We have updated the list of UNIBEN postgraduate courses and programmes, lease note that this information is for first degree holders who wish to further their education in the university of Benin and are advised to go through the available programmes for confirmation before purchasing their PG forms.
DON’T MISS: UNIBEN Postgraduate School Fees For New Students 2025/2026 Session
This gives prospective candidates who aspire to further their education in the institution the ample opportunity to go through the available postgraduate programmes that are offered in UNIBEN (University of Benin) postgraduate school.
UNIBEN postgraduate school boasts as one of the best among universities in Nigeria offering one of the most postgraduate programmes.
See below, the list of UNIBEN postgraduate courses/programmes offered in the prestigious university.
Candidates who wish to apply for any of the postgraduate courses offered in UNIBEN (University of Benin) can now confirm if the chosen programme is offered in the institution.
The courses as seen below are the available list of UNIBEN postgraduate courses/programmes offered therefore candidates or prospective students are sure of the information gathered.
Aside UNIBEN PG Courses, we have also included the duration for all their postgraduate programmes ranging from PGD to Masters and finally, Ph.D level.
Duration For Postgraduate Courses At UNIBEN
The info here contains details of the duration of all available pg programme offered at UNIBEN (University of Benin) under PGD and M.Sc level. Ph.D level, for Masters students, either full time or part time, the expected duration of your programmes can be seen below, same applies to both PGD and Ph.D students.
Postgraduate Courses at UNIBEN | Duration of PG Programmes at UNIBEN | |
Full-time Master’s degree programme Part-Time Masters Degree Programme | 4 – 6 Semester 6 – 8 Semesters | |
Ph.D Full-Time Programme
Ph.D Part-Time Programme | A minimum of six (6) semesters and a maximum often (10) semesters A minimum of eight (8) semesters and a maximum of twelve (12) semesters. | |
Postgraduate Diploma Programme (PGD) Full-Time Diploma Programmes | Minimum of two (2) semesters and a maximum of four semesters. | |
Postgraduate Diploma Programme (PGD) Part-Time Diploma Programmes | Minimum of four (4) semesters and a maximum of six (6) semesters. |
 List of Postgraduate Programmes Offered In UNIBEN
Master of Laws
M.A. Arts Administration/Management
M.A. Arts Administration/Management
M.A. African Linguistics
M.A. African Literature
M.A. African Oral Literature
M.A. Applied Linguistics
M.A. (Art History)
M.A. Caribbean Literature
M.A. Comparative Literature
M.A. Dramatic Theory and Criticism
M.A. Dramatic Theory and Criticism
M.A. ED English
M.A. Ed. Social Studies
M.A. English Language
M.A. French Language
M.A. French Literature
M.A. Historical/Comprative Linguistics
M.A. History
M.A. International History and Diplomacy
M.A. Literature in English
M.A. Literary Sylistics
M.A. Mass Communication
M.A. Music and Dance
M.A. Music and Dance
M.A. Phonology
M.A. Psycholinguistics
M.A. Performance Theory and Praxis
M.A. Performance Theory and Praxis
M.A. Semantics
M.A. Sociolinguistics
M.A. Syntax
M.A. Theory and Criticism of the Arts
M.A. Theory and Criticism of the Arts
M.A. Theatre Arts
M.A. Translation Studies
Master in Banking and Finance (BNK)
M.Ed. Business Education(Accounting)
M.Sc. Ed. Biology Education
M.Ed Office Technology And Management
M.Ed. Business Education
M.Ed. Community Health
M.Sc. Ed. Chemistry Education
M.Sc. Ed. Counselling Psychology
M.Ed. Educational Administration and Foundation
M.Ed Educational Foundation
M.Ed. Educational Philosophy
M.Ed. Educational Management
M.Ed. History Of Education
M.Ed Home Economics
M.Sc. Ed. Health Education(Environmental and Safety Education)
M.Sc. Ed. Health Education(School Health Education)
M.Ed. Home Economics
M.Sc.Ed. Mathematics Education
M.Ed. Rural and Community Development
M.Ed. Sociology of Education
M.Sc. Ed. Social Studies
M.Ed. Technical Education
M.Ed. Technical Education(Electrical and Electronics Technology)
M.Ed. Technical Education(Mechanical Technology)
M.Ed. Technical Education(Woodwork and Building Technology)
M.Ed. Women Education
M.Eng. Civil Engineering(Engineering Structures and Technology)
M.Eng. Chemical Engineering
Master in Engineering (Computer Engineering)
M.Eng. Civil (Transport and Highway Engineering)
M.Eng. Production Engineering (Engineering Management)
M.Eng. Geotechnical Engineering
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Applied Energy)
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Advanced Fluid Mechanics)
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Design And Manufacture)
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Industrial Metallurgy and Corrosion Management)
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Refrigeration And Air Conditioning)
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Power Engineering)
M.Eng. Petroleum Engineering
M.Eng. Production Engineering(Industrial Engineering)
M.Eng. Production Engineering(Manufacturing Engineering)
M.Eng. Water Resources and Environmental Health Engineering
Masters in Fine and Applied Arts
MFA Advertising
MFA Ceramics
MFA Painting
MFA Print making
MFA Sculpture
MFA Textile/ Fashion
Masters in Health Planning and Management
Master of International Law and Security
Masters in Nephrology
Master in Public Administration
M.Phil Analytical Chemistry
Master in Public Administration FT
M.phil Applied Geochemistry
M.Phil. Animal Science (Monogastric Nutrition and Mgt.)
