The management has released Federal Polytechnic Offa JAMB cut off mark for all courses for 2025/2026 academic session, therefore all candidates who put the Federal Poly Offa (FPO) as their preferred choice of higher institution during the UTME registration can confirm if they meet the current Poly Ibadan Cut-off mark for the current academic session.
Offa Poly Address: Offa Poly is located in Offa township area of Kwara state.
Candidates who meet Offa Poly cut off mark would then proceed for internal screening exercise by the University, and are thereby are advised to carry all documents along including recent colored passport photographs.
See the official FPO cut off mark of for all courses towards the tail-end of this post.
Candidates should note that the benefits of meeting beating Offa Poly cut off mark for JAMB is the fact that candidates are given the opportunity to gain admission to study into any of the courses offered in the institution so long as the candidates get a good score in the internal screening exercise.
Some documents are required by the school authority for their internal screening exercise
Upon admission, the following documents are required for Internal screening in Federal Polytechnic Offa:
- Original and photocopy of JAMB result slip
- Original documents which includes ‘O’ level certificates please note that awaiting results are not accepted by Ibadan Poly
- Original copy of your birth certificate
- Your secondary school Testimonial
- Your most recent passport photographs
Candidates who selected Federal polytechnic Offa have always asked the following questions about Offa Poly cut off mark for this academic session and it is high time we answered their questions as it may also fall in line with the question you may have been wanting to ask. Please refer to the table below;
What is FPO current cut off mark? | FPO cut off mark is 120. Any UTME candidate that scores 120 and above is eligible for Offa Poly post UTME screening exercise. |
Does Offa Poly Accept second and third choice candidates? | Offa Poly accepts both first second and third choice candidates. |
Can Offa Poly accept me if I score 140? | Yes. Candidates with 120 UTME score and above are eligible to apply for Offa Poly post UTME. |
Offa Poly is not among my choice of institution and I wish to write their post UTME am I qualified? | Yes you can. Offa Poly states that you could purchase their form even if you did not choose them during your UTME registration |
If I score 160 in jamb and still use FPO as second choice can I gain admission? | Only candidates that meets Ado JAMB cut off mark are eligible and YES FPO accepts 2nd choice candidates. |
How can I change my polytechnic to FPO because I passed their cut off mark? | Simply purchase a change of course form from JAMB, it costs about 2,500 naira. Fill the necessary details and submit. You will be informed when your application is successful via the registered email or you can verify via JAMB CAPS. |
I got 8 credits in my O’Level but my JAMB score is 185 and I am applying for Banking and Finance. What are my chances of gaining admission in Offa Poly? | With 185 JAMB score and 8 credit passes, you still stand a chance of gaining admission into Offa Poly but your post UTME score must be high. |
What is Offa Poly JAMB cut off mark for Medicine and Surgery? | We will advise you score at least 250 and above in your JAMB to stand a chance when calculating your aggregate score. |
I am an indigene, can I be considered for admission if I score below the cut off mark? | The minimum cut off mark for Offa Poly is the same for all candidates irrespective of the state of origin of the candidate. |
What is the cut off mark for Electrical and Electronics Engineering and other Engineering courses at Ibadan Poly? | We advise that you score at least 200 and above in your JAMB so when your aggregate score is calculated, you will stand a better chance of gaining admission into Offa Poly. |
I scored 165 in jamb is there any chance of me studying any Engineering course at Ado? | First you need to confirm if the Engineering course is offered in Offa Poly. Whatever might be the answer, you are eligible to participate in the post UTME. I would advise you change your course to a less competitive one because a JAMB score of 165 cannot give you any Engineering course. |
I am an indigene and I scored 170 in JAMB, can I secure admission in Offa Poly? | The answer is YES you can because you scored higher than the minimum cut off mark for Offa Poly. However, gaining admission would also depend on the course you selected. |
With 180 in my JAMB, which science course can I offer? I’m an indigene and I have my complete O’Level. | It depends on the course. All science course have their various cut off marks at Offa Poly even though the difference wouldn’t be significant. At this point, this would be determined your post UTME score. |
Can someone with 150 In Jamb gain admission into Offa Poly to study accounting? | You can gain admission into Offa Poly but definitely not to study Accounting. Accounting is a professional course hence high JAMB cut off mark. You need at least 220 and above with a good post UTME score to study Accounting in Offa Poly. |
Does Federal Poly Ado accept Transfer students from other universities? | Yes FPO accept transfer students so long as you meet their requirements. |
What is Offa Poly’s cut off mark for Building Technology? | With a JAMB score of 240 and above you can study Building technology or any tech course irrespective of the polytechnic. |
What are the required documents for post UTME screening to carry along? | The management of Offa Poly has stated that you carry along with you, A pencil, Passport photograph, print out of your post UTME online registration slip and other important documents. |
Like we would always inform students, scoring FPO cut off mark for all courses does not in any way guarantee you an automatic admission into the University, until a successful internal screening exercise carried out on all candidates.
