Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Full-Time/Part- Time Postgraduate Programmes in the Postgraduate School, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto every academic Session.
UDUSOK Postgraduate Available Programmes
The University runs Postgraduate Programmes leading to the award of the following:
- Postgraduate Diploma
- Academic Masters
- Professional Masters
- M.Phil / Ph.D. for those that could be upgraded to Ph.D.
- Ph.D.
How to Apply for UDUSOK Postgraduate Admission.
Late admission forms are now on sale at the rate of Twenty thousand (20,000) naira and Fifteen thousand (15,000) naira only for Professional and Academic programmes respectively.
All Nigerian debit cards are accepted.
Interested applicants are hereby advised to visit the Postgraduate School’s Website: for additional information on the available courses and Application Procedures.
Applicants should arrange well in advance for their academic transcripts to be forwarded to the undersigned.
Do you have any complain with your application form or have an enquiry to make? Feel free to contact us on:
All administrative or admission issues should be directed to the postgraduate school. Call:
08032914784, 09099455104 (Admission Issues)
07039039228, 08087256208 (Technical Issues)
Adamu Ibrahim Yelwa
Secretary, Postgraduate School