M.Phil African Oral Literature
M.Phil Applied Mathematics
M.Phil Biochemistry
M.phil Biogeography
M.phil Biosystematics
M.phil Biotechnology
M.Phil Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics
M.phil Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants
M.Phil Controlled Drug Delivery
M.Phil Comparative Education
M.phil Cell Biology
M.Phil Chemistry
M.phil Criminology
M.phil Climatology
M.Phil Computer Science
M.Phil Coating Of Solid Dosage Forms
M.phil EthnoBiochemistry
M.phil Economic Geology
M.phil Ecology
M.phil Econometrics
M.Phil Educational Foundation
M.Phil Educational Management
M.Phil Educational Philosophy
M.phil Electronics
M.phil Engineering Geology
M.Phil English Language
M.phil Environmental Plant Physiology
M.Phil Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics
M.phil Genetics
M.phil Geomorphology
M.phil Geoinformatics
M.phil Geology
M.Phil. Art Administration/Theatre Management
M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy/Pharm. Practice
M.Phil. Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination)
Master of Pharmacy
M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
M.Phil Colour Chemistry
M.Phil. Dramatic Theory and Criticism
M.Phil History Of Education
Masters of Public Health Edu. (Community Health)
Masters of PublicHealth Edu. (Environmental Health)
M.Phil Environmental Chemistry
M.phil Environmental Economics
M.Phil Food Chemistry
M.phil Health Economics
M.Phil Inorganic Chemistry
M.Phil African Literature
M.Phil. Animal Pathogenic Microbiology
M.Phil. Brewing Science
M.Phil Business Administration
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry)
M.Phil Clinical Pharmacology
M.Phil. Curriculum Studies
M.Phil. (Educational Administration)
M.Phil. Environmental and Public Health Micro.
MPhil. Environmental Chemistry
M.Phil. Food and Industrial Microbiology
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology)
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Hematology and Transfusion Science)
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry)
M.Phil. Immunology and Immunochemistry
M.Phil Instructional Technology
M.Phil Linguistics and African Languages
M.Phil Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology)
M.Phil Microbiology
M.Phil. Medical Laboratory Science
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology)
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology)
M.Phil. Med Lab Science (Medical Virology)
M.Phil Pharmacognosy
M.Phil Physics
M.Phil. Production Engineering (Industrial Engineering)
M.Phil. Plant Pathogenic Microbiology
M.Phil Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Phil Population Studies
M.Phil Pharmacology and Toxicology
Mphil. Social Studies Education
M.Phil Medical Chemistry
M.Phil. Media/Communications
M.Phil Mineral Processing
M.Phil. Music And Dance
M.Phil Organic Chemistry
M.phil Petroleum Economics
M.Phil Physical Chemistry
M.Phil Polymer Science
M.Phil. Performance Theory and Praxis
M.Phil Powder/Tableting Technology
Masters in Public Health (Reproductive Health)
M.Phil Solution and Gas Kinetics
M.Phil. Theory and Criticism of Art
M.Phil Textile Chem.