If candidate(s) is/are successful in the internal screening exercise then they are automatically granted admission to study the course of their choice.
FPO Cut off Mark For All Courses 2025/2026 Academic Session
Offa poly JAMB/post UTME cut off mark for all courses offered in the institution is 120 for 2025/2026, therefore, candidates who scored up to 120 are automatically eligible for internal screening Exercise, but we must warn you, the higher your JAMB score, the higher your chances of clinching the course registered in your UTME.
School of Applied Sciences
Department Computer Science – 120 and above
Department of Food Technology – 120 and above
Department of Science Technology – 120 and above
Department of Statistic – 120 and above
School of Business and Management Studies
Accountancy – 120 and above
Banking and Finance Department – 120 and above
Business Administration Department – 120 and above
Insurance Department – 120 and above
Marketing Department – 120 and above
School of Communication and Information Technology
Department of Mass Communication – 120 and above
Office Technology and Management Department – 120 and above
Department of Library and Information Science – 120 and above
School of Engineering Technology – 120 and above
Computer Engineering Department – 120 and above
Mechanical Engineering Department – 120 and above
Civil Engineering Department – 120 and above
Electrical Electronic Engineering Department – 120 and above
School of Environmental Studies
Architectural Department – 120 and above
Quantity Surveying Department – 120 and above
Urban and Regional Planning Department – 120 and above
Estate Management and Valuation Department – 120 and above
Building Technology – 120 and above
School of General Studies
Department of Languages – 120 and above
Social Science and Humanities Department – 120 and above
Hope you got what you visited this page for? if you have any question(s) as regards Ibadan Poly cut-off mark for all courses 2025/2026 academic session, kindly could scroll down to the comment section below, post your questions and we shall respond accordingly.
Also, to get the latest information about Offa polytechnic and happenings in all polytechnics in Nigeria, Nigerian, you could subscribe to our blog.
>> List of Accredited Courses Offered In Offa Polytechnic. Kwara State
>> OFFA Poly School Fees For ND & HND 2025/2026 Academic Session
Can I enter offa poly or Kwara poly with 138
Sure you can. What course?
I have 169 in my utme
Can I study science laboratory technology
In offa poly 2025/2026
Your chances are slim
Is my 195 not enough for the department
What course exactly?
I score 195 to study mass com will I be given admission in Offa poly
I score 195 can I go for mass com in Offa poly
I scored 191 for mechanical engineering
I scored 181 in my jamb score , and I choose offa poly as my third choice can I gain admission
I will advice you make it your 1st or 2nd choice
Can I study civil engineering with 163
163 for Civil Engineering is not good enough
Please I need to ask one more thing if I didn’t write math in jamb can you accept me for quantity survey in offa poly
Unfortunately, you actually need mathematics as a compulsory subject combination.
