JAMB CAPS Admission List Problems (2025): What To Do

Admission into schools in Nigeria is tough. The population of students graduating from secondary schools yearly is fast outgrowing the number of tertiary institutions that can admit per session since they all have quotas given to them by JAMB. What this simply means is that there are number of students schools can admit per session mandated by JAMB which they mustn’t go above. This bottleneck is one of the many reasons students fail to gain admission despite meeting all requirements for admission.

Schools are forced to increase their requirements in order to reduce the number of students eligible for admission. Gaining admission into state and federal institutions can be quite challenging despite passing the minimum cut off mark and post UTME. Now let’s assume you passed the post UTME and calculated your weighted average score and passed, you still cannot be 100% sure of being admitted except your score is excellent. Not to worry, I will teach you what to do just in case you find yourself in such situation.

In this post, I will be guiding you on what to do on the following admission problems that are frequently faced by students applying for admission via UTME and DE methods.

You saw your name on JAMB CAPS but not on your school’s admission list

When you see your name on your school admission list portal but it’s not on JAMB CAPS

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When you see Admission in Progress on JAMB CAPS.

When you see ‘No Admission Given’ on JAMB CAPS or school Portal

How To Solve Admission List Problems on JAMB CAPS

Who Gives Admission? JAMB or The School?

This is a misconception that has long been a subject of debate amongst students. Some are of the opinion that the school gives admission while others are of the opinion that JAMB gives the admission. Now let me clear this. Following due process, the school compiles the admission lists in batches and send to JAMB, JAMB scrutinizes the list based on the requirements per course and gives the final approval of the admission list by sending it back to the institution.

Then the institution officially announces the release of the admission list in batches as received from the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

I saw My Name on the JAMB CAPS But Its Not the School’s Admission List?

When you find yourself in such scenario, do not panic. It’s a simple due process still ongoing. This happens only when the school has already sent the lists to JAMB and JAMB in return has approved and released the first batch of admission list to the school and most probably, the list sent doesn’t have your name in it. You are not supposed to get worried rather be optimistic because your name will definitely come out on one of the batches yet to be released.

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What To Do?

You are expected to accept the admission on your efacility profile immediately and print out your admission letter. Read how to accept admission on JAMB CAPS if you have never done so in the past. Accepting the admission gives you an edge because no foul play can occur after already accepting your admission on JAMB CAPS.

I Saw My Name on The School Admission List Portal but it’s not on JAMB CAPS?

In this situation, you need to be slightly worried because knowing that JAMB gives admission and not the school, you ought to first see your name on JAMB CAPS before the school admission list. Here it is either the school has gone ahead to release their admission list without JAMB’s approval (this can be resolved internally between JAMB and the school) but if it’s not the case then most probably and knowing you have validated your O’level result on JAMB CAPS, then most likely your admission is fake and chances that you will have issues while in school is high because during your clearance/registration, you will be required to present your JAMB admission letter and if you can’t present it, you will be advised to withdraw from the school.

What To Do?

Visit JAMB office with your credentials, lay your complaints and follow up to validate your admission on JAMB CAPS.

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I Am Seeing Admission in Progress on JAMB CAPS. What Does That Mean?

This simply means the admission list is still in the compilation stage. JAMB is yet to send the approved list to the school. So you are to wait until the announcement of the admission list release.

What To Do?

Keep checking JAMB CAPS and your school’s admission list checking portal for updates.

When You see ‘No Admission Given on JAMB CAPS or School Portal

This is as simple as it says. No admission given simply means you were not given admission. At this stage there is little or nothing you can do. Some students result to changing their courses but this has rarely worked because the school in question has stopped accepting change of course or institution forms from candidates.

What To Do?

Absolutely nothing can be done. It is either you go for a diploma or part time programme if you do not wish to partake in the next JAMB.

I hope I have been able to answer your questions. This article will be very helpful for many candidates and prospective students who wish to apply for admission via UTME or DE into any of the higher institutions (Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education) in Nigeria.