M.phil Hydrology And Water Resource Management
M.Phil Industrial Maths
M.Phil Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations
M.phil International Trade And Finance
M.phil Limnology And Agrology
M.Phil Demography and Pop. Studies
M.phil Labour Economics
M.phil Golbalization And Development Studies
M.Phil Literature in English
M.phil Medical And Clinical Biochemistry
M.phil Mineral Exploration
M.phil Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy
M.phil Mycology/Plant Pathology
M.Phil Pure Mathematics
M.phil Monetary Theory And Policy
M.phil Nutrition And Food Chemistry
M.phil Plant Biochemistry
M.phil Protein Chemistry And Enzymology
M.phil Plant Diversity And Conservation
M.Phil Packaging And Drug Interaction
M.phil Petroleum Geology
M.phil Political Geography
M.phil Phytomedicine
M.phil Palynology/Micropaleontology
M.phil Plant Physiology And Biochemistry
M.phil Public Sector Economics
M.phil Pharmacology and Toxicology
M.phil Pharmacology and Toxicology
M.Phil Rheological Studies Of Liquid And SemiSolid Formulations
M.Phil Sourcing And Assessment Of Local Pharmaceutical Raw Materials
M.Phil Sociology Of Education
M.phil Sedimentology/ Geology
M.phil Social Psychology
M.Phil Stability Studies
M.Phil Social Work
M.phil Toxicology And Environmental Biochemistry
M.phil Transportation Geography
M.Phil. Theatre Arts
M.Phil Theoretical/Mathematical Physics
M.phil Urban Geography And Regional Planning
M.Sc Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Agric. Biochemistry and Nutrition)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Agric. Biochemistry and Nutrition)
M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology (Entomology)
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology (Hydrobiology and Fish Biology)
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology (Parasitology)
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology (Physiology/Ecotoxicology)
M.Sc. Animal and Environmental Biology (Wildlife Ecology)
M.Sc. Agricultural Economics
M.Sc. Agricultural Economics Part Time
M.Sc. Agricultural Extension Services
M.Sc. Agricultural Extension Services Part Time
M.Sc. Agro Forestry
M.SC. Applied Mathematics
M.Sc. Anatomy
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Production and Management)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Production and Management)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Product, Science and Tech.)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Product, Science and Tech.)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Physiology)
M.Sc. Animal Science (Animal Physiology)
M.Sc. Animal Science
M.Sc. Applied Petroleum Geology
M.Sc. Animal Pathogenic Microbiology
M.Sc. Aquaculture
M.Sc. Crop Science (Biotechnology)
M.Sc. Biochemistry
M.Sc. Envi
ronmental. Quality Mgt. (Biodiversity and Conservation)
M.Sc. Biogeography
M.Sc. Biosystematics
M.Sc. Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics
M.Sc. Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants
M.Sc. Brewing Science
M.Sc. Biostratigraphy
M.Sc. Colour Chemistry
M.Sc. Cell Biology
Masters in Community Health Education
M.Sc. Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry
M.Sc. Comparative Politics and Development Studies
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Entomology)
M.Sc. Crop Physiology and Farming System
M.Sc. Clinical Pharmacology
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Phytopathology)
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Weed Science)
M.Sc. Crop Science (Crop Breeding and Genetics)
M.Sc. Criminology
M.Sc. Crop Science (Horticulture and Landscape Design)
M.Sc. Crop Science
M.Sc. Computer Science
M.Sc. Social Psychology
M.Sc. Cardiovascular Pharmacology
M.Sc. Development Economics
M.Sc. Demography and Population Studies
M.Sc. Economics
M.Sc. Ecology
M.Sc. Econometrics
M.Sc. Human Kinetics
M.Sc. Electronics
M.Sc. Production Engineering(Engineering Management)
M.Sc. Climatology
M.Sc. Environmental Microbiology
M.Sc. Ethnomedicine
M.Sc. Engineering Geology
M.Sc. Environmental Geoscience
M.Sc. Environmental and Public Health Micro.
M.Sc. Environmental Plant Physiology
M.Sc. Env. Quality Management (Pollution Studies and Ecotoxicology)
M.Sc. Envir. Quality Management PT
M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry
M.Sc. Environmental Economics
M.Sc. Food Chemistry
M.Sc. Fishries Economics
M.Sc. Forest Ecology and Rehabilitation
M.Sc. Food and Industrial Microbiology
M.Sc. Finance
M.Sc. Geomorphology
M.Sc. Global BusinessS Management
M.Sc. Globalization and Dev Studies.
M.Sc. Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics
M.Sc. Genetics
M.Sc. Geography (Environmental Mgt. and Assessment)
M.Sc. Geography (Geoinformatics)
M.Sc. Geography (Population Studies)
M.Sc. Geography (Rural Land Resource Mgt.)