Can I study microbiology in offa poly with 160 in my utme exam please can you accept me
You can be accepted into Offa Poly but not for MCB. I will advice you to change your course
What is the JAMB cutoff mark for computer biology at ABU Zaria?
Can I study Accounting with 179 with my subject combination
Use of English
Financial Accounting
Am I good to go please
Your subject combination is perfect for Accounting, however you still don’t stand a chance because your UTME score is low.
Can I study banking and finance in offa with 171 as jamb score I use it as first choice. This is the subject combination of banking and finance: English, mathematics, economics, account.
Your subject combination is fine but 171 JAMB score is too low for Banking and Finance
Can I study mass communication in poly offa with 155 jamb score an I used it as second choice
No. I will advice you change your course
Can I study banking and finance in offa with 171 as jamb score I use it as first choice. This is the subject combination of banking and finance: English, mathematics, economics, account.
Good day sir .
I scored 190 in my UTME examination and the subject are Maths,eng,econ and p.acconting.
And in my o.level result
I have d7 in economics .
Can I study business administration in fpo or kwara poly.
You can’t study any administrative course with D7 in economics.
I score 135 in my jamb can I study SLT in offa poly.
I honestly doubt if you will be admitted
Is this subject combination good for architectural technology
This is the subject combination for Architectural Technology. Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics
Please can I study library and information science in Federal polytechnic of offa with 164
Yes you can. But bear in mind that your post UTME score has to be high too
I scored 142 in Jamb can I gain admission in Insurance
Please I scored 165 at jamb can I go for mass communication at offapoly
I scored 163 in jamb can I study Mass communication 09028193950
I score 147 in my jamb can I gain admission into offa polytechnic
I scored 132 in jamb which school can I gain admission into
I score 155 in jamb can I study building technology in yAba tech
I scored 154 in jamb and Offa is my first choice
Can I gain admission
I scored 154 in jamb
And Offa is my first choice
And I want to study SLT can I gain admission please
Please can I study elet elet with 162
Not possible. Change your course
Which course can i study with 141at offa poly
I scored 138 can Federal Poly Offa give me an admission ?
I scored 152 in jamb which science course can i study in fpo
Pls I scored 160 in jamb can I study psychology in federal polytechnic offa with second choice
Federal Poly Offa post UTME form is closed already
Pls I scored 160 in my jamb can I study psychology in federal polytechnic offa with second choice sir
You would have been able to apply but Offa poly form is already closed.
Plz I scored 170 in my jamb can I study business administration
Pls I score 163 in jamb ,can I study mechanical engineering in offa poly
Pls I have 174 in my jamb am I qualify to study accounting in Offa poly
I scored 140 in jamb please sir can study science laboratory technology in offa poly
I scored 140 in jamb please sir can study science laboratory technology in offa poly
Its going to be difficult but you may be considered.
Can I study estate management in offa poly with 160 cut off mark?
You could be considered if your post UTME score is high
I score 190….. Can I study computer science with awaiting result in offa poly
Your results has to be available before screening starts. Your UTME score is not high for Computer science. However with a good post UTME score, maybe you might be considered depending on the number of candidates for the course.
I score 145 which course can I study at offa poly commercial stundet
Please sir I scored 169 in jamb can I study computer science
Your chances are slim. Youe score isn’t high enough for Computer science
I scored 161 and I want to study mas comm how was it sir
To be honest your chances are extremely slim. UTME score of 161 for Mass Communication isn’t feasible.
Can I use Eng, math, phy and chem in Utme to study food technology in Offa poly
Do you have mathematics too?
Please I scored 157 in jamb, can I study Food Technology at Offa poly
Please I scored 157 I’m jamb can I still study compuuter science at Offa poly
That’s not high enough for computer science
Plz sir I scored 179 can I study business administration, math, English, economics and govt?
