Alhikma University Post UTME Screening Form 2025/2026 Session – Application Guide

The management of the Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin has announced that Alhikma University post UTME form into the various undergraduate programmes of the Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin (Alhikma University) for 2025/2026 session is out at the cost of N2,000.00 only. The Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin is fully residential to students and located in a serene environment, conducive for learning and admission into Alhikma University is open to both MALE and FEMALE Nigerian citizens.

Alhikma University post UTME screening form into this academic session is not different from the previous sessions except some slight changes in closing date. Before going into details as regards Alhikma University admission screening application form for 2025/2026 academic session, we shall be looking at the most frequently asked questions about Alhikma University admission screening application forms by past and present applicants. Listing and answering these FAQs would greatly assist applicants who must have had similar questions about Alhikma University admission screening application forms in mind before now.

Below are the list of FAQ on Alhikma University’s Admission forms;

Is Alhikma University post UTME form out?

How much is Alhikma University post UTME form?

Please when is the admission screening test for Alhikma University starting?

When will Alhikma University post UTME form closing date?

How do I upload my WAEC result to Alhikma University portal for my admission?

Please what is an acknowledgment slip?

What and what are we to bring to the screening test venue

Will there be any make up admission test for candidates that miss the admission screening test?

FAQs on Alhikma University Admission Screening FormAnswers To FAQs on Alhikma University Admission forms
Is Alhikma University admission screening form out?Alhikma University post UTME form for this academic session is out.
When will Alhikma University post UTME forms be out?The form is out already.
Please when is the admission screening test for Alhikma University starting?Kindly refer to your acknowledgement slip.
When will Alhikma University post UTME form closing date?Not specified
How do I upload my WAEC result to Alhikma University portal for my admissionThe process of uploading your O’level result on Alhikma University portal has been explained below.
Please what is an acknowledgment slip?It is a document that must be carried along to the admission screening test venue to confirm you successfully applied for Alhikma University’s admission application form.
What and what are we to bring to the admission screening test venue?You are to carry along to the centre your Acknowledgement slip and Screening Invitation Slip that contains the screening schedule.
Will there be any make up admission test for candidates that miss the admission screening test?No there shall be NO MAKE UP test for any candidate that misses his or her chances of participating in Alhikma University’s admission screening test.
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Entry Requirements

  1. To qualify for admission into Alhikma University undergraduate programmes, prospective candidates must have sat for the 2025 UTME, irrespective of whether or not the candidates chose Alhikma University as their first choice of institution. However, candidates who did not choose Alhikma University as their first choice of institution are to effect change of institution on JAMB website. The required minimum UTME score is 140.
  2. Furthermore, DIRECT ENTRY candidates, who possess any of A/levels, NCE, ND, HND, Degree certificates in relevant subjects/disciplines are also qualified to apply.

Application Guide for Alhikma University Post UTME Screening Form

Step 1: If you have Applied for this programme Already, Simply Logon to alhikmahuniversity application portal to proceed

Step 2: Click On Click Here to Apply at the to create your application for profile.

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Step 3: You will be required to Suppll your JAMB Registration Number and other basic Information as stated in and Click to Proceed button to complete the profile creation.

Step 4: You will be required to update the underlisted data:

  • Valid Phone Number
  • Valid Email Address
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Date of Birth
  • Email
  • Red background Passport [If Applicable]
  • O’Level Results with Minimum of two(2) sittings
  • WAEC/NECO Scratch Card Details corresponding to the O’level Results uploaded

Note: Ensure to use a valid email Address and Phone Number you can b contacted on if need arises. Also, always check this mail for updates and information

Step 5: A notification message will be displayed confirming the successful creation of your profile, Click on the Proceed link to continue your application. Note: A confirmation message will be sent to your email address for future reference [Ensure to use a valid email address].

Step 6: Login into your personal application account with your new created JAMB number, Note your password is your SURNAME has you have provided during the profile creation stage.

Step 7: You will be required to make payment immediately upon logging into your account. Kindly select your preferred Payment Platform as made available to you. You will be prompted to confirm the transaction, simply click “Make Payment” to proceed

 .: Payment Instructions

  • To initiate payment, complete the required form and activate your account as applicable, click on the small circle at the right hand with a pointed finger to proceed.
  • On the payment confirmation page; you will find your transaction details including transaction reference, amount to pay, service being paid for, etc.
  • Click on the “Make Payment” to proceed to payment page, where you can pay using any of the available channels including debit or credit cards, internet banking, mobile wallet, bank branch etc.
  • After successful online payment, you will be redirected back to the school portal to complete your application.
  • Note: All Payments are STRICTLY be made via the University Portal, Any payment outside the confirms of the University domains will not be accepted.
  • If the response is successful, navigate back to the service that was paid for to continue to obtain service.
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Step 8: Confirm your Payment Information again and Click on “Make Payment” button to Proceed.

Step 9: Enter your ATM card details

  • Select your ATM card type (e.g Verve or Master Card)
  • Enter your Card Number on the front side of the card
  • Enter Card Expiry Date and the card CVV2  (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the card)
  • Enter your card pin
  • Click on “Pay” button when you are done

Please note:  (Do not Refresh your browser while the process is going on to avoid multiple deductions from your account. If nothing is displayed after 10 minutes, close the browser and restart again).

Note: An Email containing the receipt of the transaction will be sent to your E-mail Account.

Step 10: Click on the Complete Application Link on your account Menu to upload all the required documents and complete your application.

Step 11: Print out your Registration Slip containing summary of your registration. Important Information.

Click HERE to start your application.

Closing Date for Submission of Form

Not specified!

Hope this is well understood? Do you have any questions as regards admission screening form for 2025/2026 academic session? Please feel free to reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.