M.Sc. Geoinformatics
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc.(Ed) Health Education
Masters in Health Economics
M.Sc. Human Resource Management
M.Sc. Health Economics
M.Sc. Hydrology And Water Resource Management
M.Sc. Hydrogeology
M.Sc. Hydrobiology and Fish Biology
M.Sc. Industrial/Applied Microbiology
M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry
M.Sc. Inhibition and Destruction Of Micro Organisims
M.Sc. Immunology and Immunochemistry
M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics
M.Sc. International Relations
M.Sc. Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations
M.Sc. International Trade And Finance
M.Sc. Limnology and Agrology
M.Sc. Labour Economics
M.Sc. Medical Chemistry
M.Sc. Microbiology
M.Sc. Mineral Exploration
M.Sc. Medical Laboratory Science
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Environmental and Public Health)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Haematology and Transfusion Science)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology)
M.Sc. Med Lab Science (Medical Virology)
M.Sc. Marketing Management
M.Sc. Medical Microbiology
M.Sc. Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy
M.Sc. Mineral Processing
M.Sc. Mycology/Plant Pathology
M.SC. Medical Sociology And Anthropology
M.Sc. Pure Mathematics
M.Sc. Monetary Theory And Policy
M.Sc. Geography (Urban and Regional Planning)
Masters in Nursing Services (Reproductive and Family Health)
M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
M.Sc. Ocular
M.Sc. Operations Management
M.Sc. Public Administration
M.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology
M.Sc. Physiology and Biochem.
M.Sc. Plant Biochemistry
M.Sc. Pharmacognosy
M.Sc. Protein Chemistry And Enzymology
M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
M.Sc. Plant Diversity and Conservation
M.Sc. Petroleum Geology
M.Sc. Political Geography
M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
M.Sc. Physical Chemistry
Masters in Public Health Education
M.Sc. Human Physiology
M.Sc. Phytomedicine
M.Sc. Polymer Chemistry
M.Sc. Preparation And Microbiological Control Of Drug Forms And Enviroment
M.Sc. Preparation And Microbiological Control Of Drug Forms And Enviroment
M.Sc. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
M.Sc. Plant Pathogenic Microbiology
M.Sc. Pharmceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Sc. Public Sector Economics
M.Sc. Population Studies
M.Sc. Pharmacology and Toxicology
M.Sc. Petroleum Economics
M.Sc. Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Sc. Reproductive Health
M.Sc. Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition
M.Sc. Solution and Gas Kinetics
M.Sc. Soil Science (Microbiology/Biochemistry)
M.Sc. Soil Science
M.Sc. Soil Physics Soil Management and Conservation
M.Sc. Sedimentology/Sedimentary Geology
M.Sc. Social Work
M.Sc. Ind.Chem.Colour Textile Chem.
M.Sc. Toxicology and Environmental Biochemistry
M.Sc. Transportation Geography
M.Sc. Theoretical/Mathematical Physics
M.Sc. Urban Geography and Regional Planning
M.Sc. Vision Science
M.Sc. Wildlife Conservation and Management
M.Sc. Wood Science and Utilization
PGD. Arts Administration/Management
PGD. Arts Administration/Management
PGD. Anaesthesiology
PGD. Business Management
PGD. Chemical Engineering
PGD in Crop Science
PGD in Crop Science
PGD. Computer Science
PGD. Dramatic Theory and Criticism
PGD. Dramatic Theory and Criticism
PGD. Education
PGD Education (PT)
PGD. Environmental and Public Health Microbiology
PGD. Production Engineering
PGD.Food and Industrial Microbiology
PGD Health Economics (Reproductive and Child Health)
PGD. Mass Communication
PGD. Mineral Exploration
PGD. Medical Microbiology
PGD. Music and Dance
PGD. Music and Dance
PGD Natural Resource Management
PGD. Public Administration FT
PGD. Performance Theory and Praxis
PGD. Performance Theory and Praxis
PGD. Theory and Criticism of the Arts
PGD. Theory and Criticism of the Arts
PGD. Technical Education
PGD. Technical Education (PT)
PGD. Theatre Arts
Ph.D. African Art
Ph.D Animal Science (Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition)
Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry
Ph.D. Art Criticism
Ph.D. Animal and Environmental Biology
Ph.DÂ Animal and Environmental Biology (Entomology)
Ph.D Animal and Environmental Biology (Hydrobiology and Fish Biology)
Ph.DÂ Animal and Environmental Biology (Parasitology)
Ph.DÂ Animal and Environmental Biology (Physiology/Ecotoxicology)
Ph.DÂ Animal and Environmental Biology (Wildlife Ecology)
Ph.D. Agricultural Economics
Ph.D. Agricultural Extension
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Fluid Mechanics)
Ph.D. African Linguistics
Ph.D. African Literature
Ph.D Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Anatomy
Ph.D Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics)
Ph.D Animal Science (Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry)
Ph.D Animal Science (Animal Production and Mgt.)
Ph.D Animal Science (Animal Physiology and Reproduction)
Ph.D. In Adult And Non-Formal Education
Ph.D Animal Science (Monogastric Nutrition and Mgt.)