Business Admin with 161 at Offa Poly is going to be really difficult.
plz can I study business administration with 179
Please notify me when offa poly screening is started. Thank you
Which course would I study with English, Lit-In-Eng, Government, and CRS in offa poly and I scored 163 in my jamb
So what curse can i study den ?✏✏?✏
Can i study computer science with 167
I got 188 in jamb and I don’t have biology in my olevel but I have futhermaths which science course can I study in offa poly
Cani i still study mass communication with 143 in jamb. 08143861660
Can I study mass communication with 143 in jamb . 08143861660
No you can’t.
Can I study computer engineering with 153
Can I study computer engineering with 153
I score 158 in my jamb result and I choice offa for my second choice I want to study business administration, maths and English and economic and government
Your O’level is good but your JAMB score isn’t fantastic.
Can I study civil engineering with 194 at Offa polytechnic
Hello sir I score 180 in my jamb and choice offa as my third choice want to study food technology pls can I be addmitted
Why not apply for the school that is your first choice? Selecting the 3rd Choice of institution makes it more difficult for you to gain admission
Sir can I study science laboratory Technology with 168
I score 145 utme result can I gain admission to Offa poly in course of computer science
No. It’s not possible. Change your course bro.
Sir, I scored 172 in jamb, can I study SLT in offa poly
Well your chances are low, you can give it a try or change your course.
I score 158 utme result can I have admission to offa poly in course of elect elect engineering
Can i study slt with 180 jamb score
Yes but you still need a very good post UTME score.
i score 168 in jamb, can i study computer engineering at off poly
Your chances are slim.
please i score 248 in jamb this year have not been given admisssion till now in offa poly
Admission list has not yet been released
Please i score 173 in jamb and i chose fed poly ilaro as my first choice. To study masscom but the department cut off mark for is 200 upward..but am thinking of applying for fed poly offa nd i chose it as my second read masscom hope am good to go
Well you still stand a chance because it’s a polytechnic. However if the departmental cut off mark for Mass Comm this session is increased then you stand no chance.
Patrick.pls sir,i scored 169 in 2019 jamb,can i study (full time) computer science in ede poly.
What about your post UTME score
Pls I scored 169 in my jamb,can I study science laboratory technology,or health sciences in offa poly
Yes you can study MLS with your JAMB score if your post UTME screening result is good.
Please I scored 168 in my jamb and I chose offa poly as second choice and I choose Business Administration
Please I scored 176 in my utme nd I chossed offa poly as my third choice, will I be admitted
Please can I study mass communication with168 utme scores
Please can I study mass communication with 168 jamb scores
Plz I scored 170 in my utme can I study accountancy
Or with any course if I do changing of institution in any science course can they allow 159
Sir can I study computer science in Offa poly with the score of 159
I score 154 in my jamb will I be able yo studie mass com???
Plz What Are The Art Course In Offa Poly And Their Jamb Cut Off
can I enter offa with 171 cut of mark and can I study business administration
Pls I score 170 in my utme can I study accountancy or banking and finance
Plz I score 170 in my utme and I want to study accountancy or banking and finance can I be admitted?
Can i enter offa with 147 cut of mark and can i study journerlism
i score 182, offapoly is my 3rd choice,can i be admitted for computer science?
Can I study business administration in federal poly offa with 159 score
what is d cut off mark for business administration
which course can i study
Please can I study business administration in federal poly offa with 159
Can I study mass communication at fedpoffa with 190 in jamb
It is possible with a very high post UTME score
Can I study business admin with 152 at offapoly with this subject
You don’t have mathematics?
Yes sir
Can I still be admitted
Unfortunately you cannot be admitted because at least a Credit pass in Mathematics is a major requirement for Studying Business administration at Offa poly.
Can I study business admin with 152 at off a poly with this subject
Please can I study science laboratory and technology in offa poly I score 185 in jamb
please can i study accountancy in offa poly i score 166 in jamb or which course can i study
You can not study Accounting in Offa poly with 166 JAMB score. It’s not just about the JAMB score in terms of which other course you can study but your subjects combination in JAMB and O’Level
can i study accounting with 166 at offa poly with this subject account,commerce,economics,mathematics,english
why which course can i study
can i study business admin at offa poly
Sir I score 169 in my jamb exam can I study mass communication in offa poly and sir when will they
start their post utme
Mass Communication is not possible except you have an insider that can influence your admission. Post UTME form will be out soon. We shall post it when it does so please keep checking. Or better still, subscribe to our blog so you can get an email confirmation when we post it.
