StanbicIBTC Bank Salary Structure 2025: How Much Does Stanbic IBTC Bank Pay Their Staff

Stanbic IBTC bank is a subsidiary under Stanbic IBTC holdings. The group concentrates on full financial services with focus on three main business pillars which includes;

  • Corporate and Investment Banking
  • Personal and Business Banking
  • Wealth Management

Stanbic IBTC Bank Salary Structure

Stanbic Bank of Nigeria was incorporated in 1992 and after merging with Investment Banking and Trust Company (IBTC) why? it then started bearing the full name Stanbic IBTC bank which elevated the bank to the status of one of Nigeria’s financial power houses.

Just like we have discussed in previous posts about salary structures of old and new generation banks in Nigeria, we are finally going to answer questions like; How much does Stanbic IBTC bank pay their staff? What is Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure like? How much does StanbicIBTC Bank pay entry level fresh graduates? What is Stanbic IBTC Bank Salary scale like? these and many other related questions as regards Stanbic IBTC salary structure will be discussed here today.

Asian Bankers rated Stanbic IBTC bank among the top 10 biggest banks in Nigeria with current net asset of ₦1.42 trillion.

Stanbic IBTC bank popped up among the list of top 10 highest paying banks in Nigeria and their salary structures this feat alone states that the bank is a major player in the banking industry not just in terms or affairs but welfare of staff ranging from Entry Level to senior executive level.

Stanbic IBTC Bank has over the years maintained a high salary structure for staff, both junior and senior banking officers (SBOs), thanks to their Human resource management team.

Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure for entry level is in six (6) figures, Senior banking officers receive as much as 600,000 Naira and above excluding bonuses and other profit sharing that are accrued to staff, the table below explains in details, Stanbic IBTC salary structure for all staff and how much they pay.

This article will be more vital for not just fresh graduates seeking employment into Stanbic IBTC Bank but also, experienced workers from other banks who have one reason or the other to make a switch to Stanbic IBTC bank since this post harps succinctly on Stanbic IBTC Bank Salary structures for fresh entry level graduates and experienced positions.

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Though the bank has a policy of making use of DSAs (Direct Sales Agents) for its marketing positions, these category of employees (contract staff) are paid peanuts. Stanbic IBTC bank pays contract staff (DSA) 30,000 Naira monthly for the tedious responsibility and the negative side of this is that there are no rooms for promotion and the recruitment contract is handled by Workforce Management Centre Ltd.

Without undergoing proper findings as to what Stanbic IBTC Bank pay their staff, when you are called up for interviews at Stanbic IBTC Bank and asked ‘What is your salary expectation from Stanbic IBTC Bank?’ at this stage, you are left completely confused as regards the exact amount to mention when quizzed. In as much as you do not want to scare your interviewer away with a high salary expectation knowing you practically do not have the required experience for the job especially for positions that require more than the number of years of experience you have gathered so far, you also will not want to feel cheated and under paid so you are left in dilemma as to what exact figure to call.

This article will help you cross that bridge effectively without hassles. During an interview session, giving the right answers to questions asked overrides the so called required experience needed for the job because you already are being quizzed for the position in which you applied for.

From statistics, 70-80% of job seeker tend to price themselves lower than their actual worth in order to stand a better chance of being called for the job and in the long run, this will have a retrogressive effect on their jobs and overall performance of the staff because job dissatisfaction sets in based on the salary scale being placed on and the popular complaints “why should i kill myself on a job that pays so little“.

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The above become history when the job applicant is properly armed with the right information as regards how much Stanbic IBTC Bank pay their entry level staff and even the SBOs (Senior Banking Officers).

Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure as discussed earlier so far ranks among one of the best so if you are thinking of applying for a job there, you are good to go. In as much as they pay well, you will agree with me that the responsibilities attached to working in the bank plus employee rate turn over is high, therefore you must be up and doing if you must retain your job.

We have heard cases of inhumane treatment of bank staff by the management, in as much as StanbicIBTC Bank isn’t left out as this is a common practice among banks in Nigeria, they still are one of the recent active players in employment market and they must be given due recognition for this.

In summary, Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure for fresh entry level graduate is quite encouraging though could still be improved upon but bear it in mind the responsibilities attached to this job is quite demanding therefore, get your mind prepared.

How Much Does StanbicIBTC Bank Pay Their Graduate Trainee?

Upon gaining employment as a graduate in Stanbic IBTC Bank, like other banks like Access, Stanbic IBTC. Zenith bank, First bank and other new generation banks, you will be required to attend a compulsory four (4) months Stanbic IBCT bank training school at Ozumba Mbadiwe.

The training incorporates both theoretical, practical and real life training which gets the newly employed prepared for the task ahead and adjust with the internal workings of the bank.

Towards the end of the 4 months compulsory training, all trainees will be sent on a two weeks compulsory attachment with various Stanbic IBTC Bank branches within the city and upon completion of the training, successful trainees are selected while the unsuccessful are sent packing.

During this period, Stanbic IBTC Bank pay their Graduate Trainees N40,000 monthly for the period of 4 months, this is to cater for their transport majorly as they are fed by the bank during the training session

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How Much Does Stanbic IBTC Bank Pay Their Entry Level Staff?

Now we are here, the crux of the article where we are about to expose what Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure for Entry level staff is all about. Those who have friends or relatives working with Stanbic IBTC bank would find this very interesting to know, don’t worry, keep calm as we are about to wet your appetite.

Stanbic IBTC Bank Monthly Salary Structure

So as discussed above, Stanbic IBTC Bank as at today has one of the best salary structure for fresh graduates (Entry Level Staff).

Stanbic IBTC Bank pay 140,000 Naira for Entry Level staff and this is excluding other bonuses and profit sharing usually carried out towards their financial year end. Most companies have their respective financial year end, it does not necessarily have to be traditionally 31st of December, it is calculated differently.

Stanbic IBTC Bank Salary Structure For Entry Level Staff

Management LevelStanbic IBTC Bank Monthly SalaryStanbic IBTC Bank annual Salary Scale
Entry Level StaffBetween N110,000 to N120,000N1,320,000 to 1,440,000

Stanbic IBTC Bank Salary Structure For Contract Staff

Management LevelStanbic IBTC Bank Monthly Salary ScaleStanbic IBTC Bank Annual Salary Scale
Contract Staff Salary Scale (DSA)N30,000N360,000

The salary scale above is still active and running the above still in force, we hope this was informative enough and should you be in a position where you are quizzed how much Stanbic IBTC Bank pay their entry level staff or senior banking officers, your contribution would hold waters based on the above information so far.

Kindly note that your opinion as regards the above matters to us, also, any information at your disposal related to Stanbic IBTC Bank salary structure would be much appreciated from other readers and individuals seeking information related to the salary range for the above positions.