OKOPOLY Acceptance Fee For Fresh Students 2025/2026 Academic Session

Federal Polytechnic Oko, acceptance fee for newly admitted candidate for the 2025/2026 academic session has been a continuous subject of debates amongst students who selected OKOPOLY as their preferred choice of institution during their UTME registration exercise.

At Federal Polytechnic- Oko, not many are aware that they can accept or even reject the admission from JAMB by doing so via JAMB CAPS portal. Another form of automatically rejecting or forfeiting your admission unknowingly is when you fail to pay your acceptance fee as and when due so the issue of payment of of acceptance fee is as important as seeing your name on the admission list itself.

Oko Poly Acceptance Fee

In this post we will be providing you with the actual OKOPOLY acceptance fee for all fresh students 2025/2026 academic session, irrespective of the departments or faculty.

We hereby inform all candidates that selected Lagos State Polytechnic – OKOPLY as their preferred choice of Polytechnic during the UTME registration, sat for Federal Polytechnic Oko- OKOPOLY’s post UTME, passed the cut off mark and gained admission into the institution, that OKOPOLY acceptance fee for freshly admitted students 2025/2026 is out. See below for fees payable by all freshers.

Ideally, just like in all polytechnics in Nigeria, acceptance fee is to be paid first and at Federal Polytechnic Oko – OKOPOLY, it is the same process. that is,  the acceptance fee is also the first payment to be made by newly admitted candidates, It is serves as a proof that such candidate has officially accepted the provisional admission granted to him or her by JAMB (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board) upon meeting all requirements for admission at OKOPOLY, however, candidates still has the right to accept the admission or reject it and this can be done via JAMB CAPS.

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We have arranged Federal Polytechnic Oko- OKOPOLY’s acceptance fee payable by all fresh students irrespective of the faculty they fall under in the table below.

Newly admitted students are all advised to go through the information provided below to confirm the acceptance fee to be paid by all fresh students of Lagos State Polytechnic.

What you stand to gain upon reading this post;

a)Federal Polytechnic Oko- OKOPOLY acceptance fee for fresh students 2025/2026 academic session

b) OKOPOLY Acceptance fees for all faculties for 2025/2026 session

c) OKOPOLY Acceptance fee for all departments 2025/2026 academic session

d) OKOPOLY School fees for all courses offered in the institution

Federal Poly Oko – OKOPOLY Acceptance Fee For Fresh Students 2025/2026 Session

OKOPOLY Acceptance fee for fresh students 2025/2026 academic session is 15,500 Naira for all fresh students in all departments irrespective of the course being offered. The acceptance fee is a non-refundable fee for for all students irrespective of the department they are gain admission into

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Please note that upon payment of OKOPOLY acceptance fee, other fees and charges like accommodation fee, Library fee, faculty dues, ICT levy and the likes are to be paid after payment of the acceptance fee.

Also, we thought it needful to add to the acceptance fee payable by all newly admitted students,  OKOPOLY’s School Fees for fresh students 2025/2026 session, as this would be helpful in knowing the tuition fee for the academic session immediately after paying your acceptance fee.

Hope you found what you visited this page for? if you have any question as regards OKOPOLY acceptance fee for new students 2025/2026 academic session, simply scroll down to the comment section as seen below, send your questions and we shall respond in no time.


Simply follow the instructions below On how to pay OKOPOLY Acceptance Fee and school fees online for 2025/2026 academic session

Fresh students will pay a sum of N15,500.00 as acceptance fee.

Newly Admitted students should apply the following steps for Acceptance of Admission (Note: within two weeks of Notification of Admission):

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Step 1: Proceed to Bursary section (Revenue Collection Unit@ Extension Site) to generate acceptance Invoice with Remita Retrieval Reference Number.

Step 2: Proceed to any of the approved collecting banks to pay your Acceptance fee (on the Remita platform) and obtain payment print out.

Step 3: Return to the Bursary (Revenue Unit) with the payment printout to obtain your Acceptance Letter.

After fulfilling the above conditions, you are to login to your profile on the school portal to pay school fees, print school fees receipt, clearance certificate and proceed to your department with those documents for clearance formalities.

Candidates are to note that they are not yet full students of the Federal Polytechnic Oko until they fulfill all admissions requirements and are duly cleared by the departments and the Admissions Office.

We thought it needful to add to the acceptance fee payable by all newly admitted students, as this would be helpful in knowing the tuition fee for the academic session immediately after paying your acceptance fee.

Also, to  get latest news and update about Federal Poly Oko admission news, acceptance fee payment procedures and acceptance fees for all universities in Nigeria, you could subscribe to our blog to stay updated.