the total score a candidate has after dividing the JAMB score by the appropriate figure and multiplying it by 50, which will be seen below while reading this post. For some universities and polytechnics, you would have to combine more than just JAMB aggregate but your O’Level grades as well.

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Knowing how YABATECH calculate their aggregate score is very important as this will determine if you are eligible for admission into the Polytechnic or not. Your aggregate score should meet up with the departmental cut off mark of the course you wish to study before you will be allowed to study any of your desired courses offered in YABATECH.

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How To Calculate YABATECH Aggregate Score

After the conclusion of Jamb and  results released, aggregate score comes into play. Today, we shall be putting you through on how to calculate Yaba College Of Technology aggregate score or aggregate cut off mark for 2025/2026 academic session.

However, if you are able to perform really well in your Jamb and with a very good O level result would find yourself having a really high aggregate score, Which means candidates with good aggregate score have good chances of studying their dream course.

To calculate YABATECH aggregate score, you would need to know your JAMB score. Once you have that information handy, you can go ahead and use the calculation procedure below.

How YABATECH Calculates JAMB Aggregate

Simply divide your JAMB score by 400 and multiply by 50. Let’s assume a candidate applying to study at YABATECH has a JAMB score of 201, divide 201 by 400 and multiply by 50.

For Example:

[201/400] x 50 which gives 25.125

After having calculated your JAMB aggregate, proceed to the next step.

Also, you can Calculate your O’level aggregate using the YABATECH  O’level grading system.

YABATECH O’level Grading System

Below, are the grading system YABATECH uses.

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A1 = 8.0 Marks.

B2 = 7.20 Marks.

B3 = 6.40 Marks.

C4 = 5.60 Marks.

C5 = 4.80 Marks.

C6 = 4.0 Marks.

After you have calculated your total O’level aggregate, write down the score somewhere.

Bonus Mark

Candidates that are applying with one sitting (O’level result), YABATECH gives 10 marks while candidates  combining two O’level results get 5 Marks.

Now that you have gotten the three aggregate scores mentioned earlier that is your Jamb aggregate, O level grading system and Bonus marks respectively then add all together which gives your screening result.

After all these, your final result becomes your YABATECH post-UTME screening score/aggregate score.

Why it’s Important to Calculate YABATECH Aggregate Score?

It is important that you know how to calculate YABATECH’s aggregate score as this will determine whether or not you are eligible for admission. This is because your aggregate score will be compared with the departmental cut off mark of the course you wish to study.

If you are unable to meet up with your departmental cut off mark you will not be considered for admission into Yaba College Of Technology – YABATECH or pushed to other departments with lower cut off marks so we usually advice students to do a change of course.

To ensure you get admitted to study the course of your choice, you would have to reach or surpass the departmental cut off mark. However, it is advisable you surpass the departmental cut off mark, especially if you are going for a competitive course.

YABATECH Departmental Cut Off Mark for 2025/2026 Session

The management of Yabatech releases a cut off mark for each all its departments which every student must meet up with before being considered for admission. The departmental cut off mark is released on a yearly basis and several changes are also made. However, you could use the departmental cut off mark for the previous year to prepare yourself for the JAMB.

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Ensure that your goal is to perform exceptionally so that your aggregate score would be well above the cut off mark of the course you wish to study.


JAMB releases an official cut off mark which every Polytechnics must adhere to. However, some universities have a different cut off mark for different courses. This is based on the competitiveness and difficulty of the course. While YABATECH’s minimum JAMB cut off mark` is 150, you would want to score higher to ensure that you end up with a good aggregate score.

Scoring below the approved YABATECH cut off mark for your selected course doesn’t mean you will not be eligible for admission as long as you don’t score below 150. However, scoring anything below the stated cut off marks means you will have to score extremely high in your Jamb to ensure that you end up with a good aggregate score that would meet up with the departmental cut off mark.

That concludes the article on how to calculate YABATECH aggregate score for 2025/2026 academic session. The information above will help you with all you need to get admitted to study the course of your choice in Yaba College Of Technology .

Questions on how Yaba College Of Technology aggregate calculates their aggregate score should be directed to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly. Don’t forget to disseminate this information via Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms at your disposal for others to benefit from.