List of Science Courses You Can Study With D7 or E8 in Physics

Physics as a subject is one of the most dreaded subjects in Junior and Senior secondary schools in Nigeria. The reason many students fail to gain admission is because they have failed to pass Physics especially. According to WAEC’s report, at least 40% of candidates fail Physics as a subject in WAEC and NECO every year which is the major reason there are many re-sit candidates.

The category of students that dread Physics as a course would find this post very interesting and beneficial. Most of us are used to seeing and hearing that to gain admission into any higher institution in Nigeria, your O’level requirements must be at complete, which is, five (5) credit passes which must include Mathematics, English language and 3 other subjects which often require Physics for Science courses. Many candidates have lost out on the admission for the session because they lack correct information as regards their selected courses as many are not aware that there are some science courses that do not require Physics as a requirement for admission in many universities, polytechnics and colleges of education today.

List of courses you can study without Physics

Yes most courses actually require that a candidate obtain Physics and English language as compulsory subjects in addition to three (3) other subjects as it relates to the course of study. You might be wondering how to find out the correct subject combination for your desired course, the link would list all JAMB and UTME subject combination for your course as this would help you in registering for the right subjects both in WAEC and NECO examination.

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The beautiful thing about the courses that can be studied without Physics is that whether a candidate sits for the course in WAEC or not does not really matter. Okay let us assume the candidate sits for the course and he or she obtains a D, E OR F9 in Physics, such student is equally as eligible as other candidates that obtains an A, B or C grades in Physics.

It is quite pathetic that many candidates have lost out on admission because they lack this information, anyone who asks questions never get lost so I always advice students to go through this post thoroughly and share amongst friends in order to help those who never knew about courses that they can study in higher institutions that do not require Physics as an O’level requirement for admission.

You must be really eager to know these courses, and please note that some of these courses are professional and well respected courses offered in all states and federal universities, polytechnics and COEs.

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In addition, we will be adding some courses that you can also study without a credit in English language and the respective university, polytechnic or college of education that accept such special considerations as this would give candidates arrays of options to select from.

List of Science Courses You Can Study With Pass in Physics

  • Agric Extension Services
  • Agric-Economics and Extension
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Science
  • Biological Science
  • Crop and Environmental Protection
  • Crop Production
  • Crop Production and Landscape Management
  • Crop Production and Protection – Under Agriculture
  • Crop Production and Soil Science
  • Crop Production Technology
  • Crop Protection
  • Crop Science
  • Crop Science and Horticulture
  • Crop Science and Technology
  • Crop, Production and Horticulture
  • Crop, Soil and Pest Management
  • Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
  • Estate Management
  • Fisheries – Under Agriculture
  • Fisheries – Under Science
  • Forestry
  • Forestry and Wood Technology
  • Geology
  • Home Economics
  • Home Science and Management
  • Microbiology
  • Plant Breeding and Seed Science
  • Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
  • Plant Physiology and Crop Production
  • Plant Science and Biotechnology – Under Agriculture
  • Soil Science
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Wildlife Management – Under Agriculture
  • Zoology

However, there are some special wavers by some institutions, please take note of the following below

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Agric Extension Services Course

The University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) requires a minimum of either D7 or E8 in Physics. Candidates with a pass in Biology must have credit in Agricultural Science. FUNAAB doesn’t accept Agricultural Science in place of Biology as an O’level subject.

Agricultural Economics Course

  • Landmark University, Omu-Aran requires at least credit passes in English, Mathematics, Chemistry Biology/Agric Science with a pass in Physics. N.B. Credit pass in Agric Science must be backed up with at least a pass in (D7 or E8) Biology.
  • The Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) requires five SSCE credit in Physics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Economics. It accepts a Pass in Physics in not more than two sittings.
  • University of Benin (UNIBEN) accepts Statistics and Further Mathematics. Also requires at least a pass in (D7 or E8) Physics and a pass in Biology for candidates with credit in Agric. Science.
  • University of Agriculture, Makurdi and MOUAU accept a pass in (D7 or E8) Physics.

You need to go through the list of courses you can study without physics in any school that offers the above courses because this will help you in your admission process.