FUPRE Admission Requirement For UTME & Direct Entry Candidates

The Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun in Delta State, Nigeria was established and approved by the Federal Executive Council meeting of 14 March 2007 and admitted its first set of undergraduates in 2008. Also the first petroleum university in Africa and sixth in the world, which tells why the number of candidates increases every academic session. Below are the comprehensive details on FUPRE admission requirements.



This post is most helpful for the following categories below:
1. Candidates who have selected FUPRE as their preferred choice of institution during their UTME registration

2. Direct Entry candidates either from FUPRE pre-degree programmes like JUPEB, or any of their diploma programmes or from other institution.

3. DE candidates from polytechnics and other with ND and HND certificates.

4. Transferred students from other universities.

The post will give you an in-depth knowledge of Fugashua admission requirements as a fresh entry student especially in the following areas:

a) WAEC and NECO (O’Level) requirements for UTME and Direct Entry candidates.

b) Minimum JAMB score any candidate apply for admission into FUPRE must obtain in order for him or her to participate in their post UTME screening exercise.

c) Other requirements not listed on the school’s website.

Firstly we will be taking you through on the general entry admission requirements before going into specifics for example, admission requirements for Medicine and Surgery in FUPRE, FUPRE admission requirements for Nursing and so on as this would further clarify candidates on whether or not to select the course in question plus it would help them ascertain their eligibility status for the University and the course.

FUPRE Admission Requirements For UTME Candidates.

  1. WAEC & NECO (‘O’ Level) Requirements: Candidate must obtain a minimum of Credit pass which must include English Language and Mathematics plus any other 3 subjects as it relates to your choice of course. You might want to ask how you are expected to know the subjects that relate to your preferred choice of course.
  2. Never mind because that has been taken care of. To find out the subject that relate to your course, all you need to do is to search for the correct subject combination for the course. Here is a link that contains the list of all subjects and their approved subject combinations for admission into FUPRE and other tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

FUPRE Admission Requirements For DE Candidates (Diploma, ND and HND)

  1. WAEC & NECO (‘O’ Level) Requirements: DE (Direct Entry) candidates are not so different from UTME, all that is needed is that candidate must obtain a minimum of Credit pass which must include English Language and Mathematics plus any other 3 subjects as it relates to your choice of course just like the UTME requirements or must possess GCE A/L as this would be an added advantage.
  2. DE Candidate seeking admission into FUPRE must have a minimum of Upper Credit in their ND or HND. Lower credit candidates should forget it because they will not be admitted. In addition, candidates with Distinction have better chances than the others.
  3. Often times DE candidates are also required to participate in the post UTME especially when coming from another institution like the polytechnics or colleges of education.
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Are you a DE candidate in need of the right subject combination for your course? You can verify from the link above.

The above are FUPRE admission requirements for O’Level subjects. We start with O’Level subjects because they are the most important. Without a complete O’Level result Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun will never admit you no matter your JAMB score or certificates.

Secondly we will be looking at FUPRE admission requirements for UTME scores.

FUPRE Minimum Required JAMB Cut Off Marks For Admission

As part of the admission requirements to gain admission into FUPRE, aside meeting their O’Level admission requirements, you must score up to their UTME minimum JAMB score which will be revealed below for those who do not know this.


As part of FUPRE admission requirements for fresh students, any candidate apply or seeking admission into this institution must score at least 180 and above. FUPRE is one of the few universities in Nigeria that refused to drop their cut off point as demanded by JAMB.

Other schools that refused to drop their cut off mark are the University of Benin (UNIBEN), University of Lagos (UNILAG), University of Ibadan (UI) and UNN. So any candidate seeking admission into any of the above must score at least 200 and above to be eligible to participate in their post UTME screening examination exercise.

Now having discussed about FUPRE‘s general entry admission requirements for fresh students seeking admission into the institution via UTME and DE mode, the next will be the admission requirements for all courses offered in FUPRE based on the faculty they fall under.

FUPRE Admission Requirements for All Courses (O’Level & UTME Subjects)

The list below contains the individual courses and their respective O’Level and JAMB UTME admission requirements. It would be very beneficial for candidates seeking admission into Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun.