Ph.D Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management)
Ph.D Animal Science (Animal Product, Science and Tech.)
Ph.D Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition and Mgt.)
Ph.D Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination)
Ph.D. Animal Science
Ph.D. African Oral Literature
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (Applied Energy)
Ph.D. Applied Linguistics
Ph.D. Animal Pathogenic Microbiology
Ph.D. Aquaculture
Ph.D. Biogeography
Ph.D. Biochemistry
Ph.D. Biology Education
Ph.D. Biosystematics
Ph.D. Biotechnology
Ph.D. Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics
Ph.D. Studies In Biodegredation and Preservation of Phar Prod
Ph.D. Studies In Biodegredation and Preservation Of Phar Prod
Ph.D. Studies Of Bacterial Resistance To Antib Agents and Env Geno
Ph.D. Studies Of Bacterial Resistance To Antib Agents and Env Geno
Ph.D. Brewing Science
Ph. D. Business Education
Ph.D. Colour Chemistry
Ph.D. Computation And Computational Techniques
Ph.D. Controlled Drug Delivery
Ph.D. Cell Biology
Ph.D. Ceramics
Ph.D. Civil Engineering(Engineering Structures And Technology)
Ph.D. Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Ph.D. Chemistry Education
Ph.D. Caribbean Literature
Ph.D. Comparative Education
Ph.D. Computer Methodology/Science Computing
Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacy
Ph.D. Comparative Politics and Development Studies
Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacy And Pharmacy Practice
Ph.D. Clinical Pharmacy And Pharmacy Practice
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology
Ph.D Crop Science (Crop Breeding and Genetics)
Ph.D. Criminology
Ph.D. Crop Protection/Weed Control
Ph.D. Crop Science
Ph.D. Computer Science
Ph.D. Coating Of Solid Dosage Forms
Ph.D. Civil Engineering(Transportation And Highway Engineering)
Ph.D. Curriculum Studies
Ph.D. Development Economics
Ph.D. Educational Administration
Ph.D. European Art
Ph.D. EthnoBiochemistry
Ph.D. Environmental Chemistry
Ph.D. Economics
Ph.D. Ecology
Ph.D. Econometrics
Ph.D. Educational Foundations
Ph.D. Philosophy Of Education
Ph.D. Enviromental/Hydrogeology
Ph.D. Electronics
Ph.D. Climatology
Ph.D. Engineering (Computer Engineering)
Ph.D. Engineering Geology
Ph.D. English Language
Ph.D. Educational Planning
Ph.D. Environmental and Public Health Micro.
Ph.D. Electrical/Electronics Engineering(Power and Machines)
Ph.D. Electrical/Electronics Engineering(Power And Machines)
Ph.D. Environmental Plant Physiology
Ph.D. Environmental Economics
Ph.D. Food Chemistry
Ph.D. Fisheries Economics
Ph.D. Food and Industrial Microbiology
Ph.D Fisheries
Ph.D. French Literature
Ph.D. Social Forestry and Extension
Ph.D Siviculture and Tree Improvement
Ph.D. Globalization and Developement Studies
Ph.D. Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics
Ph.D. Genetics
Ph.D. Geography (Environmental Mgt. and Assessment)
Ph.D. Geomorphology
Ph.D. Geoinformatics
Ph.D. Geology
Ph.D. Graphics
Ph.D. Civil Engineering(Geotechnical Engineering)
Ph.D. Historical/Comparative Linguistics
Ph.D. Health Education (Community Health Education)
Ph.D. Health Education
Ph.D. Health Education (Evironmental And Safety Education)
Ph.D. Human Kinetics
Ph. D in Health Economics (Reproductive and Child Health)
Ph.D. Health Education (School Health Education)
Ph.D. History
Ph.D. History Of Education
Ph.D. Human Kinetics And Sport (Human Kinetics Curriculum)
Ph.D. Human Kinetics And Sport (Exercise Physiology)
Ph.D. Human Kinetics And Sport (Recreation.Leisure And Tourism)
Ph.D. Human Kinetics And Sport (Sport Management)
Ph.D. Mechanical Eng(HeaT And Mass Transfer Engineering)
Ph.D. Human Physiology
Ph.D.. Health Economics
Ph.D. Hydrology And Water Resource Management
Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry
Ph.D. Mechanical Eng(Industrial Metallurgy and Corrosion Management)
Ph.D. Immunology and Immunochemistry
Ph.D. Inactivation of Microorganisims And Immunological Studies
Ph.D. Inactivation Of Microorganisims And Immunological Studies
Ph.D. Industrial Mathematics
Ph.D. International Relations
Ph.D. Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations
Ph.D. Instructional Technology
Ph.D. International Trade And Finance
Ph.D. Limnology and Agrology
Ph.D. Laws
Ph.D. Labour Economics
