Bundle of Joy: 146 Heartwarming Congratulations Messages For New Born

The best congratulations messages for new babies will depend on several factors. The sender’s relationship with the receiver, the gender of the new baby, whether they are twins or triplets, and whether this is their first baby.

Generally, this is a time of great joy, and as a result small errors may be tolerated. However, big errors may not be accepted, and may be met with resentment and anger. This is the opposite of what is intended; the messages should be sent in the spirit of goodwill.

In order to express joy at the birth of a new baby without triggering chaos, the messages should be clear, unambiguous, and easy to understand. Here are some examples.

Congratulations Card Messages for New Born

146 Besrt Congratulations Messages For Newly Born Baby

“A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.” – Author Unknown.

“Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” – Taylor Hanson

“Congratulations on your new arrival! The next few months will stay in your hearts forever. May your sweet baby bring you many cuddles, fun adventures, and a lifetime of joyful memories.”

“Congratulations to you and your new family on this happy occasion. Sending all our love and best wishes on this happy day.”

“This is to send our proudest congratulations on the birth of your baby. As you wake up every morning, may it be to the sound of laughter and not crying. We have your whole family in our thoughts and prayers.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby. This is one of the most joyful occasions that a person can ever experience. We are happy for you, and pledge our support in any way possible.”

“Many congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby. Many happy baby wishes from us!”

“Congratulations sir! This is to express our happiness to you and your family as you welcome your gorgeous baby!”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby, and very best wishes for the future! Mommy looks good on you!”

“Congratulations as you metamorphose from tummy to mommy. Best wishes for the future!”

“Congratulations on this joyful occasion. Best wishes now and always.”

“Congratulations to you and your family on this momentous occasion. We wish you have many more like this.”

“Congratulations on your new baby! Enjoy the time, and bond with your baby. Don’t worry about work – everything is under control!”

“Congratulations as you join in solving the mysterious math problem: 1 + 1 = 3. Congratulations on your new baby!”

“Congratulations to the proud parents of such a sweet baby! The world is made brighter by his arrival!”

“Congratulations as your family becomes bigger. We can’t wait to spoil her and give her all our love!”

“Our message is simple: Welcome to the world, little baby! And we also say congratulations to the proud parents!”

“Congrats on your new baby! By the way, we heard that your kid is the cutest one in the whole hospital!”

“Today you hold a beautiful miracle in your arms. Congratulations as you receive this precious gift; one which so many people continue to pray for. Congratulations again!”

“This message is to say ‘Welcome’ to your new baby! What a picture perfect family you now have.”

“Congratulations as you welcome our future president.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your beautiful baby. I have no doubt that will make great parents.”

“Congratulations to you both on the arrival of your beautiful baby. I have no doubt that she has come to the best family in the world.”

“Congratulations to you both on this beautiful occasion. There is nothing compared to the joy of holding your baby in your arms.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your baby. We cannot wait to meet the cutie pie!”

“Congratulations as you take delivery of your little miracle. We are so proud of you.”

“Congratulations on your latest promotion to the rank of Daddy. I have no idea that you will be a great dad, with a good measure of love and discipline.”

“One tiny baby surrounded by so many happy hearts. There is no more loving family that this family can find himself. Congratulations once again.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Looking forward to meeting the newest member of the family!”

“Congratulations on this joyous day. The day when three become one!”

“Congratulations as you become a real family. Your baby makes you a family when before you were a couple.”

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“The birth of your baby is a joyful event. We celebrate with you on this joyous occasion.”

“The joy of welcoming your baby to the world is second to none. We rejoice with you on this occasion.”

“As you welcome your baby, we rejoice with you. And we are here to assist in any way you may need.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your child. You always were destined to have a big family.”

“Congratulations on your new baby’s arrival. Your family is getting bigger!”

“Congratulations on the coming of your baby. I hear he is just as cute as I am.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Good to finally have someone cute in your family.”

“Congratulations on your new baby’s birth. Good things happen to those who wait!”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy. May your joy never cease.”

“Congratulations as you have a bigger family. This is also praying for more money in your pockets!”

“Congratulations on the birth of your baby. May he have your wife’s hair and looks.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your baby. May she be a source of joy to us all.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby.”

Heartwarming Congratulations Messages For New Born Baby Girl

Baby girls are just so cute. They are like little angels with beautiful hair and beautiful smiles. They deserve all the love and attention they get; and they have to be greeted with special cards that are well-worded.

When a relative, friend, or colleague has recently had a baby girl, any of the following will be a good way to greet them.

“Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful, heavenly baby girl!”

“Congratulations as you welcome your daughter. May she bring as much joy to you as did to your parents.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your daughter. May she be a shining star to the world.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your daughter. I have no doubt that you will be a great mother.”

“Congratulations to the whole world as this as this angel in human form joins us on earth. I am sure she will do many great things.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your wonderful bundle of joy. From what we hear she is going to be a great beauty.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your baby girl. Baby girls are a special gift; they are more precious than gold.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your baby girl. I pray she gives you many happy memories.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your little girl. You are lucky it’s a girl; you have nothing to worry about.”

“Congratulations as the day you have waited for finally comes. You’ve spent nine months preparing for a lifetime of love with your sweet baby girl. Enjoy every moment.”

“Congratulations as you embrace your baby girl. May the joy she brings last a lifetime.”

“Congratulations on welcoming your baby girl. May she be all that you ever prayed for.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl. I hope she has my looks and your attitude.”

“Congratulations as you get to have a baby girl. You always liked girls, and now Karma has brought yours!”

“Congratulations on the occasion of the birth of your baby girl. Enjoy the special moment.”

“Congratulations! A baby girl is the brightest thing that can happen to a couple.”

“I celebrate with you on this auspicious occasion. I cannot wait to meet your little angel.”

“I am happy to hear that you have a new baby girl. Nothing compares to the joy of seeing your little angel for the first time. Congratulations.”

“Words cannot describe my joy on hearing the news of the arrival of your baby girl. I cannot wait to meet her.”

“You are lucky it is a girl. I was hoping you would get a boy so I would enjoy watching you fight him as you fought our father.”

“You are blessed to have a baby girl. So much joy, so little stress.”

“The arrival of your baby girl is the best news I have heard all year. May she be just as gentle and kind as you.”

“I cannot wait to meet your beautiful baby girl. I hear she has the voice of an angel.”

Congratulations Messages For New Born Baby Boys

Baby boys are famously tough. It is a big deal when a couple has a baby boy, especially when it is a first child. Parents who have had baby boys deserve all the congratulations, and all the support they can get.

The following are congratulations messages for baby boys, which you can send to family, friends, or professional acquaintances.

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“Congratulations as you welcome your new baby boy. May many more blessings follow.”

“Congratulations as you get someone to carry on your family name.”

“Congratulations as you add another strong man to our family.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your son. This is special occasion to the whole family.”

“Congratulations as you embrace your baby boy. May he be big and strong like his daddy.”

“Congratulations as you get yourself a playmate and rival. You were a handful as a boy, and I hope your son is just like you.”

“I cannot express in words the joy and pride I feel as you welcome your son.”

“Congratulations as you get the real captain of your ship. I hope he is as strong a sailor as you are.”

“Congratulations son, there is no bigger joy than welcoming your son.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your son. May he bring you as much joy as you brought our father.”

“My joy is boundless as I hear you have a baby boy. Our family grows in size and in strength.”

“You have been blessed with a baby boy. I rejoice with you on this great occasion.”

“Congratulations brother, as you have a baby boy. A future man to defend our family name and honor.”

“Congratulations as you have a baby boy. Can’t wait to watch him take over your house.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy. Hope you are ready to watch him take over your house.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your son. Now watch your wife change her focus to him.”

“Congratulations as you have your son. May he have my looks and your character.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your son. Thank you for making me a grandpa.”

“Congratulations as you have your son. I have waited for a long time for someone to call me grandma.”

“Congratulations as you have your baby boy. I can’t think of two people better suited to bring up this amazing baby boy.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your baby boy. I can’t wait to watch him grow into a real man!”

“Congratulations as you have your baby boy. This is the greatest news we have had in a very long time.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your little prince. The world is made brighter by his arrival.”

“Congratulations as you have a baby boy. He is lucky to have a father like you to bring him up.”

“Congratulations as you have a man to defend your home. I have confidence in your parenting skills.”

“Your baby boy is finally here. We are ready to help you treat him like the prince he is. We couldn’t be happier for you!”

“Congratulations as you have such a cute boy to call you daddy and mommy. Our joy knows no bounds.”

“Congratulations as you have a little man in your lives. I am proud of the woman you have become.”

“Congratulations as you become the woman you were always meant to be. I know you will be a great mom to your baby boy.”

“Congratulations as you have the joy of having such a lovely baby boy. I can’t wait to see him become a big, strong man.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy. Can’t wait to see him playing with his cousins. Our family has really grown!”

