List of Masters Scholarship For Teachers And Application Guide

Teachers are important in every society. Not only are they responsible for training and nurturing the next generation of leaders they are also charged with ensuring that they research new ways to make learning easy and fun for pupils and students.

If you are interested in becoming a teacher or you are a teacher/educator looking to further your studies, then we are glad to inform you that there are numerous scholarship available to teachers to help making your dreams of becoming a world class educator a reality.

There are scholarships available for different experiences and backgrounds, so whether you are interested in pursuing an undergraduate or post graduate degree in education you can apply for scholarships and grants to help offset your tuition, accommodation and even living expenses throughout the course of your intended program.

Although most of the scholarships listed below may be available only to residents of a particular state or country but there are others that will be suitable just for you.

DON’T MISS: List of Masters Scholarships For International Students: Application Guide

Go through the list below and find a scholarship that meets your need

List of Masters Scholarship For Teachers And Application Guide

  1. AIF William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India

The American India Foundation is currently accepting applications from prospective students for the William J. Clinton Fellowship for service in India. This fellowship is open to both US and Indian Applicants and aims at exchanging knowledge and also to share a mutual passion to enable the advancement of social and economic development.


  • Applicants must be
  • Between the ages of 21 and 34 during the period of application
  • Must have completed a bachelors degree before the commencement of the program in 2018
  • Applicants must be able to speak English language although being able to also speak the local language is considered valuable for placement in AIF partner organisation.
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How to apply

  • Applicants are to submit two references once they make it to the interview rounds. The references should not be family members or friends. Applicants References are also expected to complete an online form where they will address applicants work ethics, career goals, and other valuable information.

More Information can be found in the scholarship link here

  1. China Scholarship Council and University of Exeter PhD Scholarship in UK

The university in collaboration with the china scholarship council is awarding up to 10 PhD Scholarships for Students of Chinese origin. Successful applicants will have their tuition fees fully funded by the relevant college in the University of Exeter UK.


  • Applicants must be citizens or residents of China at the time of application and must have intentions of returning to China after completion of their programme.
  • Scholarship is awarded on the basis academic merits requiring a distinction in a masters programme from a prestigious university.
  • Applicants are expected to have an IELTS score of 6.5 – 7.0 in order to be considered
  • Candidates must also meet the selection requirement set by the CSC which can be found on the website of the China Scholarship Council.

How to Apply

Application is done online. Applicants are expected to submit the following documents in PDF format with each file named with your Surname and the name of the document e.g. Chan CV.pdf”, Chan Transcript.pdf” e.t.c

  • CV
  • A research proposal
  • A letter of Application which should include academic interests and research experience
  • Transcripts indicating full details of subjects studied and grades obtained
  • Evidence of English Language Proficiency
  • You will be required to name 2 referees. Referees will not be contacted until the offer stage.
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More Information can be found in the Scholarship link here

  1. School Of Education PhD Scholarship for International Applicants at RMIT University in Australia

RMIT University offers a PhD scholarship in the School of Education. The aim of the scholarship is to help students with an international perspective into the RMIT experience and also to provide financial assistance to students. The Scholarship is valued at $30,000 per annum for 3 years and the outstanding student will work with Associate Professor Anne M Harris on her project.


  • A bachelor degree program of not less than 4 years of full study awarded with honours
  • A master degree which includes a research component compromising 25% of a full time academic year.
  • Evidence of Academic qualifications or experiences.
  • Applicants are to provide evidence of English language proficiency in order to be considered.

How to Apply

  • Application is done online
  • Applicants must submit a formal application to RMIT School of Education.
  • More information is available in the scholarship link
  1. Faculty of Education and Social Work Literacy Research Scholarship in New Zealand

This scholarship is open to international students looking to pursue a masters or doctoral research program. The aim of the scholarship is to assist a postgraduate student in the faculty of Education and Social Work to be able to research teaching materials that support literacy learning. The scholarship provides the deserving candidate with $10,000.


  • The scholarship is only available to a post graduate student looking to undertake research into teaching materials that support literacy learning.
  • The scholarship is available to citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand.
  • Basis for selection is strictly by academic merit
  • Scholarship is paid as a fortnightly allowance
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How to Apply

  • Application is done online and applicants are to read the information on the link carefully to ensure that they are eligible to apply, before clicking on the blue “apply here” button and complete the online application form.
  1. ECDA Scholarship for Bachelor and Masters Degree in Singapore

The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), Provides scholarship for undergraduate and postgraduate students who wish to get a degree in education.


  • The scholarship is only available to applicants looking to pursue a part-time Bachelor or Masters Degree program in Early Childhood Education.

How to Apply

  • Application is done online.
  • Applicants are to download the application form and submit it with the required documents listed on the scholarship site.

More information is available in the scholarship link here

Kindly share on the social media platforms at your disposal if you are satisfied with the information gotten. You can send your questions as regards the list of Masters scholarship for teachers if you are finding it difficult on the application process via the comment section below.

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