15 Common Topics In Chemistry Questions In WAEC, NECO & JAMB Examination

Chemistry is one of the most feared subjects by science candidates sitting for the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE), NECO (National Examination Council) or the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) because they fail to prepare properly for this subject. One strategy of passing Chemistry in any of the above listed examinations is studying hard and most importantly, knowing the compulsory questions that the body (WAEC, NECO or JAMB)  test students on that is why we have listed the 15 most common WAEC topics in Chemistry for you to test yourself on. Out of the topics on Chemistry syllabus, at least more than 80% of the questions must come from the 15 of the listed topics because they are the most common questions set by examiners every year.

The importance of Chemistry as a requirement for admission into various higher institution cannot be underestimated. According to various higher institutions, one of the numerous admission requirements for studying any science or engineering course is that candidate passes Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English language. However, there are some courses offered in higher institutions that do not require Chemistry or a Credit pass as a requirement but they are just a handful.

Passing Chemistry in WAEC, NECO or JAMB is very simple so long as you are prepared for the questions ahead. Getting prepared as a result of being aware of the most likely Chemistry questions in WAEC makes it even more interesting.

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The most likely topics listed below are common topics in both Objective (Obj) and theory. To further break it down, we highlighted the most common topics under objective and theory for ease of understanding. Knowing the most likely topics in Chemistry  for WAEC is not enough as adequate preparedness is key to passing Chemistry in your exam that is why you are advised to get past questions and answer papers and test yourself on the under-listed topics below to ascertain your strengths and weaknesses.

Always remember that Examiners are very smart, they know it is very possible to attempt all questions adequately given the allotted time so they present you with time wasting questions like that carries equal marks with other simpler and direct ones. In this case, you are advised to skip such questions on and come back to it after being done with the others. However, strengths and weaknesses differ so if you know you are very good at the so called time wasters, you could go ahead with it when confronted with one.

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One last thing to note is that different marks are allotted to different questions. In the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), the National Examination Council or UTME, some questions carry higher mark than the others though they could be time wasting too so you must find a balance when solving questions on such questions.

Much has been said not just about the 15 WAEC or NECO compulsory topics to expect in Chemistry examination but how to attempt them and which question must be given priority. Now I will be listing the 15 most common WAEC and NECO topics in Chemistry you must come across in both Objective and theory section. These topics when mastered MUST guarantee you a distinction in Chemistry in any of the examination you are tested at.

15 Most Common WAEC Topics in Chemistry Examination (Theory and Obj)

See the list of topics below:

1) Atoms Moles Formulae and Equation and their properties (isotopes of an atom, atomic structures and related atomic questions,

2) Periodic Table (Properties and the likes)

3) Organic compounds like methane, propane butane etc (their properties)

4) Acid Base and Salts

5) Atomic Structures: Chemistry Combination

6) Physical Properties of Elements and Their Variations

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7) Electrolysis

8) Chemical Equilibrium

9) Chemical Thermodynamics

10) Kinetic Theory of Matter

11) Carbon and Its Compounds

12) Sulphur and Its Compounds

13) Organic Chemistry

14) Proactivity and Nuclear Chemistry

15) Metals

Please take the above topics very seriously. If you are willing and determined to pass Chemistry in WAEC or NECO or JAMB your mastery of the 15 compulsory topics with their approved text book for senior secondary schools and attempts on various past questions would do you a lot of positives in passing this subject.

Do you have any questions as regards the above? Please reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond immediately. Note that the most likely UTME, NECO or WAEC topics for Chemistry examination listed above does not mean you should avoid other topics, remember that the examiner isn’t testing you for Chemistry topics in SS 3 classes only but on all Chemistry topics ranging from SS 1 first term to the completion of your SS 3. It is as a result of its cumbersomeness that I thought it necessary to list the exact topics that must come out yearly after thorough research.

I wish you the very best of luck in your forthcoming examination.