FUTB Cut Off Marks For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

The official FUTB Cut-Off Mark for all courses 2025/2026 academic session is out! Therefore all candidates who put Federal University of Technology, Babura, Jigawa State (FUTB) as their preferred choice of higher institution during the UTME registration can confirm if they meet the current FUTB Cut-off mark for 2025/2026 academic session.

FUTB Cut Off Marks For All Courses

Candidates who meet the cut off mark  would then proceed for internal screening exercise by the University, and are thereby are advised to carry all documents along including recent passport photographs (8 copies preferably).


See the approved cut off mark of FUTB at the end of this post.

Candidates should note that the benefits of meeting FUTB JAMB cut off mark for 2025/2026 is the fact that candidates are given the opportunity to gain admission to study into any of the courses offered in FUTB (Federal University of Technology, Babura, Jigawa State) so long as the candidates get a good score in the internal screening exercise.

Some documents are required by the school authority for their internal screening exercise

Documents required for Internal screening in FUTB are;

  1. Firstly, candidates must beat the current FUTBcut off mark for 2025/2026 session as fixed by JAMB (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board)
  2. Candidate must have a minimum of 5 credits in Mathematics and English and other relevant subjects as it relates to his or her course of study.
  3. Original copy of JAMB result slip
  4. Original documents which includes ‘O’ level certificates please note that awaiting results are not accepted by FUTB
  5. Original copy of your birth certificate
  6. Your secondary school Testimonial
  7. Eight (8) recent passport photographs (to be on the safe side)
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Like we would always inform students, scoring above FUTB JAMB/Post UTME Cut Off Mark does not in any way guarantee you an automatic admission into the University, until a successful internal screening exercise carried out on all candidates.

If candidate(s) is/are successful in the internal screening exercise then they are automatically granted admission to study the course of their choice.

Based on recent findings, we have been able to gather the most frequently asked questions on FUTB JAMB cut off mark and post UTME screening exercise and we have been able to answer them all as seen in the table beneath.

FAQs on FUTB Cut Off Mark and Post UTMEAnswers
What is FUTB cut off mark for law, political science, public administration and mass communication?Please refer to the table below, it contains FUTB cut off mark for Law, Political Science and Public Administration
Can a candidate that scored 221 in jamb study law at FUTB?The answer is No. You need at least 270 and above to study law at FUTB. However you are still eligible to participate in the post UTME
What is the cutoff mark for political science and psychology at FUTB?The table below contains the UTME and post UTME cut off mark for Psychology at FUTB
What is FUTB cut mark for Medicine and surgery?You need at least 250 and above to study medicine and surgery aT FUTB
Does FUTB accept 2nd choice?No. They select first choice candidates only due to the huge number of candidates that select as their preferred choice of institution yearly
Can FUTB accept 150 JAMB Cut off mark?No. FUTB minimum cut off mark is 160. So any candidate that scores below 160 is not eligible for FUTB post UTME screening test. However you could check out the list of universities in Nigeria that accept below 160.
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FUTB JAMB Cut off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session

The cut-off mark for all the under-listed degree courses at the Federal University of Technology, Babura (FUTB), Jigawa State, is 140. Only candidates who scored at least 160 are eligible to apply for the degree courses listed below:

  1. School of Engineering and Technology
    1. Tech. Civil Engineering
    2. Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    3. Tech. Mechanical Engineering
  2. School of Science, Information and Communication Technology
    1. Sc. Computer Science
    2. Sc. Cyber Security
    3. Sc. Software Engineering
    4. Sc. Chemistry
    5. SC: Industrial Chemistry
    6. Sc. Mathematics
    7. Sc. Physics
    8. Sc. Applied Geophysics
    9. Sc. Biology
    10. Sc. Biotechnology
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Hope you got what you visited this page for? If you have any question(s) as regards Federal University of Technology, Babura, Jigawa State (FUTB) Cut-off mark for all courses 2025/2026 academic session, kindly could scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we will respond in no time.

Also, to get the latest information about FUTB and happenings in Nigerian schools generally, you could subscribe to our blog.