Ph.D. Literature In English
Ph.D. Literary Stylistics
Ph.D. Mass Communication
Ph.D. Medical Chemistry
Ph.D. Microbiology
Ph.D. Measurement and Evaluation
Ph.D. Medical And Clinical Biochemistry
Ph.D. Mechanical Eng(Engineering Design And Manufacture)
Ph.D. Mechanical Eng(Design And Manufacture)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry)
Ph.D. Medical Laboratory Science
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Environmental and Public Health)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Hematology and Transfusion Science)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology)
Ph.D. Med Lab Science (Medical Virology)
Ph.D. Medical Microbiology
Ph.D. Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy
Ph.D Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry
Ph.D. Mineral Processing
Ph.D. Mycology/Plant Pathology
Ph.D. Pure Mathematics
Ph.D. Mathematics
Ph.D. Monetary Theory And Policy
Ph.D. Nutrition And Food Chemistry
Ph. D in Nursing Services (Reproductive and Family Health)
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Ph.D. Ocular
Ph.D. Operating System And System Programming
Ph.D. Public Administration
Ph.D. Plant Biochemistry
Ph.D. Plant Biology and Biotechnology
Ph.D Pharmacognosy
Ph.D. Protein Chemistry And Enzymology
Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Ph.D. Plant Diversity And Conservation
Ph.D. Packaging And Drug Interaction
Ph.D. Physics Education
Ph.D. Petroleum Engineering
Ph.D. Biology Of
Parasitic Flowering Plants
Ph.D. Political Geography
Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Ph.D. Pharmacognosy
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Ph.D. Phonology
Ph.D. Phytomedicine
Ph.D. Production Engineering(Industrial Engineering)
Ph.D. Polymer Chemistry
Ph.D Production Engineering (Manufacturing)
Ph.D. Painting
Ph.D. Plant Physiology And Biochemistry
Ph.D. Plant Pathogenic Microbiology
Ph.D. Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
Ph.D. Production Engineering
Ph.D. Population Studies
Ph.D. Public Sector Economics
Ph.D. Psycholinguistics
Ph.D. Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ph.D. Petroleum Economics
Ph.D. Powder/Tableting Technology
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering(Refrigeration and AC)
Ph.D Rural and Community Development
Ph. D in Public Health (Reproductive Health)
Ph. D. Reproductive Health
Ph.D. Rural Land Resource Management
Ph.D. Rheological Studies Of Liquid and Semi Solid Formulations
Ph.D. Sourcing and Assessment Of Local Phrcal Raw Materials
Ph.D. Sculpture
Ph.D. Semantics
Ph.D. Solution and Gas Kinetics
Ph.D. Social Studies Education
Ph.D. Sociolinguistics
Ph.D Soil Science (Soil Physics)
Ph.D. Soil Science
Ph.D. Social Psychology
Ph.D. Stability Studies
Ph.D. Structures and Tech
Ph.D. Social Work
Ph.D. Syntax
Ph.D. Textile Chem.
Ph.D. Textile Design
Ph.D. Toxicology And Environmental Biochemistry
Ph.D. Transportation Geography
Ph.D. Theatre Arts
Ph.D. Theoretical/Mathematical Physics
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Pw Eng)
Ph.D. Urban Geography and Regional Planning
Ph.D. Vision Science
Ph.D. Wildlife Conservation and Management
Ph.D. Women Education
Ph.D. Civil Engineering(Water Res and Env Health Eng)
Ph.D. Wood Science Utilization
For all PG aspirants, kindly be informed that all PG programmes offered in UNIBEN are accredited, however, they could lose their accreditation status if they fail to maintain the standards and requirements.
We hope this Is informative enough? if you have any question as regards the list of available PG courses offered in UNIBEN (University of Benin) school of postgraduate studies, kindly scroll down to the comment section and we shall respond accordingly.
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please uniben do PHD Human resource management and please is the sales of form still on
Human resource management is offered at Ph.D. level too. Sale of form is closed already.
Please does uniben have pgd in medical laboratory science
Yes Science Laboratory Technology
Please is there PGD program for medical laboratory science
It seems uniben does not have PGD in Electrical electronics engineering,can I study computer science as a HND holder in Electrical electronics engineering?