I registered for nursing in offa poly and I got 170 in my UTME please what course can I study with 170 in offa poly
can I study business admin at ofa poly with 175 at my utme
It all depends on the admission slot for Business Admin at Offa poly because judging from your cut off mark, it is not high enough to give you admission to study business administration at Offa poly. However, you could be given another course since you scored above the minimum required cut off mark if you perform better in your post UTME
I score 167 in jamb and I want to do changing of Institution to offa poly can I be given admission
Of course you can be given admission
I score 162 can I study SLT in offa poly
Please sir. I score 162 can I study science laboratory technology in offa poly
Can I study science laboratory technology at offa poly with jamb score 148
Please sir I score 167 in jamb can I study science laboratory and Technology
Pls can I study computer science in offa poly with jamb score 170
Medicine for kwara university and nursing for offa poly
Please what course can I study with 170
What course did you register for during your UTME registration?
Pls sir i score 158 in jamb wat can i study in off poly am a science student
What course can I study with 170
OK thanks
Do offa poly offer micro biology and bio chemistry
Neither micro biology nor bio chemistry is offered in Offa Poly
Comment Text*how can I registered for post time
can i study banking and finance with 150
It all depends on the competition for the course. With 150 you cannot study banking and finance at Offa poly except they are lacking students then you can be considered.
Comment Text*I score 175 in jamb
can I study buss admin in offa
Sir i scored 169 in my jamb,can i study mech eng. in fedpoffa
I scored 181,please can i study masscommunication in fedpoffa
Yes you can
i score181 in jamb can i read mass comm
Pls I scored 175 can I study peace and conflict resolution in offa poly
pls sir i score 170 in my utme and i want to study computer science am i eligible to gain adminssion to offa polytechnic
Pls I score 149 at my jamb can I study mass communication at offa poly
Pls I score 149 at my jamb, can I study mass communication @ offa poly
I score 169 in jamb can I go for mass communication pls i need a answer
i get 169 in jamb can go for mass communication
You can but your chances of studying mass comm at Offa poly is low due to the nature of your course and your JAMB score
did offapoly welcome second choices?
please when did offa is going to start their screening
I score 177 in my UTME can I study business administration in off poly
i want to ask that i score 152 and will i do post utme
pls I score 158 can I gain admission to offa poly and what course will I offer and can u inform us about y
our post utme
can i study elect elect in offa poly with 174 jamb score
I score 168 in jamb, please can I studied chemistry and education in EKSU
I scored 154,nd i choose poly offa for my 1st choice. Can i study mass communication.
i chose offa poly as second choice i score 177 in utme can i gain adm
or futa 177 in utme i want to study architect
i chose offapoly as second chioce in my utme and i score 177 in utme can i gain adm
Yes you can. Your JAMB score is above the cut off mark for Offa Poly
pls can offa poly give adimi,ii score 177 in utme i want to study architect?
you can gain adission but 177 is not so good enough for Architecture, however, you could give it a try
pls notify me offapoly srecning start
Pls i scored 173,, What are my chances of studying banking and finance
You still stand a chance
I score 174,,can I study banking and finance or accountancy
Yes but your chances are slim
I scored 18 and I want to study computer engineering will i be offered admission
180 you mean?
Pls can I study science laboratory science with 164 in offa poly
I scored 186 in my jamb and want to study computer engineering can i be offer that in offa poly
I score 152 please can I study estate management course at offa poly or Ibadan poly?
pls can futa or offapoly give me admi, i score 177
ad i want to study architect
Pls sir can i study English education with 163 at offa or kwara poly
Yes you can.