Congratulations Messages on Birth of First Child

These are the normal congratulatory messages that are sent to couples who have just had a baby. However, these messages are specific to couples who have just had their first baby; thus becoming a family.

“This is to felicitate with you and your family on the arrival of your little bundle of joy! No home is complete without a child, and now you truly have a home.”

“Congratulations as your marriage becomes fruitful. Now you have something to show for the work.”

“Congratulations on your promotion to the rank of father, teacher and disciplinarian.”

“Congratulations as you become a mother. I can’t tell you how long I have waited to see this.”

“Congratulations as you are elevated to the rank of father. Your new office becomes you.”

“Congratulations as you receive this wonderful gift. Your new rank looks good on you.”

“Congratulations. A miracle just came into your life. A miracle of smiles and hugs. You deserve all the joy. Congratulations again.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your first child. I am sure that you have no idea what to do. Just take it easy, everything will be just fine.”

“Congratulations as you become a family. May you find joy in your family life.”

“Congratulations as you put on the mantle of fatherhood.”

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“Congratulations as you become a dad. May he give you as much joy as you gave me.”

“Congratulations as our family becomes bigger. I have no doubt that your baby will be as handsome as you are.”

“Congratulations as you become a father. May the joy of fatherhood vibrate through you for ages to come.”

“Congratulations as you celebrate the birth of a baby in your family. May your new baby bring tidings of love and happiness.”

“Congratulations, and welcome to the parenting club. May your joy never cease.”

“Congratulations as you join the parenting club. It is one in which you have to make sacrifices that will not be appreciated. But you are welcome all the same.”

“Congratulations as you become a father. Can’t wait to see if he is as stubborn as you.”

“Congratulations as you become a father. I hope he is as stubborn to you as you were to me.”

“Congratulations as you become a dad. Can’t wait to see you shout those same words you didn’t want to hear!”

“Congratulations to you both! Enjoy getting to know your sweet new baby.”

“Congratulations on the coming of your new baby! We are so very happy for you both, and we just can’t wait to meet your bundle of joy.”

“Congratulations as you get a new roomie! We will celebrate with you again in about 18 years when you have some free time.”

“Congrats on your new alarm clock… let the noise begin! Say good bye to Sleep.”

“Congrats on the arrival of your beautiful baby, good luck shedding that mommy weight!”

“Congrats as you enter the world of parenthood. Eat, sleep, poo, repeat.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your new boss. You will certainly enjoy losing your voting rights in your own home.”

Congratulations Messages For New Born Twins

“You greedy couple. You got a double portion of blessings. Congratulations.”

“Congratulations as you welcome your twin blessings.”

“Congratulations as you are blessed with twins. You were never contented with average!”

“Congratulations as your 1 + 1 = 4! Overjoyed for you both on the safe arrival of your sweet babies!”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful twins! We are overcome with joy.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your double package. We are here to help out in any way you need.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your lovely babies. We can’t wait to meet them!”

“Congratulations as you welcome your bundles of joy. Please let us know how we can help.”

“Congratulations are in order. Having twins is no small feat!”

“Congratulations as you have your beautiful baby girls. The world needs more angels like them.”

“Congratulations as you add twins to our growing family. We are so happy for you.”

“Congratulations as you are blessed with twins. That is a double portion of a very precious gift.”

“Congratulations as you get two poop machines. You deserve it!”

“Congratulations as you are rewarded for all those sleepless nights.”

“Congratulations on the safe arrival of your precious twins. We love you all so much, and can’t wait to greet them.”

“Congratulations as you get two times the love, the attention, and the joy of parenthood. I know you will be great parents.”

“Congratulations to me for becoming an uncle to two lovely babies. Congratulations bro!”

“Congratulations to the whole family as we welcome two new members of our clan. I have no doubt that you will be a great parent.”

“Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girls. May their arrival open up a whole new world of adventure, lightness, and wonder. Many congratulations once again to your whole family.”

“Congratulations as you welcome to the world your beautiful babies. We are here to help in any way we can.”

“Congratulations on the birth of your sweet twin babies. Our hearts are filled with joy.”

“My joy knows no limits as I heard that we have welcomed two new members to our family.”


These congratulations messages for new babies are great for expressing happiness at the arrival of new-born babies. However, as every birth is different, and as the relationships between the sender and receiver may vary considerably, then it is up to every reader to select the particular messages that best represent their relationship with the new parents so as not to be offensive.

Some of the messages contain humor- which is a rather peculiar quality. Before sending a humorous message to a new parent, please ensure that the receiver equally shares your sense of humor.