Yes you can.
good evening sir\ma
i applied for PG programme in chemical engineering, as i saw in the portal that they accept chemical engineering in PDG, but gotten to the school i was told that they dont accept HND IN chemical Engineering in PGD. someone should help me , how true is it?
If getting to the school, that was what you were told, then that has to be it.
I have PGD Business Admin with HND background, Can I apply for MSC Human Resources or Operation?
Of course you can.
I wa to apply for master degree inB.Ed Home Economics
Good day sir/ma. Please am I eligible for PGD in public administration for I have in my ssce the following: Economic, English, math’s, biology and agric in two sitting
UNIBEN will accept 1 sitting
Yes they do.
hello sir/madam…i had my first degree in mechanical engineering from the university of nigeria and with a GPA of 2.85 of 5 points and now i want to apply for masters also in mechanical engineering (design and manufacture)…please i want to know if im eligible to apply with the above GPA…i hope to hear from you soon…thank you
Sure you are eligible..
Please i need some clarification on this, is it true with HND you can now apply for M.Sc direct without passing through PGD? Thanks for your assistance.
That’s not true. In UNIBEN, an HND holder must first go through a PGD programme before Masters
I have OND upper credit and HND lower credit in Mechanical Engineering with NYSC, can this qualified me for PGD program in UNIBEN. and if yes, can i switch to computer science or production.
Yes you are qualified for PGD programme. As for the switching i suggest you go to the admission office.
Please i need some clarification on this, is it true with HND you can now apply for M.Sc direct without passing through PGD? Thanks for your assistance.
I responded already. I said it is not true.
Can I take a masters in criminology with a degree in Library and information science?
Good afternoon, Please i have Bsc Economics. What PG course would you advise i pursue for master and is the form still available? Thanks for your kind and prompt response.
Hi, I have Bsc Economics… What PG course would you advise i pursue for masters in Uniben and i would like to know when the form is out. Thanks in anticipation for your response.
Thank you sir for your well elucidated pieces of information. Pls would you tell me if course work is involved in PhD (Mechanical Engrg) programmes or is it purely research oriented? Mike
Thanks for your complement. Kindly note that tt is a mixture of both.
Please I want to know if UNIBEN offer PG program in civil engineering
Hi the available PG programmes offered in UNIBEN is what we have on this post. Kindly go through to confirm if civil engineering is offered.
Please I want to know if UNIBEN offer PG program in civil engineering
That Uniben offered partime Master’s degree in clinical pharmacy
Hy schoolings, I’ve been trying to find out if Uniben offers part time PG programs.
Is it solely full time??
Yes please. UNIBEN offers Part time postgraduate programmes
Hello, please. I have a degree in botany and also msc in botany, all from the University of Lagos. I’m I qualified to do my PhD in plant Biology and biotechnology? Secondly, what other options do I have? Thanks for your quick response.
Yes you are qualified for PhD in Biology and Biotechnology in UNIBEN. As for the other options, kindly go through the available programmes as seen on the post it will help you in making an informed decision.
Can I apply for MSc Business Administration? If no, what other MSc course is best for someone with (ND)secretarial studies in education and BS.c Business Administration. Pls your responses is very important to me now as I would like to put in for the 2020/ 2021 academic session. Thanks.
The best degree amongst the 2 you listed to apply for M.Sc. in Business Administration is with a B.Sc. in Business Administration.
Pls how much is the school fees for pgd business administration
Please I want to know if there is a postgraduate diploma course in human nutrition.
Sure there is.
This was helpful. How do I get information on when 2021 PG will commence and d requirements for an MA international studies/diplomacy
I will update the post on my blog. when UNIBEN 2025/2026 PG form is on sale.
Do we have Msc and PhD in Finance?
When will the form be available for sale?
Yes. UNIBEN Postgraduate admission form is already on sale
Good afternoon sir/ma, am a graduate this great institution {UNIBEN} from the faculty of Education with 2.2 in Technical Education { metal work option}. i was to put in for the masters degree[Part time} now.
please what are the steps for me to take now. Thanks for prompt response sir.
UNIBEN admission form is out. All you need do is apply for the form and follow the procedure for application. You will be sent a confirmation email if your application was successful and you will be told on what next to do.
Hello,please does uniben offer PG in fashion and textile ? If yes,what are the requirements.PG not masters
UNIBEN does not offer Fashion and textile
OK,is it advisable for me to apply for art administration and management and will the course be accepted for me to study textile and fashion for masters program
hi, good day. i want to apply for Environmental Geosciences in Uniben by next year March April, please will the 2025/2026 session form be available ?
how much does the form costs too? thanks
I can’t tell if the form would be available by then. For your information, the cost of UNIBEN PG admission form is ₦21,000
Please sir,what is the cost for Petroleum Economics,both the form, acceptance and tuition fees..