I scored 180 ,Can I study biochem at olabisi university
pls i score 155 and i want to study banking and finance can i be considered for admission
which course can i study with 140
Pls Sir, Can I Study Science Laboratory Technology With 189 In Offa With My Utme Subject Combination Eng, Bio, Chem, Phy Or Which Other Suitable Course Can I Do
I score 173 pls can I study bus admin at offa poly
i got 156 in jamb,pls can i study urbarn ng regional planning
pls sir can I study mass communication with 165 in jamb scored.
i score 185 in my utme can i study SLT in offapoly
Good morning sir,i scored 196 in my jamb want to sturdy mass communication and i choose offa as my 2nd choice am i eligible to gain admission.
I scored 191,can i be offered admission for mass communication
pls can I study science laboratory technology in offa poly with my jamb score
I score 160 in my jamb and I want 2 study architecture how is it sir
I score 161 and I chose offa as my first choice Mass communication how is it sir?
pls sir I need answer
Did u have English education in offa poly because I want to do data correction to offa poly at 1st choice
I score 152 am I qualify 2 enter ado poly
can I study science laboratory technology with 196 in offa poly ????
I scored 160 in my jamb exam and i wanted to study English and literary studies can offa poly accept me in as 3rd choice
Answer pls sir
I scored 160 in my jamb exam and i wanted to study English and literary studies can offa poly accept me in
I sorce 156 in utme can I studies civic eng in offa poli with fisth choich
I scored 182, can I study mass com
I have only 144 in jamb can’t study bio/chemistry in poly
Can i study science laboratory technology with 189 in offa poly
please I score 190 can I study masscommunication
can 180 go for business admin
Pls i score 186 in jamb can i study elect elect
Pls I Score 160 Can I Study Mass Communication
Pls Can I Study Accounting, I scored 186 in my jamb
Pls I scored 150 can I study science laboratory technology
i score 187 can i studie physciology in futa
Sir, i score 152 in my UTME and i want to study SLT plz can i be accept
plz i score 156 in jamb can i study biz admin
am score 174 in utme can i study mass communication in poly offa
You can sit for OFFA POLY post UTME but not sure of gaining admission to study Mass Comm
i score 149 and i went 2 study business admi
I scored 156 in Jamb. Offa is my second choice of institution at the just concluded UTME for Mass Comm. Can I be offered admission?
I score 161 and I chose offa as my first choice Mass communication how is it sir?
pls can I study mass comm with 159,and can I make it second choice of institution
sir I score 178in my utme and I want to study science laboratory in offa pls Sir can I b accepted
You still stand a chance. Make sure your post UTME is good
Pls am new here and I want study quantity surveyor which score can I get in jamb
Have you sat for the UTME? if YES, what did you score?
Sir, I got 157 in jamb based on system failure, what course can I study with it in Federal Poly Offa. with this subjects English, Maths, Account & Economics
I score 178 in jamb am I qualify to study electrical electronics in offa poly
I score 178 in jamb am I qualify to study electrical electronics in off
Can I Study Mass Communication In Offa Poly With 153 Jamb Score.
You stand a Chance
plz i score 167 in jamb…can i study mass communication
PLS I SCORED 195 can i study biochem
Not possible. 195 can not give you admission to study Biochemistry at OFFAPOLY
can I study mass comm in offa poly at 154 and I took it for 3rd choice
I don’t think so
for where you no fit you have to chose them as first choice
Plc Can I Study Mechanical Engineering Jamb Score 177
No Tunde
can i study civil eng wit 169
Plc Can I Study Mechanical Engineering 177
pls can i study bus admi in offa poly with jamb score 157
No, except there are very very few candidates that applied for BIZ ADMIN at Ofa Poly
Pls am searching 4 d cut-off mark of offa-poly nt ibadan-poly o, cus i can c ibadan-poly stuff in d above …..
The cot of mark for kwara poly is-150