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject

Business Administration:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject

Public Administration: 
Use of English, Government, Economics and any other subject
Banking and Finance:

Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject and any other subject

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature
in English, French and CRK/IRK.

Demography and Social Statistics: 
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography and any other subject.

Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects

Library Science:
Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects

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Mass Communication: 
Use of English and any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.


Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts subjects.

Political Science: 
Use of English, Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.

Use of English, Government and any other two subjects

Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science

Religious Studies: 
Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.

Social Works: 
Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject

Sociology and Anthropology:  
Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects

Industrial Relations: 
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject

Human Resources Management: 
Use of English, Economics, Government and any other relevant subjects.

International Relations: 

Use of English, Economics, Literature-in-English and Geography/Government/History.

Business Management:  
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

Cooperative and Rural Development: 
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.

English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.

English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject

FUPRE UTME Requirements For All Science Courses

As for O’level requirements as seen above, mathematics is a compulsory requirements except for courses like Law, International relations, Psychology, Political Science and Sociology. It is different for UTME subjects because even Accounting and other management courses do not need to write mathematics in their UTME but English is compulsory since it is our mother tongue.






1B.Sc. CHEMISTRYFive credit passes including English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and any other one from Biology, Agricultural Science, Computer Studies, Cosmetology or Dying & BleachingEnglish Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Biology.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and one of Physics, Mathematics or Biology.
2B.Sc. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRYFive credit passes including English Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and any other one from Biology, Agricultural Science, Computer Studies, Cosmetology or Dying & BleachingEnglish Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Biology.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology
3B.Sc. MATHEMATICSFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two subjects from Computer Studies, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science or Data processing/GSM Maintenance.English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/Biology or Agricultural Science.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Mathematics and any other Science Subject
4B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCEFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other two subjects from Computer Studies, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science or Data processing/GSM Maintenance.English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/Biology or Agricultural Science.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Science subjects including Mathematics
5B.Sc. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND TOXICOLOGYFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics or a pass in Physics and a credit pass in Geography, Agricultural Science, Computer Studies /Health Education, Fisheries/Tourism.English Language, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics or Physics.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and Biology
6B.Sc. GEOLOGYFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other one from Biology, Geography, Computer Studies, Agricultural Science, Data Processing/Mining.English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and any of Physics, Biology and Geography.Two ‘A’ Level passes from Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Geography
7B.Sc. GEOPHYSICSFive credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other one from Biology, Geography, Computer Studies, Agricultural Science, Data Processing/Mining.English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics
8B.Sc. PHYSICSFive credit passes including English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other subject from Agricultural Science, Biology, Computer Studies, Data Processing, Electrical Installation & Maintenance Work, Radio, TV & Electrical Work,English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.Two ‘A’ Level passes in Physics and Mathematics
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FUPRE UTME Requirements For All Departments In Colledge Of Technology






1B.Eng. CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGFive credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject from either Agricultural Science, Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Dying & Bleaching/Leather Goods Manufacturing.Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
Five credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other subject from either Agricultural Science, Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Electrical Installation & Maintenance Works, Auto Electrical Work.Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
3B.Eng. MARINE ENGINEERINGFive credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject from either Agricultural Science, Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Auto Mechanical Work, Welding & Fabrication, Air Conditioning &Refrigeration.Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics





Five credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and any other subject from either Agricultural Science, Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Auto Mechanical Work, Welding & Fabrication, Air Conditioning &Refrigeration.


Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.

‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
5B.Eng. PETROLEUM ENGINEERINGFive credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other subject from either Agricultural Science, Biology, Technical Drawing, Further Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Data Processing, Mining, Plumbing & Pipe Fitting,Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry.‘A’ Level passes in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics


For now, this is all we can provide on FUPRE admission requirements for all fresh students irrespective of the course registered for.

Also, if you have any questions as regards FUPRE admission requirement whether as a UTME candidate or DE candidate or applicant, you can always reach out to us via our comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.