Because I can’t view the amounts written online
Are you referring to undergraduate or postgraduate programme?
Is the PGD form available now and how much,i have a third class and i want to for a PGD EDUCATION
Hi… please can post graduate diploma be done in uniben without an NYSC very?
No Mat. NYSC discharge certificate is a MUST HAVE requirement for any Postgraduate programme at UNIBEN.
I wish to apply for PGD on Environmental & Public Health Micro biology. I have HND in Environmental Health Science and NYSC. Are my eligible for admission? Where do I view the requirements and submit application?
Of course you are very eligible. You can apply via UNIBEN’s website. There you will get the PGD form.
Pls why do I need to do m. Phil after Masters before I go dor PhD?
Can I study masters in biotechnology with background in B.tech( Ed) biology education.
Yes you can
Pls sir is it possible for someone with foreign languages and literature first degree to switch to mass communication
Yes it is possible.
Pls is it possible for someone to switch from foreign languages and literature to mass communication
Pls, does UNIBEN offers PGD in Mechanical engineer.thanks
Please sir, does UNIBEN offers PGD in mechanical engineering.pls I need to know.
please , i registered for Phd programme 2025/2026 in Uniben but i have not receive any information about the admission.Kindly tell me if the university has started offering admission to new postgraduate candidates.
Not yet
I want to know if someone with B.A. Philosophy(Second Class Upper Division) M.Sc.(Peace and Security Studies) can be admitted into Ph.D Criminology or Social Work.Thanks for your timely response.
Is uniben offering PhD in Philosophy? Pls I need answer urgently.
Good day, I want to confirm if Uniben offers postgraduate diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering. I finished HND from Osun state Polytechnic Iree,
Please is there room for PGD in INSURANCE with HND 3.45 and NYSC discharge?
Do UNIBEN offer MBA.
Please I want to know if LL.M and MPhil Criminology will qualify me to do PhD Laws
Of course, both courses qualify to for Ph.D in Law at the University of Benin postgraduate school
Does uniben offer PGD in analytical chemistry or industrial chemistry?
do yuor school offered phd in management? what are the requirements?
pls do you offer phd in management and what is the requirement.
Is it possible for someone to apply for MSC Reproductive health with the background of having botany as an undergraduate course
What courses can bsc accounting go for? MBA MPA,can he switch as in education or computer sci
Either of both but switching to computer science is out of it
Pls, is Uniben offering Ph.D in accounting for 2025/2026 session
Sure UNIBEN does
I have B.Eng – Chemical Engineering, M.Eng – Petroleum Engineering with CGPA of 3.3/5.0. Can I apply for Phd in Petroleum Engineering in Uniben? what is the duration of Phd programme Petroleum Engineering in Uniben?
Yes you can apply. Best of luck in your application
I want to find out if the PG form (PhD Nursing) for 2025/2026 is out and how do I go about with the application?.
Not out yet
Please I want to do my master in production Engineering (Engineering management) please what do I do. Please I need assistance
Pls do uniben offer m.sc in business education. Bcouse I like to do my MSC in uniben.
What you have here is the list of uniben postgraduate programmes, kindly go through it
Good day,i really want to know my credibility of getting PhD admission in Educational foundation with the following results
Bsc(Ed) in chemistry – third class
M.Ed -educational technology
You are good to go with the above qualifications
Please I want to find out if it is possible to take a PhD in Production Engineering(industrial Engineering or Manufacturing) in UNIBEN with following backgroud
B.Eng- Chemical Enginering
MBA -Business Administration
M.Sc – Business Administration.
Kindly advice.
thank you
Not possible Sir
Good day sir/ma. I graduated from National Open University Of Nigeria, where I attain my LL B. Law (hons) I have not been called to the Nigeria bar association can I apply for masters in law in Uniben (university of benin)…favourable waiting for your response… Thanks
have you completed your YSC? because that is a requirement of admission into any of the PG programmes offered in UNIBEN including Law
First and foremost, have you completed your NYSC? because that is a requirement of admission into any of the PG programmes offered in UNIBEN including Law.
Thanks. I have exemption letter from the school will then collect it in Uniben with my LL B LAW results?
Then you are good to go. When the PG form for 2018/19 comes out you can apply
Secondly how much is the fee, and duration of the course… like international law or oil and gas law e.t.c
Check this link https://schoolings.org/uniben-postgraduate-school-fees-new-students-2018-19/ for uniben pg school fees for all postgraduate programmes offered
what are the requirement for applying for PGD in Business Management?